2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

ITM-3650 Enterprise Systems–Sp 3 hours This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the theoretic and practical issues related to the application of enterprise systems within organizations. The main focus of this course is to demonstrate how enterprise systems integrate information and organizational processes across functional areas with a unified system comprised of a single database and shared reporting tools. The course includes an integrated project, which requires the application of conceptual and technical skills of students. Prerequisite: ITM-2100 Database Management. (even years)(Fee: $50) ITM-4150 3 hours Advanced Business Analytics and Visualization This course will explore the field of data analytics by covering state-of-the-art modeling, analysis, and visualization techniques. The course will emphasize the importance of understanding the underlying data, validating the data, applying a meaningful analytic to the data, and only then visualizing the data. The course will discuss practical challenges involving complex real-world data and include several case studies and hands-on work with a modern data analysis and visualization package. Crosslisted with BUS. Prerequisite: BUS-2170 Introduction to Business Analytics. (odd years) ITM-4300 Advanced Topics in IT Management–Sp 3 hours This course heading covers a variety of Management Information Systems courses offered on a temporary basis. The dynamic nature of the field of MIS gives rise to the need to address recent changes in technologies, methods, and systems. (even years) ITM-4400 Systems Analysis and Design–Fa 3 hours This course provides an understanding of the duties of the systems analyst along with a presentation of philosophies, terminology, and techniques commonly used in the Systems Development Life Cycle. Topics such as business case development, project management, requirements modeling, data design, and user-interface design will be discussed. Students will apply their skills in the completion of an integrated, analysis and design project. Prerequisite: ITM-2100 Database Management. ITM-4450 IT Audit and Controls–Fa 3 hours This course introduces the fundamental concepts of the information technology audit and control function. The main focus of this course is on understanding information controls, the types of controls, and their impact on the organization, and how to manage and audit them. The concepts and techniques used in information technology audits will be presented. The challenge of dealing with best practices, standards, and regulatory requirements governing information and controls is addressed. Prerequisite: ITM-3400 Data Communications and Networking. (odd years) (Fee: $50). ITM-4500 System Development–Sp 3 hours Students hone their skills of project management, analysis, design, database development, web development, end-user training, and documentation, as they work in teams to develop the project that was designed in the Systems Analysis and Design course. Test-driven development is introduced and used throughout the development process. This course is the second course in a two-course sequence that forms the senior capstone experience for IT Management majors in the Application Developer track. Prerequisites: ITM 3500-Web Development; ITM4400 System Analysis and Design. (even years) ITM-4900 IT Strategy–Sp 3 hours This course explores the issues and approaches in managing the information technology function in organizations and how the IT function integrates, supports, and enables various types of organizational capabilities. The course focuses on developing an intellectual framework that will allow leaders of organizations to critically assess existing IT infrastructures and emerging technologies as well as how these enabling technologies might affect organizational strategy. Critical analysis of the alignment between IT and organizational strategies is discussed. Open only to seniors in information technology management. Capstone course. Prerequisites: Open only to seniors in ITM who have completed all 1000–3000 level business courses. Journalism (JOUR) JOUR-1000 Multiplatform Journalism I–Fa 3 hours This intensive writing course prepares students to write news copy for print, online, and broadcast video and radio. Students learn basic journalistic practices and writing formats and will progress from exercises to original reporting. (Fee: $75) JOUR-2000 Multiplatform Journalism II–Sp 3 hours This course builds on the primary journalistic skills and theories learned in JOUR-1000. Students will begin to polish interviewing, writing, and reporting skills for print, video, audio, and social media through original reporting of stories in deadline and non-deadline situations. Prerequisite: JOUR-1000 Multiplatform Journalism I. (Fee: $75) JOUR-2500 Introduction to Public Relations–Fa 3 hours This course acquaints students with the foundations of public relations as a profession. The course includes discussion of key individuals and events in its development. It provides an overview of the theoretical aspects of public relations practices and techniques. The media relationship of public relations practitioners to the mass media is examined. Codes of ethics for practitioners are also explored. JOUR-3150 Media Ethics–Fa 3 hours This course examines the rights and responsibilities of the journalist in American society. It examines and applies federal and state laws and regulations associated with the media. Topic areas will include the journalist and the first amendment, access to government information, libel, and privacy. Special attention will be given to legal issues related to new media. Crosslisted with BRDM-3150. Prerequisite: Junior or Senior status. JOUR-3350 Television News Production–Sp 3 hours This course teaches broadcast journalism students to produce stories for TV news and understand the components of studio production of TV news programs. Prerequisite: BRDM-2110 Video Production. (even years) (Fee: $75) JOUR-3420 Editing and Design–Sp 3 hours This course will teach students the methods to edit news stories for publication. In this course, students will learn the role of the editor in the news process and the editorial skills to prepare news stories for publication. The course will also cover the development of appropriate headlines and methods of designing story layout in ways that are clear and appealing to a target audience. Students will be taught to bring both a detailed and holistic approach to the development of the news story for printed media. Current developments in the field of editing and design will be applied to contemporary news events to facilitate application of the principles of the course. Prerequisites: JOUR-1000 Multiplatform I and JOUR-2000 Multiplatform II or permission of instructor. (even years) (Fee: $50) Page 272 2023–24 Undergraduate Academic Catalog Course Descriptions ITM-3650 – JOUR-3420