The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52

VOL. 11 CEDABVILLE, OHIO, SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, L891 NO. 48 LOCALS. J ,Tobacos and Cigars a t G uay ’ s . (5loves, good stock, low prices. A ndrew & Buo. Beautiful and Elite Box Paper 25 Cents. - K idgway . . Syrup and Molasses a t G uay ' s . ^ Cheese, Craokers and Ginger snaps at, » , , G uay ’ s . Hard and Soft refined Sugars at ■■ G uay ’ s . H ig h e s t' market price paid for wheat a t A ndrew & Buo. . I buy my window glass a t K euu ’ s . Afine line line of Patent Medicines a t IJ ilkiway ’ s Dried Apples, Peaches, Apricots and Prunes a t G uay ' s . - „ Fish a t G uay ’ s . Wood and Willow ware a t ’ G uay ’ s •_ . Honey a t . G uay ' s Barbed and smooth wire at A ndrew & Buo. Some very nice new combs at i 1 ItlDOrWAY’s. . Buckwheat flour and pure maple molasses at G ray ’ s . Aveua, Oatmeal Cracked wheat , Granulated Hominy ■ Fariuo, Parched-Farinose a t G uay ’ s . Try on r Spanish Queen 5c cigar at A ndrew B ros . A complete stock o f window glass a t R ujgway ’ s . Sweet, spiced and sour pickles at > G ray ’ s , Irish and Jersey Swaets Potatoes, at . G ray ’ s . ‘The best dour in the land is found njt A ndrew & Buo. 4 Butter, Jersey,' Milk and Oyster ■Crackers at G ray ’ s . Custard pie pumpkin, mince meat pie, at G uay ’ s , Skates! Skates! Skates! at A ndrew <fc B ro . See our new papatrie at 25 cents. Hi dgway . Two gold watches for sale at A ndrew B ros . Flaked Pineapple,at G uay ’ s . Corn, Tomatoes, Beans, &c., at G uay ’ s , Call and see ou r new line of lamps J| B idgway . Rolled Avena and Wheat, Oatmeal end Cracked Wheat, Farino and 1archedFarinose, PearlBarley, Gran­ ulatedHominy at C ray ’ s . NOTICK. Persona know ing themselves in ­ debted to ttie undersigned will please vail and ta ttle a t once by cash o r bankable note, as ail accounts on my books m u st be cloaed. C, W . C bods *. LOOK HCKK. I f yoa owe u« please call and settle by cash or satisfactory note by Janu­ ary 11891, and oblige A ndrew A B ro . All Persons knowing themselves in debted to Barr A Morton will please call and settle by January 1st, if not you will receive a statement of ac­ count. ' I s t i t o i f f c t t k a i e a t . All personsknowing themselves to le indebted to the undersigned, will find it to their advantage to call and settle before January 15, 1891, as interest will be charged on all over due accounts. Respectfully,. 0 . L. C kain . Persons wishing stock in the Southern Building and Loan Asso­ ciation, o f Huntsvills, Alabama, and Clu«inirat!,Ohio, or any Information concern)Hf the Association, please rail on % t . Smith, county agent, or »!. M. Stormont, tr#**m»r,or J. H* 1‘cWroy, Keo'y. Did you ‘‘swear off?” School re-opens Monday. J . C. Barber went Tuesday on business. to Cincinnati Miss'Alcie Stormont is recovering from a severe attack of acute rheuma­ tism. , John and William Cooper, of Pleas­ ants County, V«-, have made 'the largest catch of fish of the season. A day or two ago they caught and safely landed over 3,000., fish a t one haul near Cooper Hollow, on the Ohio Riv­ er. They caught over 5,000 fish dur­ ing, the day, G. W. Harper aud wife, spent a J . II. Smith of Clarke county, has couple of (Jays iu Columbus this a phenomenon iu the shape of a calf week. ' , .horn several days ago without eyeballs. John Erviu visited friends m Lon- I ‘ ha* eyelids ahd sockets, but there dou this week return ing . home- Wed- a,re 1,0 c^ balb n o th ing resembhug nesday them. The animal is u weakling, but ——-— is growing stronger daily, and is likely Mies Maggie Cushing of Spring- to live. "It will not" nurse naturally field, is the guest of Mrs. W. J. Smith j from the cow, this week. ■ Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Pan-ill, of Coshocton, • who spent the holiday week with relatives here, returned home Wednesday. WATCHES, CLOCKS -A 9TD- REPAIRED NEATLY AND TO ORDER BY C. . A. HARRIS, -AT- IT E L D S ’ HOTEL , CI1OAKVILLE, OHIO. Hon. Andrew Jackson will go to Columbus Monday. The legislature convenes! Tuesday and he wishes, to be on the gxonnds in time. Misses Sallie. and Mattie Negley en­ tertained a number of their young friends at the homo of their parents east ofCedarville,Wednesday evening. The Epworth League meets tomor­ row evening a t six unlock, .that the members may be able' to attend the union services at Erviu & William­ son's hall. : - • The Misses Ilagcf, Miss Ring and Miss Lou Stewart, accompanied by Ed Hagar and Will Stewart, came, up from Xenia to attend the lecture Mon­ day evening. J . E. Torrence of Monmouth, 111., who is attending medical lectures at the Ohio college in Cincinnati, spent the holiday week/ in Cedarville the guest of relative!?. Mrs. Dr. Baldridge has been very sick this week and for a time her friends were doubtful about her re­ covery, hut we ore glad to state that she is some better, There will be a union meeting