The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

This Is No Sensational Add. For we have just received a large stock ot DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES * GENT’S FURNISHING GODS To select from, and our prices are ROCK BOTTOM. Come at once before our assortment is broken. STORMONT & CO. T .H E H E H & IxD . . AN JNDBPEN'OKNT WKKICI.Y NEW8PAPKU. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, 19 ite ...... — ■ ..j...— t 'ff. E L A lR f Editor and Prop 'r PRICE • 1.25 PER ANNUM. -■ -.-t --i test Ten in town nt Bull’s. Window Glass and putty at Bull’s. • Mr. Alex Kyle was granted a pen* eion o f $12 a month this week, with several months back p a y . , Fred Arnold and Joe {rPumphrey, o f Xenia, called on a couple of Ce* daryille damsels Thursday evening. Robert Smith and wife, of Falls River Junction,. Vermont, are guests o f Mr. S’s. grandmother, Mrs. Mariou Reid. The W. C. T.'U. will hold an all day prayer meeting nt their room next Thursday Sept. 24th. All are invited. THE RANEY REUNION. Just 194 round trip tickets were ‘sold bp ticket agent Torrence Thurs­ day." About 3,00 were sold during the week. Howard Edwin, the infant son of Eransis and Ida Grant, at the home his parents - near Wilberforce last Wednesday. The infant child o f Mr. nnd Mrs. J. G. McMillan, o f South Charleston, died Tuesday morning nnd was brought to this place Wednesday for interment. The second annual meeting of the Jeffersonville Driving Park Associa­ tion will be held Thursday and Friday October' lt t and 2d. There will be four races each day. Hie children and grandchildren o f Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cresswell gave them a pleasant surprise last Satur­ day, bringing with them baskets of provisions and spending . the day About thirty were present. The smalMumd-car used by the sec­ tion men here which is usually consid ered well loaded when six men are riding on it, brought eighteen men in from work one evening this week. How the managed to stick on is a mystery. The “ Xenia Herald" is the name o f the new paper published in Xenia, ostensibly in the interest o f Demo­ cracy, but really to run out the old Democrat-News. It is a hard task its manager has before him, and i f he succeeds he will be an exception, James R. Orr has advertised a sale o f stock, grain and agricultural im- plimente to take place at hie residence in north Gedarville, on Tuesday, Sep­ tember 29th, and will commenceat 10 o’clock a. m. Among other things he will sell seven head of. horses, two milch cows, over eft* hundred head o f hogs, shock com, hay, etc. Do not ihS te attend this sal*. The past week has been one o f re­ joicing at the home o f Mr. Samuel Raney. For the first time in almost n half century five of the seven sous of James and Martha Raney have met at the old homestead to review old land­ marks, recall reminicencs o f their childhood and in a thousand different j wnys are living again their youthful i days. The Raney family are among tho earliest settlers of Greene county, James Raney having moved on the farm now owned by liis sou Samuel, in 1828. It was there he reared a family of ten children—eight sonsnnd two daughters, o f which seven sous are still living. John Raney the eldest of this family left home to build a fortune for himself as early u$ 1843, nnd it was only a few- years after that the family circle was so completely broken that a reunion wus not attempted until now. Thursday was the day set apart by them to meet at the old homestead nnd at the appointed- hour there was present "William Raney, o f Iowa, An drew, whose home is in Harvard, Ne­ braska, Jonathan, who is at present located in Indiana but whose home is in Indian Territory, and James and Samuel who reside in this vicinity John Raney, o f Denis, Kansas, and Henry, o f Santa Rosa, California, were both unable to be present on ac­ count o f the infirmaries o f age. It was our good fortune to be present oh that occasion and a better time we never experienced. Au elegant din­ ner was served which was enjoyed by the brothers and their families and a few friends whose friendship commenc­ ed in childhood nnd has continued to grow uutil now had they not been present it would doubtless have seem­ ed that another of the family, was missing. After dinner a religious service ap­ propriate to the occasion was partici pated in, conducted by Rev. Moore, o f the Presbyterian churchat Clifton, I t was in the Clifton church each member o f this family first united and all still are members o f that de* nomination, four o f them being elders. Mr. Jonathan Raney had compiled a short but interesting sketch o f the family which he read and from which we gleaned the information that the descendants o f James, and Martha Raney now living number eighty' feven, there being besides the seven eons, forty-three grand-children and tliirty-Beven great-grand-children. during the evening the young folks present amused themselves at croquet while the older ones contented them' selves with the old time game o fpitch ing horse shoes. Hon. R, G. Horr, one o f the best posted men on the tariff question in the United States, will speak in Ced- arville, Friday evening September 