Cedarville College Bulletin, October 1922

~alhing ~oints on tbe <!tbristian <!College •• A SYMPOSIUM ON CHRISTIA EDUCATIO GENERAL "l\Ian becomes man only through the process of education." -Immanuel Kant . "The true end of teaching is one with the true aim of life." - Arnold Tomplcins. "A thinking man is always striking out somethip.g new." -E. Young. "Education is the chief defense of nations."- Edmund Burke. "Every scholar is something added to the riches of the cornmon– wealth."- J ohn Knox. "Whatever you would put into the state you must first put into ' the school. "-Humboldt. "The universities of Europe have shaped the civilization of the world."-David Starr Jordan. "Education is the instruction of the intellect in the laws of nature, under which name I include not merely things and their forces, but men and their ways, and the fashioning of the affections and will into an earnest and loving desire to move in harmony with those laws." -Huxley. "We used to think that education would solve all problems; but Reason appears to be given men chiefly to enable them to discover reasons for doing what they like."-William James. "The affections come to school with the intellect." -Dr. J. M. Gregory. "I will study and get ready and maybe my chance will come." - Abraham Lincoln . "History is a race between education and disaster."- H. G. Wells. "I believe that education is the fundamental method of social progress and reform."- John Dewey. -- 3-