The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 1-26

'•Vf THIS liE lH iiL cD . a s i . n d k u r n d k n t w e e k l y n e w s i ' a c e h . SATURDAY, AUGUST, 1 —?— 1891. Tho farmers are too busy to town. to come \ Car load of water melons a t Bull's, I Xenia Fair August 11, 12, 13, 14. IF . //. JiltA Illy Editor and Prop'r PRICE * 1 .2 0 PER ANNUM. Miss Margarette Hill, of Prospect, Ohio, is the guest of Miss Ada Cress- well. r ■ ' Mrs,. Mciutire has gone on an ex­ tended visit with her mother in Logan countv. ft * Mrs. Al. Haines, of Jamestown, ib tiie guest of her mother-in-law, Mrs Ihikestraw, this week. Miss Letta Small, of Springfield, is the guest of her grand-father, Mr, Daniel McMillan, this week. Miss Pearl Reasor, of London, is visiting herfriend Miss Mary Bradfute north of Cedarvilie, this week. blisses Aiiira McMillan, Mprgarette Hill; Stella Barber and Adn Creswell were in Springfield Wednesday sight Lawn teniris is the popular game ! among the young folks of Oetlar- ville. A new grand lodge of F. and A. Masons Was organized in Ohio this week. John MeElroy is now in the employ of McDill and Ervin as engi­ neer at the mill. All premiums paid in spot -cash at io Jamestown fair this year. .Re­ member the date. August 18, 19, 20 and 21. .1 I . 1.1 » - ■ I. Mrs. Chas. Ridgwuy and sister Miss iCizzie Ridgway. of Yellow Springe, spent yesterday afternoon in Cedar­ vilie the guests of friends,. Satterfield leave next Tuesday for IJr- >ana to attend the camp meeting which commences there Wednesday. teller’s window and presented io Sam Craig a $300 check,-with Mrs; 1L M. l .rohnson’s signature attached.:' Mrs. Miss Mary Currie, of Yellow Springs, and .Mrs. Hewitt, of Kanka­ kee are guest's of Sirs. James Mil burn. Dr.- D.. McDill, of Xenia, will preach ; «t ,Jhe Gospel - temperance . meeting'Sijhbath evening at the Opera Ilouse ut 4:30. .^.11 are invited to at- teiul. Mrs. Bhfle McMillan and Miss Effit- Stormont, who-Jjnvc spent the last three months with friends ii Mon mouth, 111., returned home Thursday evening. • V ! Mr. Henrv'Kvler, who lives one mile west of Clifton.'oil the Yellow Springs pike, while denning out his manger in'hi* stablo the other day, tound a lady’s gold, watch. Master WillityMyers, of Pleasant Hill, .Ohio,,who isvisiting with friend in Lumberton.-gotwUp in his sleep bit Saturday itight,'ati(l walked out of a secund story window, breaknig one arm at tbb wrist, and otherwise injur­ ing himself.' Held, in the habit c walking in his sleep, mid., his friends did not know it ordhey would not have left the window open. Harry Tavern, the Clifton butcher met with a peculiar accident on Mon day night. While lie .was cutting m.'at lie sawed the'end almost off li . finger. He tied it up very securely am) continued bis work. In -try to light his gasoline torch, lie spilled gasoliue on the rag until it was* satu rated, when it caught flrefund before lie could uu(ooit>n the rag his finger . was almost burned to a crisp. The pain was excruciating. The crowd who intend to go to If Ancient will in nil likelihood, take their departure on the morning of Au gust 10th and will remain one week i t will be composed of the elite of thp village, and the young ladies will be chaperoned by Mrs. Mack Bull •ant Mrs. Tlios. Tarbox. As there is no skeleton in the Herald closet, one. o: the party has agreed to supply the defiecncy by sending in the first one unearthed during the stay at that place. The trial of Rev. Yale, pastor „ tic Baptist ehurcfl at Jamestown occupied about two days before Police. Justice Clark, at that place this wee and resulted in his acquittal. The reverend gentleman was arrested on u .charge of criminal assault, sworn out by Mrs. Janies McCord and emi nat’d through spite, the McCord lazily having been dismissed from the Church n short time since and they were trying to obtain revenge. The decision gave universal satisfaction to all whohsard the trial, and they we e many as U was held in (he opera house and was literally packed from „ the time it comnu-i c^d until it fin* ibid. J . H. Dyar of Columbus was in Ce dnrville yesterday in the interest of the young fellow of medium height and !viucoln Republican League. There! smooth face appeared a t . the;;paying is a probability th rta ciub will be or­ ganized here. If you know of any news tell us . . „ ..... , , about it. That is the only way to1John8on 18 of <'llfton and a large stockholder in the First National. The check immediately caused Mr. Craig to suspect