The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

l ^*. i~ f iKfinvinrTfrunm T U L . 1 2 C E D A im L L E , O H IO , SA T U R D A Y , J A N U A R Y ' 6 1 8 0 2 N O . -10’ H11T 17 1_T 17 }l \ ]" 1 C\ {ure-muity most beautiful, mofct ox- i. I 1 I-T t l . U i X i X . U /cellent hymns, and kept in’ their s . v i v r d a y , .J a n u a r y . », ’s> 2 . M’ ’ II. II/ j .1 / fi, iCdltor and Pyop-r PRICE $ 1,25 PER ANNUM. Q l ’-BS IX A «W O lL V . " .- [Communicated] In hunt week’s Herald Quis tells us he “ tell into u swoon,” ami really his e ijiniiioiis on psalmody looks n little iike the vagaries of oho in that con- mlnui'. Wlien Christians'.in. dilUwcnl anil-tliut the grand old songs o l //urn place. may bo used to edification; <*x-;such awQuislias been visited with. . . Tie nitty Kyle. thi1 D f Li* But wo have no more muhorny Tor '' L'c. birthphice of Chopin, Hinging a hymn instead of an inspired | t,(,inposer, is to be suitably limited psalm in worship, than we lmvo to through the. activity of the Musical read a selection from a good religious hiociety pi Mar.»aw On M onday J a n ., 1 1 th ., our M id -W in ter c h e a p s a le |o i‘ L a d ie s m u s lin u n d e r - book instead of the Bible in worship.. . . . B. 8 A 1 VM KI ' NUKK. Editer .Herald: In your issue of January the 2nd, -“Quis,” gives us a dish'of psalmistry; and .leaves us to infer that the question is now. settled The report that-tfejialor Dubois of w e a l1b e g in s Till-, w ill he till) WaliiMvnHirvinir ,t'i .ociii-e a s i ,* m 1g ,'cu te s t s a le w e h a v e ev e r clerkship in Y\ nshmgton only a few ‘ ' " years ago isdenied. luul OU t il ls VC1} pOpllhll • Prince Nicholes of Greece,'who was , 11OG/Ot goods, >\\ 0 lltiVC had churches are, living'in peace, anil are all working together, as lacy are , in C.’darville i.t s e e m s p i t y that any­ thing should he said to interrupt this happy state of ■affairs; (nit^ as the p-.iuu-.-iuger.s have been publicly nr.- j >■*_ deieitful above all tilings” Jm>- -ntlen, umi-us Quis in, a swoon o,.i<leht-. | !|d;Ib l~* p->' not a very 'injiiiiisuug; tv djd not* hear oi comprehend phut ; bom whi<v 'to , xpeef a yiipply ■"iJriflur" Psa'hn.iti” had 'to ,ay , a few !'»f m-eptalile p-ihns or hymns, and w i.-.l- in vitidie ition of -our ' pi.-itKn . a,!t^ ’‘".'hat /‘an be more acceptable to .will imt I k : out of' place. ’r - ■ : tlu’ <»f our ••'alvatimi than the W'c sing psalms in worship; because ' L ' sim.K L'. J lnist and hi we have a.divine- warrant for so . do- j itim’dhvc'. ■Sosay we, hut it i? (or Qui.- in.;'; w- ■,d.» /not .dug-uninspired hymns 1 th,'v were livmii-of'humaii in worship because we have no di one: of the royal guests at Copenhagen 5 0 0 0 pieCGH lit fide. Up..’ for for all time namely; that the -psalms . ,1,is has gone to Athens to enter ( s al e and tllO lit WC GdU of the bible are related ' to the past, J'' rcgUuent of qrtillery. IH'Htll’GntGG to l>0 perfect' US' The young lady who is -named as wC htlVC’ ' h a d - tllO ' s am e I!ndvan! Kipling’*.bride-eleet K Mbsj m ilk c s -g o o d s lo r tllG . ptVSj tUui'" s e a s o n s tMici tk ey lia v e tliut. have'welled up from tin: -hearts, of the church ever since the day's of the Messiah, “ from the hearts' of the church.” ■Wu suppose he means the membersof the church bu t “ the heiirt I composition. o-It 'is agreed that' tlie warrant for so doing. The. head of: 1’.vin,is were the th ’ e'.uuvh,whoso exclusive right it is, |K, *.del pgilms 1 lai and 11 /.enehisiyes !i tugiven us an inspired book oi' ^i'ds .