The Cedarville Herald, Volume 11, Numbers 22-52

CEDARVILLE, OHIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1890 NO. 26. Mr.,. Fannie Johnson, of Columbus , j The happiness of youi! life depends :s visiting.friends and relatives in thitj .upon the character of your thought;?. , vicinity this week. ' . — j-”-— - . : . - | Uai^cltig. . , nlsn Jones mil. family are the;. The following reHuturns were sent uuou • f Lutlier Towttsley and faiiii-us this week foV'pub.ioauoh hy a lady ly, on south Main street.' '■■■>'•. y who is an active member of the W. .0. T. TJ.,.she merely stating they had == Marriage licenses:^Lewis L Cum­ mings and Annie S Paulin; Frank l)nv and Rosa Cullaham; Edward Smith and Minnie Sheets. r A -notice that sealed bids-wilt bp. re- eei e i-by the. school board, for coal, appears elsewhere in the. H kjlyld , jvhieh .dealers will do wejdto read. There will be services at the 31. E. rluireh Sabbath lporning at .10:30^ by Rev. Shannon, of XenialTTorinerly -pastor of the church at'this place. All are cordially invited. . .'(’he Jamestown crowd of picnickers jwlio spent several days in camping at the Clifton dirts returned home Wed­ nesday. They report having hud an elegant time. Thirty-nine took dinner with them Sunday. . . The call of the fanners to meet at ihtf mayor’s ofliee last Saturday ■after­ noon resulted in few patting in an appearance and an attempt will be made, again this afternoon. All farm­ ers and those interested in the wel­ fare of the farmer ami the fur- .^ .*■ . thering of their .interests are cordially invited to attend this meeting. LOCALS. - The Best Cigar in town nt ’ W. It. M c M illan ’ s . Ice Cropin' Freezers for sale at • • ;Avimi„v. Bitos. ..Ileaidiful and cheap Pocket Books H U T C H IS O N and C IB N E Y , I I A V E T A K E N T IM E I C I T H E -^ j FORELQCK snd not by the FETLOCK^-A been, adopted by thut 'society,'but whether if be the.local, county, state, or iiantioinil society they were adopt­ ed by we were not informed. We give them space but trust tlujfc'iierca ter when such matter is arfff for puoli cation explanations will accompany .it: 1 iFirst, We dis-afiproye of Promiscu­ ous. dancing .borause it often”'lead’s to such iumiodarate. exereise'nnd to the keeping o f jluch lute ho^frsas are inju­ rious to tHe1health. Second. We also^disapprove of this amusement because it is so fascinating, in itsnature that/ youiig people from Christian homos/ure ’frequently led into the/oeiety ofVirrdigious, and into the pujfdic b’allrqonr through love of it. ■, e further disapprove o f it lxjcaUsE tl/e direct tendency of the promiscuous danCo is to' undermine rfint - pumty of thought and action Inchare so desirous to maintain and' yomoujiu the young, and we believe ^owespts chief attraction to this At Ridgway s Pliarjnacy. uea .VY WEIGHT ANItLIout WEIfiHlt mat delightful drink R j o g w a y ’ s F ju ' i -M i z . , TARTAWAY. /J’he fas]iiopaiTiVsbi'ert trotting stal­ lion, Wtartaway, bydBanibiiu) Startle, full lirother to Majolmn. (2.15,) dam liv .Red Jim, 2d- .dam by Ti^lys Whip, 3rddam by Grey Ragle. ' \Vdll bo at the stable (if James AlcAlfllaw, .two ii'ilcK East o f Cedarville on Wednes­ day o f each week , • Mluoii IlrxTixo.Ai A most healthy Beverage RnnavAY’s S oda . Greatlv' icfrosliiiig ■ ' RlDOWAV’s CllRAM1’ liOSTPOTlA, Dried Apples, Peach -s, Apricot^ and Prunes at *. 'G rav ' Hard and Soft refined Sm lit: GA v ' Avcna, Oatmeal. • '• * ------ NO GARMENT SO SERVICEABLE New Stock and Very Low, Entirely -Stock. fnCjYench °Satteeas Select now .’ Q- 1,11 (1‘0 new weaves, vi/.: IXXOK, AltJtUHE, DHOPEl) V * W/I.VO ALMA, PON 1)E SOIE.SUItAH-GHOSGRINS, o i s t r i r t e s "w i l l .1b^ s o l d le i i 'g o ly . , A .IIV S S , S T R I P E S . . 3 ? L A . I I > S l 'T ,G H i f i e | j q - • In, Silk Wool and' all Wool- CASHMEES. Our all ool 39, in all color?, Come and see us. ' - \utch:ison&Gib'agy^ - - - Xenia, 0 . (backed, wheat- Graw-ulatcd i-'nrino, -Parr Horn T at Sul t .'l element. f sen- disap- - The following- from the Xenia Ga­ zette we reproduce with a groat deal (if pride and trust wo will not make the’ geuial editor of that paper a, false prophet, so tar as making the H euai . ii rt good paper is concerned:' ‘ “The Ce- - (larvill'e H erald of ^last Saturday comes to us printed very handsomely :rnd edited with care, Mr. Blair is going to give a good paper and should receive a gdnd patronage.” / At the grand rally of the first Bap­ tist church on .July 13 the committee \appointed to solicit aid for the repair \>i' their church reported as follows: Mrs. Winnie Cumberland 85,2d; Mrs. llaTriefc Hamilton 83,45; Mrs. Coleman Webster $5,00; Mis. James Cumberland 25 (‘cuts; Rev. I). ,M. ■Tfirner 85,00; Total 815,(15. 84(5,25 fourth. Again,•we would ■prove|>f it hmiugo we believe it to be at varlpnce with the,' proper develop­ ment j>f Christian character in the you»sT ■ ■ . , , * . ‘ Filtjn We also disapprove of it be­ cause r*ll evangelical ehurehes, while dillerint on many things, agree in eon demning dancing and have laws for- They want 8100 liefore commencing re- ]>airs. A clever swindle is being practiced in some sections bv means o f a double IV Karinos (iuAi You can ahvay^get just whatf yon want in the megt. line, both fr(>s|,aii(l *-ult, at.the hyveM prices, at ( ’.•:W,C)tor|iv's' . Anything in lire Ilardware.lme t,u bottom JficoH at .A xuuew &lino. -■ a ■ --i’ ■ Tolgfcos and Cigars tit (itiA^.'s. corn, canned tomatoes, cojstied peaches, canwed blackbqrrieSjj at W-1L Fish at ’G ua I ’ s / AU jiersons knowing, themselves j debted to nte Will please call Jimi [tie before September " 1st, and ,o| — J cj r.\ Ct>ND(i LAP DUSTERS. Lap Dusters and Fly Ne<«Va (|ttu- SELMA-. plete line and at .priens ^ s i i i t Titlie R. Cl. ( ’ nlVert who has been sick is ' times at ( ’. I a .CU ain ^ much better a\lbis .writing. | “THE Old) | Mrs 1. X.-Kitchen, who has been '^ '’^ Store of-C. A\/f,r.>n;,v may ’(.I- sick is much bettekbut is still eonlin- j 'Vl,-Vs lu’ ,'!UI1‘?Phn-e defi­ ed to her room'. ’ j ing out the hi^rnieat in the market, ... , , , " x . .'. . ,, i at the lowtyn'i'lccs. Vi .Miss Edith,\\alton, (if^iimtg \al- j t ... .. S ley, and JJzzie Owens, nf^Shcridmi. ail<^MoliiH*.es at. G ii . w ?. ^ Marion I 2‘ bars of 8oap tor 5 cents, 2,i(l ' tacks lord rents, at ' . W. R.M c M illan ’ s , return-' The llnest line of Clutiuois skin wc . |have ever shown OILS tg in e O i l R e a p a r O i l , ' M o w e r O i l , INI!OILS«ALKINDS. bidding R. .Sixth.')We finally disapprove of it because we believe it to_‘be contnirv to the toacliiiV npd spirit of God’s wordT la s to r , L a r d , -• i S p e rm , B l a c k a n d e u t r a i O i l s , a t R I E O W A Y - S P H A R M A C Y . Ind., are the guests of Min. Wildmaii, south of town. \v:ta paid bv members and others.; Miss Laura Gray, who hag heen vis- j itiug in Highland county, cd home MornlaV. / G i / «>1; t. Mks Hidalia Cubbinson, of Cam-;I R woway V Ft i Atm u v. bridge, ()., formerly teacher in ourt Cliec«c,.