2014-15 Graduate and Adult Academic Catalog - page 65

2014–15 Graduate and Adult Programs Academic Catalog
Adult Programs
Undergraduate Adult Programs
Undergraduate Adult Programs
Undergraduate programs supported by the School of Biblical
and Theological Studies at Cedarville are geared toward adult
learners who may want to complete a degree or may just be
interested in taking course work for personal interest. Adult
Programs courses are generally fully online, but may also include
hybrid courses that have short-term on-site requirements.
Residential and commuter students to Cedarville’s campus
are not eligible to take adult studies courses. Similarly, students
enrolled in Adult Programs may not take on-campus course
sections without permission in advance from the Dean of the
School of Biblical and Theological Studies. Because Adult
Programs sections often run concurrently with online sections
from Cedarville’s campus (cross-listed sections) there are often
opportunities for traditional and non-traditional students to interact.
Experiencing Cedarville as an Adult
As a student in Cedarville’s Adult Programs you will find our
courses to be a uniquely Christian experience. Our faculty
members strive to integrate Scriptural truth into every course
and every discipline. Your fellow students have completed the
application process indicating that they share a testimony of faith
in Jesus Christ. As off-campus students in our adult programs,
Cedarville’s expectations in regard to standards of conduct and
adherence to the Cedarville Covenant are the same as those
established for graduate students. Those are presented earlier
in this catalog and can also be found online at
Admission Criteria
Cedarville University invites applications for its online adult
undergraduate programs from non-traditional adult learners with a
clear testimony of faith in Jesus Christ and satisfactory academic
All adult program application checklists may be found under
the appropriate adult program by accessing
Applicants must also affirm their commitment to the Cedarville
Covenant and agree to abide by the Graduate and Adult Programs
standards of conduct. Applicants should review the University’s
doctrinal statement to understand our beliefs and Christian
heritage, which serves as the foundation for our community.
Each applicant will be reviewed on an individual basis. The
review process carefully considers each applicant’s total record,
seeking to make decisions that will result in the best fit between
the applicant’s interests and abilities as well as the University’s
expectations and values.
Cedarville University does not discriminate on the basis of race,
color, national origin, sex, or disability.
Degree Program Admission
The adult programs admissions committee seeks to admit
degree-seeking students who possess the potential to graduate
and exemplify the University’s portrait statements in their spheres
of influence. All degree-seeking students must give evidence of
high school completion by the time they enroll at the University.
Admissions review for undergraduate adult students takes into
consideration those that may have graduated high school years
before potential enrollment as well as those who may have started
their college work but have yet to complete a degree. Please
review the admissions checklist for your particular program of
study for further information on admissions criteria.
Note: Applicants who do not meet the stated academic criteria may still be successful
in the admission process. Other factors are considered which might indicate the
potential for success. Please contact University Admissions if you have questions.
Deadlines and Notifications
Cedarville University follows a rolling admissions process;
however, for adult learner an admission decision and reservation
deposit is required approximately three weeks prior to a start term
to allow accepted students to register and orient to the program
before classes begin.
Students may request to defer their acceptance to a future term
for up to one year from the original application term. Students
should send a written request to University Admissions for review
and approval. If a reservation deposit has been paid, it will be
credited to the requested term.
International Applicants
International applicants coming from countries in which
English is not the native language will need to demonstrate their
proficiency in English by taking the Test of English as a Foreign
Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Test
(IELTS). All international applicants must submit official results
from either TOEFL or IELTS. The required score on the TOEFL is
an Internet-based score of 80. The required score on the IELTS
is a 6.5. Cedarville University’s institution code for TOEFL is 1151.
The test must have been taken within the last five years unless
the applicant has completed an entire baccalaureate or graduate
program in residence in the United States.
Transcript Policy
If transcripts are in a language other than English or are from
a non-U.S. college/university (graduate students) or secondary
school (adult students), the original transcript must be submitted
to a credential evaluation service. The original transcript should
be submitted along with the official evaluation from the evaluation
agency. The cost for credential verification and translation is
the responsibility of the applicant. We recommend the following
credential evaluation/translation services:
• International Consultants of Delaware
• World Education Services (WES)
• Academic Evaluation Services, Inc.
• International Education Research Foundation
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