Cedarville 2023 Annual Report

DAY 0001 STUDENTS ARRIVE ON CAMPUS TO BEGIN THEIR TRANSFORMATIVE 1,000-DAY JOURNEY. This fall, we experienced our 16th-consecutive record enrollment. Even as college enrollment across the nation has declined, God is continuing to bring students to Cedarville who desire an excellent education and intentional discipleship in submission to biblical authority. DAY 0011 PRESIDENT’S CHAPEL SERIES BEGINS In his yearly sermon series, Dr. Thomas White is walking through the book of Psalms, encouraging the campus community to find peace and refuge in the goodness of God. cedarville.edu/TheLordIsGood DAY 0004 STUDENTS ATTEND FALL BIBLE CONFERENCE We started fall semester with the annual Fall Bible Conference, a time to center our thoughts on God’s Word and prepare for the semester ahead. This year’s speaker, Brian White, Lead Pastor of Harvest Church in Carmel, Indiana, and a member of our Board of Trustees, encouraged students to humbly surrender everything to Christ. Students attend Fall Bible Conference 4