(’ rackerK a.ul.Giugm snaps It, (lit a y ’ s , ' Trunks and Valises at L." C hain '' h , ,-i Rev. W. .Shannon^ of Xenia, paj>er with nothing on it but a g°<*l! he(1 at the M,. Ik church last signature over which he wnR-s any HlimlaVmorllJngf to ft large afidience sort o f a note that he can most canly, ^ faV(,ritfe mi„ister among tui n into easli. j our people^and his coming is always Miss Anna Ghew, the ' ta’ entnl •appreciated, daughter o f Mr. J. P. CheW, editor! What is the matter qith Carthage? and proprietor o f the Xenia Gazette, j TJi(j Meeting at (*<)rtsviile iast ImsWnofTered the position ’ SuiujflV was WCHattended, W from Mructor in oratory at the Oxford Col- ^ w ro hcrc. lege, Oxford, Ohio, of which she is g. _ , „ , .. ^radtlAt., anil ha. ncceptcl the .nine. ,0111, Bn ,s ^ 1 oorncr, MiSsCliwIunilm lately r «<tated ” ,,,l * ha‘y l , c^- ‘ ," " 1 ‘ " “ c to tam th> >Swol o f oratory fit Bcatae, “ » • lhc ^ , , and liesides lieing thoroughly posted in { ^^,e Palvert Bros,have more wheat all pertaining to tfie science and nn.tkte i,<?nr than iR years liefore. itpt pilpil, isn most dinning voting! The nihlrCM nt the school house lady, 'ilie {ample of Oxford are to lie next Thnmlay cvening, given by Mil- rdiigmUihtted on such an acquisition ler Purvis, Kiate I/ccturer o f the to the College and their society.- Re* “ Farmers’ Allince.” This gentlemen nidJh.tu. comes in the ifterest o f the farmers. fountain pen, one end of which is fill* j schools is here on a visit to her sister, cd with good, suhsJantiid ink, the oth-| Mrs. I) W. Battin. t-r with ink that fades away in a dny| Jesse Tompson, was Called ’ to the or two. The sharper, writes his agree.-' bedside o f his . father, at Bardshaw, ,),a’ prices on t- ("ojitraet nr Viltalever particular iNeb., but nn-ivs d jm-t in {into to at-, ^*,v' Jay lie, may have t’hosen with the ink |tend the funeral. . ' j Highest market price paid for that fades, and his victim signs with! Miss Bertha Wildnmn, orOohimbmC wl,mi‘ !lt A ni ,,: kw & the other end o f the pen the ink that \ wTjS t{ie -guC8t 0f {ier parents Sunday. ^ood and Willow ware nt last*. In a few days he has a slip of j TJflv. qy sii:inll(in. f,f V e in . . - A full line of Spectacles at . IhmaVAv’s (Jail and see out* jtocket and fable ctlHlei v Cuqt'SE& BrLi/s Try the Xew' Coffee Scheme at W. R M c M illan ' s . Spectacles all styles and sizes at R ihoway ’ s I>eatlier and Cotton Fly Nets, horse covers ami slieats at rock bottom prices at ’ (i. L C hain ' s Snow Flake Hominy at W. R. M c M illan ’ s . * The finest lineof carriage Sponges over in town at R idoway ’ s P hahmaoy . *. , Spectacles at. R idoway ' s Honey at* . O iuy ' s Out* iftie o f took stoves are com* plete. ' Cnotrt*: & B oll ’ s . =, A cordial in\|itation is.extended tp you to examine jtfje elegant NEW STOCK not lie excelled D. M. STEWART & CO. We are earyinga full line of the AM > S E W I N G - M A C H I N E S whieh we will sell from ouroffiee tor less money than from the canvasser*. Come and examine machines and we will sav.e you money. s I). M. STEWART successor o f GEO. H. CRABB « * FAWCETT ! WVWWVVVVSA, Has. in stock a fine line,of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY and D I A M O N D S ! i The finest line ol Optical Good* In Greene County. A Sjmelalty made of Brazilian Pebble Hpechwlcs in Gold, Sliver end Steel trames. They confi-r a brilliancy ami ika - m of vlsloft, with an atnount of eaue ana comfort, seldom enjoyed by spectacle wearers. M iM N iii t \ i