2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

INTL-4440 Special Topics: International Studies 1–3 hours Investigation of specific topics in Social Science and History that have intrinsic worth and engage student interest. INTL-4800 Seminar in International Studies–Fa 3 hours A seminar/readings course intended to prepare senior students for graduate study. Through readings and discussion, students explore classical writings on international relations and international issues that are shaping our contemporary and future world. Crosslisted as INTL or POLS. INTL-4900 Senior Research–Sp 3 hours Senior capstone thesis course in which students engage in original research and writing for the completion and defense of thesis before a committee of professors. Course emphasizes substantive cross-disciplinary and biblical integration within research topic. Crosslisted with GSS. Prerequisite: GSS-3640 Qualitative Methodology and Reasoning; or permission of instructor. (Fee: $80) INTL-4980 1–3 hours Independent Study in International Studies Provides the means whereby gifted and interested students may explore, in a more in-depth and intensive manner, general information acquired in the major courses. Further, independent study provides a logical way to complete required hours not obtained in normal sequencing. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Information Technology Management (ITM) ITM-1510 Software Tools for Business–Fa, Sp 2 hours This course emphasizes the use of software in a business environment. Students will develop a working knowledge of spreadsheet, database, and other software packages appropriate to the current business environment. (Fee: $10) ITM-1900 Fundamentals of IT Management–Sp 3 hours This course is an introduction to the field of Information Technology Management (ITM) in the context of managing IT projects. Students will be introduced to computer programming concepts using a visual, software development environment. The course will then guide students through the process of managing a software development project from initial inception to final implementation. Specific topics covered in the course include: project planning, writing vision statements, identifying software requirements, prototyping, visual programming, and software testing. ITM-2100 Database Management–Fa 3 hours This course covers database fundamentals while providing a broad survey of the field’s major topics. Students learn about the critical nature of databases within Information Technology Management (ITM) contexts. Topics include data storage and retrieval, data modeling, logical and physical design, concurrency and security issues, stored procedures, and triggers. Students apply those topics by creating and managing databases in a SQL Server environment. Prerequisite: ITM-1510 Software Tools for Business. (Fee: $20) ITM-2300 Introduction to Programming–Sp 3 hours Intended as the first programming course for Information Technology Management (ITM) majors, this course will introduce the student to the process of programming and to the syntax and usage of the C# programming language. The programming assignments will encourage students to analyze problems in a logical, intentional, and structured manner so that they can develop well-constructed programs using structured and objectoriented programming techniques. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ITM-1900 Fundamentals of IT Management (Fee: $20) ITM-3300 3 hours Advanced Topics in Programming Languages–Fa This course covers advanced concepts in programming and programming languages using one or more programming languages. Topics include theories of program design and implementation, distributed architectures, business object frameworks, generics, collections, reflection, data binding, and web services. Students will apply course topics in a team project through the development of a distributed information system. Prerequisite: ITM-2300 Introduction to Programming. (even years) (Fee: $20) ITM-3400 Data Communications and Networking–Fa 3 hours This course provides a study of the basic concepts of data communications and current networking technology. Topics include discussion of physical-layer considerations, higher-layer implications, and network operating systems. The concepts will be applied through a hands-on project of network design, implementation, and documentation. Prerequisite: ITM-1900 Fundamentals of IT Management or permission of instructor. (Fee: $50) ITM-3410 1–3 hours Topics in Information Technology Management–Fa, Sp, Su A variety of courses are covered under this heading on an experimental basis to meet the changing needs of the students. (crosslisted with ENTR-3410 Topics in Entrepreneurship) ITM-3450 IT Security and Risk Management–Sp 3 hours This course provides an introduction to the fundamental principles and topics of information technology security and risk management at the organizational level. Students will learn critical security principles that enable them to plan, develop, and perform security tasks. The course will address hardware, software, processes, communications, applications, and policies and procedures with respect to organizational IT security and risk management. Prerequisites: CY-3420 Cyber Defense; or ITM 3400 Data Communications and Networking. ITM-3500 Web Development–Fa 3 hours This course will expose students to the process of developing information systems for the World Wide Web using the ASP. NET and C# programming languages. The focus will be on the creation of web applications to support business processes. Topics include HTML, CSS, Model-View-Controller (MVC) design paradigm, LINQ, AJAX, and web services. Prerequisite: ITM-2300 Introduction to Programming. (even years) (Fee: $20) ITM-3550 Enterprise Architecture–Sp 3 hours This course explores the design, selection, implementation, and management of enterprise IT solutions. The focus is on applications and infrastructure and their fit within the business. Students learn frameworks and strategies for infrastructure management, data/information architecture, distributed computing, middleware, legacy system integration, and emerging technologies. Prerequisite: ITM-2300 Introduction to Programming. ITM-3600 Business Process Management–Fa, Sp 3 hours In this course students will be introduced to key concepts and approaches to business process management and improvement. The course focuses on both understanding and designing business processes. Students will learn how to identify, document, model, assess, and improve core business processes. Students will be introduced to process design principles. The way in which information technology can be used to manage, transform, and improve business processes is also discussed. 2023–24 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Page 271 Course Descriptions INTL-4440 – ITM-3600