The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

The MostTJseful A rticles can be found In Stock For ^SUITABLE $ HOLIDAY $ PRESENTS** Pox A ll .Seeing Them Convinces You W e Know 1 W hatWe Are Saying. Call A t Once. •FUE tfEJt&IiD. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, ’91. IP. II. BLAIR, Editor and Rrop'r rPRICK • 1.25 PM ANNUM. ContlttK Even!*. CEDARVILLE OPERA HOUSE. Iter X A Wiiatta, Dee 31. Swediah L»die«, Concert, Jan 12. Ueo K Morris, D D, Feb 18. Mrs. Aaron Shepard died a t home near Cedarville Tuesday. She wnBan invalid for years hut the im­ mediate cause of her death vras an attack of la-grippe. She leaves be­ sides her husband and parents a brotlier and sister to mourn her loss, The funeral services occured a t her late residence Thursday morning, and was conducted by Rev. Tufts. Schools.closed Wednesday for the holidays. . : Mrs. Harrison Timmons ’ is very tlow with la-grippe. Everybody has read “S unshine ," the popular 16 page paper for youth. Do you want it next year? The Herald will furnish it to you free of cost. All we-ask of vou is to be a Notice of Settlement. All person’s knowing themselves'in ilebted to the undersigned, will please call and settle on or before January 1st.. 1892 a t interest will be charged on and after January 10th„ Respectfully, Cnousfe & B ull . The Young People of the U. P . | church will give a Conundrum Tea W e I m v e a HEAVY CHRISTMAS and A rt Gallery in Ervin & William* son’s H all Tuesday evening Dec., 29th, 1891, There will be no charge for admission. The a rt Gallery will be a Bourse of pleasure to young and subscriber of the Herald, and pay in ‘an elegant supper will be served on advance. For 25 cents more money Itlie European plan. All are cordially .wo will, in addition i furnish the jnv;ta(| > ’ M ia Bernice Wolford is , spending •the holidays a t home. - D r. 8»yrs was obliged to dismiss the •high school Wednesday morning on ^accountof sickness; • Metropolitan-and Rural Home, a six­ teen page journal devoted to horti­ culture and agriculture. We also fur­ nish club rates with . any paper or magazine in the United States ' or Canada. I am selling my entire stock of fall millineiy goods M ia Gertnde Dean, has gone to Columbus% spend the winter with a t COSt. Call a t O n ce i f y.OU her sister, Mrs. Patton. John Huffman, his two daughters and ScurUh Huffman, un Aunt, are all dowu with the “ grip.”. . Miss Anna McMillan spent Christ­ mas with her sister, Mrs. Harry Wilson, of Anderson, Indiana. f - ■■ ft- - Miss Stella Barber is in Alexandria, Iudiana, this week, the guest o f her sister, Mrs. Will Elcrick. -Parrilt of Week the want Dargans. - J ul ia C ondon . H o tlc e . All kowning themselves in dehted to Barr & Morton will please call and settle by cash or note by January 1st., 1892. Mr. uud Mrs. O. C. Coshoc^m, O., are this guests o f Prof. Smith and fondly. Mr. and Mrs. Charles ..Sligley, of Cincinnati, are the guests of Mr. kelson Shigley, south of this place. Win. Reid, who died iu Clifton was a member of the M. E . church instead o fth e U, p . church as was stated last week. ___________ Mr. Bull,’who has been visiting his sons iu Indiana lias been very sick with la-grippe, hut is recovering. He i-Jnow in Bloomfield. Mrs. Clemens, wife of John G. Clemens president of the Peoples! bank nt Jamestown, died Monday j ^oz<u I,0r?ons know of from the effects df the la-grippe. •^biuccs, As far as can The Young Peoples society will give n conundrum social iu- Ervin & Williamson’s hall Tuesday evening December 29. Do not forget to go as thS program will lie a unique one. The children o f