The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

I K T t . ,! O L ID A Y GOODS ■jf1v? T ie Most iU seful A rticles can be found In Stock For For Al^j 30 m g Them Convinces You W e .Know WhatWe Are Saying. Call A t Once. i • m K . t r s a ^ A i x D . SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, '01. tV. /f. B LA Illy Editor and Prop’r - ’*■ !- ‘<r „ J . E. Lowry • wants it distinctly •understood that -he is in no way re­ sponsible ior the article that peared in the Commercial-Gazette of IThursday irom this place. Such an article does more damage to a town than canbe p a i r e d - in -years, Thpre • PR IOK € om l» a 'E v e ittf. % CBDARVfLL$ 9JPKHA HOXJSE, New VcirkBy CluB, Deo. IS ;- . Rev A A WUl#tl*f l)w»l „ . riw**i«bL*diei, Comiett, Jan j?: » Getf* 1>» , f*i> 19. - Mrs;' Salinda Milburn who h it been seriously ill, we are glad to s a y »ak>w* ly improving. ' Will Tarbox and w i# entertained about twenty-five invited Quests:,to dinner Thursday. Misses Laura and* Hattie Martin, of Ripley, Ohio, are' guests of Mbs Emnm BJnir this week . 1 Miss Auua, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Alex Turnbull, entertained a number of fiight. her school friends last They having implicit codfidencc .in Mrs George and believing her to be a ftP* Christian lady allowed him that privilege, and the following Monday he told them he had concluded to marry her tmd. that the next 'day. 'The next day, however, Mrs.- George We have all w» can do to take care of the present'without falling up past, offenses. We are glad Mr. JU*wrv- can clear; mmgelf.-r ' - > 1 > The next entertainment ° f lecture course will be Willetts in lfia famous lecture .“ Sunshine, or the secret of a lmppy Life. Thuisdajf- eveuniug December 31st. Reserved seats a t Stormont & Go; Plat open* ed next Mondaymorning at 10 o'clock*; Newton ToWpsley was years old yesterday, ' Hb had foigoUeii, hafs ing passed so "mahy,. th a th e d ta d reached another mile-post in his journey through life, but his children had a better memory, and wlieu lie came.home to dinner be found them all present and that they had^totight with them an .elegant dinner aiid were .prepared to celebrate, in afit- Jarnes C 'utry,a former citizen'of-ting* manner, m important an oo­ tids pinch and the inventor of the flake hominy, was in Ceijnryille yes­ terday. ■ . .. ,■ Ed Turnbull and wife-entertained bis young married friends a t tea Thursday evening. About fo^ty were present. ; Dr. Oglesbee has' heard Willetts lectures ' ‘Sunshine’* and soys he is wiling to pay the price of a season ticket to hear the single lecture. Bob Bird has been taking extra pains this year to make his holiday display, attractive. In front he has riti toys arranged, while his candies lie shows ill a showcase in a way that the children can not fail to see. Dick Nesbct secured an appoint­ ment in the mail service with a run lietweeu Pittsburg and Cincinnati, but was’ offered a good job outlie Anderson, Indiana,, Bulletin, and will stay there. t ' ' Wm. Reed, of Clifton, died at his home last Monday at 12 o’clock, after a lingering illness. He was a mem* ber of the IT. P. ehilrfch at that place, and the funeral services.were con­ ducted by Ret. Tofts, of this plju:^ Wednesday,' Hogs instead of cheep, seeth to be what the dogsare taking out their spite on now. dim Hill lost four one night last week, aud otlier uwrtf** have,been complaining *houfppfqniOg& as daa|kt 9 iiC r ls , J . H . Miibttrft caught old Oris he was passing his store door, pulled him in and took all fiis candies—a big boat load. Be sure to call aud see them. Got tbam ohe«p, «eJl them cheap. ’ AlMNMtt ir Jfttl* . _ Call early iji the weekf to buy candies at Milburn as for two or three days before Christmas the store will tie crowded and everybody wilt be fight­ ing. to get hold of the elegant bargains w k w r i n g . iV no mse in ^ raking up. old scores.'