The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52

VOL, U. t h e tSDKI*mrt>ESTWKEKLY NEWSPAPER. ■ SATURDAY,' JULY 26, 1£90. W. 'JL BLAJB^ '.Edimr and Prop'r. PRICE $ 1.23 PER ANNUM. sick for two week ■ Mrs:- WilKMop^iall !entertained a number o f Thursday. vou Wallace, of Xeniu Cedarvillo Thesdn .1 IMJMMHtfJ iyya. ' u j 1 rrrai CEDARVILLE,, OHIO, SATURDAY, 'JULY 26, 1890 W « ■. > f V ■ • • NO. 25. Mrs'. Frank Jepkfos has been very rith malaria fever The largo barn of Mr. AL Hop- iugs, two miles south of. Cedaryille,. iUthe Federal pike was destroyed by lire Tuesday night together with its/ entire contents consisting of one valij alio horse, eighty.bushels of when several tons.of hay, and farming ut/n- sil». The loss is estimated at atfout S3 k )00 and was insured for $2,0y0 in the!Ohio Fanner Insurance.Cor LOCALS. igar in tqwn at W. II. M c M illan ' s . Cream freezers for sale at A ndrew B ros ', \ Tli sBest Ilea af dinner II makes no /Uflerepee Bow Aareful a-y<|ung man may he he can m t k<%> his wsociates fome learning something „of hipi/ that cau^s him tp blush when it becomes known. Th is/titW ' the A’ party,o f p a c k e r s from Xenia |j°lcCi ¥ on Walter Ivildow. j The other lie' cliffs just west o f evanifcg lie borrowed bis father's home to go find sefe his best givM and having stayedivntii the'’ ‘ ‘ vyefe sn/a’ "hours'* was. when he jctitiTne«, and, instead o f putting tire Horse in /the stable at home:|ut it into ft neighbors near by, nnd wlfeu his father/ next morning hurr/dL awoke b iW and demanded than ha tell hiriL what, be had done with t l* horse his flmpriso was tin- bopndel; He gradually a\voke to the iscionsness o f wha| h\ had done and cplanations foHowel thm were gome- hgt.embarrassing t<| Walter, itiful and. cheap -Pocket. "Books f At ItidgwayV Pliannacy. A iuYist delightful Yli'ink ‘ . I t i m n v A V s F k l ' i - M l ^ . ' STARTAW/yy. n « The fisliionably bredVrotting Stal­ lion, StiSrtawqy, by Mambino .Startle, full .brotnor to Majolica V i, 15,) dam. by Jtcd .tun, 2d dam by Ays Whip, 3rd dam l>y Grey Eagle. Will be’ at. the slsbraof .lames .McMjlrrin, two miles East of Cedarvillc=-t)U wedmis­ spellt Tuesday tin's place. Mi's. K. B. Ra er,_of Springfield, is visiting her par :nts Mr. and Mrs. D. J. “Shroades. day o f eaeV week llrun H ux . ting \' ox . A most healthy Beverage , 'y I?too way ' s S ot P;i 11 s\ind Huttor .<•roiVis, W.YH. M c M illan ' s .! ex. Turnbull on- of- friends with a Mr. and Mrs. 1 tertained a numbe •dimier hut Tuesds y Misses Elinyra, j .nderson and Laura visited friends Mrs D . J. tihroTi in Xenia the -guest ] .of Spring Uill Jes. spent, Tuesday o f Mm M. E. Ellis Miss Htylla Torn! wljo lias been visit! Grace Randall forlthe turned to her Homl Wednesday. Mrs. Robert K Miss Ktitie, have home iti Morrow af with friends bore Mr. and Mrs. It been visiting relativ past two or three wi Thursday where the short lime. their t visit been. to have place the for Piqua remain .a fmst—bn Friday 'If Hist week on Wpringfield pike a sitmiel containing pockctbook with f'roily$5 to 88 iir it, and handkerchief witli name on. Fin­ der leave at H erai - d oilice and re­ ceive reward. ' . James Miller, formerly o f Cedar- ville, and an old newspaper wan, visited friends here this wrek.