-liould ierue.mber that the- insti- p.dois. all that is ,i(‘ ‘ded in'that line; i tlltio11 of tlu’ Lon(’'; wan at the by [ire.aept an l example, lie’ has au-. I o ( the olisovvoiiee of the. passu'yer thori^ad u.sto use it in worship, lie hasrul<^ l hat Jesu.a a-ad his disciples kept n it given us any other psalmody, not it aeeordiiu authorized any church or person to’| he.should leincuiher.-that prepare another. We sing psalms j they are inspired and. given to the church for that purpese... (^tiis board Hyman >say, .“The. It.ideem :r at t,lie last supper- sang a hymn with hisaliaeiples^Math. 2(5; !30, Mark 1.1; 2d.)” ' In tlie niargiu it is ipsalni. And.nearly all bible. exposi­ tors,liyniti singers and psalm-singers, agree that what -they sang on tliut, oc- e. islotTwas the law, and moreover tliere. were no hymns of litunim composition in oxistanec then nor. for three or more centuries afterward, and this will be a sullicient answer to his quotations from Acts 16; 2,5. where - Paul and Hilal prayed ami sung*—we are not told what—but it is reasonable to suppose something that was Tumiliur to them in God's worship, lie branches offou the instrunieutid music question by jHalms. No’instance can be given where Christ or his dieiplcs ever sang an uninspired hymn in worship. But Quis says, Paul, “speaking un- dalesl'ietf She conies of a. Bratth-J-y. dl to (uii.i —a. much- about boro ( Y-i.) family, but-lived in New Turk for some t.ime 'before she went, to live-with her brother in. London. Congressman .1 lour say’s lbat he was ■ >ncc taken fo.r a ..farmer Ov one of tlie. jirofejs-u's of a ilivinit-v' (.’oiic'-rd, who .wasclinrni nistii’ who knew 'so policies. . I t is noted coneertMMi' tlie -appoint- menrof .Coil. M’illiam Priviton d.olms- to?i to service hi eomieothui ivtlh the Smithsonian Jnstitutiou tliut lie is very tall—well' over six feet—hud that only is thu head destitute .of hairV but lie lias -neither.eyebrows nor eye­ lashes all of'which he an ex­ plosion while'he was i.n tlie eoiifeder­ ate armv. , Mrs. Samual GulhreaUi has taken .the agency of the White Star laundry of Springfield, one of tlie best in the state. . Leave’orders at Stormont 'A (Jo. J ' ' - c the Jewish Ilallel, consist- ,wkinS why we ing ofpcibns 113th, and 118th, inclu-!«°compiiiiying ^ 1>«‘1»'« "ilh instru- sive. So that we have the example !.,noutal mua,c- Our tuiswer. to all of Christ util iiis diseipleis for s i n g i n g : ^ 0 is that we have no evidence that there were instruments used in (Joel’s worship on-the occasion refered to, nor at any time in tile syn iigogue service, after which, the new' dor < 1 ivine ins|iiriitioii, 'also^^mmiliid- "Trs,]'> !s ln,^ v r"f,i,,<!’ ed to sing hymns and spirited songs as! lIe tlien forward the old thin well as psalms (Eph. 5; 19. Col. 3 ;!»'>(1 thread Imre argument alu.t if we 1(b)” Don’t-Brotlier Qnis know that! ,,m>' llot ,,,nkc mir MU’red « ,n^ iq God's iuspiretlBook of praise, w'c jnp'dl,'r we formulate our have psalms and hymns nnd spiritual, prayers, nor theminister his sermoii. songsy If hew.ill look into the Hopt-Mdlc Vul) nature of these ]iarts of nagint he will find that some of the in*J^*wi s worship would seem to indicate spired collection areentitled “psalms,”, ^lnt 5he pslams should be written and .nine “hymns)” tuul some “odes,” or tl,e Pr«yor "raI» i»i sounding God’s ( spiritual songs. So that wc have in Il,rai-"«’- 11 is Ul!lt (,f ,),lp who changes . down. tlie inspired psalmody God lias given j h(',,r<l th‘* ?a,I,e f f lln,s are us, psalms, and hymns, and spiriual;unsuitable for all ages. ■Not so the songs; and the apostle, speaking un-1 prayers that swell up from each heart, der inspiration, commands us, not: ‘‘"ho kmnvs iL« own liitterne&s nnd its Lilbiin I/ewis will appear in lor great drama, “As in a looking glass,” January 12, at Xenia, (). Lilliau Lewis is an aunt ofJa:n.*s A. McMill­ an. Her right uanie is Ale- M.illan she was !>irn in Xenia and they in ve rt pe rfe c t b ;ifist’;tctio,n. T h i s y e ,*1 r n iir lin e s .are n iH e ii n i ’e r t r im ft c l am i are new n iu l b e t te r s ty le s th e n e v e r bv 1 ’ ire. ’ T h e p iic .-s a rii 2 ,") aml-rtO. ets ,. a jr a r n ie n t . la h u r 50 ets., lin e w i l l be N i “ litD r e s s e s am i L a d ie s S k i r t s that, a re w o i t h 1,00 an d 1.25 each i n :i recti ia r ..- . . . . . , ; w. . . w ay . L a eh l i n “ w ill eon - fa in L fid ie s find M i s s e s N’ i;citl d r e s s e s ,L a d 'e s s k i r t s DriiA e r s ; Cor>'-'{ s ( \ i v e i ’s, 'C h e in is e s . ( J h ild s tS!; |is, U ltild s D r aw e r s • t t o . - l i e - s i d e s ' t l i e s e t w t / L i n e s , w e w ill h a v e 1 0 0 0 L a d ie s <Tain- h r ie C o r s e t C o v e r s a t 0 e t s e a c h , 5 0 0 p a i r o f C h i ld s D r aw e r s a t J c e n t s a p a i r w e ll .m ade a n d sided in u s lb i ; M ak e v o u r a r r s tn s ie in e n ts to *• . i ». * . .■ , a t t e n d t h i s s t y l e i t w ill p a y .you b ig . It, c om m e n c e d M o n d a y J a m , t l i e 3 1 th . M a i l o r d e r s ‘w ill b e tilled II 'W c h a v e som e e l e g a n t b u ild in g ; lo t s in H a r v ey , I llin o is , ’a subu rb o t Ch icago , for s a le a t a b a r ­ g a in . Call a t th e H e ra ld otlice and s e e p la t an d / g e t d iscript,ion .. expect togive a reception. The gown t w ith tllO V0r\ b e s t s t y l e s in worn in the 2nd act by Mbs Lewi.- is -doyk a t tim e it is 'r e c e iv ed , the finest on the ameriean.stage. JO l$E BH ()S A” CO Mmu liiy 1’iX.curMionn v i a (Ii« I V i i u s y l v iu iia I.I iich . Tickets ut one fare for the round trip between any two stations ou tin ) Cincinnati Division from Coltw/ous and Kpringfiehl to (’ineimuiti i' clu-' sive will be sold by the I’. C. A St. L. By. Co, on each Sumlny until further notice during the suimn-« o f 1891 W c a lso h a v e tw o r e s i­ d en c e s in J am e s to w n to be. so ld t h a t w ill, m a k e e legan t; in v e s tm e n t s , it y ou h a v e m on ey to in v e s t y o u c a n n o t u se it in a b e tte r a d v a n ta g e l h en to bu y t h i s p rop e r ty . Boys’ and children's overcoats are now going at very low' prices, Every thing in the clothing line marked A. R. Crandall A Co., Xenia. A C I U S I H J t . I haves just put in a crusher at Ervin & Go’s, elevator* for crushing , ,, all kinds ot feed- and will run on to make. Uninspired hymns, but to ; want" as well and, beside Christ ^ u11TueMluv*-md ^riilnvs of week, sing the inspired psalms God Imsbo his disciples “after this man tier c;1Ui acco. imodate lill. furnished, Wc sing these psalms be-|Pray*ve not laying down a spin lie, * M apukn E isvin . cause they are inspired, beenuse form, but in all eases where singing is Christ and Ins apostles sang