The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

«p m mnfrUQ, sa UHNteaKosw* w**f y t u*w«*hr«L- ' s- ■van S a t u r d a y , m s r s m m i i W. ff. MLAin , Editor tuulProp'r s i . a a h i annum * a t GUI an BMgway for school books A to ta f eboap 1 inch lumber MitabellV ' Sdbool commenced Monday with 215|»pU* enrolled, Hr. Flood, oflndiana, is the guest of Gregg Weymouth this week, Mi» Ida Timmons has ,returned home from a five weeks visit north. MiMAmanda Blair, Of SpaTta, III,, is visiting her sister Mrs.Oroswell. Miw Lyda Stewart, of Springfield, is visiting her cousin Miss Minnie Ford. B. Gv Ridgway has been appointed agent for school books for tbe village of Cedarville. Miss Ada Roberts left Wednesday for a few.weeks visit with Mrs. May Rood, of Dayton, O, Hon, John Seitz, the Poeplqs party c indidate tor Governor, will speak in Xenia next Monday. Misses Kellie Brock and Nerva Hill, of Gladstone, were guests of Ce darville friends this week. Misses Flora Kegbit and Lizzie An. drew were guests' of Mrs. Fayson Gray,in Dayton, Monday. Miss Cora McMillan returned home fins week, after a pleasant visit with relatives and friends at Kbrthwood,0, SelmaM. E . church which has been attached to this circut, was taken away at this session of conference out attached to Charleston. Miss Hester Shrodes returned home from Springfield last Saturday. Hcs. ter spent the summer in that city the guest of her sister, Mrs. Rader. » ATI persons knowing themselvea in­ debted to me are earnestly requester to call and settle immediately, as- need the money. J n n u C ondon , The Logan club will hold a meeting in their headquarters next Monday evening at which all are invited to be present. A couple o f good speeches are booked for the evening. , Invitations were received hero this week announcing the marriage ofMiss Maud Henefee to OliverH Towosley, son of Mayor Townsley, of thta place bu t now of Anderson, Indiana, The marriage took place at the home of tbe bride’s parent* in Anderson Wed­ nesday evening at 8:80 o’clock. The prohibitionists opened their campaign in Cedarville last Monday evening with a speech by Hon. A. G. Wofcfcnbaxger, who gave them quite an bteresting talk. He was ably as- aisted by Prof. A. B. Huckine who mag several campaign songs. Tbe erawd was small as th« arcus drew qaite a number in that direction. Marriage License#: E, GBueh and Ehna R Baker; J L Miller and doe 1 Xiat; J H Doughthett and L i n n A Andetwm; Jams* Shaw and Margaret Morgan; Frank A donee and Min­ nie It Cox; Elton 8 Conklin and Flo B Paterson; Moses Parker and Fannie M J Mitchell and Anna J E Go to Mhcbrifs fi* Coal. MlMXrma Wdliamsou « in.James* School books, and school supplies of HUkinds a t H ukiwav ’ s . Frank Milburn is spending a few days hero the guest of his parents. Dr. J . E. Lowry has moved into the Leary property,' on Xenia avenue. Mrs, J . W. Liukheart and mother, of Xenia, visited friends here Thurs­ day. .______ Mrs. dames Barr and Mrs. James Murray visited friends in Xenia this week. All kinds of school supplies Ridgway’s at a special reduction prices. Dave Tarbox is now kept husy at his cider press, aud makeB several bar­ rels of cider a day. J . N, Smith, of Florida, who has been visiting at Mrs. Wilson's, near Clifton, is very ill with typhoid fever, We have a car load of ferterlizer on the road that will be hero in ample time for seeding. Andrew Bro. <kCo R. F. Kerr and wife spent a lew days in Rushvilie, Ind., guests of Mr. K’e parents, returning home Wednes­ day. ' . J . W. McLean found a chain, on the Yellow Springs road Thursday evening which the owner can have by calling on him, New fall and winter styles in Mil­ linery, also trimmed Hats and Bon­ nets. Best styles and lowest prices at Mrs. Condon’s. Give her a call and be convinced. A valuable “ find* was made on the tu rn « fMr, John Barber one day this week. Tito men warn a t work digging a Mtoh when their pick turned up a hard yellow substance which proved to he Iren oro, Farther investigation jtoveleped the Act the t* large vein of fchaas is located en Mr. Barber's I m X A ample of the oro was %M)MhttotlmHicaAU> dBoe which Mitomar ever sixty per eent while 4bnltole| enly aifewtdfeteMadeap- ^ M l t o a r f t i from whiA this wi •Map nWnmejr eighty p « oM t. The county board ofelectors met in Xenia yesterday and divided Cedar- vilje township into two precincts, the boundry line between the two being tbe Columbus pike until the township house is reached when it is divided, the line runiog east and west, and continuing to East street thence north to the Columbus pike again, This division will give all voters the right to use the township house as a voting place.