something wrong and be questioned the presenter as to who he Was and where from, Mr. Craig then turned his Jback to speak to meantime Make nrrangeuents to go to James- towU August 18, 19, 20 and 21 and attend the fair. J . Racer and 8. Davis of James­ town, called on two of Cedarville’s fair dajpsSis last Thursday. liite a curiosity is on exhibition at Gray’s grocery. It was a cluster of the Gregg black raspberries, and was taken there by A. O. Bridgman,^and is a this year's growth. The stem'is flat and is j»ossibly ahn lf inch wide*. The berries on the end of the stem, are in'n cluster or bunch, and alLare niatted ns closely as possible, while- a number of them have gr6wn together. At the top is a t least a half doi'ei berries knitted together in this 'man- Mrs. Rose Winans nnd Miss Edith ner PURIFY YOUR RLUUD. Mg « K A -T O N -K A , the greatest Blood Purifier, m t k m Liver Regulator and Tonlo ever known, iapro- im r \ pared 1n Nature’s Laboratory by Nature’s Chil- dien—the Warm Spring Indiana ofthe Pacific ■B"A Slope, among whom its preparation- has been B ■■ m » a sacred legacy from generation to generation 1 1 1 1 1 for unnumbered years. I t iapurely vegetable, mm m m and goes directly to th e seat of nine-tenths of I f 1 | the ills of humanity—the blood—and its won- H A * derful work of restoration begins with the first ■ dOBe, health and strength surely following. Hedooi not kttop It, Accept no anbMl bntft«tint*M»tid direct to the proprietori> Tlieflreioi IndianMedicineCompany.Carry, Pa, THE MUCH-DESIRED 10HG WRIST and PERFECT HIP EFFECT cm onlZbe prodaoed aaoc ess folly . Tuesday a t 12:30’ o’clock, Awhile Messrs. Phelps, Craig and Drispol, of the First National bank employees, where present at that institution, a iave a good local paper in your town and that every citizen should be in­ terested iu having. The members of the John A, Logan club iire requested to meet‘‘at'The Mayor’r office tonight at 8 oclock f o r l> f “ “ fie purpose of reorganizing. Iiopuln-: Cashier Phejps atiff in the icans not members are.aleo requested, the'rJiseal skipped -out the door and to be present. S ecretary , " Cedarvilie township must within the next two or three weeks, according.: down theialley. He was immediately j^Dmied by Mr, ■Craig-; and* .(Bcfeipi Kficlpsbut no trace could be found o f to the new ballot law, be divided into %m. -The signature was a very clever, two precincts, and the board of ,elec-: representation of Mrs. Johnson’s. tion for this county ask the opinion of the voters as to how it shall he di vided. I f any person has suggestions to mtike we will lie glad to allow you <pace lit the H erald next week. It has just been learded that Elmer Stinson and Miss Nellie Galvin, of Jamestown wers married some time iu Drcemlier last, and the amiourtee- ureiit this week came in the nature of a surprise. Miss Galvin who was clerking in Adam’s dry goods store made the news public Thursday by resigning her position and st^fiRy dicr reason tlierefoi. The young , sH 3 p le are popular iu Jamcstowu nnd their many friends will join us in wishing them many years of coanuhial bliss. A special from Spriugfield- says: stern faced, determined men of Har­ mony Township at the annual Clark County Sunday school picnic last Thursday, met and decided to take steps to capture George Nutlier, the colored would-be rapist, who assaujed and dragged Mis*Mary Slentz into a •SpririgfieldGazette. A. communication from Clifton to the Xenia Gazette speaks of an important enterprise no Jess than the building of an eiectric railway from Wilmington Clinton county, through Jamestown. Cedarvilie and Clifton, is engaging the attention and is being Obnsidered by some capitalists of . this part of the country. The ‘enterprise originated at Cedarvilie with Dr. Lowry and George Harper and I). S. Ervin. And these men me actively engaged working the matter up and are tilready ussiircrt of tIveTurpportinid ADJUSTABLE OVER THE H IP ASP w ill FIT ANY FORM instantly, giving P e rfe c t E ase and ____ Contour. They have D o u b le S eam s, which will n o t r i p | D o u b le Steel* a n il Donee, . which wlU n o t b r e a k . Mado- In throe lengths. Jfaan a n d S atteen . Any dry good*dealer In the U. 8. can supply yon. C anvasser* W a n te d . Send f o r Cnlalogue. 