com­ posed of the members of the four churches, held during the week of prayer in Ervin A Williamson’s hall commencing to-morrow evening. Rev. Dr. Morton will conduct the services tha first evening. ' Rev, Lee Aultman, who we an­ nounced last week would preach at the M, E , church, was detained by sickness, bu t has written that he will be here next Sabbath and assist Rev. Tufts a t the morning services. Mr. Aultman is a good singer and those who attend will hear tome excellent music. The finishing and storage room of the Gem City Stove Company's works a t Dayton, with contents, was destroy­ ed by fire a t an early hour Tuesday morning, with a loss to the concern of ISO,000, The buildings were lately erected and the business pu t in opera­ tion, the company manufacturing mainly natural gas and artificial gas stoves. The fire originated, it is sup posed from an ignition o f natural gas leakage, .................. : - ■ Belvia Lockwood, the only lady who has ever been honored by a political party with the nomination for the presidency of the United States; will lecture in Cedarville, on Monday evening, January 2fith on the subject, “ Is Marriage n“ Failure? No Sir.” Mrs. Lockwood has more than a Na­ tional reputation and should be greet, ed with a full house. Mrs. Addie Dufiield, of Dayton, who has been visiting at Mrs. Salinda Milburn’s, returned home Wednesday. The venerable Mrs. Marion Reid ,, mother of Whitelaw Reid, gave a Christinas dinner to a number of little There • _ . . , ... . , , folks from 4 to 12 years of age. Owing tp t e press o >o i ay . . u s - wls a C7hristniHB tree' covered with iness and the vexatious that n a t u r a l l y .. . „ , , , . ' fruits, candies and toys for the little arise, we failed to note the burglary at Andrew' Bros’store, where some per- The Democratic mayor of Cedarville is said to weigh 3211 pounds. Whnt a solid and ponderous court he must be) .and what a great maxi he would be to head a Democratic procession. We believe lie did once make just such an exhibition of his inaulv form son entered and carried away several dollars worth of groceries and notions. No due so far, has been obtained. Harry Wilson-, who has lately been in business at Dunkirk, but who with his wife is now spending a few days with relations here intends starting for Chattanooga next .week to see if he can find a location suitable for au undertaking establishment. Mr. Wil­ son is a first class undertaker and will do well wherever he may locate. Greene county claims the distinc- ones. The day was pleasantly spent in games, singing and recitations." Mrs. Reid, to the intense delight of the children, sang,a song and recited a piece that she learned in the lopg ago when she was a little girl. Although Mrs. Reid is in her 87th year, she en­ joyed the day as much as anyone.-— XeniaGazette. The Xenia Republican this wreek publishes the details of ah amusing Incident that is related upon the streets of London, Ohio. I t appears that the head of the family residing in that county recently made a trip to Colum- tion of having furnished the youngest: ^us> nil(j Was entrusted with a com •Giibcrt •\ fill j I,v tlia uiA nlin rirrmncpf on the streets of our city, once itpun a time, when he was the cynosure of a ll!soldier in the late War-r-vjrim t >tut mjggjo,, j,y the wife who p oposed to eves., Cedarville will not tolerate fAtob formerly a well; know.tii clerk ia j decorate the house a t Christmas. A t - light weights or short measures.:—Xen- j Xenia, but now holding an important r;ved jn tj10 c;ty jie remembered" that ia Republican. > [ position in a leading dry goods house ----- — —— j in Chicago. Being large for his ago, The Cedarville branch of the Chi-[ jl0 W118njjie to enlist ns a drummer lie was to purchase an illuminated text, but utterly failing to recall the words of it, ho wired for information. The telegraph clerk was amazed at the met in the Mayor’s office Monday | company. cago Collecting Agency, composed of i i)0y when only ten years old, his father f “‘if J .T : I W “S ” »'n“ ri” tlie receij^t of tilts' "nT age In nuewer. To Jeremiah Jessup:. Unto us n son is born, six feet long by two feet broad. ■ S auaii J essup . .... evening and adopted a constitution/ . , . . nnd by-law, by wbirit they will gav-1, A I® * 6,vcn ,, , ■ . r. ihonor of Alvie Ilagler and his cousin, ern themselves the coming year. Lv~ , , . , „ ,, ,, , ' , „ , \ n Mias I' loren<!e Lundakcr of South cry inerchuut has allowed numbers of ... , , . « , r . v . .. Charleston, at the residence of Mr. accounts to accumulate add run for; , . . ’ , ,.r , . . ... . , . . , ... .. and Mrs. Sainuci Hauler, northwest j’eara without being able to efieet a „ , 17 ’. „ i *, , ofCcdhrville, Monday evening. There settlement, aud the association lips , . , . , . , , ' was about thirty present. An elegant Monday a t noon the ticket office of been formed for the purpose of com-' ‘."