- __________ Miss Kennedy, of Mansfield, who has been visiting Miss Ada Crcswell, returned home Thursday. Miss : Ada accompanied her as far as London where the young ladies spent the day attending the fair in progress at that place. ' Why not buy fruit and ornamental trees a t home ? Tha most relible nur­ sery firm within easy reach of Cedar­ ville and vicinity i&at YellowSprings. Cart's nurseries furnish os good stock and as reliable varieties for this lati­ tude as can be obtained In the United States. Mr. Samuel Raney and his brother James are pripalring for a family re­ union a t the old homestead where Samuel lives, within the next week. Six of the seven brothers are expected to be present, which will be the first time so many of them have met to­ gether since the first one left home while yet a boy. The oldest brother who lives in Kansas Is too feeble to make the trip and will not be present, while the others come from California Iowa, apd other western states. I t will surely he a pleasant reunion. Rev, G. L. Tufts returned from conference on Wednesday last to work for a third year a t Cedarville, A hearty welcome was given him by many old friends, On Thursday night thirth-five or fortyyoung people mem­ bers of the Epworth League, took him by storm. They came laden with wel­ coming smites and bundles of refresh­ ments. After* delightful evening spent In feasting, song and mirth Mr. Alonso Stretcher, the president ofthe League, in * neat speech presented their returned minister, ss a token of their cetoent. with a valuable set con­ taining seven volume* of Bible history by Rev. Dr. Blenheim. The pastor rospoaded la words o f appreciation, txjpNMfaig the hope that this would prove to* best year efthe three, 2*0S&SGBOQXi. .. * '* ‘ * * * Weoffiirthree or fourbar­ gains In dress goods for fcltool. One is a lot of 30 inch plaide fine quality at 25 ctn. per yard, the styles are fully as good as those you see in the 50 cent plaid and they arc go nearly all wool that you would not know but they were if not told differant They cost more than that price to make, and are bought at a sacrifice. Anotheris a plaid l i yards wide, good style at 35 cents a yard, about 20 different styles to select from. Tricot in all the dif­ ferent colors and mixtures at 15 cents (Remember that price) a yard, that makes them as low as a calico or gingham. Still another low priced goods, is a lot of plaid serges about30 inches wide all-col (ora’at 6 i cents per yard; they were never sold less tfian 10 and often er at 121 cents a yard, .and we will not have them long at that price. In better goods we never showed as full and handsome a line 50 cents all wool goods we have an endless variety in plaids, stripes and plains of all kinds. Send for sam­ ples, mailorders* promptly filled. JO BE BROS . & Co., Xenia. Wiud mills—-cheap Mitchell’s. and good at CLOTHING, BOOTS JUDD SHOES. Our stock is complete and the latest styles in everything i ix r b o o t s Wo lead, we can give you city prices on all our Boots this year. Just call is ail we ask# «X. E 3 . L O W R Y . 8k ■ " O p e r a H o u s e B l o c k , Jackets, just such as you need dur­ ing corn cutting a t * . Andrew Bro &Co. ir*»r » n le . A good delaine .buck,. 