The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

.} I. I m .... . I u P T n n w v ^Lr 1 m / ' JL \MMJ f M m !% ■ ............... _ ,...............~ ,............ -—.... -I....- --- ------- o c r r o B i iR ' ^FALL AND WINTER PURCHASES »* V O L . 1 2 While cur stock is complete■witk bargains. Our stock was never more complete’ Our prices never lower! You are invited to call and ezamine goods and prices fir yourself. M e n ’ AN JNDISPI MUKNT WKKKI.Y N EW SPA PER . SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 10 1891. *r. m B LA 111, E d ito r and Prop'r 'pK FRICI S 1.9ft 9 * 9 ANNUM. . Foraker speaks in Jamestown on the 21st. Wallace Barber will occupy Will ElericVs property on Church street. Next Monday night Currie Post will have a called meeting toattend to special business. The P. C. and St. L, Railroad will ftepn an excursion to Pittsburg, Oct. 15 tor 85 round trip._______ Amos Layman of the Columbus Post, was In Cedarville last Saturday . the guest o f friends. Will Elerick has removed his fam- ^ ho htt8 been tl,e gnest o f her aunt, ilv to Anderson Ind, U k Elerick Mrs- Belle McMillan, went to Cincin having left Cedarville Thursday morn* nati this week where she will join her thusband uud they will remain guests •’o f Mrs, R’s sister Mrs. Reed lor a few Ha lf fare rates to Day ton October 15th to all persons attending the Me Kinley, Sherman and Foraker meet* on that day. There will be school in Cedarville today as the teachers; are expected to make good the time lost by dismissing last Monday. Will Leland, who has been with a hotel at Bristol, Teneseee, has sold ou bis business and is spending a lew days here before returning to the west his former home. Dr. Wm. H . French o f Rushville, Ind. at theUnited Presbyterian church this afternoon at 2; tomorrow a t l l A M, and 7-P. M. The Sacrament of the Supper at done of momiiigjeernion Mrs: Nancy Winter will ou Satur' day Oct. 17th sell at licr residence in Cedarville^ two head of horses, six head o f cattle, corn, farm' wagon, etc For particulars see bills. . Mrs. Amiubelle Recce, of. Indiana lug. - ' The finest line of heating stoves in the county can be found at Crouse and Bull’s. Call at once mid get your choice. days before returning home. James K . Morrow died at the rest deuce of his daughter, Mrs, J. C. Stor- (moot, Friday morning ut 5:30 o’clock Dr. Sayre has moved his family to. after a brief illness. He was eighty Cedarville and they now occupy the eig,lt yeanJ o f ag#( , nd leaves a wife new residence erected by Mr, Daniel aml fotlr childlwl> The funeral sei McMillan. ______ ■ j vices will lie held at the house o f Mr. Mrs. Hurst, sister o fMrs. Jane An -IJ . C. Ttormout this morningat eleven derson who has been visiting in this Io’clock. vicinity returned to her home in. Ne­ braska this week. I t is expected that there will bo a -good attendance o fthe members o f the Tenth Ohio Battery at their annual reunion in Cednjville next Wednesday and Shursday, Miss Ella- O.Kyle, of near Cedar­ ville, missionary o f the United Pres­ byterian church to Assyout, Egypt, is in very’poor health, and is on her The members of the people’s party in this vicinity with numerous others listened to a talk ou thefiuancial quer. tion by 6 . W. Harper, candidate for Btate senator and Hon, W .F . Wriglit- mjre, o f Kansas, in tlio opera house at this place Wednesday evening; Mr< Harper’s was by fur the best effort o f the evening. * How many carry a load o f care and (anxiety upon their hearts? It is to way hotae for a rest. She has been | hc)p 8Uch t]mt Rev. Tufts will preach gone nine years.