The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

'n?'- ^srramgraea^.'t~n.rp T f f E AH litPKPKNDKHT WKKKtV H 8 WSPAI’JtK. S A TU R D A Y , NOVEMBER 28, ’91. W, H. BLA IR , Editor andProper I PRICE S 1.20 PER ANNUM. Urn Lower California is a land o f curi­ ous things. A Mountain o f sulphur, two streams ot lime water, milky white, and a lake o f ink have been discovered there lately. .On her (engagement night died Clara Holloway o f Philadelphia. She was playing a game o f cards when the summons came. An autopsy disclosed the fact that her untimely demise was due to tight lacing. W. W . Smith, an aged citizen o f Solano county, Cab, has been sued for broach o f promise by Nettie Belluh o f Atlanta, Ga. The outlook is that Smith will have to part with con­ siderable money, for he was a volum­ inous correspondent, and the plaintiff has taken good care o f his missives. Letter paper is a trap into which many a lover and politician has fallen. Emile Brunckhoret o f Cincinnati had a tenacious vitality. He walked around all day with a bullet m his brain. A t the hospital lie. told the Doctor to take the bullet out as lie wanted to keep it as a relic. He said that whenever he had another suici­ dal impulse he would look at the bul­ let and that would help him resist it. But Emile had already had his last sucidal impulse. woodchopper o f A N D R E W J A C K S O N SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP CO. -DEALER IN - A N E W , S T O C K O F A New Jersey man is not only a bigamist, but a hexagamist. H e has been arrested for baying six wives. A Vermont man baa just married his third wife, A ll three o f the women have been named Maryland all three eermoniea have been performed in the same room by the same clergy­ man. . . Edward Touhey o f New York city is greatly vexed. He has reason to be. Cecilia Lloyd has gone without letting hjm know that she was going. She promised to marry him so soon as they could save up enough money to go to housekeeping;* for several months he lias turned Over to her keeping five hard earned dollars weekly. He now learns that she has taken the train for Massachusetts where she is to marry another man. James Dutton, a Killingworth, Conn,, was eating din­ ner under a tree. He wore .a coon skin cap. Earnest Wilcox, a short, sighted hunter, saw the cap and the peculiar motion given it by the work­ ing o f its owner’s jaws, . H e jumped at the conclusion that hie hrst chance to shoot a real, live coon had come, and blazed away. "Fortunately the shot had quite a little distance to traverse before reaching Mr. Dutton’s head, and Only four o f them plowed up his scalp; but he was almost scared to death. Ho immediately quit work aud bought a black felt hat, which he will hereafter wear in the woods. A Sundown (N . H .) woodchopper, feel­ ing a stinging in bis wrist, discovered thereon a flattened piece o f lead, un­ doubtedly a rifle bullet which had sh ucked his ax, and thence glanced to hie wrist. SIDING, FINISHING, FLOORING. SASH, DOORS BUNDS. SCREEN DOORS ; 11 A large stock, A ll size, Ready for hanging, at low prices. Estimates furnished on application, for anything in the line of Lumber. C A L L A N D S E E F O R ; Y O U ! S C I . V E S . a 3 1861 1891 / l li S p f v. j Ift /1 'Z sm AVrseys ’ 8 lZ e *> $ 1 2 R * * * * * * — ,g° *0 $35. — I Bop and C!iiten’s ClGlMnj. _ SUITS In this line we show a very hand­ some assortment. Boys’ Long I’ants Suita, and Overcoats Horn t l to SIS A new line of the natty. three-piece, D-rby Suita (shirt pant*) 10 to 16 yean, 17 to S16. Stylish Jersey Saits for four-year-olds and upwards •2 50 to ts Short Pants Suita sa low as St 25 Knee Pants a* low as 25 cents. Hats, Underwear and Furnlihlnyti In an endless variety. Cu taways b cw * ’ ’ •>» ¥ r „ „ M , » U^ irc B o o b le » » • ” ly.u, v ■>“ » “ „**• i l or- B r c s , p tlcc8 o u a (to* Is a matter purely between you and us. We pay tribute to nothing for our success, save your apprecia tion and our own perseverance. The Immense stock of Suits and Overcoats that flits our large store, was made for you—personally, and worth fills every cent you pay ns. Who oueht to be able to clothe you best ? We vrbo have t»en serving yoa for 30 years, or some one who does not know you, end whose only interest lies in bow much profit,they can make. Our line ot Suits and Overcoats ibis season is one-third Isrgsr, and much finer than we have ever before shown. From the people cornea our praise—the home folks hers, who are now and will be again, arrayed in ours, the finest clothing made on earth, The lowest grade wa advertise is t5. We have obeepar ones. We put the most money 15 can buy Into It. That -is why it Is better than any one else sells. A t 17,110,116,120 and upward, you will find with every increase in price—worth takas a long stride. See every grade, We are from 18 to ffi under any one. Why, do you ask ‘i Because we pay no rent, buy for cash and every time a pinched manufacturer has to unload n bar­ gain, we get a slice of it. A. R.CRANDALL &CO 60 AND 52 EAST MA INSTXEN IA , OHIO. ''Mwvtaiwa.'-wfw nY bt■ Arm p b i o ; rjovensij' * llsUU ft H- R. P* <]} puscor- h ,schorl a.1 » M,B* r tor. P»"il Yom'U 1‘ iim'yoc >!) 7:00. TJ.P. <■' pastor. *" Sahlia ■ A V , 1’ pastor- 7:<iu I* ms a. in.? Vhil . Baptist pastor. 11a, m.Hii 2:00 o’clu liesda.v . ,An Enrt One n •of this stroyH in UUh comber . o f cons’ Fchrvin llftcen •xner IV n e x t i\ feet. ’ snyia th uurro.i ■of iva which drown< wre: b o lte r * * ■ m y g 1 ' ► I rat I h o 1 ’ h o ■ft l 1 b v I Tit I* . 1 h i e 1 lv f. ■ 111 I tU I ■ . St . t U