2t-12 J . L. C hapman . Horse blankets, wolf robes; etc., a . Andrew Bro & Co. Ridgway lias a full supply ofschool books such ns arc used in this vicinity and school supplies of all kinds, aud is offering special inducements to tiie country us well as town trade. • * Mm. John Shepherd is slowly recov­ ering from her recent illincss. I t is known to but few here that Miss Laura McCnrkle, the young lady who is creating such a furor in musical circles ns a whistler, is a granddaughter of Dr. AllenWilliams, formerly ot this place, but such is a fact. Her mother, will-doubtless be remembered by a number of our citi­ zens as her childhood and school days were passed here. Miss MeOorklc is maiking a reputation for herself to be proud of and Cedarville should take pride in her achievements. By the way would it not be a good idea to se­ cure her services here the coming season. The W. C T, XL held a meeting at Cedarville one day last week, and for the benefit o fsome persons who think the good ladies o f that organization have ceased political affiliations, we here copy th# following extract from a published report: “ During the afternoon greetings were exnhanged between the W. CJ. T. XI. and the Ckmnty executive yarn- raittes of the prohibition party that was also Sn erosion a t this place.” I t seems that one good sister hasgot to such a state of “ social purity” sanc­ tification, or something, that she can’t road tha papers o f Greene county any longer. Probably ska has not triad all of them—tha Bsllbrook Moon, ibr instance. W# arc vary sorry lor tha poor vromaa , and also sorry that aka tha ntwroapsr *f G« mm rouaty.—Xante BspaWlera. WEHAVEBAR6AINS - ' ' - ■ ) That Have i Fruitful Meaning To .......U S f Ba a ta ra r........................ .......... HouelioWand kitchen Fnrnitnrc. cleaning house this fall you will find you need a new parlor or cham­ ber suite. It is then we can do you good. We have an elegant line to select from and will guarantee prices. BARR &MORTON. +” # -K- -x- * -X- * * # 4 —j- I t may be you will need the services of . ■' T!TxLd©a7ta.lsL©x,s or.practical embalmers. If so we guarantee good service, B A B B * M O B T O N . f u l l m v i L i n e O f V t £/VAPLE=5J CUT Z 0 R M L F , ’ C lothing iTO . - F R O M rr- Q w - S ‘^ ^ ° n 5 ^ «B o 5T oc /./A a 55 o XJ n BEFooHD^r^ .T . l i , L O W R Y For Sale—A choice lot of timothy sjed. B uothcuton . ..■.... . ..... Barbed wire for ffiucesat Andrew Bro & Co. Ohio S ta te t-a-r excursion* via Pannaylvanla.Lines Sopt. 1 4th to tbo loth. Excursion tickets to Columbus ac­ count the Ohio State Fair will be sold at n low round trip rates via the Penn­ sylvania Lints Sept. 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th. Tickets will be good returning until Sept. 21st, On S§pt, 16, 17 and 18 a special train will leave Xenia a t 8;l»0 a, m. Cedar* ville at 8:40 a. m. S?lma a t 9:00 a.m. Returning* special train will leave Columbus ou tf;p«edays a t 6:00 p, in, for Xenia and intermediate stations; Reduced Rater; to t'i* Watt, North- wast, fou thw oa tan rt South via Pannaylvaoia Llnaa. Harvest Excursion tickets a t especi­ ally reduced round trip rates will fa sold 8ep|. 15th nttdf 29th From all principal ticket stations on the Penn- lylvanin Lines Wi*t of Pittsburgh to points iu Alabama, Arkansas, Colora­ do, Georgia, Florida, Indian Territo­ ry, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louis­ iana, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, South Dako­ ta, Oklahoma Ter., Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wyoming. Excursion tickets fill also be sold on the 29 to points In Iowa, Minnesota, North "Dakota, Ticket* will be good returning thirty daya from date o f sale. For detailed tatormaUea apply to ntarost tick* *gw* e f to* Punaaylvanlt Ltaae. i t Wtadaw 6 km a t ....... * BallV. Try Capitol GdM a t BaBV - . 1 M M ' M P $ . M l ‘ M I PATRONIZE HOJiE. ME WANT TO DO YOUR PRINTING. Our ’ JOB TYPE is * EXCELLENT and prices can’t be beat. - • Sale Bills, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, 4 Envelopes. Anything you want in our line we can furnish you on short notice. Call and mo us, The H eiulb . k . • M M MM M M i M We hava the licet wheat drills in the market, for sale at our store, Call and them. . . Anwiiw Bftft&Go. rOR « A U RKRT A well kxBated andemiveniemfc cot, tagehonse. For sale on easy terms, Enquire pfK, F. Knta. A nice line o fAll millinery, includ­ ing, hats, ribbons and fcney feather*, Priesa lowest la town, BaasmaA M c M iilam , I f * wr x m i T * The H it hetotoHail *** \ E. ahnroh, CsdaroBa. For pa. amlar* roll an Wto, XMCadm iaitn to r of m