2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

EDMC-4440 Middle Childhood Field Experience II–Fa 2 hours This clinical experience allows the teacher candidate to apply the theories, principles, and techniques provided in the associated methods courses. This course requires a current Ohio FBI Background Clearance Report to be on file with the School of Education for the duration of the field experience. Prerequisite: Successful completion of the M.C. Methods I block. Corequisite: Other courses in the M.C. Methods II block. (Fee: $45) EDMC-4880 1–3 hours Topics in Middle Childhood Education–Fa, Sp, Su Selected topics in middle childhood education that will complement or extend existing courses or expose candidates to topics not taught in other courses; may be proposed by an EDMC faculty or student. Prerequisites: Faculty advisor and instructor’s permission. EDMC-4900 12 hours Student Teaching and Seminar: Middle Childhood–Fa, Sp A teaching experience in a middle childhood setting under the supervision of the mentor teacher and the University supervisor. Required seminars encourage reflection on the teaching experience as well as discussion of issues of importance to educators. This course requires a current Ohio FBI Background Clearance Report to be on file with the School of Education for the duration of the field experience. Prerequisite: Successful completion of the M.C. Methods II block. (Fee: $400) Adolescent / Young Adult Education (EDSE) EDSE-3000 4 hours Principles of Teaching: Adolescent and Young Adult Learners–Sp Teacher candidates learn to develop student-centered instruction based on observable learning outcomes aligned with curriculum guides, with emphasis on instructional models most appropriate for adolescent to young adult (7–12th grade) students implementing the use of 21st century skills and instructional technology. The course examines, analyzes, and utilizes a variety of teaching strategies, assessments, and classroom management to facilitate differentiated student-centered instruction for all students. Includes an in-school experience. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program as an AYA or MASPN candidate. (Fee:$45) EDSE-3300 Developmental Reading–Sp 3 hours This course focuses on the reading goals and processes used in teaching English, language arts, and literature by language arts teachers at the secondary level. Corequisite: Other courses in the Adolescent and Young Adult Principles of Teaching block or permission of the dean. (Fee: $30) EDSE-3900 Music Education Field Experience–Fa, Sp 2 hours This supervised experience in a K–12 school prepares the teacher candidate for the student teaching experience by providing an opportunity to practice teaching methods. Candidates will be evaluated and must show potential to be successful in student teaching to receive credit. Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Education Program and completion of or concurrent registration in MUED-3710 Music for Early Childhood; and/or MUED-3720 Music for Adolescent/Young Adults. (Fee: $30) EDSE-3990 1–3 hours Independent Study in Adolescent and Young Adult Education –Fa, Sp, Su An investigation of contemporary topics in adolescent and young adult education through reading, writing, or creative projects. EDSE-4450 2 hours Adolescent/Young Adult Field Experience–Fa An opportunity for the implementation of the objectives, skills, and instructional strategies in a setting appropriate for each discipline area. Teacher candidates teach two–three periods a day for five weeks. Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. Corequisites: Other courses in the Adolescent and Young Adult Principles of Teaching block. (Fee: $45) EDSE-4880 1–3 hours Topics in Adolescent and Young Adult Education–Fa, Sp, Su Selected topics in adolescent and young adult education that will complement or extend existing courses or expose candidates to topics not taught in other courses; may be proposed by an EDSE faculty or student. Prerequisite: Faculty advisor or instructor’s permission. EDSE-4900 12 hours Student Teaching and Seminar: Adolescent / Young Adult–Fa, Sp A teaching experience in an adolescent/young adult setting under the supervision of the mentor teacher and the University supervisor. Required seminars encourage reflection on the teaching experience, as well as discussion of issues of importance to educators. (Fee: $400) Special Education (EDSP) EDSP-2100 Exceptionalities and Behavior–Fa, Sp 2 hours Reviews the historical sequence leading to the mandates in special education. Explores implications of federal law with an emphasis on the definitions and characteristics of exceptionalities and various philosophies regarding the education of students with exceptional learning needs. Strategies of inclusion are discussed. Includes an introduction to nondiscriminatory evaluation and functional assessment of individuals with exceptionalities and the use of assistive technologies for enabling instruction. The course will present a rational and pragmatic approach to general classroom management. Throughout the course, emphasis will be given to the Positive Behavior and Intervention Support (PBIS) framework, establishing rules, preventing behavior problems, and teaching social skills. Students will complete a minimum of 15 hours in a field experience with persons with an exceptional learning need. EDSP-2400 2 hours Language Development and Communication Disorders–Sp An introduction to speech and language development for teachers. The course incorporates a range of instructional practices, technologies, and curricular materials to address the communication needs of students with disabilities and/or differing cultural and linguistic backgrounds. EDSP-2500 1 hour Survey of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities–Fa, Sp Survey of the multidisciplinary perspectives, identification, early influences, causation, levels of support, and practices related to the education of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilites in early childhood. Prerequisites: EDSP-2100 Exceptionalities and Behavior; or may be taken concurrently with EDSP-2100 Exceptionalities and Behavior. EDSP-2700 2 hours Teaching Children with Mild to Moderate Disabilities–Fa An overview of mild to moderate disabilities with a focus on instructional strategies and accommodations for students in inclusive settings. Prerequisite: TEP Acceptance, Primary (P–5) Methods I. 2023–24 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Page 245 Course Descriptions EDMC-4440 – EDSP-2700