. cdlled for Etta, stating that site did so to avoid suspicion and that she would see toifcthat they were married aud the girl left with the impression, that justice would be done her. Instead tl.el of that shewae informed thatehe must submit to a surgical 'operation or Oscar would leave and allow he^ to bear her disgrace alone, and rather tfiaii subject her family to such shOme she went with Mrs. Gewrgefo Spring- field where the work wasdone,, return­ ing to tiito'Bemte ' evening, t-After,sutTering a yday Baldridge Wo#colled- who prescribed for her but helmet with qu accident and Dr, Oglesbee W hs notified o f - the condition of trie patient' and took charge nf her after becoming satisfied th&fcthe giri'fe parentsIiadljeeA notifi­ ed of her condition,.which .had- been done that morning contrary to *tlieir original entention,' as only that'morn­ ing Mrs. Oreawell had received , a decoy letter posted; at Spring Valley, purporting to be from Etta in which she said she was well. The patient progressed .finely until last Monday when she gradually grew worse and died Tuesday morniug. As soon ns the true state of nilhirs become known Coroner Broadstone was notified m id warrants sworn out .against -Oscar George aud- his mother. Oscar could not I ks found hut Mrs. George was brought to town and placed under a $500 bond for her appearance Friday. She, also gave testimony'before the coroner in which she admitted she had taken E tta to Springfield. Her trial boforcthe Mayor was set for hen ing Friday,Thursday evening Oscar voluutarialy put himself in the hands o f the Constable Cross and furnished bail, and on Friday morning both waved examation and were bound over to the common pleas court In in the sum of $500 each. Etta Cres- weJi was a general favorite with the young people of this vicinity. With­ in the past two years she has been an employee of the Herald office and her conduct has been such as would com­ mand the highest respect. The follow­ ing was the notice read at her funeral service’s Wednesday morning by Rev. Tuftsi Etta Cresweli, daughter ofBenttOhl and ’Mary Cresweli, was born near Ijedarville, <>., Atig. 26,1867, died Dec, 15, 1891, aged 24^ years, 8 months and 18 days. She joined the Methodist Episcopal church a t Cedar- ville in February, 1383, under the ministry of Rev, G. W, Kennedy, a t the age of fifteen. She was-bap­ tized and received into full connec­ tion in July of the same year. For years she was a member of the Bab* bath school. As a worker in the Ep* worth League, of which she was re* eently elected secretary, her services were valued. She was quiet, modest and retiring; but respected and loved by all who knew her, Her sudden and unexpected death was tt shock felt not only by her immediate family, but by the entire community, lasion. • The following were present: AmosCrcsswell aud family,Wm.Smith and family, J . T. Townsley and family, Henry Townsley and family, IV. P. Townsley and ,J. E. Townsley, brothers ot the gentleman in whose honor they were called together. The repast was elegant, aud it was a happy family who met on Hint occasion. May they be permitted to celebrate many more anniversaries of their father’s birth, f im t e d a Jtloud Vrasei- I f he had done as,he was told aud hired a dray the accident would never have happened. He tried to carry home a quarters worth of nick-nacks ho had bought at MHburn’s dim cautioned him. at the time of the danger carrying such a load. H ow H eW o n llt a $ tirl. He tried everything under the sun but they nil failed until he took her a (piarters worth of candy and oranges he bought at Milburn’#. But one subject has been discussed in Cedarville a t any length this week and' that is the sudden death of Miss Etta Cresweli and the cause that led