1908-1909 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. of the nature and origin of money, the principles of finance, and the theory and practice of banking. The principles presented arc iJlus– trated by the history both of national finance in the United States and of banking. Elective for International Law. Second term of the Junior year. Five hours a week. 37. INTF.RNATIONAI. LAw-1'hc study pursues the origin, prog– ress. and principles of International Law, together with the duties of consuls, ministers, ambassadors. and the rights and relations of nations. Arbitration, treaties, war, and commerce arc practical sub– jects. Second term of the Junior year. Five flouts a week. JS. CONSTITUTION,\l. LAw-Thc United States Constitution is the basis of study. 1'hc development of the Constitution, its general and special application, and the relation of the State to the Federal Government are considered. Third term of the Senior year. Five hours a week. 39. COl\lPARATIVE GO\'f.RNl\! f.NT -This course embraces a discus– sion of the general principles of jnrisprndence and politics, the \'arions theories of the state, the growth of gO\'ernments, their pres– ent tendencies and international relations, together with a thorough study of the organization and administrati\'e practice of central and local go\'crnmcnt in France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria-Hungary, England, and the United States. Electi\'c for the Principles of Economics or Analytics. Fall term of the Sophomore year. Five hours a week. 40. EI.F.1\!Er-.'TS OF SOCJOl,OGY-A careful study of social evolu– tion is followed by a consideration of socialization, social control, and social ideals. The course concludes with an investigation of social pathology, including poverty, crime, and social degeneration, with special attention to the amelioration of social conditions. \:York in the text is supplemented by lectures and papers required of the students. Second term of the Senior year. Five lio1,rs a week. 41. ADVANCED Soc101.ocv-This course is devoted to the history of socialism, a study of the spirit and meaning of the movement, and a careful consideration of the leading arguments for and against socialistic proposals. In addition to text-book work, lectures are given :md papers required. Elective for Constitutional Law. Third term of the Senior year. Five ho11r.s a week. -33-