1908-1909 Academic Catalog

CBDARV/LLE COLLEGE. HISTORY. 20. AMEIUC,:N 1-IISTOR\'-Covcrs the period from the discovery of America to the French and Indian War. Second term of the Sophomore year. Five lto11rs a week. 21. A:-.H:RICAN HISTORY-Covers the period of the French and Tn<lian \Var and the Revolution. Third term of the Sophomore year. Five hours a week. 22. A:-.n:R1CAN H1sroRv-Co,•crs the period of the confederation and union to Monroe's administration. First term of the Senior year. Five hours a week. 23. ANCIENT H 1sT0Rv-Advanccd general history from the earliest times to Charlemagne. First term of the J unior year. Five hours a. week. 24. Moo~:RN H1sT0Rv-Prcscnts the history of the world from Charlemagne to the French Revolution. Second term of the Junior year. Five hours a week. 25. Mom:RN HISTORY-Continues world's history from the French Revolution to the present time. T hird term of the Junior year. Five lio11rs a week. 26. EuRortAN HISTORY-Special work on the nineteenth century movements in Europe. Second term of the Senior year. Five hours a week. 27. GF.OCRAPHICAL H1STORY-Shows the relation of the physical environment to the development of the American nation. Third term of the Senior year. Five hours a week. ENGLISH AND LOGIC. PROI'l':SSORS MORRIS ANO FITZPATRICK. 28. RH~:-TORic-Expression of simple, clear, fluent, forcible, and elegant English. Composition, style, figures of speech, invention, thought, prosody, <ind argumentation arc the subjects of study. First term of the Freshman year. Five hours a. week. 29. RHF.TOR1c-Advanced composition, essays, debates, and the -3f-