The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

■*#> . -A' A J R .E 3 Y O U O N M ONE W H AT ? 4 0 N E ' * 0F * T H E $ N U M B E R S • .• . • . . . •■•...> ’ - ■ . ' ' . ’■ ^ ■ ■ . . . .• ' ' ' ' ' ' . . Who are all day thronging our, store, and receiving the best bargains ever offered in Winter Goods. Blankets, Comforts, Flannel, Robes, Heavy Boots, Rubber goods etc. , I f you are not one, join the crowd, and vre will guarantee to save your money’ THE AS IN0KI*KNJ»I4ST WKBUl.Y NKW9I*AI*HB. SATURDAY , DECEMBER 5, ’91. IF, JI. BLA IR , Editor and Prop’ r Congress convenes Monday Mrs. Mattie Tarbox is very sick. *PRICE S 1.25 PERANNUM. C om in g G v e n ls . CEDARVILLE OrERA HOUSE. MrsLtiuru Dainty, Dw5< , .Roy A A )VilloUa, Deo 81. Swedish Ladies, Concert, Jan 12. OeoK Morris, D I), Fob J8. Dainty. . To-night. Everybody should go. Gill Morton was in Cincinnati this week. . ■ K .'S . Bull is Indiana. visiting his sous in Mrs. Mack Bull spent a few days this week in Jamestown, the guest o f her parents. ' Hiff, who year Borq to Mr, and Mrs, Tuch Deck, an last Sobbath, a son., I have for Sale a lieatirig stove ns good as hew, Inquire at the Bakery, Mrs. W. M. Barber entertained a number o f her friends at dinner, yes- jterday. I Rev. Joseph Kyle, o f Allegheny j City, was the guest o f relatives here this week. The quarterly meeting o f the Greeue county W. C. T . TJ*will be held in Yellow Springs, next Thursday. Mrs. Wolford was Called to Spring, field this week, by the death o f her brother-in-law, Robt. E. Remsberg. W e have a band here. Some terra it a “ baud o f hope" as it is expected that iu the near future they, will be able to furnish melodious music tor church festivals, etc. They meet to practice in the room over McOurkell’s grocery. The boys are progressing rapidly and can ulreudy play several pieces well enough to please the com­ mon everyday lover o f music. call Robt. Gray was visiting his mother in Covington, this week. V D o not forget Miss Dainty to-night. She will give a good entertainment, James Andrew has been confined to the house this \icek by sickness. The restraint does not suit Jim. ' Mrs. Flora Haret«,Nee has been in Oregon for the fast is yisiting in Cedarville. The scarlet fever*patients are. all getting well. The disease is now un­ der control and school will be resumed again Monday. ' Miss Minnie' Owens, one of the teachers in our public' schools, lias been dangerously ill the past week, but is recovering Blowly. Wm , H . Creswell and family ar­ rived home on Thursday morning from Olatlin, Kansas, after a six week s vis-' it to Mrs. Crcswell’s parents. W ill Conley had a severe “ son” stroke lost Saturday morning, •but ns this is the first attack it is natural to suppose W ill will recover. . See the holiday adds iu this issue of the Herald. Fred Shell, the Xenia Jeweler, Slessinger o f the Fair, and B. G , Ridgway, our papular druggist, all say something o f interest. Mrs, Belle McMiliait has moved to Yellow Springs to keep house for her sou James H ., who has recently gone iuto the Furniture and Undertaking business at that place, A .. ■- u 11r ' ' 2.U - 3 Mrs. Robert Crawford o f near X en ­ ia, died suddenly last Monday, o f heart failure. She Was sick only about twohours. The deceasedwas a ^fle, 'aud V aa loved'and ' will sutler ofMrs, Wm. Kyle, ofuearCed* - - arville. • - • A house on Dr. Sniders farm oc­ cupied by a family by the name o f Wade |tM dynamited Thursday eve­ ning about 0 o'clock by unknown persons. N o material damage was done although the shook was4 severe oneand was felt here in Cedarville. It k said the neighborhood did no1 iibr theircompany* They moved iterday. ' Link Jeffries had a close yesterday morning. H e was ut work at Ervin’s lime kilns, and was assist­ ing Mr. Ervin to mend a belt, when his coat caught in a shaft and he was hurled over once when Mr. Ervin caught him and held him until his clothes was tom from ”him. <It was fortunate for him that his clothing was not strong else the accident would have cost, him As it is he Was able to walk home without assist­ ance, and although severely bruised will soon be able to be about. A t the business meeting o f the Ep- wortli League on last Saturday night the following officers were elected ,for the ensuing year: Pres. Alonza Stret­ cher; Sec. Etta Creswell; Treas. Clar­ ence Northup. The weather report for November. Compiled by Samuel Creswell, 1889 1890 1891 Temperature 42° 47° 41° Clear days 12 12 8 Cloudy days 11 12 13 Rainy days 8 .6 8 Snows 2 0 3 Coldest 30th 23° 26th 33° 18th 20° Warmest 2nd 65° 1 7 * 6 7 ° 9 * 6 8 ° H O L I D A Y O F F E R J f ■*? IF i l l €wive Cedarville is in luck this season so far as good entertainments go. The lecture course has secured the best ’ o f talent and now comes the New York Symphony club, the best concert company now ou the road, who hav­ ing a “ short date" between Cincin­ nati and Columbus on the 18th, hat/e consented to stop here and give a concert. ■ ■ • . ■ Last week it was merely a surmise, but this time we are assured that it is a fact that Mr. IL G. Ridgway and Miss Jennie Warner were married in Columbus, Thanksgiving evening. The happy event occurred at 5 o’clock at the residence o f W , C. Brown, a member o f the firm o f Orr, Brawn & Price, Rev. Patt o f the First Baptist church, tying the nuptial knot. Miss Eatella Turnbull and Daniel Me* Elroy, wore fhe ouly friends present outside the immedsate family o f Mr. Brown, The friends o f the happy 2 0 P E R C E N T O F F On Everything until J M V . J b : ’ For Cash. In Clothing, Boots, and Shoes etc. Halfsoling done to order, for 50 cents. Yours Truly, J. F. Lowry. M o n t h l y R e p o r t o f o u r N c I ioo I m . u I ti; e'icseiso • **• { »» ^ i si . : .,» - ..-- 2 .^ 1 m <*•#o o -y* ®®o ® ® t x ..'*V» o o ® •O f C4 » f r* 1 *«-* 11" f : aOOCdt^OCOOHOi « •fH O* _ „ j ** ***** “® "e>®I** X 0*0 O ® ei -t t* i il Mrs. Diantha Ustick, o f Springfield, daughter o f Dr. J . M. Stewart mid wife o f this place, was buried iu the Tarbox cemetery, Tuesday afternoon. . . . . . The funeral, services took place at thejccuple unite in wishing them a joyous residence o f the deceased’s parents, future and was conducted by Rev. Morton, assisted by Revs. Waruock and Tufts, Mrs. Ustick has been an invalid for years but had been in better health than usual'and ou Thanksgiving gave a family dinner at her home in Spring, but on Friday took sick and died early Sabbath, morning. Tlio deceased was the eldest child o f Dr. and Mrs. Stew­ art, add was horn here in 1849. In 1870 she was united iu marriage with Mr, Jack Uetick, then o f this place, aud lived here for about six years when they moved to Springfield. Mrs. Ustick has since her early childhood been known to the citizens o f Cedar- be mourned by all. She was a member o f the It. P< church at this place and lived a life consistent with her profes­ sion as a follower o f Christ. Besides her sorrowing husband, four children, Messrs Earl and Bert, Miss Nellie and Master Woodhridge, all at home, her parents, two Bisters, and two brothers, all o f Cedarville, survive her. The fiunily have the sympathy o f many friends in this, their hour o f bereave­ ment, South Charleston Unions. Reports were also received from superintend- ante o f Fair work, Scientific temper­ ance instructions aud Franchise. Miss 8. T . Shank gave a parliamen­ tary drill, M ibs , Mary T . .Wildraan read a paper ou “ God’s Home and Native Land.” Mrs. Holmes read on Deinorcd contests, and Mrs Hemphill gave nil account o f the State conven­ tion, Mrs R. R Thompson, Mrs. Mary T . Wildman and Mrs. E . A . Gurlough,committee on resolutions re­ pooled the following which were unanimously adopted. Whereas our organisation has been intrusted with a great workj and lias received from the master the command to go for­ ward in his name, - ' Resolved 1. that the time has fully conic when the W . C. T . U. should give its uueguivocnl sympathy and support to the prohibition party as now existing in politits. 