The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

vW* OCTOBER! OCTOBER W m «<FALL AND WINTER PURCHASES h* Whjlt our stock is completewith, bargains. Our stock was never more complete! Our prices never lower! You ire invited to call and examine goods and prices for yourself. is- TtfK APBON SALE. AH IKOKl-KNOKNT WBI3KI.Y HKW0FAPJ3H. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, #1. '| ma, was destroyed by lire Tuesday. Loss§ 2 , 000 . __________ j Next wteek, commencing Ed. jDean eiUeritiined a number of; J^ov, 2d , ViQ 1Will m a k e a [his school friends at the home of his* clieap sale of HOLIDAY IV, II, III,A IK , Editor and Prop'r puica: * (.25 PER ANNUM. t'»m iv s Gvestd. CEDAKVHJA; OPERA. 110 U 8 E. L*U»1 Nor 12. KtrA«»* Bee i. Mr*bMtrADainty, Deo 8, / R at A A Willetts, Deo 31 . D jk I iw , Concert, Jan 8. <fc»K **rrie. B B, Feb IS. parents, last night. A PR O N S . T h e s e g o od s w ere Will iiifi, who is working iu Alex-, Bought and made up ex andria, Indiana, came home to cast his preSyJy for f1I]eHoliday pre- ballot*for McKinley. L J _ •> Mr. and Mrs. Mills, of Springfield, were guests of their daughter, Mrs. J. u H. Wolford, one day this week W asted ,—Any one takeTelegraphyand not up a line, address Box ville, O. C L O T H I P S J G b ! For all, at Prices far below Competition, Look, sents, and we haveour open- Men’s Suits nt.^3 75. Worth J6 j OO. . intr on them the • coininii Meti s Suits at v5,00, Worth $8.00, The styles coyer an Men’s Suits at $8.00, Worth 12.00. — endless variety of NEW] r Boy’s Suits from ^1 Fp« rn wishing to t h i a n d t lie p r ic e8 range)Men’ K ip Boots at S2, worth $2.75, from 23e each up to §4.00! Men’s Gram Boots at *2.90, Worth **400. Cedar-* , *- . -------- --------- E very th ing m proportion, . Call and g e t pr ices to Compare with other places before buying. each. At the low price we w vt .*• t -*,i r T , Ihave hundreds of styles and Miss Bottie Little, of near James-! - J town, entertained a number of hci the best values ever offered Horner Wade will clerk for J. C\ {young frieuds from that town and j in a c h e a p ap ron O n e m a in Tarfeer. Mrs. George Harper visited in Lon­ don this week. Mrs. Frank J inkingvisited inJames­ town last week. l*et»Hhrodc’s friends surprised him on Ins birthday this week, Lecture course tickets now on sale at Stormont & Co. Mri>, Jusnes Barr is visiting friends in Xenia, this week. Have (latch, of Xenia, to make yon pome new photographs. Little Bob Ford had his nrm dislo­ cated while at ploy Thursdayevening. Joseph Evans uud wife, of West Va., are guests of J. C. Deck and wife. Will Mawimli and ~Ed. Turnbull attended the London stock sales this week. Mrs. W. Q. Shannon, of Xenia, b the gue-t of her daughter, Mrs. Will Mitchell. Ccdarville, Thursday evenin tiomcone has said, “A h mie with.* out hooks is like a house without win­ dows.” Ho is a home without photo­ graphs taken hy (latch, of Xenia. Mrs. Himeon Warner, of near,Selma, hut well known here, died at her home Tuesday afternoon and was buried in the Quaker cemetery, near there, Thursday. - . Friday of last week was the fortieth | ,,,a,Ti:,;K , u m i v , „ f Mr. M - n - f , s h o w n J. D. George, at d a number of tlieir v / ,,, , T, t__ iA friends gave theni quite a pleasant surprise. About fifty persons were present. W anted —Ladies to know that I am keeping a nice line of