“ -J r ‘^ov,,v- _ V‘V*5‘“ ’V, the depot was broken into while ticket pelliug settlements of such accounts. ) Huc 1i'va8 a e r wu c i tin e<: ngC,it, Will Torrence wa» at dinner nnd Concerted action will make this posse-1^an|t 1,nc wn8 ,a< ■* par icipa ing in dollars taken from the till. Cir- ble. j parlor games and plays until past ,ivid(}nee seemed to point ---- ------------- [ night when the guests departed wish- to Frat|,{ I3jmer Slirodcs Mias Olof Krarcr the Esquimaux, ing flic young folks many happy ro- aU(1 a tminp who ,|;)H gecn loafing turns of t-o pleasant an event. [about town together dll day as the Cedarville is u prosperous town.’guilty parties, and on a message Every citizen in this vicinity within‘sent from here, the marshal a t Selma lectured iu the Opera House last Mon­ day evening, on “ Life in tho Frozen North.” The weather was had ’and the crowd smaller than it should have Sorghum, Syrup and New Orleans Molasses at - G ray ’ s . Old Kentucky fine cut tobacco 40 cents {terpound, at A ndrew B ros . Sugar, Sea, Coflee, Ac., at GrsyV. A new line o f H d r Brushes, R idgwat . Choice white clover honey at GftAY*B. Go to De*n A Barber’s, for fresh KMttts©f*11kinds* , a radius of at least five miles should, arrested the tramp who had left town been, but the lecture was very inter- jtcc jj,a^ ebutinues so localise it is to ; and was making his way towards Col- esting. Her greatest trouble was h* (heir interest. I t is here the farmers j umbus, and brough him back. Af- raaking herself understood as ^ e (j;n(] a | tiarket for their grain, aud it terwards Bceincr anil Shrodes were al­ so arrested And spent the night in the bote1de Grindle. Tuesday morning Shrodes concluded to turn States evi- No man cares to invest his money in tdence and implicated all parties sur­ real estate when the adjoining town is .rested. Beemer and the. tramp, Who lethargic. The secret of the success of fgave his name as Lorillord, entered a all prosperous towns is that their cit- plea Of “ not guilty” and waved tho izens do not go away from home to right of a trial by jury, asking tha t buy goods every time they have to S they be tried betore Mayor Townsley. speaks the English language very b ro - -g hcw thev ghoH,d ^ thcir moncy. kenly. A\ a great deal of wbat she | If the tow^ ig prmpcTom ]and 5a ta. had to say was merely a repetition of, 5u value I)roportionately. what all had already read about that race o f people, it was much more sat' isfactory to hear her relate her person aFexperiences and the modes and manners of the Esquimaux. A t the close of the lecture she appeared in the costume of her people and sang a song in the Esquimaux language. Blast furnace Operators, represent­ ing twenty-three blast furnaces in the Mahoning and Shenango Valleys, held a meeting a t Youngstown, Tues­ day afternoon to consider the demands made upon the coke combine and railroad for reduction in' rates. Not having received satisfactory answer from either the operators unanimous­ ly decided to bank their furnaces on January 10 and to remain idle until their demands were complied with, The shutdown will throw a t least 10,000 men out of employment in the two valleys, and seriously affect th® freight traffic of the railroad lines. A strong resolution was adopted and sign­ ed to carry this action into effect, and it is evident that the pig-iron manu­ facturers mean business. make a five dollar purchase, bu t pat-(Before the time for the trial however, ronize the home merchants. I f they j the prisoners heard of Shrodes* actions, are building- they buy the lu\nbcr aud < aud when they appenrd in the after­ hardware at home nnd patronize home mechanics. I f it is groceries or dry- goods they want they do uot travel ten of twenty milesjust to be able to say they bought their goods in some other place, hut spend their money where there is hope of it benefittmg them and a t the same time they get as good bargains as if they had gone away. The same rule applies to all branches o f business. We are well supplied with mechanics o f all kinds; farm im­ plements and merchandise are obtain­ able here as cheap or cheaper than noon Lorillord changed his plea to “ guilty*’ while Beemer stood trial. The evidence in the case was very weak against the accused, Shrodes* testimony being all that was against him with the excep­ tion that they were seen together dur­ ing the day, while the tramp testified positively that he and Shrodes were the only gaily ones, and that Beemer did not know Anything about what was going on until he walked up to tho window a t the depot and saw them a t work, The fact that he knew o f any other place within a radio- o f the robbery the Mayor held Was ‘cvi* fifty miles, so why not give your trade deuce that Beemer was accessory and where it will be o f benefit to you as fined him #50 and costs and ton days well os the town? Think o f this and in jail, Lorillord was given 4100 ami see if it is not sound logic. e tie end thirty days.