The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52

h VOL. I I CEDARVILLE, OHIO, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, L890 NO. 45. F IV E S P L E N D ID P R IZ WILL BE GIVEN AT BIRD’S MAMMOTH STORE on JANUARY 1st.. 1891 ^ ( / Tlie 1st p r i z e is one dozen each, handsome china pie plates and desserts to match. The 2d prize is an elegant pair of slippers for lady or^gen- tleman. The 3d prize is a beautiful bisque doll for a little girl. The 4th prize* is an air gun for. a little boy. The 5th prize is a beautiful 54 ' piece decorated tea set. Every lady or gentleman ., MAKING- A PURCHASE OP 25 CENTS OR OVER our store will be entitled to a guess on the jar o f beans hung in on er o f beans in the jar will be given the china pie plates and desserts, jar o f beans. To the girl guessing nearest the • .. ■ . " . *■ ■ * ■ ■ ■ ■ . . * , ■ You will find an immense line of Dry Goods, .Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Quccnsware, Tinware and Groceries at prices that defv competition. •' S A N T A C L A * •- .■ . " . . •. .i . ' . Has concluded to make his headquarters at our store the coming holidays and will unload an immense lot of Fancy Goods,'Toys, Candies and Fruits. Dou^t forget to come and see us. LOCALS. S iew M e a t S to r e ! Dean & Barber have opened a new meat storo in the Warner bu ild ing and are now ready to serve all cus­ tomers w ith the finest fresh meats in tho market. A trial respectfully so- lit B ed , Aveua, Oatmeal Cracked wheat ' Granulated Hom iny Farino, Parched Farinose at 5, G ray ’ s . I buy m y window glass at K erb ’ s . ; A flue line line o f Patent Medicines | \ t R idoway ’ b H orse. Blankets, all grades and prices at C. L. C hain ’ s . Hard and Soft refined Sugars at ■ . •, . G ray ’ s . A new line o f Hair Brashes, > R idoway . t Sorghum, Syrup and Orleans Mo­ lasses at K ebr ’ s . - Syrup ‘and Molasses at G ray ’ s . See our new papatrie at 25 cents. R id o w a y . Cheese, Crackers and Ginger snaps a t G ray ’ s . Cali and see our new line o f lamps R idoway . Fancy b ox paper 20 cents per box at Kerr’s. Honey at G ray ' s A complete slock o f window glass at R idoway ’ s . Try our Spanish Queen 5c cigar at A ndrew B ros . Some very nice new ootnbs at R idoway ’ s . Tobacos and Cigars a t G ray ’ s . «T IIE OLD RELIABLE” Meat store o f C, w . Crouse may al­ ways be found at the same place deal* lo g o u t the best meat in the market, at the lowest prices. . < , This is no canard. I mean business. I have concluded to cloKo oat tmy entire stoch o f groceries at cost for dash as I want 4 o quit business, and until Jan nary Igtyon can obtain unqualified bargains in all goods in my line. 1 have no special dSys bat my stock trill all go at cost price every day until it is closed out. W , R, M c M illan . T NOTICE. A ll persons know ing themselves indebted to BARBER & M cM ILLAN please call and settle b e fo r e Jan 1 . Fish at . G r a y ’ s . A new line of pocket and family biblesat K err ’ s . W ildm an ’s m ince meat at A ndrew B ro IL A nice line o f feed baskets, at C rouse & B ull ’ s Wood and W illow ware at ' G ray ’ s Old Kentucky line cut tobacco 40 cents per pound, at . A ndrew B ros . Beautiful and Elite Box Paper 25 Cents. R idoway . Barbed and smooth wire at A ndrew & B ro , Largest line o f trunks and valise^ in Greene county, at rock bottom prices. C. L , G rain . H ighest market price paid for wheat at A ndrew & B ro . Call and see our pocket and table cuttlery * C rouse & B ull ' s Dried Apples, Peaches, Apricots and Prunes at G ray ’ s . Fur and Flush Lap Robes at prices to suit the times, at C. J j . C rain ’ s . Lost, two weeks ago, between the U. P. church and Ridgway’s store a gold breastpin, single bar with bril­ liants in center. Finder leave at this office. Persons wishing stock in the Southern Building and Loan Ass©' elation, o f Huntsville, Alabama, and Citicianati,.Ohlo, or any information concerning the Association, please call on E. L. Smith, county agent, or H, M. Stormont, treasurer, or J. R. McEfroy, Scc’y, X s tic e to H a n te n . The undersigned give notice that no hunting will be allowed on their prem­ ises in Cedarville and Ross.townehips, Greene county, Ohio under the penal­ ty o f the law. M. A . Burr Matthew Wilson mummmm — ^ - im mil i mto Jerry Sweeney spent Sunday with his parents at this place. .Quite a pleasant surprise, was ten­ dered,Mrs. Mery Duffield, last Satur­ day, it being her 46th birthday. Her daughter had made.arrangeraents with the McKee! listers iforher to come and eew that forenoon and on her return atnoott found the boute filled with frisrkUand neighbors. A t two o’clock « dinner was served at which all did amplejustice. Allatoona Next week Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings. • ' - Admission-15, 20 and 25 cents. Re­ served seats at Stormont & Co.’s. Mr. Albert Duffield, o f Xenia, spent Sabbath with his folks at home. Mrs. Jane McFarland, o f South Charleston, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Salinda Milburn., Mrs. Salinda Milburn, who has been on an extended visit with frionds in Dayton, has returned, home. Mrs. Jacob. BeeinCr, who has been in poor health for some time, is now Very low, with little hopes ot her re­ covery. ’ John McCorkell, A l. and James Cline and John Marshall spent two days at Joe Van Horn’s camp between South Charleston and London, this Week Bunting, and as a result they brought home 117 quails and 15 rab­ bits. TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE. G eorgeP orle ttioM a ry L Dean, lot 6, Drake’s add to Xenia, $225. Geo W McCracken to Henry Mc- 'Craekcn, quit claim to 10OJ a, Beaver­ creek, $900. 