2016–17 Graduate Academic Catalog
Page 49
Graduate-Level Course Descriptions
BTHT-6150 – BTOT-6110
3 hours
Contemporary Theology in Historical Context
What do we do when we read a book or blog or listen to a
teaching that seemingly espouses a new or provocative theology?
As Christians we need to practice biblically saturated discernment,
but that can be difficult. This course exposes students to prominent
contemporary theological systems while reading those systems
through the context of their historical antecedents. (dual-listed with
BTHT-4320 Contemporary Theology)
BTHT-6300 Global Theology
3 hours
An introduction to the rise and nature of non-Western
theologies along with an examination of the nature of theology and
its relevance in contemporary contexts. (dual-listed with BTHT-
4300 Global Theology)
BTHT-6310 Hermeneutics
3 hours
Detailed study of the theory and related practice of the
roles of author, reader, and text toward the end of authoritative
interpretation and contextualization of the Bible. (crosslisted with
BTBS) (dual-listed BTBS/BTHT-4310 Hermeneutics)
3 hours
Christian Theology 1-Bible, Trinity, God the Father
Study of the doctrines of the Scripture and the triune God,
with special emphasis on God the Father. The related biblical
and historical material along with contemporary discussions will
be considered. Ministry implications of the doctrines will garner
attention. (dual-listed with BTHT-3340 Christian Theology 1-Bible,
Trinity, God the Father)
3 hours
Christian Theology 2-God the Son and God the Spirit
Study of the persons and work of both Christ and the Holy
Spirit. The related biblical and historical material along with
contemporary discussions of the doctrines will be considered.
Ministry implications of the doctrines will garner attention. (dual-
listed with BTHT-3350 Christian Theology 2-God the Son and God
the Spirit)
3 hours
Christian Theology 3-Salvation, Humanity, & Angels
Study of the nature of humans, heavenly beings, and God’s
saving work from election through final consummation. The
related biblical and historical material along with contemporary
discussions of the doctrines will be considered. Ministry
implications of the doctrines will garner attention. (dual-listed with
BTHT-3360 Christian Theology 3-Salvation, Humanity, and Angels)
3 hours
Christian Theology 4-Church and Last Things
Study of the nature of the church and its mission in the
world until the consummation of all things. The ultimate end of
individuals and the corporate bodies of the Church and Israel will
be covered. The related biblical and historical material along with
contemporary discussions of the doctrines will be considered.
Ministry implications of the doctrines will garner attention. (dual-
listed with BTHT-3370 Christian Theology 4-Church and Last
BTHT-6500 Historical Theology
3 hours
An examination of the development of christian doctrine from
the apostolic fathers to the modern era. The course will highlight
key thinkers and theological developments in the patristic,
medieval, Reformation, and modern eras. Attention will be given to
the reading and analysis of primary documents. (dual-listed with
BTHT-3500 Historical Theology)
BTHT-6600 Church History
3 hours
An introduction to the history of Christianity covering the major
people, movements, institutions, and events of the Church from
its founding by Jesus Christ to the present. This course examines
the unique ways Christianity has shaped and been shaped by its
environment, the rich diversity of its expressions through the ages,
and the significant purpose it fulfills in society and the world.
BTHT-6740 Biblical Theology of Womanhood
3 hours
A survey of key biblical components that delineates
what it means to be female in Christ. The course includes a
comprehensive study of major biblical passages concerning
women, a survey of women in the Bible, and discussions of the
application of these texts within the current cultural milieu. (dual-
listed with BTHT-3740 Biblical Theology of Womanhood)
Bible and Theology — New Testament (BTNT)
3 hours
New Testament 1-Synoptic Gospels
Study of the canonical texts of the gospels of Matthew, Mark,
and Luke. Attention is also given to the historical, theological, and
literary structural considerations for the books. Drawing on the
texts, contemporary implications will also be addressed. (dual-
listed with BTNT-3110 New Testament 1-Synoptic Gospels)
3 hours
New Testament 2-Acts and New Testament Epistles
Study of the canonical texts of Acts, Hebrews, James, 1
& 2 Peter, and Jude. Attention is also given to the historical,
theological, and literary structural considerations for the books.
Drawing on the texts, contemporary implications will also be
addressed. (dual-listed with BTNT-3120 New Testament 2-Acts
and New Testament Epistles)
3 hours
New Testament 3-Pauline Literature
Study of the canonical texts of Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians,
Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2
Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. Attention
is also given to the historical, theological, and literary structural
considerations for the books. Drawing on the texts, contemporary
implications will also be addressed. (dual-listed with BTNT-3130
New Testament 3-Pauline Literature)
3 hours
New Testament 4-Johannine Literature
Study of the canonical texts of the Gospel of John, 1–3 John,
and Revelation. Attention is also given to the historical, theological,
and literary structural considerations for the books. Drawing on the
texts, contemporary implications will also be addressed. (dual-
listed with BTNT-3140 New Testament 4-Johannine Literature)
BTNT-6150 Exposition of New Testament Book
3 hours
This course examines the historical, literary, and theological
features of a New Testament book focusing not only on the
content, but also on methodological approaches in interpreting the
literature. (dual-listed with BTNT-4990 Selected Studies in the New
Bible and Theology — Old Testament (BTOT)
BTOT-6110 Old Testament 1-Pentateuch
3 hours
Study of the canonical texts of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Attention is also given to the
historical, theological, and literary structural considerations for
the books. Drawing on the texts, contemporary implications will
also be addressed. (dual-listed with BTOT-3110 Old Testament