trimmed Hats aud Bonnets which I am selling at the very lowest prices. Jru.v C ondon , Talmnge Baldridge went to Yellow Springs, Thursday evening, to see the Drummer ltoy of Hhiloh. He didn't go alone, hut diligent enquiry has so far failed to reveal 1Is company. Ed. Van Horn is visitingInsdaugh- Ilev. and Mrs. Hproul were married ter, Mrs. Tom Carlisle, of Yellow Ijust twenty years ago last evening and feature in all is tlie gener oils size. In the line goods a good many are imported Swiss aprons, and the pret tiest styles ever shown. It will pay you to i*ee these goods whether wishing to buy or not. S pecial .— We .show this year, for the first time, the largest and best Hncpfgoods in Xenia, Wash, Embroid cry and Knitting Siilcs of a 1 kinds; Embroidery and Stamped goods, Flush and Lace Tops lbr Cushions, and for Holidays vve will show a handsome line of fancy Bas­ kets, trimmed and untrim- mod, of a’l kinds JOBE BROS, & CO. Npri’ig*. Mm, llnppui. and daughter, of Xenia, are guests of Mr, and Mrs. James Winter. A numW from Iwr- ; ?Jf iyh .1 the ..Epworih Liigiierimvvntiou atHpring-t M d , thi# week. Th« W. C. T. will'meet at the roiikmvof U. H. Ervin next Thura* **y afternoon. ' Mr. and Mn. j. II. McMillan en­ tertained a number of friend* at dm* as a remimler of this important event about lifty of theirfriends called on them last night, giving them, a very plesant supprise* Preaching at the Methodist church to-morrow morning upon “Knthtisb ;asm in Christian Work.” Missionary concert, consisting of readings, songs and recitations, at 0:30 o’clock in the evening. Quarterly meeting in one meek. Miss Nettie Little died at the home of her sbter, Sim. J. R. Orr, Wc-due day aftermion, of consumption, after an Hines of over two years. Miss Lit tie wra bora in this vicinity and her death will bring sorrow to many friends. Two sisters and two brothers survive her. The funeralserviceswere held at the residence of Mr. Orr, yes­ terday afternoon at one o’clock, after which lli©body *\vas interred in the Tarhos cemetery. The Library Afc- I'-iafrou met iu the Opera House ’lbun-day evening and O p e r a H o u s e B l o c k , Y e t Jas. H. McMillan has sold out bis jPronounced Hopeless, business in Knoxville, Tennessee, qndj Saved , lias purchased Mr. Drake’s interest in | From a letter written by Mrs. Ada tlie undertaking establishment ofiE. Hurd, of Groton, S, D., wequote: Drake &Bradfute, of Yellow Springs. The firm will hereafter be known as Bradfute & McMillan. John Grfudlc has a chain placed in front of the postoftice for persons to hitch before going iu after mail, and now wishes to inform the people that hereafter any person leaving tlieir horses standing unhitched will he ar­ rested and taken before the mayor. One of the most successful etiie-- taiuments ever given hy the Y. M. 0 . course here was that of lust even­ ing, when Mr. Leland T. Powers, of Boston, gave Ins wonderfully line ren­ dition of the play of David Garrick, Mr. Powers was immediately re­ engaged for lie::l reason,-“Chicago Inter-Ocean. Weather report for October, 1801, as compared with 1389 and 1891. Compiled by Ham’I Creswcll. t m . i m Temp. Clear days, Cloudy days, Rainey days, Ilatest days, 53° :>3C 1891. 