80 RTREE MFG. CO.. J^kcna Mirh U M M t UNACQUAINTEDWITHTHEOEOBRAPHt0FTHIICOUHTRTWIUOBTAgi MUCHVALUABLEINFORMATIONFROMARTVOVOFTHISMATOFTHE MiSs Gallway’s class gave a delight­ ful musical recital a t the home of Mr. and Mrs; WillSterfitt, on Xenia Av­ enue last evening, in the presence of about seventy-five of their »friends. The program was . rendered in .the raost satistactory manner. Mies.Gal­ loway’s musical talent is well known throughout the county, and her suc­ cess us a teacher has been ofthe best. t . . .The followimg wns the > PUOGHAJt. Medley Duet Roy and Echo Stcrritt. Piano Solo Jennie Morton. Heaven’s Messenger Mrs. James Andrews. Schubert's Mardi Gras, Duet, Blanche Ervin uud Jennie Morton. Convent Bells Ethel Fields. Vocal solo, /Marguerite, Mrs. Bev. Andrews. co-operation of capitalists of. Spring- field, Jamestown aiid other placcH. A meeting was held at Jamestown and one will be.held soon at each of the other points. They propose to utilize the great water power at (lif. ton aud Cedarvilie to run their dyn- amos. Dr. Lowry estmates that the truck will cost 82,000 per mile, for the forty miles. They expect to rent the rolling stock (passenger nnd freight dense thicket along a lonely road at cursj by paying so much per year, dusk a few days ago. Iudignution isJThis would certainly be a great lieii- Song without words Mabel McDill. Miss Amelia-Miller. Roy Sterritt. VocilSolo Waltz Farewell to the aim . Mrs. Bev. Andrews. Trio M'aWlilTvtiTTt^orge'BtLgleFand Eth­ el-Fields. Moonlight on the Hudson Jennie Morton. at a high pitch, and if Nuther should happen to appear in tiie community he would very likely soon afterward be dangling from the limb of’ a tree, John T. Norris will lie employed to run tho ruffian down. The decision of the meeting that afternoon wns an­ nounced to 3,000 people or. I is indic­ ative of the fact that Clarke county’s daughters must lwprotected. . Yesterday morning, Pearl, the ten year old son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Mosby, was badly injured about the f icoby a powder explosion. The boy's father was out in the country at work and his mother had barely started on her way to Xenia, when lie found n lot of powder, and wishing to have some fun poured u lot o f it in a pan nnd tlirewa live coal in to cause an explosion, but it failing to ignite the boygot down to blow on the coal, and while his face wts within lees than a footof the powder it went off, tearing the flesh, nnd injuring his eyesight. John Grindle who was near by, heard his cries and ran to his assistance, carrying him to Dr. J , M. Stewart who dressed bis wound* Upon exam­ i n e not wholly gone, Mid although marked for life ia not dangerously bu tt efit to this eastern part of .Geene eouuty, and especially to Clifton. Mr. Hugh Boyd died at his home on Saturday night, after an illness of some six weeks, with heart trouble. He was an old citizen and highly ts* teemed for his many good qualities of heart and mind. He wus born in South Carolina in 1830 and carne to this county when a small child where his parents located on tiie Boyd farm four miles out on the Jamestown pike from Cedarvilie. In 1852 he was married to Miss Margaret Jobe, sister of Messrs, John, Harvey aud G< F- Jobe, of near Xenia, who survive him with two children, Mr. Al. now of Philadelphia, and George, of Ced­ arvilie. Mr. Boyd was in the dry- goods business iu Cedurville lor some years, afterwards being in the grocery business in the grocery business in the same place. He was also post­ master of the village from I860 to 1868. The funeral services were held at his late residence Tuesday morning at 10’elock conducted by Rev. Bailey of Clifton, who officiated in the absence of Rev. Warwick of The following invitations hnvo been received by‘a number of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Bloss. Bird. 184-1 GO I.DEN , WEJ j D ING 1891 The children of M r . a n d M a s . B l o b s . B ir d CUrap,MIsM&McBf., The Direct Route to and from Chicago, Joliet, Ottawa, reoi-In, La Salle, Moline, Rock Wand, In ILLINOIS; Davenport; Muscatine, Ottumwa, Oskaloooa, Dea Moines, Wlnterset; Audubon, Harlan' .and Connell Bluffs, in IOWA ; Minneapolis and St. Paul, in MIN­ NESOTAr Watertown anil Sioux Falls, in DAKOTA; Cameron, St. Joseph and Kansas City,,ln MISSOURI;' Omaha, Lincoln. Fairbury and Nelson, In NERRASKA; Atchison, Leavenworth, Horton, Topeka, Hutchinson, Wichita, Belleville, Abilene, Dodge City, Caldwell, in KANSAS; Kingfisher, El Reno and Mlnco, In INDIAN TERRITORY; Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, io COLORADO. Traverses new areas of rich farming and grazing lands, affording the best facilities of Inter* communication,to all towns and cltlea east and west, northwest and southwest of Chicago and to Pacific and trona-oceaulc seaports. MAGNiriCENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS Leading a ll' competitors In Bplendor of equipment, between CHICAGO and DES MOINES, COUNCIL JILUFF8 and OMAIIA, and between. CHICAGO and DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS and TUERLO.