1906-1907 Academic Catalog

CEDAltVJI.T,I~ COJ,U~CK 'PSY'C H OL OG Y, ET HI CS ..II N D JI POLOG ET I CJ· Pl{OFJ!:SSOJ~ :\ICCIIES!\'l!Y, IL Psyc hology- The reloHicm of Pyscho!ogy to other sciences, l'n:sc11la1iou, 1~resenlative Knowledge, Seusc-Perceptiou and Con– sciousness aud a Ilistory of Thcori{'S opc11 tl1t: subject of 1~sychulogy . Required of Juniors, Fin::t term uf the year. Fi11e hours a we,.,/.,:. 15. Psychology-Theoric!', Representation i11 its forms of [\Jemory, Imagination .:ind Plwnt;isy; Thought under the heads of the the Concept, Judgement and R ea~oning; :-,nd Intui1ions such as the Real, Formal and Mathematic;d, fln-nish the subjects of the second term. The text-book is Porter',; Elements of lntellccrna! Science. T he second term o[ the Junior Year. Fi'cu· hours a -;ucck. Hi. Psychology-A revi.::w of Consciousness, Perception, Representation, Though and Intuition. Studies in the Emotions and the \\/ill. Davis is the tex1-book this year. Fh,e hours a 'Week. 17. Christain Ethlcs-- Practical and Theoretical Elhics will receive auention. Virtue, Will, Freedom, Duly, Guides of Practice. Ind ivid ual and Social Ethics are studied. T he lext-book is Gregory. First term o[ the Senior Year. Fh,e hours ti week. 18. Jlpologctics- Natural Theology presents the Revelation of God in '.'-Jaturc. The arguments on Ontology.Causation, T eleology History and_Moral Reason are invef;tigated. Text-book is Valentine. Second term of the Senior Year. Fi11e hours ,i wcc1,. 10. Apologetics- Rationality of Christianiry, Comparative Religion, Inspiration, Genuineness, Authenticity, Internal and Exter– nal Evidence, and the Canonicity of the Scriptures are studied. The text-book is Alexander. Third term or the Senior Vc;1r. Five hours a week. HISTORY 20, 21, 22. History-Advancc<l History, which is compulsory in the Jtmior Philosophical and elective in the Senior year, conS;ists of studies of at least six different epochs in the world's bistory. T he epochs assigned and the text-bouks will be changed from time to time as the exigencies of the cla~ses and of the courses demand. Fi1,e ho11rs a 1t,;•f'k.