94° I f 12 4 63° 13th, “Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my lungs, cough set in and finally terminated in consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a Bhort time, I gave myself up to my Saviour, determined if I could not stay with my friends ou earth I would meet my absent ones above. My husband wasadvised to get Dr. King’s New Discovery for. Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took iu all eight bottles; it has cured me and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman.” Trial bottles free at B. G, Ridgway’s Drug Hiovc, Regular size, 50 cents and 81.00. 4 All kiuds o f beating stoves, in boss- burners and common heaters, for hard au>1 soft coal and wood, can be found at (hon-v ifc iiuli’g. N o tic e to ILtinier*. The tmdersigued give.': notice-tbs. ino hunting will b:\.allowed on thru jjiRjaiu in (Ydai ville and Ross town* 9 Givene County, Ohio, under jpenalty of the law. Everybody guesses on the mult of elected the following olfners for the elections, and while some manage to!ensuing year: Rev.HpronI, Preddeni; hit themarkvery ibw ly other gw.*** ‘ ....” u : T 1 aw lliuraday evening. Cants ara out announcing tlie wetl*Iresemble the nnti)HHles *o lkr as their o f Gordon ( '..flisH ?o Miw Mary* relative position to the right fig Rife, next Thursday evening at five ures is concerned. Foi instance, there is a numlicr of guesses ou file at Andrew Bn*. A Co.’s Htorc wliieli show that Will Gillatigh expcctcil CampljeH’s election by 3,WtO plurality, while T. B. AndrewexjH04ad McKinley tore** wive t t , m plurality; R, F. Kerr, Wade Cwriiiaf, a former ctUaeti off5,1*00; J . If. Andrew, a.fssi; H. H. It h no* fix*early in the erason to haveyourphotograph taken lorChrist* maa at Catch's Gallerv, Xenia, 43 E. MMaHt. tW» f k m u 4 teacher ia oar public ‘M d h lk t, 12,000; John (irimlle hy ^ ^ “ * ' * - ■ - Tj*0.006, a .......................... I « N M p i ww ia CedarvMe the tint ef , . nd John Crwae by 22,000. ■hakhig haode wkb aldlSel atty goad —— ------ Mack Bull, Vice President; Miss Lulu Barkr, Hteretary; Mrs. David Brad­ fute* Treasurer; Mi* Jennie Bratton, Librarian; Miss Lillie Stewart, Librarian; Messrs'* Kobt. Cray, J, II Wolford, Will Kyle, Mrs. Cbarit s Crouse and Mrs. Jno. Williamson, Board of Directors, A cummittee woe appointed to draft a constitution andbydaws governing the association, whidh will report at a meeting of the ■mneiatlmi h^d ia the library mom next IV fii| eveaiag. All tkkht la he premat at if-. Coldrat “ 24, 40° 30tb. S«c No. of Frosts, 10 ft ^Spanish Onions nt McCorkloY, Jersey Sweet Potatoes at , MeC»rMe> Btandard Tubular Lnnftsnsnt MtC.iklo’p Oysters, at . Bull’s. Bananas, at Bulls. Old Dutch Java Cottlle, at Ball's. Loaded Shells, Powder, Hliot, Cun i Caps and (inn Wads, at Bnhs. Buy Shaker Boap* at BullV. v m m MAl.Kor KKKT. The BUT h o M a d near M. E, <liarch, CedarviBe. For pardealm ouM on Wa. IM admlaetiaiar af ar It'co Cliaiubcrt*. "A. C. Kylo. C. K. ('iitiloy* A. M. Touikinson. Mathew Wilson. T. W. St, Jjlm. It, SI. Cooler. H. A. Towiisley. C. H. Rice. J. II. U ilson. M. T. Wilson. Halt ie , i . iiai>. ai: i nil kinds of larn.-s Min-Iri. atJuims *’we- y’s If y»»u \w.iit t > m . c nobby has call at J. E. LovvryV. „ Nobby I at ai,dtri|'.-. in all style! jtt- t received nt St-noMai a::d (Vs. Hupyour wlnt.r i**:.; of Sicroc-ut andCo R dies andblanket*, the beet grades at bankrupt prices ct | Hiorntont andCo. 5a Horm blanket*, wolf mbrr, ale,, atAndrew Im tC o . Hold end Soft reHn«A defer* at • •A t V. *: t.