* Ho is now located at Ashland, Kentucky, tuid reportiLbusiuess in a flourishing i JlidlUuii.' Conie to the lawn fete at Clifton 1'. P.' Uhureh-yard, on next Tuesday evening, July 29th-, The young la­ dies of the Y. P. M. 8. have prepared abundent entertainment for, all, and they will serve you with all the delica­ cies of the season. In consequence o f the absence of .the pastor, Rev. Tufts there will 1#} no pleaching at the M. E. church next Sunday. Jhe pulpit will be oc­ cupied tbe twj succeeding Sundays by Revs, W. Q. Hhnnnon and Jno. P. I'atterson, respectively. I f Mr: Oi r say asleep lie is a notorious The above startling remil made in the cotmcil clgunber day- night bv Councilman ami all because Mr- Otr, chairin. the street oommitte, thought *Swe who had previously received per sion and had made a sjcueli, deuo: ing him, (Orr,) had (tone so spirit, of raillary, replipi| in the manlier. 8"-:'oncy, however, \y|s dead earnest. The meeting was a called'one for the porp|se.of Iippro printing money to hiro g lawyer JLo prosecute certain yiolataons /o f the prohibition ordiance, and lifter all that could be done in that line jwaf raccoita- pliehed Mr. Sweeney asked wrniission to make a few remarks, nyliich was granted him, ami he at of^D charged the chairman of the .«trc;ei committee with incompeteucy, ann said the streeets and alleys had nut been in­ spected and'no work was lading done. Mr. Orr thereupon requested/permis- aioa to make a few remarks, alid’ said Mr. 8weentyuaVf ti itaiuly / ItH-ir For MO go to Great))' lelVeshiu o way ' s C uka ' a I s F uost S oda Dri|6(l Apples, Peacbe a n d / * r m ie . 8 ia t aid and Soft refined Su \ G ‘Avona, Oalineftl Cracked wheat Grauulaleil Uomiiiy Earino, Parched Ea/iiioso Of' -For next week we will sell- MISTS’ FINE DRESS SHOES .At |jl .25 that are sold everywhere^ for S2.00. Will, ilso put on sacrifice sale a Shoe at ^liioAvurt.h $3.00. IN CLOTHING d. , • ' • ,• **’ »• ’ * ( f .t ■ ' ■ Will sell,our entire stock at .cost and Less., b " ’ J . OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. OILS InRAY* S. > You can always get ju * wiiat you want in lbe meat line, byth -fresh.amt Ault, at flu' Unvi't-t price/, at. ^ C.AV. C rov S' e ' s f Anything in the TM'dware line at hottoin price)! at /W ujiew & Buo. , Tobacos.amb.Cigwi'B at O kay ’ s , ' Canned ydi'ii, /canned tomutoos, canned peaches,yinucd blackberries, ^ (‘.i Ut -W . H. MeMu-trAX’s. fry Barley tfoHec at i f'\X , 11* >MeMU.i,A'X's, AP DUSTERS. »p pn/ters and Fly X e '^ u coin- plelc Hn/aud at prices to mi if .the timlis a f C. L. ( ’ itAi.v’s, IIK OLD RELIABLE” . Meat’ Store o f C'. M'. ( ’ rou,-e may al­ ways bg found at the same place deal­ ing out the host meat in (lie tufukcl, atthe ioviysl prices. , Syrup -ftml Molasses at • G kay X . 2 ijttlfi Snap, for, 5 cents/ 230 tacks toyS'ieejitf,, a t” ’-’ ,4— UJi ILM i M j LP as L. \ asleep as the Avork lie spoke of\lind . 