1895-1896 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEG:E. 9 ENROLLMENT AND CERTIFICATES. II. An applicant for adn1ission to the Preparatory Department or to the Freshrnan Class 111ust file \vith t11e President of the College, on or before the ope11ing day of t11e Autu11111 tern1 (Septen1ber J8, 1895); a certificate fron1 his or her principal instructor, containing a definite staten1ent of the subjects upon \Yl1ich a successful exan1i– nation either has been or ca11 be passed. Students having regular l1igh school diplo1uas or equivalents should also ptesent the san1e. St11dents may be acln1itted to classes abo\'e Freshn1en on the certificate of honorable disn1issal fron1 colleges of like standing \'\'ith this. III. E,~ery ca11didate n1ust, before adn1ission, prese11t a certificate of good inoral character from his last teacher, or fro1u so111e citizen in good standing, or, if studying \vith a vie\v to the 111inistry, fro111 the proper ecclesiastical authority, and students fro111 other colleges 1nust bring certificates of 11011orable disu1issio11 fron1 those colleges. EXAMINATIONS. IV. Applicants for adrnissio11 \Vho have no diplo111as or certificates \vill be required to pass satisfactory exan1i- 11ations upon the t\\"O days preceding the opening of the Autum11 term. Candidates for adn1ission to tl1e Freshn1an class vvill be required to pass exa1ninations on tl1e follo\\·ing subjects or their equivale11ts: CLASSICAL COURSE. English.- Rhetoric, l{ellogg's. History.-Harnes' or Myers' Geueral. 1\Iathen1atics.- Bo\vser's Higher Algebra. •