-vla KANSAS CITY mid TOPEKA and via ST. JOSEPH. Flraf-Clnsa Day Coaches; FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS, and Palace Sleepers, with Dining Car- Service. Closeconnections at Denver and Calorndo.Springs with diverging railway lines, now forming the new and plcturcsqua STANDARD GAUGE TRANS-ROCKY MOUNTAIN ROUTE Over which superbly-equipped trains run 'dally THROUGH WITHOUT' CHANGE to and from Salt ’ Lake City. Ogdeu and San Frantlroo. THE ROOK ISLAND Is also Jhe Direct and Favorite Lino lo aud from Manltou, Pike's Peak anil all other sanitary and Boenlcrcsortaandcltlea and miningdistrictsIn Colorado, j d a il y f a s t e x p r e s s t r a in s From St. Joseph and nsa* City to and from all lm< portant towns, elites and sections In Southern Nghraska, Kansas and tho Indian- Tvrrlto^jt. Also via ALBERT LEA ROUTE fromKlUisns City tiud Chicago to Water- town, Sioux Falls. MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL, connections for nil points north and northwest between the lake*and the I’nclflo Coast. . For Tlcketa, Maps, Foldcro, or dealred Information apply to any Coupon Ticket Office In the United States or Canada, or address ____ ___ JOHN SEBA8TIArj% E. ST. JOHN, O ral Manager, Gcn’l Tkt, * Past. Act. CHICAGO, ILL. 1 ‘ lo iiu u n c e t l H ope lehb , . 1 « Saved . Ffom « letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd, of Groton, S. D., we quote: ■ *Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my lungs, cough set in and finally terminated in consumption, request the pleasure of your presence j Four doctors gave me up, saving I at the home of Robt. Bird | could live but a short time, i gave M onday . A ugust 10,, ’91, i myselF.up to my Saviour,determined- from 4 to 7 o’clock p. m. to celebrate! if I could not stay with inv friends the fiftieth marriage anniver- jon earth* I wonld meet my absent ‘ones above. My husband was nd- in m sary of their parents. No presents. Cedarvilie, Ohio. T ile , "T ile, v*. Wood. If you have wood to trade for tile Go to B« W. North up, Cedarvilie, Ohio. *. Fresh cakes and bread at the ba­ kery. , J acob S ei G i . er The Jamestown fair will be held this year August 18, 19, 20 and 2L* Mr. Riley- Little will preach a t the R. P . church tomorrow at 11 o'clock* inatioti it waft found that hk tight this place. He was assisted by tho ------- - mmjimAtm Jk i ,4 4 ' minister* of tho other churcho* ■of Cedarvilie. Tho interment waa at thoYonla cemetery. Our information of last week made us announce au error in last week’s H e r a l d iu regard to to the iudecision of the Elliot murder trial at Colum­ bus. It did not render adecision un­ til Tucsdap morning and the result was murder in the second degree in­ stead of tiie first. The penalty will be impoieonmenr for life in the pen­ itentiary. : F r u it C ams . Wo pro selling our own make 5of fruit cans at fifty'cents per dozen. - , Crouseand Bull. Rock Salt at ; Bull’s, vised to get Dr. King’s Now Discov­ ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave It a trial, took in all eight bottles; it lias cured me aml thank God I am now a well and hearty woman.” Trial bottles free at Ii. G. Rid ifway’s Drugstore, regu­ lar size, 00 cents and $1.00 4 GOOD L O O itS . Good looks aremore than skinbeep, depending upon a healthy condition of all the vital orgaiis. I f the liver he inactive you have a Billions Look, if the stomach be disordered you have a dyspeptic look aud if your "kidueys lie affectcb you lmvo a Pinciied Look, Secure good health and you will have good looks. Electric Bitters is the great alterative and tonic acts directly on these vital organs. Cures pimples blotches, boils and gives r good com­ plexion.- Sold at B. G- RidgwayV Drugstore, 50c per bottle. 4 Buck lcu ’s ArntC't Halve. The beat salvo in the world tor euls, bruises, sores, ulcers, suit rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped himaa, .chi'bhdns, com*and all skin eruptions,and positive ly cures piles, or no pay required. Ii w unsranteed (ogive perfect eilishictio . or money ref 11 titled, price 25 ru-inwa box, For sale by B G. Rhigaway’s The best fair in the stat' is at Jamet- town.