________ ■ ' jtomorrow morning at the M. E. Mr. A. G. Kilcr, an old and jChurch upon “The burdens o f life, whnt is their cause and how we can respected resident o f Clifton, re­ sponded todeath’s summons on 8ab- liath morning at twenty minutes past nine o’clock, after a serious Jllneas of ninny mouth n Mr. Kiler was aged free ourselves from them.” In the evening at 7:30 o’clock the Epworth League will meet. The entertainment given by the eighty two jo6re and lived in that jMcCorkle trio assisted by Mies Louise nfereat MAILORDERS On kid gloves promptly filled from the largest kid glove stock in the country. Fine kid gloves is one ofour specialities and we have a full line of the P Centimeri & Co.,tine gloves for which we are hole agents They are the best goods made and give perfect satisfaction-on our own importation wc have the best 1.00 and $1.25 gloves sold anywhere —- the 1.00 glove we have in both buttoned and lace in blk., tans and slates-In the 1.25, our “Marceau’Yyflu get the best value—we have them in both dressed and undress­ ed and undressed and but­ toned and hooked and a including the newest color­ ings shown- A special low priced glove is a Bar- ritze glove at OOcts. a pair worth 1.00 in tans and brown—also Gauntlets for driving. JOBE BROS, and CO.. and littlk prices One fact is worth a column of argument. Some peo­ ple are courteous enough to listen to stories they have heat'd before but they do i t only out of politeness, for a story that is worth telling twice must be a good one Here's a story however that never grows old and never loses its force. For little prices we give big values. We don’t sell a t market prices, we go below them, and we sell you a suit of Boys Clothing for school a t $1.90 thas was never sold anywhere for less than $3,00. J . ES. O p e r a H o u s e B l o c k . Blue vitrol at Andrew Bros. & Co. i Sleigh bells for sale Andrew Bros. & Co. . , v Go to Mitchell A get your winter) l a r g e a s s o r t m e n t Ol S I j8Uppjy 0f coal before, the price advan-l ces. - For thevery best Lehigh anthri- cate go to Mitchell’s ^ Don’t let the Flies—Mosquito or gnats devour the family, but supply yourself with Screens at Mitchell’s. * Farm gates at Mitchell’s. Window gloss and glazing at Andrew Bros, and Co, Choice home grown timothy seed at Andrew Bros, and Co. AH the newest things in Fall and Winter Millinery at the very lowest prices can be found at Mr*. Condon’s., •A visit to our public schools shows vicinity for a ferca many years. Ha had been twice married and leaves six children by his first wife to mourn bis loss. Only two o f whom were with hint at his death, Henry o f this vicinity, and Olios, o f Indianapolis, t H is two sons in California and his Marguerite Schrader, was well receiv­ ed by our amusement going citizens Thursday evening. Each number o f | tlie program was warmly encored, M ia Laura McCorkle’s whistling was o f the l>e«t and elicited round after M I L L I N E R Y . ___ You wil find all the new shapes in felt hats, new col­ ors in velvets and ribbons and all in latest novelties at BARBER and McMILLAN. Cedarville was strictly in it last Monday. The Republicans of this township made up their minds to cap ture the banner offered by the county executive committee for the largest delegation and they were not disap pointed. Everybody was interested and the turnout was immense. In the procession was counted 650 persons, while over two hundred could find no other conveyance and went on the train. New Jasper captured second prize having two hundred and fifty- one in line. Caesercreek was in the parade with 176 persont, and Spring Vnllep, Ross, Beavercreek, Miami, Xenia and Bilvcrcreek township had fine representations some o f them with almost as many as Cedarville but not so many in proportion to rotes. F ull j p j O R D E f V , O - O ^ H I N Q <Q h B e L o w r v ! * , „ _ . , i round o f applause, while Miss Sclira- (lftuglitcr o f On„!„ N t l„„kn <uM |(Jer „ tcc<„ r„| j„ c p t iv u io g tlic to g o ltoK e km i. H i. « > 1 B „pcc i.i request the .I.o.t.11 survives him, .,,<1 *hu *>!y(1„og ,„,Uc9 w!