2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Bible and Theology: Christian Ministry (BTCM) BTCM-1000 Orientation to Bible Ministries Majors–Fa 1 hour An introduction to the ministries majors provided within the School of Biblical and Theological Studies (youth ministries, Christian education, or missions). The course will provide an overview of the program, survey career opportunities in Christian ministry, and introduce the student to significant people and resources in the field, on the campus, and in the community. Credit/no credit. BTCM-2050 Foundations for Ministry–Fa 1 hour This course will provide an introductory view of Christian ministry within the context of the local church. It will focus on how worship directs the development and implementation of Christian service related to the edification of the body of Christ and the evangelism of the lost. The topics that will be addressed will include a theology of church service, the definition of biblical leadership, the essential qualities of the minister, the missiological directive of Christianity, and various ministries that are frequently employed in the contemporary setting. (odd years) BTCM-2200 Introduction to Youth Ministry–Sp 2 hours The course will examine the status of contemporary youth ministries, including a survey of various models of ministry. Foundational personal issues for the professional Christian minister will be explored, including a definition of “success” in youth ministries, and the knowledge, skills, heart, and character necessary for one to lead such ministries successfully. BTCM-2400 Interpreting and Teaching the Bible–Fa 6 hours Principles for interpreting, organizing, and presenting the biblical text, and a survey of learning theory are examined to provide a framework for effective lesson preparation in light of the characteristics and needs of students. Prerequisite: BTGE-1725 The Bible and the Gospel. BTCM-3510 Small Group Ministry–Fa 3 hours Study of the theory and practice of the small group process in ministry. Emphasis will be given to the formulation and maintenance of small groups. Emphasis placed on how evangelism and spiritual maturity can be fostered by the small group environment. BTCM-3520 Counseling and Mentoring Women–Fa 3 hours Study of the distinctives of biblical counseling specifically applied to counseling women, the mandate and skill of mentoring woman to woman, and biblical responses to life struggles that are specific to women. Crosslisted as PYCH-3520; dual-listed with BTAT-6150 Counseling and Mentoring Women. BTCM-3530 3 hours Contemporary Ministry to Women and Girls–Sp Study of women today who are impacting the Church and edifying the body of Christ through various ministry opportunities. The course also includes a survey of current and potential fulltime, part-time and volunteer opportunities for women, concluding with the development of each student’s own “dream ministry.” (dual-listed with BTCM-6530 Contemporary Ministry to Women & Girls) BTCM-3560 Counseling and Mentoring Men–Sp 3 hours In this course, the distinctive theological foundations and skills of biblical counseling will be examined and applied specifically to the ministry of mentoring and counseling men. Study will focus on the mandate and skills of leading men toward comprehensive maturity and counseling as it pertains to common life challenges for men in contemporary society. Crosslisted with BTAT. Prerequisite: BTAT-3400 Biblical Care and Counseling; or permission of the instructor. BTCM-3685 Children’s Ministries–Sp 3 hours An engagement of biblical texts to establish a biblical theological approach to ministry to preschool and elementary-age children and their families in connection with the local church, with an awareness of familial influences, developmental characteristics, and contemporary sociological factors. Students are equipped to utilize creative, interactive strategies for teaching the Bible and to develop effective ministry programs. Course consists of class sessions and teaching practice. BTCM-3700 Campus Ministries–Sp 4 hours Principles from Scripture are examined to prepare a biblical philosophy for ministry to junior high and senior high youth in light of developmental characteristics and contemporary sociological factors. Students are equipped to utilize creative, interactive strategies for teaching the Bible and to develop effective ageappropriate ministry programs. Course consists of three weekly class sessions and a two-hour teaching lab. Prerequisites: BTCM2400 Intrepreting and Teaching the Bible; major or minor status or permission of the instructor. BTCM-3705 Youth Ministries–Sp 3 hours An engagement of biblical texts to establish a biblical theological approach to ministry to junior high and senior high youth in connection with the local church, with an awareness of familial influences, developmental characteristics, and contemporary sociological factors. Students are equipped to utilize creative, interactive strategies for teaching the Bible and to develop effective ministry programs. Course consists of class sessions and teaching practice. Prerequisites: BTCM-2200 Introduction to Youth Ministry; or permission of the instructor. (Fee: $20) BTCM-3725 Adult Ministries–Fa 3 hours An engagement of biblical texts to establish a biblical theological approach to ministry to adults of various ages in connection with the local church, with an awareness of familial influences, developmental characteristics, and contemporary sociological factors. Students are equipped to utilize creative, interactive strategies for teaching the Bible and to develop effective ministry programs. Course consists of class sessions and teaching practice. BTCM-4100 3 hours Leadership of Christian Educational Ministries–Sp An examination of models of leadership for Christian ministries, emphasizing practical issues such as developing mission and vision statements, creating effective leadership teams, and the strategic planning, implementation, and oversight of ministries. For youth ministry and Christian education majors, this must be the final course taken from the sequence of the required BTCM courses. Prerequisites: For CE and youth ministries majors: BTCM-2400 Interpreting and Teaching the Bible; BTCM-3685 Children’s Ministries; BTCM-3700 Campus Ministries; BTCM3725 Adult Ministries. No prerequisites for non-majors. (Fee: $75) BTCM-4300 Teaching Ministry of the Church–Fa 3 hours Course focuses on the practice of expressing biblical and theological content in written documents and/or teaching curriculum for various audiences and settings. Attention is given to the variety of delivery methods for expositional teaching available within a church’s ministry. (Crosslisted with BTAT) (dual-listed with BTAT/BTCM-6300 Teaching Ministry of the Church) BTCM-4350 Teaching Lab–Fa, Sp 1 hour This course focuses on the practice of teaching biblical and theological content in a local church and/or para-church setting. Attention is given to the delivery of a biblical lesson, moving from textual interpretation to skilled proclamation. Prerequisites: BTCM4300 Teaching Ministry of the Church; or BTCM-3705 Youth Ministries; or BTCM-3725 Adult Ministries. Page 228 2023–24 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Course Descriptions BTCM-1000 – BTCM-4350