1908-1909 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. drama, metre, mythology, style. Peculiar forms and expressions of the work, together with i\lrs. Browning's translation, are carefully studied. Third term of the Junior year. Five hours a ~ucek. Passages not previously studied may be required for translation and critical explanation in all Greek subjects in the term tests. Grammatical drill throughout the course. PSYCHO LOGY, ET H ICS AN O APOLOGET ICS. PROFESSOR MCCHESNEY. 14. Psvc1101.ocv-The relation of psychology to other sciences. Presentation, presentative knowledge, sense-perception and conscious– ness, and a history of theories open the subject of psychology. Re– quired of Juniors. First term of the Junior year. Five hours a week. 15. PsvcHor.ocv-Thcorics, representation in its forms of mem– ory, imagination and phantasy, thought under the heads of the con– cept, j udgmem and reasoning, and intuitions such as the real, formal and mathematical, furnish the subjects of the second term. Second term of the Junior year. Five holfrS a week. 16. PsYCHOLOCv-A review of consciousness, perception, repre– sentation, thought and intuition. Studies in the emotions and the · will. Third term of the Junior year. Five hozirs a ;.c,eek. 17. CHRISTIAN ETHICS-Practical and theoretical ethics will receive attention. Virtue, will, freedom, duty, guides of practice, individual and social ethics arc studied. First term of the Senior year. Five ho11rs a week. 18. T1u:1s~1-Natural Theology presents the revelation of Cod in nature. The arguments on ontology, causation, teleology, history, and moral reason are investigated. Second term of the Senior year. Five lio11rs a 1.11eek. 19. Al'OI.OCE'l'1Cs-Rationality of Christianity, comparative relig– ion. inspiration, genuineness, authenticity, internal and external evi– dence and the canonicity of the Scriptures are studied. Third term of the Senior year. Five hours a week. -30-