Cedarville 2023 Annual Report

The phrase “The Lord used Cedarville to change my life” is a phrase that I hear often at Cedarville University. And it’s one that applies so much to me. Applying to college was a scary thought for me growing up. For 15 years of my life, my mom was a single mom taking care of my sister and me. An out-of-state, expensive Christian college was not on my radar. I came to visit Cedarville University just to complete an assignment in high school. I loved everything I saw about the University and what it stood for. I met admission counselors and future professors that would pour into my life in and out of the classroom. The day I visited was the day I committed and made my deposit to Cedarville University. Although I was beyond excited, I did not know how I would pay for my schooling. I would be lying if I said there were no bumps in the road academically and financially during my time at Cedarville. There were many times when I did not know if I could continue with each semester’s bill. It has not always been easy, but it sure has been worth it. The Lord has been faithful in providing for me. Cedarville University has blessed me in more ways than I can count. My friends, professors, and coaches never fail to show their kindness to me. This University is intentional about wanting every student to have the Cedarville experience. During my time at Cedarville University, I have received scholarships that have made my education possible. Some of these scholarships include the Cedarville Fund scholarship, One Campus Leadership scholarship, and the Cedarville Excellence Award. One thing my Cedarville experience has taught me is that the Lord is good. He uses places like Cedarville University to advance His Kingdom work. The Lord has used Cedarville University to change my life, and I pray He does the same for others. My time at Cedarville has encouraged me in my faith. Hebrews chapter 3 talks about how we are to encourage one another in the faith daily. I cannot think of a better place that encourages you to be intentional in your walk with the Lord and to do it with fellow believers JOSH JONES ’24 Molecular Biology Cedarville University was the ideal place for our son, Blake, to cement his biblical worldview and open his mind and heart. As we visited other schools, Cedarville’s blend of academics, campus life, five-day chapel, and a Bible minor spoke the loudest. We knew that Blake would excel academically wherever he went — it was his search for truth that helped him make his decision. We have seen such growth spiritually, relationally, and personally in Blake during his 1,000 days. MARK SENSEMAN Parent of 2022 Graduate 10