2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Chinese (CHN) CHN-1100 Elementary Chinese I–Fa 4 hours This course will teach students elementary levels of Chinese language proficiency in Mandarin or Putonghua. Students will develop skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Chinese. CHN-1200 Elementary Chinese II–Sp 4 hours This course will teach students elementary levels of Chinese language proficiency in Mandarin or Putonghua. Students will develop skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Chinese. Prerequisite: CHN-1100 Elementary Chinese I. Music Class Studies (CLMU) CLMU-1170 Diction for Singers I–Fa 2 hours Students will master the rules of pronouncing Italian and Latin language song texts using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Classroom activities will include listening to, reading, and singing Italian and Latin language song texts. CLMU-1180 Diction for Singers II–Sp 2 hours Students will master the rules of pronouncing German and French language song texts using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Classroom activities will include listening to, reading, and singing German and French language song texts. CLMU-1810 Piano Class I–Fa 2 hours Group instruction in piano fundamentals. Required for music majors who are unable to pass the piano proficiency. Open to other individuals with permission of the instructor. (Fee: $30) CLMU-1820 Piano Class II–Sp 2 hours Continued group instruction in piano fundamentals and repertoire. Prerequisite: CLMU-1810 Piano Class I. (Fee: $30) CLMU-1860 Voice Class–Fa 1 hour Group instruction in basic vocal technique and repertoire. Enrollment open to any student not majoring in voice. Repeatable. (odd years) CLMU-2200 Music Literature: Special Topics 1–2 hours A survey of the history and literature for the specified instrument. CLMU-2210 Brass Literature–Fa 1 hour A survey of brass literature covering all historical periods but emphasizing the chamber music genre. (even years) CLMU-2220 Percussion Literature–Sp 1 hour A survey of literature for percussion with special emphasis on the 20th century. Total percussion will be considered. (even years) CLMU-2230 String Literature–Sp 1 hour A survey of string literature covering all historical periods but emphasizing the chamber music genre. (even years) CLMU-2240 Woodwind Literature–Fa 1 hour The study of the history and literature of the woodwind instruments (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon). (odd years) CLMU-2300 Keyboard Literature–Sp 2 hours A survey of music for the piano and its precursors, covering the period from 1600 to the present, with a focus on the works which have come to form the core of the repertoire. (odd years) CLMU-2310 Collaborative Piano–Fa, Sp 1 hour Supervised piano accompanying experience. The student is assigned to work with one vocalist or instrumentalist for the semester and will prepare music for studio lessons as well as public performances. CLMU-2750 Performance Seminar–Fa, Sp 0 hours A once-per-semester seminar, that may take the form of a lecture, masterclass, or recital. CLMU-2760 Performance Portfolio–Fa, Sp 0 hours The student will assemble and present materials, that demonstrate performance achievement and professional awareness. The portfolio may include documentation of performances, masterclass, and repertoire. CLMU-2800 Introduction to Music Composition–Fa 2 hours Designed to introduce the student to the foundational concepts of musical composition. Students will gain facility with the tools of composition and will begin composing in various styles. CLMU-2850 Composition Seminar–Fa, Sp 0 hours A once-per-semester seminar designed to expose students to aspects of the compositional art that are not part of general course material. The seminar may take the form of a lecture, masterclass, or recital. CLMU-2860 Composition Portfolio–Fa 0 hours Designed as an opportunity for students to receive guidance and feedback on preparing, assembling, and presenting a composition portfolio. The portfolio may include documentation of performances, masterclasses, and completed compositions. CLMU-3110 Choral Repertoire–Fa 2 hours This course exposes the student to exemplary repertoire for choirs of all levels and voicings. Most class sessions are devoted to sight-reading and discussing a large number of choral pieces as well as evaluative listening to recordings. Open to all music majors, minors, and to all CU ensemble members. For music majors, it is recommended that this course be taken concurrently with CDMU3630 Choral Methods. CLMU-3120 Vocal Literature–Sp 3 hours Survey of literature for the solo voice from the onset of Thoroughbass to the 21st century. Includes major repertoire in Italian, French, English, and German, along with important works in other languages. Analysis of song and aria scores will be complemented by recordings and live performance. Crosslisted with HLMU. (even years) CLMU-3130 Opera and Oratorio Literature–Sp 3 hours Survey of opera and oratorio literature from Monteverdi’s Orfeo and Carissimi’s Jephte to works of the 21st centry. Analysis of scores will be complemented by recordings, live performance, libretti studies, and historical background. Crosslisted with HLMU. CLMU-3410 Traditional Irish Music–Fa 2 hours This course introduces students to the practice of traditional Irish music through study of primary tune forms, experience of the social context of Irish music-making, and acquaintance with leading performers within the tradition. The class culminates in an Irish music festival held at a local coffee shop. Crosslisted with HLMU-3410 Traditional Irish Music. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. (Fee: $30) College Studies (COLL) COLL-0900 Foundations–Fa, Sp 1 hour Foundations is designed to orient students to the Cedarville University learning community, explore academic and life goals, and develop strengths to enhance academic success. The one-credit hour may not be used toward the hours needed for graduation. (Fee: $150) COLL-0930 MK/TCK PATHways to Success–Fa 1 hour This course is designed to help Missionary Kid (MKs) and Third Culture Kid (TCKs) students transition and adapt to expectations of “American” culture and academics while discovering their own potential for proactively managing and excelling in all facets of college life. The class is designed to give each student a successful start with proven cultural adjustment and academic strategies and skills to navigate being the ‘invisible immigrant.’ It will address challenges such as plagiarism, intercultural communication, and cultural intelligence while promoting growth in their spiritual walk. The course is a semester long extension of International-MK-TCK student orientation and sets the foundation for student success, retention, and persistence. This course does not count toward hours for graduation. (Fee:$150) 2023–24 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Page 235 Course Descriptions CHN-1100 – COLL-0930