The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

T H E t f K f l f i M ) } AN INnKPKNUKNT WMKKLY MKWtfPArSR. S A T U R D A Y , A U G U S T , 8 1891. Luther's shoes are exhibited gt Dresden. Germany has had few cit- jaens who could fill them. ;; A dyspeptic writer say*: "Y o u n o always discover the food that is injur, lous; the food that tastes good. W. H. JRL A I it, Editor and Proper WBIOI C l.ftft P I * ANNUM. Wh ile Sam Jones was speaking in Houston, Tex., the other night, he was bombarded with superannuated . eggs. But there could not have been much more sulphuretted hydrogen iu the eggs than in one o f his tirades. , -— ........ Connecticut numbers among its cit­ izens a man with a marked social na­ ture. He belongs to 24 secret socie­ ties^ three churches, nine military companies and four volunteer fire or­ ganizations. The hair o f Boadicea. the ancient British queen, was long and o f reddish gold, but it was not so long as the reddish gold tresses o f a tgpman in Gainsville, Texas. ' Hers not only reaches to the ground but trails two or three, feet thereon. To sleep in three places at once is a boon never before allotted to the dead. The Theosophical convention has re­ solved to divide Mme. Blavatsky’s ashes, and,to deposit one portion at Madras, another in London, and the third in New York. Bellamy would supply the popular demand for alcohol by having salaried agents distribute it at cost. H e would turn the government into a saloon. While Uncle Sara has to do about what his people want him to do, it is not likely that he could be induced to become bartender. There is a baby In Chester, Pa., to small that its arms are .no thicker than a lead penciL " I t is thriving, and niight in time become president o f the United States, were it not o f the wrong sex,” says an exchange. But it is not so greatly improbable that by the time the little one is in middle life her sex will be eligible to that high office: The town o f Tennivillc, Ga., has the oddest boycott o f this age o f boycotts. I t has been declared' by the young men against all girls who allow boya under 16 years o f age to call up­ on or accompany them -to placet o f worship oramueeam t; and. likewise, against thoas who Malta two engage­ ments for tbs Mme night. Itisn eed - leas to say that the boycott w ill fail, early and utterly. William Straub and I f ms Kate Schutsen, Herinan F . SchuUen and H ist Moriah Straub o f Allegheny were married the-otber d a y— Their -court' ship could hardly be called romantic Their lathers who died recently, were in the dairy business. The business seemed about to go to pieces, when a friend suggested that the best way to save it was for the children o f the d<- ceased proprietors to marry. I t was the first time that they had thought about it, but the suggestion seemed a solution o f the difficulty, and so they cut the Gordian knot with the nuptial knot. * r..... ' - m >' m - mm'r- M 1- - H r . Bercaw o f Easton, Me , is real­ ly a lucky man. I f he should live 60 life-times it isn’t likely that circum­ stances would so go out o f their way, as it were, for his individual benefit. H e was fishing for trout. A fte r land­ ing several o f the speckled beauties he proceeded to drees them. On opening one o f them he found a val­ uable diamond shirt stud just like his. H e felt on his shirt front fbr-his stud. I t was gone. I t instantly Hashed through his mind that he had lost his stud while bending over the stream, that a trout had swallowed it, ami that he had caught the very trout. Mr. Beresw is wrid to beaman of his word; but ofcourse, truth does not stand find among the virtues iu pisca­ torial ethics. The Atlantic ocean is eating up the United States; but as it only 'nibbles o ff a few feet in a century Ohio real estate is certainly safe in our day. The United States Umbrella P ro ­ viding Company has filed articles o f incorporation. The. object o f the company is to loan umbrellas to sub­ scribers at a moderate cost. A bus­ iness so clearly founded on an unwav­ ering faith in human nature ought to succeed. . A man in Vienna has died from being bit on the forehead by a fly. The doctors did all they could to save him, but iu vain. Au old man iu Baltimore fell 15 feet and struck on his head, breaking his neck at the fifth cervical vertebra. H e will re­ cover. There can be no real fraternization between Russia and France—autocra­ cy and democracy. France has no friends among the European -nations because o f her form o f government. The success o f her institutions is a standing menace to the institutions o f her ueighbors. ■I ’ ..