'Ann M Dickmah to Robert J H ill * a, Yellow Springs, $400. R B StroDg admr o f O M Strong,to A Wickershatu. 15.73 a, Silvercreck, 4802. James Shrodes to Hannah M John­ son, lot 28, Alexander's add to Gedar- ville, $570. Mary J Robinson to Louisa tilery, undivided J o f w i o f lo t 8, Drake’s add to Xonia, $250. 4 W M Hite guard, o f C King, to Smith Gordon, 106.17 a, Jefferson, 85,498. t > . , Eliza and Anna McCracken to Henry M McCracken, q u i t , claim to HXH a, Beavercreek, $700. B . I ,. B k F O K T To the Gedarviile Board o f the Southern Building and Loan Associa^ tion o f Cincinnati, Ohio: Gentleman your committee having made an in­ vestigation o f the business methods and policy o f the above organization would respectfully repart as follows: Beginning with the loan record, we found a complete record o f all loans, together with the securities ou the -nme. We found that in’ho case had a loan been made which was not fully secured by first mortgage ut a rate not exceeding 40 per cent, of the val­ uation of the property; the average loan being less than 30 per cent of the value of the property securing tho tho loan. In all eases where the loan approached the 40 per cent, limit 'an insurance equal to the amount loaned,' assigned to tlie association was exacted. The notes and mortgages are each and all endorsed on the face of tho same non negotiable ami placed iu the hands o f the trustees .of the associa­ tion, the Central Trust and Safe De­ posit Company o f Cincinnati. The method of asdertaining the true value of the property offered is as follows; 1. The sworn statement o f the ap­ plicant accompanied by an abstract o f title as it appears on- the records o f the county in which said property is located. 2. The appraisement o f appraisers o f the local board. 3. Brndstrcet’s valuation o f the lot and also o f the buildings. 5. TheR . G. Dunn Co.’s valua- tion of the lot and also o f the build­ ings. 5. The officialstatcment and cer­ tificate o f the County Clerk in which the property is located, o f the amount at which said property has been listed for taxation for the 3 years previous to the date o f application for loan. 6. -Insurance: An agent o f -one o f the 3 insurance companies recog­ nized ns being the most reliable in the United States, will visit the premises and report the amount for which he is willing to insure said property. The mortgage requires that any insurance which, the applicant may have must immediately on completion ofthe.lonn be made payable to the association and delivered to the Central Trust and Safe Deposit Company for safe keep­ ing if there is no insurace the associa­ tion is authorized, and instructed to have said property insured for 'the benefit o f the association. O f the above appraisements only the lowest is accepted by the associa­ tion as security. . The basis on which theprofi ts o f the concern are computed was fully and clearly demonstrated by Messrs. Mor­ ris Snclis, o f Cincinnati, Gen. Agent, E. II. Paramour, Hec’y o f Hunts­ ville, Alai, and S. L . Whitten, Man­ ager, o f Cincinnati, severally, and can be shown by any agent o f the associa­ tion. The stock record is an exceed­ ingly plain ami simple plan o f book keeping especially adapted for the pur­ pose which-it serves: i t can be read­ ily comprehended by any one under­ standing the most simplest business transaction, and every transaction in the stock department duly entered up to date. W e were then introduced to Mr. Levi C* Goodnle, President o f the Central Safe and Deposit Co., Trus­ tee o f the association who said before * accepting the position o f Trustee for the Central Safe and Deposit Co., together with Geo. W . Peck and others I made an examination o f the affairs o f the Southern Building and Loan Association and the reputation o f its officers. The result was satisfac­ tory, the personate o f the directors I found to be excellent and the manage­ ment good. A t tiie annual meeting the officers made a detailed exhibit and presented vouchers for every transaction.. I personally examined the securities anl) found them correct and apparently all that was claimed, and the association presented a healthy and vigorous appearance. Mr. Good- ale said that he considered any failure on the part o f the association a direct reflection on his reputation as a ' busi­ ness man and financier and therefore made a thorough investigation. Mr. Samuel W* Ramp, Cashier o f the Market National Bank, said that he was satisfied that the methods o f - the association were sound and founded on business principles and had his heartv endorsement, * # - „ . ... Mr. Ballinberg, Manager o f Pike’s Opera House, is satisfied o f the integ­ rity and stability o f the institution. Mr. Walter Maxwell a proprietor o f the Palace Hotel, endorses the associa­ tion. In conclusion we would give it as our opinion that tho business principles are good and safe, that the officers are men o f more than ordinary business ability and unquestionable integrity. To,anyone desiring a safe, and profit­ able investment we cheerfully recom­ mend the Southern Building and Loan Association. To the managment o f the association we desire to return our hearty thanks for their kind and hospitable entertain­ ment during our stay in Cincinnati. Respectfully submitted, L . G. B ull , J ohn R. M c E lroy , Sec. ■I approve o f the abovo report, G . W . H arper ,