Mr. Waddle, of near Clifton, entertained a number o f their youbg friends a t tea Wednesday evening. About ewenty young peo­ ple from this place were present. As tlio passenger train was malting the run from Dayton to Xenia Wed. nesday morning a stone was thrown through the windows, striking the brenkeman and seriously injuring him. Word was a t once sent the proper offteftrs and the offender was captured [ a good dtscription of him we under- and taken toDayton the same evening, stand. ‘ Preaching services hereafter nt the Methodist church will be a t the same hours as'at the other churelies, 11 a. m., nnd 7 p. m. Tomorrow morn­ ing the pastor will preach upon “The Gospel Type o f Religion for business Life.’’ In the evening he will speak upon “ Lessons from tlie late tragedy in Cedarville,” in which he will ex­ pose a new phase of the dark side of Cedarvilie life. All cordially invited to these services. The Epworth League will meet a t 6 o’clock. .. A C R U S H E lt . I have just put in a crusher a t Ervin & Co’s, elevator for crashing all kinds or feed nnd will run on Tuesdays and Fridays of each week. Can accommodate all. M adden E rvin . Is it because crimes are so frequent that so little is said about them? Several days ago a highway robbery was committed in North CedaFville yet s:o closely was it kept that not a the cireum- be learned Mrs. Caleb Slirotles had a five dollar gold piece which she had been carry­ ing and which she was afraid of losing and asked her husband to give her sil­ ver for i t. This he did,and while she was standing in the door a t their residence, and while bolding it in her hand she stepped out into the yafil when some miscreant who had evident­ ly seen tlie tnpney attacked her and attenipei? to take i t from her. Ile r cries brought her husband to her as­ sistance aud the fellow left. In the struggle her clothing was badly torn. An attempt has-been made to keep the affair quite and it was by mere chance we learned of it. Mrs Shrodcs saw her assailant plainly and was able to give Although' another, week has passed the excitement in the Creswell abortion case is ns great as ever and the citizens are determined tlint - the guilty parties shall be brought to justice if human agency can accom­ plish it. John T. Norris, in company with Proeicutor Trader was here Mon­ day evening and agreed that if the citizens would raise sufficient money to pay the expenses o f an attorney iu running about the country and take ing evidence he would furnish all in­ formation free of charge. Acting up- on advice Mayor Townsley called a meeting of the citizens Tuesday even ing. Mayor Townsley was elected chairman,' W. H . Blair secretary, and J . II. Wolford treasurer. The ob­ ject of-the meeting having been dis­ cussed at length, it waa decided that it would I jc best to raise about $ 200 . and offer it as a re yard for the arrest and conviction of tlie guilty parties A committee consisting of W. J, Smith, L. G. Bull, and Frank Tar- Ibox was appointed to solicit funds nnd report the next evening, at which time $123,70 was reported. A com­ mittee to take charge of the funds and oiler it as a reward was called for and Amos Creswcll, L. G, Bull and J . If, Wolford were selected. The work of soliciting is still going on and it is supposed a sufficient sum will ho sub Kcriheed by this evening, nt which time there will be auother meeting of the citizens in the Mayor’s office. The Herald last week gave only the facts in in this sad case without mak­ ing specific charges. There is suffi­ cient evidence that ft foul crime has been committed and we will allow the future