-h7 —■-----r Rev. McEwen Belle, a bachelor minister o f Delaware City, Del., hoe been forced to hand in his resignation. The only accusation ' against him is •the rather remarkable one that liis ways nre so fascinating that they cap­ tivate all the hearts o f the young lad­ ies iu the parish-and inspire the young men with jealously. Recently there was a woman in Kentucky who was so busy that she did not have time to attend her own wedding, and inquired i f the ceremony could not be performed by proxy. A Burlington (V t . ) barber is fu lly as great an economist o f time. H e ran. out and got married while a waiting easterner was being lathered by bis assistant. A German boy o f Ludlow, 111., has a very extraordinary disease. Only one case like it recorded in the med­ ical books. H e cannot stop walking. I n b iv waking hours he.has.not been known volnntarily to t e still a half- minute at a time in more than four years. Nights this pedomaniac is strapped to hisbed. Bishop Perry o f Iowa, is a victim o f the .deadly piuallel. H e recently wrote a book, whole pages which are exactly identical in thought and lang­ uage .witb sotue lectures delivered' 40 yean ago by Rev. George Fisk, * prebendary o f Litchfield, England. I f it is a case o f "unconscious celebra­ tion” i t is certainly an extraordinary severe attack. There was nothing o f the Micawbcr about a certain newspaper reporter in New Hampshire. H e was sent out to get an exclusive piece o f news, H e cut a blackberry briar, trimmed it into a fishing pole, and with it caught 62 trout. H e sold the trout for a good sum to a local summer, hotel, and consequently got the exclusive' item he was sent for. Jacob Kahu o f Philadelphia is a slim nmn H e would not have to be folded to cast a shadow, but he is so slim that he attracts attention wherever he goes and makes the liumerously inclined smile. H e has often wished that Na­ ture had been more lavish with embon­ point, hut he is now thankful for his thinness, H e was overtaken by a train the oilier day. H e fell fiat on his jhce on the track, and the engine and heavily loaded cars passed over trim. H e arose in the best o f health, and was as good as new with the exception o f the liberal hole in the seat o f his trousers which the fire­ boxoftheenginehad burned. The railroad company fisli thatthey could standtheexpenseofa new pair o f trousers better than a suit, and so paid Jacob his loss in full. ANDREW JACKSON, \ • . * * * SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & CO . ■DEALER IN - p i mm orin A N E W S T O C K O F SIDING, FINISHING, FLOORING, SASH, DOORS BLINDS SCREEN DOORS A largestock, All sizes, Readyforhanging, at lowprices. Estimates furnishedonapplication, for anything intheline ofLumber. C A L L AND SEE FOB YOU B SE LVE S . A. J* C r a w f o r d , J. H . L a c k e y Xenia, O. ' Jamestown, O. Crawford & Lackey BREEDS F A N C Y Poland-dnaHogs W e have fo r this season’s trade some large growtliy pigs of both sexes. Prices to suit the times. Also 8 extra £hort-Hortt bull calves. Call on, o r address as above. Prsfi etAirHint ti toCnititi - - r n i t m T A X A T I O N . Bscrioa 1. Bs It resolvud by AsMtnbly vf the Stats of Ohta,Abat ft propo.l Uoa (ball ba n b a llta t to tbs afaatora of this SUtaaathuflrst Tussfey aftartha Srit Mon­ day is November, 1891,to nm*n,l Section 2 , of ArUela X II, of tba Constitution of U m SUta of Ohio, so that it ihall road aa follow*: ARTICLE X II. S kctok 2. Lawa may ba passed which abatl tax by a uniform rule all monay*, credit*, in- re,lm*ntF In bond*, stock*, joint-stock compa­ nies, or othtrwita; and all real and personal property according to tba trna valut thereof la money. .In addition thereto, law* may bapass­ ed taxing right*, privilege*, franchise*, and sneh ether sabjeet matter* a* the legislators may direct: bat burying-gunnds, pnblie school* hoaia*, house* used exclusively for public wor­ ship, institution* of purely public eharity, pub­ lic property used exclusively for any public purpose, and other property may by general taws, be exempted from taxation; and the vat- na of ail property so exempted shall, from time to time, be ascertained and published a* may be directed by law, B kctiox 2. At suqh election, those electors desiring to vjfje for such amendment may have ptaeed upon their ballots the words "Taxation Amendment—Yes," and those opposed to such amendment may have placed upon their ballot* the words "Taxation Amendment—No.’ ’ S uction 3. This amendment shall take ef­ fect on the first day of January, 1892. N IA L K . HY 8 ELL, . Speakerof the House of Representatives, WM VANCE MARQUIS, President of the Senate, Adopted April 24,1891, ■U xitrd STATga or A merica . Onto, 1 orvicit or tmb S x C rxtart or S tave , j I. Daniel J, Ryan, Secretary of State of theState of Ohio, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a Qua copy of a Joint resolution adopted by the lienoral Assembly of the Slate of Ohio, on the sMtkday o f April A , D, 1891 , taken from the original rolls lied in tbls ofioe. Ia teatiaaeay wkecaof, I have haraanto anh- • eeribedmy aaasaaad afixad my efi- [«XAL.] aial teal, at Caiuasbns the 2tth day b tA p ril,A .D . 1891. D A N IK L J .R Y A N . Saortiary of State, . Ho t W Gather Goods. NEW FABRICS Crepe De Tela, L ight Tissue Cloth with flowers from nature, notably ‘‘Bear Grass” from Florida, the ‘ Solitude” (from California) o f the arid plains. These goods are very dressy,, warranted sure colors and perspiration pro ot Black Organdy lawn, Chally 5 cents a yard all wool filling 20 cents, pine apple tissue, black dotted swiss. Another Mae o f — * ____<e. per yard.-21-fi yards wide Sun umbrellas, beautiful handles, 50 cents and $1.00 & com, XENIA, OHIO. A cordial invitation is extended to you to examine the elegant NEW SCOGK being received now.. A complete line o f fine all the latest styles together with every grade o f fine Business Suits, Overcoats Pant ' ings,GentsFurnishingGoods. Our prices, like quality in fine goods can not be excelled. D. M. STEWART fit CO X E 3 V I A . - - - O H I O . FAWCETT. Has In stuck a fine lino o f W A TOHEH , CLOCKS , J E W E L B K Y and DIAMONDS!