|, rel)d(ir , „ othcr pr0. gram tonight at which time tlig opera house will no doubt be crowded. The price o f admission will be fifteen cents. and w o faithfully attended him in all his ill— ? ness was Mrs. Booth, the mother of Mr. Geo. H. Smith and Mrs. Cinra Paxton. Mr. Kiler was a member o f the Christian church at Yellow I * Bup your winter boots o f Springs, and hia funeral was con— i Stormont and Co ducted by Rev, C. E . Black on T u c s-' Geuuine Caudee Rubber boots and day afternoon at two o’clock. Miss | shoes warranted the best at Sadie Kyler o f this place granddaugh - 1 Stormont and Co. ter of thedeceasedattended the funer­ al services accompanied by her grand­ mother, Mrs, 8 . G. Barber. * Rohes and blankets, the. best grades a t bankrupt prices at Stormout and Co. The following are the subjects selec­ ted by Rev, Tuftfor special services. October 18—"Yrmng People and their Bookc," or. What About Novel Bending? November l—“Yonng People end theirAmnee- tnenu,” or, What of Theater. Bail Boom, Cireua? < November 16—“Young People and their Hang, era,” or, 'Vhat of the Saloon, Card Table- Progreasive Euchre! ■ November JO—1“Young People at Work,** or I.abor va. Loafing. December 18—''Young People at Home,” or. the Ueea and Abuae* ofUoaa* Life. - December 27—"Yoing People intke Church,'' of the Oolden Pathway to S mohi . Halters, collars and all kinds o f I harness sundries at James Murray’s - I f you want to sea nobby hats call at J . E . Lowry’s. The best Tea in town at Bull’s. a marked improvement aver last yaar. The superintendent John.H. Sayre, in j the past month has {had a Herculean task in getting his scholars down to business, and while as yet he has not been able to bring them to the requir. raents as specified by the board as re-, gank deportmeni, the improvement lias been so great that it deserves spec­ ial mention. Borne scholars, we un­ derstand complain that the teachers are toe strict, but the board and ah) parents who are anxious that the child­ ren should learn are delighted with the new methods inaugurated as it is no­ ticeable that they are already becom­ ing more studious. The following re­ port handed us by the superintendent will BhoW the attendance for the month ending October 2nd: • Enrolled, Males, 122. Enrolled, Females, 147, Total Enrollment, 269. Daily Attendance, Males. Average, lOS.-' Daily Attendance, Females, Average, 136. Total Average, 239. Average Daily Absence, 30, Average Per Gent o f Attendance 91. No. Gases o f Tardiness, 11* No, Cases of Corporal Punishment, 3. No. Cases Referred to Superintend, ent, . , 0 * No. V itit by Bourn of Education, 4. No. Visits by Others than Board, 20. No. Cases o f Truancy, 04 Farmars, to prevent smut in wheat use Blue Vitrol, for sale at Bull’s* , Breakfast Bacon at Bull’s. The largest and best line o f trunks qnd valises in Xenia. 3t-26. A. R. Crandall & Co. New styles in suite, overcoats, hats, underwear and furnishings. 3t-26. A . R. Crandall & Co, Xenia. > A ll kinds o f school supplies at Ridgway’Bat a special reduction in prices. Window Glass aud putty at Bull's. Golden Rio Coffee at BiilTa. Jersey Sweet Potatoes at Bull’s. . • School books, aud school supplies o f all kinds at R idgway ’ s . . Sorghum, Syrup and New Orleans Molasses at Bull’s. CaU an Ridgway for school books. ’ Sorghum, Syrup and New Orleans Molasses at G bay ’ s . F O B HALF « r B E N T . The Iliff homestead near Ml E . church, Cedarville. For particulars call on Wm. Iliff adminstrator o f es­ tate. S e e d W h e a t . Hungarian seed wheat, absolutely free from ainut and rye, and testing 6 pounds to the bushel. For sale by Ervin A Sterrett, S 3 M I fcfuVttahMo hrieihr (eachany fklriyIntel (irtwonUfelthsr •ex, Who tan anil write,and nbo* •fler fiistrm tltwi,tNlll tverk (NdatfrieNaly, earn Ik tra Thewatad ItoNttra a No m*«I>!rM*«rf.Mftil*■ .I;,..., miUkl. Ii.m.d, llo j n Imt* h * «r*rk*r tnm «tli SIMiktorceum,. 1 ' * w l,l» llw f J i.V i,lim tlB m lln l w, S nni , ant «»k« *4 tnntn.hrt * • « « t ynaqaklily Mtt IMUtlM • 4*v«tih*anM.Mii4a«w* m ; h m m, 1MV'»»*».all •*♦». la v a ,ta u n t mnrif*.yiii, »aa «»w«ua*«at bMMiili. *HVuat<Ha«.*f»>«»«tnwnat* t awIn n vrnA. AHInM*. ( M tawMlttfar* •tntrwnHwn. Wa. M a trna. AtaMilw l ‘H K SATCKDA’ i p . / / . P'VIC^ r • AJn-, A« Jj t'.HftoU) expj . field won. p- n> ' Wiilfeiirn put in o • the Townrii Mr. Irv. ohunic.diiu'j n ;:tr GtidsU Luther persand W __of the Per Hugh (, mouth, 11 friends inI Wc tu-e| mime of ditto tor fall elect'll ' . T . . L, j Mrc* Jttel Virginia] been on: Judge s.tcnk at .October I intercet Mrs. lur me Kansas, viilc tin D.m Illinois,I l-ooms ii] ing thet The' next \^l btumtit \»laeew| Jwoj 111?fat'.ll t>wn \ house nsVau The bftveri Neal they W, politiq out .k for ou | i