'flic fincsi'pnc o f Chumois skin wc been done, and that he (Sweeney.) V<1 have ever shown assisted the committee a part o f tkc <* Iqino way ’ s F haum . ua . time. This aroused Mr. Sweeney^ Cheese, GratVerx and (lingei ‘••naps who called Mr. Orr a liar. Mayor : • y (* hay ’ s . ifmnks and Valises at " " V ■ '* v . L-’ CifAiN/ 1 ?rices on gasoline stove ' are I t ’norsK & Bt i„ Engine Oil \ ~ x Reaper. Oil, 's- ^ , ‘L; Caste Mower Oil, l OiLSOFAL KINDS. Lard, U ,--- —■'* ♦ 7 The statement in the Xenia papers, that the Misses Barber & McMillan, Would"close their willinary store dur­ ing their visit Lakeside, is mistake as they have secured the ser­ vices o f Mrs. Wolford who will be at hand to wait upon customers during flielr absence. Will Gillough hag purchased n new safety hyeicle and is nowmaking great strides towards becoming au‘ accom­ plished wheelman* His wheel is said to lieone o f the finest in the town, and as it is so constructed that ladies can easily ride it, it is supposed that his rirele of lady fricuds will be consider* nhly inerfftsed in'a short time. Townsley at this juncture .interfered, but it was no use arid the remark was repeated a second and third time, when Ills Honor filled the ' offending! councilman five dollars which, effec­ tually put ou end to the disturbuance. Whether it was really the work o f the, street committee or not that is the cause o f the unpleasant feeling ’ exist­ ing in the mind. o f Councilman Hwceney we have not learned to a certainty but from all uppearnuces we are impressed with the theory that fhe fact that the prohibition ordinance is to be defended has its influence in the matter* CARD OF THANKS. Feeling deeply grateful for the kind attentions shown us by so many friends during the sickness of ray daughter, Mary. I tender my sincere thanks to them all. ■MK s , A m . L eary and D aughter . Lost — A pair o f gold rimmed /square) glasses between Win. Tar- box's and my residence on Yellow springs pike, Firider will please leave at the H erald office mid tie compcn? sated by M. M. G eorge . • llig wheat at IVooil an\ A full line Call and see cuttlcry market price A ndkk AVillJvv w.'i A for Biso. Sperm, , Black and Neutral .Oils, at •_SI^GWAY.S mABMACT .: ! I T I I’lT I ffi OFTill! HERALD u. > . -. ♦ v-t* * A cordial invitation is extended to you to' examine te elegant , ^ . NEW STOCK being received uoav . A complete line of fine Dress Suitings, all the latest styles, together with every grade of Fine Business Suits, Overcoats, Panting.* and (tents’ fine ’Furnishing Goods. Our prices, like quality in fine goods can not be excelled. - , ' 1). M. STEWART & CO. G uay ’ s at R iduway ’ s Socket aiftt table not'SK& B ull '% •Try the New Coffee Scheme at W. It M c M illan ’ s . Spectacles all styles and sizes at IIIIKiWAV’s I*catlier and Cotton Fly Nets, horse covers and sheats at rock bottom prices dt C. h. C hain ’ s Snow Flake Hominy at W. B. M c M illan ’ s . The finest line o f carriage Sponges over in town' at BIIIGW'AY’S PllAltMACY. Spectacles at Hino way ’ s Honey at G ray ’ s Our Hue of took stoves are com­ plete, . C rouse & B ull ’ s . 'Y'e.aie enryinga full line of the A*\I> SEWING MACHINES ^ , f i . t which we will sell from our office tor less money than from the canvassers. Gome and examine machines and .we will save you money. I). M. STEWART .successor o f GEO.. H. CRAl)B F A W C E T T !■ Has in stock a fine line of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY 'ami DIAMONDS! The finest Hue of Optteai Goods in Greene tkiunty. A Sin'dalty mad© ofllfiziliHU PehMe S|<claeles In Gold, Silver and Steel trmnefl.' They confer n brilliancy km ] disilnctne-s of vision, with an amount of case uml tmuitnri, Mchlomenjoyed by spectacle wearers* '