25 in the opera house. Mr. Horr comes here under the auspices o f the Repub* lican state central committee. FOR SCHOOL. Golden Rio C o fa at Bull's. We offer three or lour bar gains in adrens goods f<»r[ school. One i;<a lot. of 36 inch plaide fine quality at 25 cts. per yard, the styles are fully as good as those you see in,the 50 cent plaid and they arc so nearly all wool that you would not know but they were if not told different. They cost more than that price to make, and are limightmt a sacrifice. Another is a plnid l } yards wide, good style at 35 cents a yard, about 20 different styles to select from. Tricot in all the dif ferent colors and mixtures at 15 cents (Remember that price) a yard, that, makes them ns low as a calico or gingham. Still another lpiv priced goods, is a lot of plaid series about30 inche> wide all col tors at 61 cents per yard; they were never 4$old le*s than 10 and often- er at 121 cents a yard, and we will not have them long at that price. In better goods we never showed as full and handsome a line; 50 cents all wool goods we have an endless variety in plaids, stripes and plains of all kinds- Send for sam­ ples, mail orders promptly filled. JOBE BROS. & Co., Xenia ■ j , _ ' - ■- - C LO TH IN G , BOOTSANDSHOES. Our stock is complete and the latest styles in everything Mrs. Margaret Shroades, wife of George Shroades, died at her home on .East street, last Sunday at the advanc­ ed age of 76 years 9 months nnd 23 days. She was united in marriage with George W. Shroades, June 28, 1836, To them was boru eight chil­ dren, five o f whom, with her husband, are living. The funeral services was held in the M» E. church Tuesday morning, conducted by Rev. Tufts, A few of the friends of Mrs. Me* Oorkle, nee Martha-Williams who so long resided in Gedarville with her father Dr, Williams,, who lived in the property now occupied by Mr, John Williato&on, have prevailed oh her to accompany her daughters, ; Misses Laura and,Lena and‘give, a concert here in the near future. The New York Dramatical Mirror speak o f the family in the highest terms and. our citizens can rest assured they will havs at least one good entertainment the coming season. Mrs. McCorkle and ftmily will bs guests o f Mis. An­ drew Jackson while visiting in Cedar* vilie. ____________ Jersey Sweet Potatoes at BullV. Wo lead, we can give \on city prices on all our Boots this yetp\ Just call is all we ask. J . ES . L O W R Y . O p e r a H o u s e B l o c k , School' books, and school supplieso f all' kinds at Rroo way ’ s . Sorghum, Syrup and New Orleans Molasses at Bull’s. Go to Mitchell’s for Goal. All persons knowing .themselves in­ debted to me are earnestly requested to call and settle immediately,' ns I need the mhney. J ulia C ondon . k Gall on Itidgway for school books. A -lot o f cheap 1 inch lumber at Mitchell's. Wind mills—cheap and good at Mitchell’s. Sal Soda, Borax, Alum, Sulphor, Saltpetre aud Blue Vitrol at Bull’s. We have often heard o f persons, getting themselves “ in a box” but never as literally its was the case the other evening when a lot o f I jovh got in a box car to while away their spare time and money playing “ cent antic” aud were locked in by of their friends. I t was only by a liberal expenditure o f muscle with their jack kuives that they extricated themselves. Farmers, to prevent smut in wlient use Blue Vitrol, for sale at Bull’s, 1 t f $ I %uco EUPEPSf. This Is what you ought to have, In fact you must have it, to fully enjoy life. Thousands are searching for it daily,' aud mourning because they Had it not. Thousands upon thou­ sands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boon, And yet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Elec­ tric Bitters, if used according to di­ rections aud the use persisted In, will bring you Good Digestion aud oust the demon Dyspepsia and iuetall in­ stead Enpepsy. We recommend Etictric Bitters for Dyspepsia and all diseases o f Liver. Stomach and Kid­ ney*. Sold at oQcts aud $1.00 per bottle at Ilidgway’s Drugstore, (4) Hnnday Kxrarsioas via the E e a n s y lv a a ia U m s . Tickets at one litre for the * round .- » A trip between any two stations on the Cincinnati Division from Columbus and Springfield to Cincinnati inclu­ sive will be sold by the P. G. C. A St. L . Ry. Go, on each Sunday until further notice, during the summer o f 1191 Breakfast Bacon at Bull’s, PATRONIZE HOME. UK WANT TO DO YOUR PRINTING, . Our . . JOB TYPE ■ is EXCELLENT and prices can’t beheat. Sale Bills, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes. Anything you want in our line we can furnish you on short notice. Call and see us, The JlfKALD. I i 1 i i i i i i i H I M We have the best wheat drills in the market, for sale at „ our store. Call and see them. A ndkkw B ko «fe Go. FOR SALE OR RENT A well located and convenient cot­ tage house. For sale ou easy terms. Enquire o f It. F. K erk . l ’O K N A L U e r R E N T . The Iliff homestead near M, E. church, Gedarville. For-particulars call on Wm. llifl adminstrator o f es­ tate. New fall and winter styles in Mil­ linery, also trimmed Hate andl Bon­ nets, Best styles and lowest prices at Mrs. Cendon’s. Give her a call and be convinced.