thereto. She died Tuesday morning at the residence of John George from f the effects of an abortion. The story 1 is a particularly sad one. Etta was well kno vn here, and her life had always lieqn considered an exemplary one, not a breath of suspicion having ever been known to have been ntteied against lief. in early life she and Oscar Genrge formed au attachment for each other and under promise of marriage he suceeded in accomplishing her ruin. About four and one half months ago Bhe become encientc, hut did not tell her parents Until they be* gan to suspicion her about two weeks ago and asked her when she acknow­ ledged all Was not as it should be and told them Oscar George was the cause of her misfortune. They a t once had an interview with George and asked him to right the wrong he had done their daughter and he agreed to do so 1 but asked time to co n su lt his mother. W e I m r e a HEAVY CHRISTMAS OF On hands for HOLIDAY SELECTION. We ask all to come early. DO NOT GIVE THIS A PASSING GLANCE, for this means « ?*• . i.;> Money Save! to E ve r" Buyer. -■' 1 ’ W BARR &MORTON. C/etfarville FIrui Siione > The ■ firm of J . H. Milburn has gone under all others in prices of .the good thinga during* the holidays ■, Oranges, ■bnnalns- and lemons at Bull’s. » Malaga grapes nt Bull’s. ^ Oysters and cranberries at Bull’s. ClirlKftnuN Candles, The largest stock, the lowest prices in town nt Bull’s. Smoke G. P. Wright's cigars. For sale a t Bull’s, Silk handkerchiefs and muffiers a t J . O. Barber’s. Just received, fresh goods iu every line. J . C. Barber. , The finest liue of fresh and sail meats in the couuty at , C-. W, Dean’s • Go to 8 . L. W a l k e n And see hiS'display o f gold and silver watches,' for both ladies and gcntelmou. Also a fine assortment of jewelry, finger rings of aiffefent kinds, silver thimbles of different sizes, also a large assortment of spectacles and almost everything that is osnaly found iu a jewelry store, S. L . W alker . „ Sunday Creek, Hocking, Jackson, Pittsburgh and Anthracite Coni at Andrew Bros. & Co, » Go to Boyd’s restaurant for a good meal, only 25 cents. Smith’s the place for a seafoam. - 5a Horse blankets, buggy whips, etc., at Andrew Bro & Co, Halters, collars and all kinds of harness sundries at James Murray’s Cash paid forffur a t S. L. Walker, CLEARANCE SALE, l a older to close out out winter stock ot* Millinery, .wowill sell our Rats (trim­ med and untrimmed) at a very great reduction. We also have slipper soles and yarn, B arber & M c M illan , J. F . SMITH, —DEALER IN— P i a n o t i i Imz. O r g a i im * f Weal Hercuaiiilise, + A y f i s l s . PICTURE FRAMES. XE1VIA, *. m ‘ m m OHIO. W .-1 ? , T R A D K H Attorspiy At Law. NO. 9 EAST MAIN STREET,.OP POSITE COURT HOUSE. [HaveywMfrrlufn [ hm yell If r<j ilurai'i, wbuui nd ltjt«iiirv 6Mfgrii hfnio Mi;, I Hxwnlae yon rrf .Ut'tjlliitlr I I3I- -Isttaka to hzitiy k*ek any fsit w ’nidfltgent ptrvn jfrUfecrart,wl» van read a*. * wtitof attd %i> * nftcv lustrntib Mil fmii iniia#- trtofwlv, tt ^amlhrrai Thoa* «at) Dollar* » ’iarfn ihf'rettu iw ttvy n«i*. i tvBl aUo fc;r.\i#Tt tka afidathtt cr at tohlet* y«tt can 'turn i eRjfNr actuirg M*M t*eefrftai£i:;* .iiuraaUM-iar* 'ttnMi «*abttr. dMfirtiU la |c3fH| *c Yttatr«i Idcjmttit one yrKni ft.tri leactr- tTafriet ct 1 ,rHdy.taciaf.t aeJ yrovSJedWRfavr..* ployiwmt Alarge i i i m u I,. m mmm «rhe aru STiW««errrtlmTlhwtniTjofUrflTwr, mi h. Allh . *f’n?jf!***.'*'!P*fUfn'i*r»IVee. Aflff fern knotrill,Ifyoa . Why,..Iliitmhilnn.. AiMrew, — I ' l A t t a x , B * x t w , AagiHM t HAIM. / Bring your lard cans to my store at once and have them filled with pure fresh lard. C, W. Grouse > Goal Vases at C rouse A B ull ’ s . . House to Rent—Inquire of S. K. Mitchell, ^ Buyyour winter boots of Stormont and Co. Gloves, Overalls, Bocks, etc., at Andrew Bro*. A Co,