2 That we demand the ballot for women and will do all in our power CIi a n g o o f S c h e d u le o fP aM H cii- g e r 'fr a iiiK o n t h e P e n n e y 1- . v n n ln L in e s , A change in the schedule' o f pas­ senger trains on the Pennsylvania Lines, went into effect Sunday, Nov. 15. Under the newschedule the time o f trains at Cedarville is' as follows: Depart for the West at 4.10 a. m., 10:14 a. m., 5;10/p. ni. Depart for the East at 7:50, a . m , 4:20 p. m. The corrected Officiid Time Card will be g jflkn n the next issue o f this puper. t p • • W . It. T orrence , . < Agent. F i m - P l t t j i n g C a r d * . . Send ten (10) conta in stnropB or coin to John Sebastian, GenT- Tkt., and Pass. Ag't C hicago , R ock J*. land & P acific itv ., Chicago, III., for a pack of the latest, smoothest, slickest playing cards you ever saw. Just the thing for High Five parties. For a 50c. postal note will send von live packs. 4t to secure school suffrage for them | during the coining winter. ! P r o n o u n c e d H o p e l e s s , . Y e t 3 We will do all in our power to J S a v e d , secure the reading o f th e -B ib le in j From a letter written, by Mrs* Ada public schools and other institutions |E. H ind, o f Groton, 8. D ., we quoit: : § £ » ! » £ ‘ ! I * * ? • < I s' ' * ml S feat's f e p i w s s CLARK Cm,t W .C\ T . t , The Clark county Union met in Selma, Satturday, November 28th. Report* were received from, spring­ field, Enon, Pleasant Grove anl o f learning. 4 W e will cooperate with the state in the enforcement o f the scientific temperance law. 5 W e demand that in reformatory aud state institutions women be under the supervision o f their own sex, and that women paupers and criminals be sheltered in buildings entirely' separ­ ate from men. 6 W e urge our women to snerense dilligeuec in their efforts to discounten­ ance the use o f tobacco and other nar­ cotics. Coal Vases at C rouse A B ull ' s , “ Was taken with a bad cold, n hick settled on my lungs, cough.set in and finally terminated in consumption. Four doctors gave hie up, saying I could live but a short time, I gave myself up to my Saviour, determined i f t could not stay with my friends on earth I would meet niy absent ones above. M y husband was advised to get Dr, King's New Discovery for Consunkition, Goughs aud Colds. I gave itJf trial, took in all eight bottles; it has’eared me and thank God I nni now a well fend hearty woman,” Tiial bottles frae at B . G . Ridgway’s Drug Store, Regular size, 50 cents and *1.00. . 4 House to Rent—Inquire ofS. K. Mitchell. Bring your lard cans to my store at ofece and have them filled with purs ftah lard. C, W. Grouse W .> F , T B A D F K Attorney At Law. NO. 9 BAST MAIN STREET, OP poems c o u r t h o u se . VOL. 12 Thosi Us.wej displ: tile e: (no r Colorl b o f e g ] Ever ex| select froi THE ANINDKPKNDUl SATURDAY W. IL BL . t PRICE The New I Opera hou6o| II . M. St Elroy were i| Bliss Hot) couple o f w l R. D. W j ed eight he ed sheep. Misses visited re( last week, Miss AdJ days in Ja her cousinJ Caleb N| bunch o f ! sisters,the] was 314 D. A. a former < l>een spec friends he terday. Marria| aud Cleni and JcuiJ and Flo Parker: The N . Bart ed last o f their I vicinity I About f Att cle$ o’clock.! T fc ftl The: we hav Milbu* d a y 5 town, load fo Buj A