them,'commanded or spoken of it was to and because wc have a divine com-i sing something already in u se ‘and manddbr so doing. No such reasons can be given.for singing uninspired songs in worship. familunr. It n/tuains olnv to notice one more.'paragraph. “ Our bible nowhere tells us that Brothdr Quis draws aside the veil the psalms will he. used exclusively and catches the strains of a new song they were singing in Heaven “ Worthy is the lamb that was slain to receive power.” Brother is that an uninspired hyiuu? When we get up there it is likely wo will have a new psalter, but till then We would do well to use the psalter God has provided for us here, for assuredly we^wiil^not get anything better, Now it is admitted that irtany good people sing hymns, blit viewed from my standpoint they nro malting a mistake. It is admitted that there -Inquire of K, K. around the throne, hut that wcshould sing the songs of Moses rifid the Lamb” and “ worthy is the ’Lamb that was slain to receive power.” Docs Quis suppose that (hose wore- ooinomposod by any mere man. We understand these to he for the; redeemed in glory to sing mid not the saints on the earth. We may learn th a t' visions like that Quis wos permitted ncss 8^01)* \ to sec are not to be relied, on in j We are offering better bargains in settling matters of faith and practice, p,l5‘8 0,1,1 ovcrcoals t,m" cver ,)e,ore and would do well to try the spirits at wason of the year. A. K. Unit p r o m p t visions nnd h.deucina Iions. Trandall & Co. House to Rerit- Mitchell, S ■’ {Soap, Starch,'.Lye and Blues, nt G uay ’ s , Word and Willow ware at G u a y ' s New crop California Brinies, at • ( j h a y ' s . New crop California IVaches, at G u a y ’ s New crop f^orguin, at G uay ' s , Crackers, Ginger Snaps and Recep­ tion. Wafers, nt , G uay ’ s , Spring repair work at Murray’s lmr- Sunday Creek; llockinu, Jackson, Pittsburgh and Anthracite Coal at Andrew Bros, & Co. . Go to BoydV restaurant for a good meal, only 2,5 cents. Smith’s the place for a seafoniu. 5a Ilorse blankets, buggy whips,, etc., nt Andrew Bro A Co Halters, collars and , all kinds of harness sundries nt Janies Murray’s Cash paid for fur .# 6 . 1,. Walker. Smoke ( . fight’* cigars. For jale at Bull's*. ■ Silk hand kerchiefs and mufflers nl J . C. Barber's, New Sorgum molasses nt Andrew Bros. A Co, If you want a stylish livery rig gn to IJoyd’s. Go to Glmrlie Smith for a shave. ' Hard atul Soft refilled Sugars at G u a y ' s * Hard and Soft Refined Sugar, a G u a y V. Fresh cakes and broad a t the ha kcry, - J aco H Sum u n i New crop Currants, nt G ray ’ s , Buckwheat Flour at* G uay ' s . Rolled Avena, Wheat, Oatmeal, Cracked Wheat, Excelsior,-Pearl Bar­ ley, at G uay ' s . Teas, Collies, Cigars and Tobacco, at G u a y ' s ; Whole and Ground Spices, at ' G u a y ’ s Silk uinbrellas, mufilers, neckwear, and numerous other useful articles for the holidays, A, R. Crandall & Co. S to ck ui* dry, g o od s in C ed a rv ille , L o c a t io n good . B u s in e s s a p a y in g one . Would vat lit'r h a v e a c a sh bu y er or w i l l tr a d e for a j sm a ll tar-in. A rare, o p p o r ­ tu n ity to go in t o b u s in e s s . We a lso h a v e a b u y e r for a farm , o f a b o u t e i g h t y a cre s . W iD p a y s p o t cash" T h e lo c a tio n m u s t b e g o od H a v e y o u r ea l e s t a t e for Sa le? We w ill lin d y o u a buyer . * > C a ll on W, I I . B lair . I I kuald O ffice .