2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

FREN-3940 Special Topics in French–Fa, Sp, Su 1–3 hours This course is offered as an intensive and independent study in a particular area of the French language, literature, or culture for individual students who demonstrate special interests and ability. Prerequisite: FREN-2920 Intermediate French II General Biology (GBIO) Except where noted, general education courses are designed to meet the general education requirements for graduation. These courses will not count toward graduation requirements for majors found in the School of Science and Mathematics unless they are specifically listed in the curriculum requirements for a major. A student majoring in science or mathematics may take these courses only as electives. However, any course listed for a science or mathematics major or minor may also count toward fulfilling general education requirements. GBIO-1000 Principles of Biology–Fa, Sp, Su 3.5 hours Emphasizes basic life processes and the principles by which these processes operate at the ecological, organismic, and cellular levels of organization with emphasis on human responsibility toward life at all levels. Three lectures each week and one two-hour, bi-weekly laboratory. (Fee: $50) GBIO-1010 Basics of the Cell–Fa 1 hour Foundational principles of the cell will be covered, with a focus on the following topics: the cell membrane; cellular organelles; chromosome structure, DNA replication, transcription and translation; the cell cycle and cellular division (mitosis and meiosis); and Mendelian genetics. The course is designed to fulfill the prerequisite requirement for GBIO-2010 Human Anatomy and Physiology. GBIO-1100 Pre-Health Professional Development I–Sp 1 hour This course is designed to introduce pre-health professions students to health-related fields (including medicine, dentistry, optometry, and veterinary medicine) and provide guidance for the academic/professional preparation required for entrance into these graduate programs. Students are introduced to the role of Cedarville’s pre-health professions committee, are given the opportunity to interact with CU alumni medical professionals, and are exposed to a variety of medical professions and programs. One meeting per week. Prerequisite: Interest or intention of applying to medical, dental, optometry, or veterinary school, or instructor’s permission. GBIO-2010 Human Anatomy and Physiology I–Sp 4 hours Survey of the anatomy and physiology of the human body with an emphasis on cell and human tissues and on the skeletal, muscular, nervous, and endocrine systems. Three lectures and one laboratory experience per week. Prerequisite: One semester of biology; or permission of the instructor. (Fee: $75) GBIO-2015 Human Anatomy and Physiology II–Fa 4 hours Survey of the anatomy and physiology of the human body with an emphasis on the cardiovascular, respiratory, immune, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. Three lectures and one two hour laboratory per week. Prerequisites: GBIO-2010 Human Anatomy and Physiology I. (Fee: $75) GBIO-2210 Principles of Microbiology–Fa 4 hours A study of the characteristics, culture, and control of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. A major emphasis is placed on microorganisms and disease. Laboratory techniques are emphasized. Three lectures plus one lab each week. Corequisites or Prerequisites: CHEM-1000 Principles of Chemistry; GBIO-1010 Basic of the Cell or BIO-1115 Biology I: Cell Biology. (Fee: $100) GBIO-3100 Pre-Health Professional Development II–Fa 1 hour This course is designed to help students prepare for their upcoming medical, dental, or optometry school application. As part of the course, students draft personal statements, discuss and categorize their extracurricular activities, consider secondary application questions, create exam study plans (MCAT/DAT/ OAT), and practice interviewing skills. One meeting per week. Additionally, students attend the 3-day annual Global Missions Health Conference in Louisville, KY. Prerequisite: GBIO-1100 Pre-Health Professional Development I, and junior/senior status with the intention of applying to medical, dental, or optometry school during the upcoming application period; or instructor’s permission. (Fee: $100) GBIO-3350 Principles of Immunology–Sp 3 hours Overview of the human immune system, including study of the innate and adaptive immune systems, the mechanics of an immune response, antibodies and antigens, and immunopathology. This course is designed for pre–pharmacy and non-biology major pre–medical students. Three lectures per week. Prerequisite: BIO-1115 Biology I: Cell Biology. Geography (GEO) GEO-3040 3 hours History and Politics of the British Isles and Canada–Sp This course examines three countries: the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, and Canada. After an extensive topical history along with a discussion of major prime ministers who served in the 19th and 20th centuries, this course also investigates contemporary issues including foreign policy, recent political debates, secessionist problems in Scotland and Quebec, membership in the European Union, and the ongoing structural changes to government. Crosslisted as HIST, INTL, and POLS. (odd years) GEO-3080 History of Russia and Eastern Europe–Fa 3 hours The course will cover not only Soviet history but also major events of Russian history up to the Bolshevik Revolution. Soviet history will be studied in detail, with attention given to the development of non-Russian peoples in the empire. The political, economic, social, and foreign policy aspects of Soviet history will all be covered, emphasizing Perestroika and the Soviet collapse. Crosslisted as GEO, HIST, INTL, or POLS (even years) GEO-3200 History and Politics of Latin America–Fa 3 hours Analysis of the major historical, political, geographical, social, and diplomatic developments that have shaped contemporary Latin America. Crosslisted as GEO, HIST, INTL, or POLS. (odd years) GEO-3210 History and Politics of East Asia–Sp 3 hours This course provides an overview of the major historical, political, economic, and social developments of China (Taiwan), Japan, and the two Koreas (South Korea and North Korea). May be credited to geography, history, international studies, or political science. Crosslisted as GEO, HIST, INTL, or POLS. (even years) GEO-3220 History and Politics of the Middle East–Sp 3 hours Analysis of the major historical, political, geographical, and social forces, such as religion and nationalism, that have shaped the contemporary Middle Eastern states. Crosslisted as GEO, HIST, INTL, or POLS. GEO-3230 History and Politics of Western Europe–Sp 3 hours This course will cover the development of Western European history and politics from approximately the year 1900 to the present. Concentration will be on the great European powers, but will include the smaller states. The political, economic, and social histories of the nations of Europe will be covered, as well as several macro-European issues. Crosslisted as GEO, HIST, INTL, or POLS. (even years) Page 262 2023–24 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Course Descriptions FREN-3940 – GEO-3230