2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

BTAT-4720 3–12 hours Cross-Cultural Missionary Internship–Fa, Sp, Su Internship consisting of four to six weeks in a cross-cultural context gaining experience in acclimating to a cross-cultural surrounding and engaging in missions activity in that setting. Supervision is provided by School of Biblical and Theological Studies faculty and an approved missionary/pastor. This internship is open to students in various majors, with the approval of the faculty. Prerequisites: BTGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; BTGE2740 New Testament Literature; two missions courses; approval of the SBTS faculty. Repeatable up to 12 credit hours. BTAT-4730 Pastoral Internship–Fa, Sp, Su 3–12 hours A mentored and evaluated local church ministry experience under the direction of qualified pastoral staff. This is an opportunity to utilize and develop knowledge and skills from courses in a ministry context appropriate for student’s interest and preparation. Capstone course. Repeatable to 12 hours. Prerequisites: approval of the faculty of the School of Biblical and Theological Studies, senior academic status, completion of the following courses BTAT-3420 Introduction to Pastoral Ministry; BTAT-3430 Ministerial Counseling; BTAT-3500 Text-Driven Preaching 1; BTAT-4560 TextDriven Preaching 2. BTAT-4900 1–3 hours Independent Study in Applied Theology–Fa, Sp, Su Students will investigate an area of pastoral ministry or missions, the latter including mission boards, methods, and places of service. BTAT-4990 Topics in Applied Theology–Fa, Sp 1–3 hours Investigation of special topics in Bible and theology, which have intrinsic worth and engage student interest. Permission of instructor required for non-majors. Bible and Theology: Biblical Languages (BTBL) BTBL-2010 3 hours Introduction to Biblical Language–Fa This course is an introduction to the basic principles of phonology (sounds), morphology (forms), and grammar of biblical Greek and Hebrew. (Fee $100) BTBL-2510 Elementary Greek I–Fa 4 hours Basic elements of the Greek language. Careful attention is given to grammar, syntax, vocabulary, and the reading of selected portions of the Greek New Testament. BTBL-2520 Elementary Greek II–Sp 4 hours Basic elements of the Greek language. Careful attention is given to grammar, syntax, vocabulary, and the reading of selected portions of the Greek New Testament. (Fee $100) BTBL-3510 Intermediate Greek I–Fa 3 hours Detailed study of advanced Greek grammar, reading in the Greek New Testament, the application of advanced syntactical rules, and an introduction to exegesis. Prerequisite: BTBL-2510, 2520 Elementary Greek. (dual-listed with BTBL-6510 Intermediate Greek) BTBL-3520 Intermediate Greek II–Fa, Sp 3 hours Detailed study of advanced Greek grammar, reading in the Greek New Testament, the application of advanced syntactical rules, and an introduction to exegesis. Prerequisite: BTBL-3510 Intermediate Greek I. BTBL-3610 3 hours Biblical Hebrew Grammar and Syntax I–Fa Biblical Hebrew Grammar and Syntax I equips the student with the essential elements of nominal and verbal morphology, a working vocabulary, and a foundational understanding of phrase and clause syntax. BTBL-3620 3 hours Biblical Hebrew Grammar and Syntax II–Sp Biblical Hebrew Grammar and Syntax II initially focuses on clause diagraming and then moves to syntax above the level of the clause. Students will work through the Hebrew text of a small book (e.g., Jonah, Ruth, etc.), acquiring skills for Hebrew exegesis. They will also develop a vocabulary of 1,000 words based on frequency. BTBL-4110 Greek Syntax and Exegesis–Sp 3 hours Exegetical study of the Greek New Testament, focusing on the grammatical and syntactical issues of specific passages. The course provides the opportunity for students to develop their own exegetical skills in working with the Greek text of the New Testament and to grow in their ability to preach and teach expository messages on the Bible. Prerequisite: BTBL-3510 Intermediate Greek I. (dual-listed with BTBL-6110 Greek Syntax & Exegesis) BTBL-4510 Readings in New Testament Greek–Sp 1 hour Through the translation of a wide variety of Greek texts primarily from the New Testament period, this course reviews and strengthens foundational concepts and skills for the study of Koine Greek. Prerequisite: BTBL-3510 Intermediate Greek I (even years). BTBL-4900 1–3 hours Independent Study in Biblical Language–Fa, Sp, Su The student will translate and/or exegete a Scripture passage or investigate advanced grammar and syntax. BTBL-4990 Topics in Biblical Languages–Fa, Sp 1–3 hours Investigation of special topics in Bible and theology that have intrinsic worth and engage student interest. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor required for non-majors. Bible and Theology: Biblical Studies (BTBS) BTBS-1000 Introduction to Biblical Studies–Sp 1 hour This course will introduce the student to the field of biblical studies and related career opportunities. This will provide an overview of the major and the various complementary minors, introduce the various areas of study and related skills, survey career possibilities and aid the student in determining his or her fit with the field. BTBS-2020 Biblical Research Methods–Sp 0 hour The student will learn both how to conduct research and how to produce a research paper, the contents and style of which comply with generally accepted standards held by biblical scholars. In addition, the student will demonstrate these skills by producing a research paper that proposes the student’s plan for fulfilling the program’s senior-seminar capstone requirement. (Fee: $15) (even years) BTBS-3400 Bible Backgrounds–Sp 3 hours An introduction to the world of the Bible including the historical context, geographical setting, and cultural milieu. These will be accomplished through a survey of Ancient Near Eastern backgrounds, a survey of the main geographical features of Israel and the Fertile Crescent, and a survey of Intertestamental literature. Prerequisites: BTGE-2730 Old Testament Literature; BTGE-2740 New Testament Literature. (odd years) BTBS-4310 Hermeneutics–Fa, Sp 3 hours A study of the theory and related practice of the roles of author, reader, and text toward the end of authoritative interpretation and contextualization of the Bible. (crosslisted with BTHT-4310 Hermeneutics) (dual-listed with BTBS/BTHT-6310 Hermeneutics) BTBS-4850 Senior Seminar–Sp 3 hours The senior seminar is a reading and writing intensive course dealing with key aspects of biblical studies. Students will meet with the appointed biblical studies faculty for written presentations and discussion of guided readings in classical and contemporary studies in the discipline. Prerequisite: Senior status. 2023–24 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Page 227 Course Descriptions BTAT-4720 – BTBS-4850