1906-1907 Academic Catalog

22 CCOARVILLY. COLLEGl:'. ELECTIV E S Students in both couri;es may elect History for French or Hebrew in the Senior Year. All clectious arc subject to the consent of 1hc Faculty and the majority of the class. ENGLI SH JIND LOGIC PROFESSORS F ITZPATRICK A.SD J\IQRR I)!, 2:J. Rhetoric- Expression o[ simple, clear, fluent forcible ;rnd elegant English: Composition, Stylr:, Figure of Speech, Invention Thought, Pro1ody and Argumentation are the subjects of study. T he text.book is Gcnung's Practical Elements, accompanied by the Hand• hook of Analysis. First term o( the Freshman Year. Fivl! /1ours a week. ::i--i. lthetoric-Advanccd Composition, Prize Essays and the continuation of the text-hook study. Second term of the F reshman Year. Five }1ours a week . 25. English Literatura- The language as presented by Chaucer, Spenser, Bacon, and Shakespeare will form the first term's swork. The student will be made familiar with the historical features contemporary with the authors as well as their biographies and writings. First term of the Junior Year. Five l1ours a wee/.:. :!6. English l.iteraturo-Thiscourse offers studies in Milton, Dryden, AJdisou, Pope, Burns, Goldsmith, Johnson, Scott, Byron, Wordsworth, and Tennyson. Second term of the Junior Year. Five hours a 'Week. 27. .llm,erica n Literature- A course in American Literature accompanied by English works not pursued in Courses 25 and 26 is open to those who have completed the former courses. Comparative study will be a featu re of the whole Englith course, and essays will be required from time to time. Third term of the Junior Year. Five hours a ·week. 28. Log ic-Jevons'-Hill's text is used in logic. Much stress and time are put upon the Syllogisms, Fallacies, Induction, Deduction, and Practical Examples. Third term of the Junior Year. Fi11e l1ours a 'Week. POLITICAL SC/Ell/CE JIND SO_CIOLOG Y P ROFESSORS MORRls:and CuwttNGER. !:J. P olitical_:"E con o,ny- Economics,';. \Vealth,~ Labor, and C;ipital, the Tariff, the Money Problem and Uanking ~re features of