to decide who tlie guilty ones are. That they merit to the fullest extent the punishment prescribed by law cannot lie doubted, and while it may fall upon those who have hereto­ fore home a spotless reputation i t is the more reason why the case should be sifted to the bottom.» No innocent person sWbuld suffer for the crime of another, bu t the motto o f the average Cedarville citizen is that no guilty person be allowed to escape. STOCK OF On hands for HOLIDAY SELECTION. We ask all to come early. D O NOT G IVE THIS A PASSING GLANCE, for this means Money Sated to Ever ”1 Buyer. BARB & MORTON. Bargains in Blankets. ' 10 percent above cost is all want. .Twill pay you- to buy at Bird s we Children Over­ coats. 82.50 83.50 81.50 85,00 Overcoats for t . tt $1,90. $2,90. . $3,90, $4,25. a t Bird's Bring your lard cans to my store at once and have them tilled with pure fresh lank C. W. Grouse Coal Vases at House to Rent- Mitchell. C rouse & B ull ’ s . -Inquire of S. K. ‘ Buyyour winter boots of Stormont and Co. Gloves, Overalls, Socks, etc., a t - - -A ' i lnw Bro-r. «fc ( ‘n. Oysters and Celery. Bananas, Grapes aud Oranges lor New Year’s n t Bird’s. P . S. Leave your orders in time. They must hesol-f Mens’ Heavy Suits mul Overcoats. Profits have been sacrificed, and you will find some genuine Bargains ill these good-.__________ nt Bird’s. Bargains in Un­ derwear. Wo have reduced prices on Under- ti*v« y*i wriliv.r Jute yell If yci jbfcWl't, WltrfoM ■iltd Intelligent ithtillfert anfrgcif till* to-day* I promt** you tny >lVfIjtU jWT*C1i.»l jttoiUon. I U'.* JortftUe to 1*6iy Much any fairly Intelligent (fttf.’tt tfcltliorMStfno-t j*l» raid And and vrl: , iflcr Inttractln), *111 work tadci- Irfouilr, low to MralhrMH o Ntttd Dollars A yearlit theirotu localities where- «er th*y lire I *?D1 also ffiriMt tht Mfrtflticn cr emplclmerit, at which yea e* tn tliatamnunu I.charge «o?.v {? Aridreepirom .i* iftffttnloos in - as.ahme. Nothing drffh Y D Itram* of tl A rlftiltel ct.s i (Into. on* person feint ;«aeh diffrUi cr county. lljir**!- rfiicTylictytt Au<X f.loytneat a large .. ____ _____*mnrd.Agwho ft;f» RaringoverTI: t «0 Ti,xr:*arrdDollarsaTear* ktuh. AltI*n- , Frdff.irtUtil.irsr.'CF# ATWfi riki; 0 ‘.vaiLtf (t t«?tt;btojrw*>r>f rlhn#r.liy.pir honnIsCortP, Ari.*fri=*f £* C* A M JhVf lfinx Ancuitiif Maine. “The Fate of a Libertine” is the latest series of sensational novels pub- wear 12 £ per cent, these goods. Come nnd a t Bird’s. The annual Clark’s Run shooting Copt. Wm. Ilyslop 1. J . E.-Collins 9, Harry Wilson 10 , M. W, Collins 3, J . A. Iiarbison 3, H, B. Anderson 10 IX 8 , Collins 11, A. G. Collins '5. James Andrew acted as re force, match occured last Haturday aud the winners wore treated to an elegant oyster supper by the de •bated ones a t the residence of IX 8 . Collins Wednesday evening. The following is the score: Oapt, Wm. Forbus- 8 , W. B. Stevenson 15, R, E. Corry 6 ,A 1 . Bar­ ber 10 , O. Iff, Bradfule 11, Ned Stewart 0 , Wm. R if e , 5, Muck Stewart 9. a ... Ece iliriied by the Richard K. Fox Pub­ lishing House, New York. I t deals with )i class ofpeoplc who find pleasure nt tin? race tracks and fast resorts. Tlie scenes are laid in New York and Long Branch'. Ttflrtfffiro, n success­ ful jockey, who earns $ 12,000 a year, triumph over his enemies, marries the girl ho loves and all turns out happily in the end. . Tlie novel is full of dramatic'iucidents and racy situations, and is of Absorbing interest from be­ ginning to end. The book is hand­ somely illustrated and sells for50 cents. A shooting match At the cliffs attracted a large crowd Thursday afternoon. ).