1908-1909 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE. COLLEGE. continuation of the text-book study. Second term of the Freshman year. Five hours a- week. 30. ENG1.1s1-1 L1n:RATU1t~:- The language as presented by Chau– cer, Spenser. Bacon, and Shakespeare will form the first term's work. The student will be made familiar with the historical features con– tcmpo1·ary with the authors as well as their biographies and writings. First term of the Junior year. Five hours o wak. ,31. ENGi.iSi! L1n:R,\TUiu:-This cot1rsc offers studies in iiihon, Dryden. Addison. Pope, Burns, Coldsmith, Johnson, Scott, Byron, \Vordsworth. and T ennyson. Second term of the Junior year. Five hours a week. 32. A;,.n:11.1CAN L1n:RATURt:-A course in American Literature accompanied by English works not pursued in Courses JO and 31 is open to those who have completed the former courses. Comparative Stlldy \1 ill be a feature of the whole English c0t1rse, and essays will be required from time to time. Third term of the J unior year. Five hours a week. 33. t oc1c-:'lluch stress and time arc put upon the syllogisms, fallacies, ind11ctio11, deduction, and practical examples. T hird term of the J unior year. Five hours a week. POLITICAL AN O SOCIA L SCIENCE. PROF~:ssoR AI.LF.N. 3-1. Eu:;,.n:NTS OF EcoNO-"t1cs-\.Ycalth, labor and capital, the tariff, the money problem, and banking are features of the course. '!'he student is made familiar with the economic problems and needs of the day. Third term of the Freshman year. Fh,e hours a week. 35. P11:1!-.'.c11• 1.HS 01' EcoNoM1cs-Thc course opens with a clear presentation of the various schools of economic thought. Produc– tion, cxc!1a11gc, distribution, and consumption a1·e then taken up. and such Sl!bjects as labor, capital. association, money, credit. commerce. collec:ivism. cofiJJeration. wages, interest, profits, and many others, are considered from an ethical as well as from an economic stand- 1ioint. Electi\"e for Comparative Government or Analytics. First term of the Sophomore year. Fii,e hours o 'i.<JeeJ.•. 36 F1NAh'et: ANO BANKING-This course includes a discussion -32-