The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

W. H. 11LA I l i , Editor and JProp'r I PRICE S1.33 PER ANNUM. 1 { I V 1l The Commercial hotel at Xenia line innocence, again changed hands. Turnbull |against them. ' The exanifcnation curved in Clark Countylaud Mrs. George herself appeared fiefoife the grand jury and gave testimony.; The testimony as far ns cnn |e learned out the theory of Mr*. George’s Rumor says that J. S. has bought another farm. 1 Died, Monday, Junuary j lltli,0 at 12:00 s. m,, at his home iq Osceola, |Iowa, Joseph C, Winter, aged tfxty- . Seats for the Melville Comedy Co..' five years, two months and elghttlaya. are now on sale at Stortnont & Co., ’.He had partially recovered from', his ♦Store. The' theological students and their best girls Were handsomely entertain* «d Thursday evening of lust .week by Dr. J. W. Pollock and wife, ' at their lovely home 'near Cedarville. It was the coldest night o f the season, but with wolf robes, hot bricks, etc., the boys keep the girls rea­ sonably comfortable until home was reached, about one or two o’clock in the morning. A ll had a merry, mer­ ry time.—Republican Representative Dauglierty, o f Pay­ ette county has asked fot an official investigation ns to the charge that he received $3,500 in crisp 8500 bills for - liis vote in the lute senatorial contest. Senator Sherman has volunteered his services as a witness. O f this Company the “ Braxton, W. Va,, Central." Dec. ilth, 1891, says.— “ The 'Melville Comedy and Dramatic Company gave two enter­ tainments at the opera house, last > Saturday and Monduy nights. The ^ Company is a good one, and there plays gave general satisfaction. . Mr. Mel villi . and in fnct the entire com­ pany, made many warm friends while here, by their ladylike and gentle­ manly deportmentaud our amusement loviug citizens would be glad to have them return at any time.” Fancy table New Orleans Molasses. Choice Sorghum, and the best of Syrup molasses. at Bird's. Fancy California Evaporated Peaches. Choice cooking Figs, Apricots, Prunes and Raisons. at Bird’s. 10 cts. pays for one Gallon Per­ fection Coal Oil at Bird’s Why pay 12Jets., per Gallon for .. .Coal oil, when you can get the best V &r lOcti. « A t Cost will sell every Overcoat iu stock at Bird’s. 10 per cent off for cash only, on -every pair o f heather Boots sold. Come aud see us we will doyou good. at Bird’s Men's Arctic overshoes, liestinade, 99c “ Alaska “ “ “ 74c “ Rubber Bocts, “ “ #2.60 Children’s rubber boots, $1 and #1.25 A t Bird’s, George W. Marshall, who now lives in Hamilton, Washington, but is well known bere, hasevidently been has always been something different attack of paralysis a year since, land had been around some when he jwas seized by erysipelas which prcjved fatal. He was horned m O’ nfeue ■ • ft • WT, •. county, Ohio, near Xenia. He liyed in' Osceola nearly ten years. Preyibus to coining here he had been a mender o f the U. P. church, but not united liere with any church. Hewasnm|iu o f hearty, social qualities, and much energy, who had been active iu the affairs of life up to the period of liis -attack uyeur or so since. He leaves a wife and son, A. C., two other children have died infants. Short futientl services were held at the family home on Tuesday at 2 p. in., and the remuius accompanied by the family were taken to Mommouth, Illinois, for burial at his forinea home- —Osceola, Iowa, Gazette. I ’ iiiin o ur llyu in s . [CONCUJDED PROM LAST WEEKtj Psalman—I yield the' point friend Kyle .tried to make. But what of his views on iustrunuMitul music? Hymen—It was always a.mystery to me liow you could be .consistent in insisting upon using the wonts of David in song, at the same time ' re­ fusing to followhisexamplc-in having an instrumental accompaniment, es­ pecially ns the word psalm includes old testament, claiming that the snme| word used in 1Cor. 14:26 refers to the psalms improvised by members of the Corinthian church. According to these expositors not even ths first word of the triplet puinis to the Dkv- idic psalms; Adam Clarke also seems to be indoubt about this word refer- iug to the old testament psalmody. The word hymifk Olshaiisett and Stier apply to any chnstian song of pr.tise. ‘The word is inherited from the pagan churchy so t</ speak,.and signified a.poem sung in hqhor of a god,’ says Whedon. Albert Barnes comments, ‘a hymn is properly a song or ode in honor of God. * 'One thing is proved clearly by this passage that there were other compositions used in the praise of God than the psalms of David; and if it was right then to make use ofsuch compositions it is now.’ Will Psalm Singer make war with these giants? By spiritual songs is meant any metrical composition set to tune, ex­ pressing any phuseof Christian feeling or enperience. TlmsJ the fact |s es­ tablished, as stated by^the Bib. Oyo., ‘Nor were the psalms the only sacred songs employed in the service o f the early church.’ Again let me remind you that I am not speaking ag:,inst psalm singing! but to prove to you ns a seeker of truth, that psalms and hymns o f human composition have a£ ■much, i f not more, new testament indorsement than the’ p«:dms of the' old testament. According to the former expositions, after the founda­ tion of the Christian church at Pente­ cost, there is no new* testament" au­ thority for singing bid testament psalms. I agree with Psalm Singer that the ‘most excellent hymns kept in their place, may be used to edifiop- thn.’ And Paul tells their place ■is ‘singing to the Lord,* and . Mjimnti the church historian, says, *thq tico of singing bymns is co-qviil prae- witli (he ioea of instrumental music. On Christianity; the hearers of the npoS- glrent occasions (he choir of the temple consisted of 4,000singers and players (First Chrou. 23:5; 16:4 6; 2dCitron. 29ji!5-28).. Josephus tells us that Solomon made for the temple service 200,000 trumpets, and40.0C0psalter­ ies and harps. • Please take note the next time you sing psalms 33:2, 81:2, 92-8 and many others, and yoiir own psalter will give you4’ll “ .Thus saith the Lord” for instrumental music. Psalmnn—But what can you say to the views of PS1I51Siuger upon Eph!* 5:19, Col, 3:16, tint the Septuagint proved that the “ psalms and hymns and spiritual songs’^nll rcLT to ths old tenement psalms? Hyman—Kitto, whom Psalm Sing­ er will ndmit to he of high authority, states that “ the Septuagin/'employs the Greek word for hymn freely in translating the Hebrew names for ev­ ery kind o f poetical composition. In fact the word docs not seem to have in the Septuagiut any special mean­ ing. Among christiaus the hymn JAMESTOWNS NEW STORE N. C. W ilcox &S ons DEPARTMENT STORE. Also one of the LARGE! and most COMPLETE stores] in this section, where YOU w ill1 FIND- DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, ^CLOTHING,N- Boots. Shoes, Carpets and Oil Cloth. iq qbq ijdaq ce , .P R IC E S EFY GOMPETION- In all our WINTER GOODS, we aie making DEEP GOT- DHT.Q , t)|> ifnKt make room for the Mamouth Spring Stock, which will fcooti lie on hand. C O M E A N D ' — N. C; WILCOX & SONS,— sharps block I JAMESTOWJ'i O. making a deep imnTession. on the mind of his estimable wife for the manlier in which he has lieen conduct­ ing himself, and she is looking for complete reformation at any Lima. In writing to a friend here Mrs, M . jays: * “ l wonder what the ©hi chums hack there would think i f they had seen G. W. last Habbath entertaining the preachers, * The Methodists held their first quarterly meeting iu Ham­ ilton lastSaturday and .Sabbath, We entertained the P. E. and minister in chargeand G. W. behaved beauti­ fully, Ha didn’t even smoke white they were hare, bath#did crank a wholelot o f thoeehiekory nuts sentout 4*y Ms friends in Cedanraie.” from the psalm. A different concep­ tion in thought, a different type in composition. I t Ms remarkable that the mint hymn is only used in refer­ ence to the service of the Greeks, and in the same passages is clearly distin­ guished from the psalm. Eph, 5:19, Opl. 3:16.’ Who ismistaken, Kitto or Psalm Singer? By psalms in these passages may be meant David’s psalms, or such com­ posures as were fitly sung with musi­ cal instrument, *nys Henry. ‘They most probably denote a sacred song o f a character similar to that o f the psalms o f the old testament,’ say Meyer and ElKeott; the most critical expositors. They oritioiea those who confine the Word to the psalms o f the ties.sang the pr/^sep of God; and the first sound which readied the Pagan ear from the secluded sanctuaries of Christianity was the hymn to-Christ msGod, mentioned iu the ' famous epistle of Pliry.’ Psalman, your '’■friends assume what they can not prove, that the Holy Spirit did not inspire Watts and Wesley to compose hymns. Both of themwere holier meu than David, Julian speaks of the excellent hymns of liis day (33W tf.) ‘composed by men umpiredby n divine spirit.’ You sing psalmsversified by Rous in 1646, but forget that’ nearly every verse con­ tains words supplied by this man of dissipated habits. Is qjjt that 110(11411 composition? A single fly spoils the bottle of ointmont. Then your churches insist on their own version. Where is the scriplure authority for considering the old version any better than the new? In 1787 the Kirk of Hcotlatid, your mother church, thro the General Assembly, published a uumber of paraphrases containing human composition from the psalms or hymns of Prs., Watts, Doddridge, Blncklock, and Mr. Logan, to lie used in the churches. Did it commit sin? I f 1 were a Jew I would* insist upon singing the Jewish psalmody. But as lam a Christian I prefer to sing modern psalms and hymns which sing of the life "and death of Christ, his atoning bloifd, resurrection, and ascension, iiolfie o f which in their full est sense, arejotiud in the O. T., urprised that friend, he church as having 1above all things, joked,” for h e , ia* .Li Titi ■ jjg r .y r r i— I shall examine into these things more carefully, and if I find you are c>rico# I shall use my influence to change the rule of our church, for no church has a right to demand of its. members more than the Bible teaches, for tliut would make man of higher authority then God.’ Qms. Best cigars in town at Ben Ridg- ways* New styles in box writing paper at Ben Ilidgway’s. . , * Choice candies at Ben Ridaway’s. Blank books andand account books at Ben Ridgway’s. Graham Flour at Bull’s ' Window Glass and Putty at Bull’s The finest line of fresh and salt meats iu the county at . C. W. Dean’s Buy your winter boots of Stormont and Co. Smoke Wright’s Cigars, for sale at Bull’s. psalter. 1aid Kyle speaks < a “ heart deccd and de*peratell elude* himaelfj Psalman,- I thank yoi||jfnl (please, enoughsaid. Mir inetuc.tive to’ 1 Whole aud Ground Sp’ces,at ■ * G uay ’ s ■ i i Fresh cakes and bread at the ba kery. J acob S kkileu New crop C urrants, at O kay ’ s . . Buckwheat Flour at ’ G ray ’ s . Rolled Aveua, Wheat, Oatmeal, Cracked Wheat, Excelsior, Pearl Bar­ ley. at G ray ’ s . Teas, Coflies, Cigars and Tobacco, »t ' / G uay ’ s , Soap, Starch, Lye and Blues, at G ray ’ s . Wood and Willow ware at G h a y ’ s .New crop California Prunes, at G ray ’ s , New crop Carifornia Peaches, at G ka Y’«. New crop Sorgurn, at GliAt’s. Crackers, Ginger Snaps and Recep­ tion Wafers, at G ray ’ s . at Lamp chimneys and coat oil Ben Ridgwsy’s. ' •Milton Keys has re­ moved his shoe shop to his new room next to the Nes bet property on Main st., where ho will be glad to have all customers call. Cash paid for fur at S. L. Walker, .I f you want a stylish livery rig ga to Boyd’s, Go to Charlie Smith for a shave, Havd and Soft feltnod Sugar* at G ray ' s . Hard ami Soft Refined Sin***, * G ra Spring repair work at Murray’shar­ ness shop. Go to Boyd’s restaurant for a good meal, only 25 cents. Smith’sthe place for aseafonm. Halters, collars and all kinds of harness sundries at James Murray’s Smoke C. P. Wright’s cigars. For sale at Bull's. StandA y H xn am m a s V ia t k f F enw ay t v a m I a ' U n em Tickets at one Are for the round trip between any twostations on thi Cincinnati Division from Golumbaa and Springfield to Cincinnati i:idu* sive will lie sold by the P. C. O. A 8t, L. By, Co, on each Sunday until C,|<>**,n* ’MnlV* * *’lt‘ *'T ,,.!(.■» ,,v- Y I I