The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

W M fcM m i misnm pftfo*caredforSrenfotiT s a § » 3 » s » t e ..... ' MTAftHliAmVAMHUTliiakAt iHMMMMiS " " ■ T O & iC w S fS ® ” *” J B S & Z S S t) B lood D ueiies l«tlM FIRST, S«MNMa*« TH IR tt***#. H a J a DlMa; Mifd<n»*MbMFfka —"■» v—n t w t » v. TM yw lM feaM S J^ $ 4 ,5 4 ,4 4 m U U ^ m m r n f h S h m u wmton t o f Natfamd m m IS ohm I AmocUtioa. Anybody m u j Uko advantage of the special rate and **j»y * vuMtion outing. luformn- tiou about variable route#, atop owr privilege, through time and other detail* wilt bo furnUbed free l>y !'»»■ wagw and Ticket Agent* of the PeaniijlvnuM Linee. Apply to the nearest m * . W»T OF MtmCRS. List of letter# remaining uncalled for in the Oedarville poetofflce for the month ending May 2.1,1900. List No, 20. Ash, Laura Reno, Frank Rcotield, Jamea ' T, N. T arbox , P , M. t n ■—Ivy poisoning, poison wounds and all other accidental injuries may he apiokiy cured hy using DeWitt’a WRch Hazel Salve, It is also n cer* ta«fac cure for piles and skin diseases. Take no other. Ridgway & Co., druggists I N this department we take the, lead over all. W e are recognized the leaders in fine straw and fancy colored stiff and soft hats. We offer you better bargains than any other store in Springfield, Our old customers know, this, and we want you to know as well. Here are a few prices on our straw hat$: 25c,35c, SO;. •75c,.$1.00, $1.50, $2.00. If you want stylish'soft and stiff hats don’t fail to see SULIilVAH, THE • -i i r*:i ■■ , ■* " ■. * ■ . 27 S. Limestone .St.* Springfield, O. Jnsure Your Property in the Old Reliable: Incorporated 185#. . f HIS company insures Farm property for One Per Cent. and under. Town and Mercantile property for 60 cents and upward. Remember, there is no policy fee charged. Drop me card or ta l l Will be in town every Saturday. W. E. DEAN, Agent, Cedarville, Ohio* Beautiful ffairl DoYouWant It? r T o u t . O i a E i * . ■, R em em b e r, M adamk Cornu, a Con offers One H u n d r e d H o lla r s R ew a rd foriuiy easeof Gray Hair Lor Perfection! Hair Restorer fail#-to restore, or any case of Dandruff it fails to cure, when directions are properly followed* A Ai;A n | Wa will send, securely sealed, to your nearest express office, her A l i e m i o n . c}ght ounce $1.50 bottle, for 0*e Foliar, if you mention this paper. One bottle iffmany cases being all heeded. Address, Jladame Corllla Coe, 317 Michigan S t., Toledo, Ohio* TO WTtOJtf IT eo'NC8R If:~I *m pewoneUy o v u la te d with M»d»me Corills Co8»nd the woHifrrfMl HTtris a t her F**rw:Tio» l f m RKS t O xx *. I t j » wonderful, boyon# Compensea la it* Kfeetr, and *1 the a*ta* time Vcrfeetly U u m U tt. A h?™,kIl0W'? ' " * * * **ed P*rg0B* whhee thin •«* (tray lock* have tfoen fully restored to yoaUtfal eolor and vigor. Her, U. J , Ifanki, Tetedo, Ohio; present address, M t n , A v io n * . S , A , Hoasor, M. D, ladiapxpolis, Iadfaiia. l,!wd£^M * W adM rft733‘^Iteh A*ve.» Chicago, 1*. Ir. B.Pli.D./Phrenotogist Si VitoscpM* i Wffsiann'iWgw itjwiaiwuwawi M OurWaUdagDilegit*| -JMMftMMMNIMaMMMM Time i*money, but juatat thin tin** we would prefer the money on awb- nciptinna, • White it may true that the pen is mightier than the sword it may he ad­ ded -that it is more dangerous when wa think of the number it is sending to the penitentiary every year. • Last week *re noticed two young genta racing down Main street on bi­ cycles, and the scene enacted reminded us that after all the theory- that man desented from the monkey does not seem so. rediculous, June the month of roses, brings forth iho UBiinl number of “cupid’s works”. . * ■ -1 .. An old maid is a woman who has not been fool enough to lie fooled by every fqol who has been fool enoueh try try foolishly to fool her. • We met n young friend the other day who informed us that he had just got married and we couldn’t tell for our life whether Jhe expected sympa­ thy or consolation. | • A citizen of tins community whose name we will not. mention for the present is said to be in hot water, but it may he said he has certainly fur­ nished his share of the fuel to heat it. The most smgiilar incident'that has happened in this town for u long time was that a youug man called on a girl, aud during the several hours he was there she did not show him the pictures in the album. The meanest man in the world has at last turned up. He refused to pay tor the marriage ceremony preformed and told the preacher if lie didn't like it lie could take back tiie goods. Sem i-Annual U n load ing Sale « f« O F H P LIGHTANDMEDIUMWEIGHTCLOTHING As it is our rule to not carry any goods from one season into another and we have bad an unusually good trade this spring, we were tempted into buying an extra lot of those very popular styles of silver gray and stripes at considerably below their market value frern a firm who wanted money and now you can have them at about 50c on the dollar. Wo will not carry them over this season if prices will be any inducement to yon, Seeing is believing. . ’O * Men's All-wool Serviceable Cassimere Suits ♦ • . • . $4.78. Three and Four Button Cutaway Single Breasted Sack Suits in Stripes and Fin Checks . . . . . . . $8.50 Men’s Light and Hark Color Single and Bouble Breasted Suits in Plaids, Checks and Stripes . . . . . $6.50 Fancy Stripe and Check Worsted, Oxford Mixed Chev­ iot Suits, Including Navy Blue and Black Serges, Single and Bouble Breasted Coats go at -. . . . . . $10,00 Roys’Knee Pant Suits, vestee and double breasted, properly made, G5c, $1.00, 1,25,1.50, 2.00, 2,50 and ,3.00, Hot weather, specialties in furnishing goods. Men’s high grade faucy percale shirts with cuffs or two collars. Come.and see ns and we will do you good. Excursion Rotes to Cincinnati. JFor^the meeting of the B. Y. P. U,, tickets to Cincinnati will he sold via Pennsylvania Lines at single fare for round trip,duly 10, It, t*2»nd l3th, good returning until .Inly 17, inclu­ sive, with privilege of extension to August 10th. Pur details see local Passenger aud Ticket Agent of the Pennsylvania Lines. A new postal rule provides a fineof $500 dollars or one year imprison­ ment for those failing to return mail belonging to another, and taken, by mistake. This includes newspapers as well as.other mail. —Unless food is digeated^ickly it will ferment and irritate the stomach. After each meal take a terispoontul of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. .It digests what you eat and will allow you to eat all you ueed of what you. like. It never fails to cure the worst cases of dyspepsia. I t is pleasant to take. Ridgwey & Co., druggists, Special Salt ofSamples. Factory Damaged aram • S H O E S * ..... ' ■ r'""*** A t V e r y L o w P rice* * C o m e e a r l y a s t h e s e • G o o d * w i l l n o t l a s t l o n g At t h e s e f iig u r e s : M i r L a d l e * ’ T . n a n d B l a c k H i g h C u t L a o e S h o e * . l e w S ty l e * O n l y . R e d u c e d f r o m $ * .5 9 * n d $ 2 - ° ° t0 s o o ^ i u d i e . ’ T e n a n d B U c k H i * h C u t L u c e S h o e * , r e d u c e d f r o m $ i*75 t o - 0 75 P * l r L u d i e * ’ O x fo rd * a t t l . o o . . 50 pa iir L a d i e s ' S e m p l e O x fo rd * i n * m e l l s iz e s n t 75 c t s * T h e * e * h o e » u r e *W *oUd , * ty li* h , w e l lm * d e g o o d * a n d u r e w o r t h w o r e m o n e y t h u n w e u * k . : : ! ! ’ f w ’l H E SttN, Muin O f f . C m O H m **, XM d u , O h i o . We have received the May issue of the Inventive Age and Patent Index-, published at Washington, IX C. Its twenty pages bristle with the latest information on patent matters, and in­ ventors and manufacturers^ who wish to keep themselves posted in the pro­ gress of the various arts^ should sub­ scribe for this valuable paper* Sample copy free, by addressing E. G, Rig­ gers, Washington, D< C. —Last fall I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doctor I called on saidnt first it was'a slight strain and would soon lie well, but itgrevir worse and the doctor thep said I had rheumatism. I t con­ tinued to grow worse and I could hardly get aroutid to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. I tried it and one-lmlf of a 50-ceut bottle cured me entirely. I now recommend it lo all my friends. F. A. Babcock, Erie, Pa, It Is for sale by C. M; Ridgway. M e m o r y T a l k s o n Spiritual Power* Owing to the lack of supply of the new book of Rev, A. Hutchison— ♦"Memory Talks on Hpirituid Power,” to meet the demands during the ses­ sions of the Reformed Bynod, we will place on sale a number of copies a t this office, at $1.00 per copy. The following clipping was taken from a personalletter o fl)r, W. G, Moore head to * friend: “I wish to say with all frankness that the treatment of the subject is good indeed, and timely. The al­ literative method is helpful to the memory, aud something out of the ordinary way. With the doctrine unfolded I cordially agree. The truth on the great topic treated is fairly and strongly presented. Am sure the publication will do much good,” The writer of this Iwok la wcl known here, and avery horn# in the aommunitr should have a copy of Dili vulMMf work. ki East Haiti St. KNOTE, " r" if• .... «s. ARROWSHOTS. I diot «i*arrowinIho»ir, II fell 0 >the f-Rrth: Tkni-vr not where, ■— I.eiigtVIlow. • Ac much ns s ' mim *people talk, it is a woini-ir ttmi mw «re not stricken duinh. f t t I f a fellow felt when lie is losing sleep like lie does the next nay, he wouldn’t do it. . - . f t The front rooms Of some peoples’ houses are in. the hack part of the louse.. - t f t . ' Dish washing is one thing that can­ not be hurried. . f t t - How disappointed n girl must feel, who has a rainy day skiit and it does not rain! ■ ....................... _ ..f If a fellow sleeps in the day time, he feels worse for a while than if lie hud staid awake. t t t Any old clock strikes loudly when the baby is asleep* f t t Everybody makes everytiody else tired at some time or other, t f t Every mon who learns a trade thinks ho learned it under the best man in the business. + t t The world is cura:d with people asking fool questions. r t r Nothing that we can think of smells as badly as a man who never takes ft hath, hut ho doesn’t know it. 1 1 t Everybody hates « fraud, oven the frauds themselves. t t t Borne people lake advantage of folks’ misfortunes to get into their homes* 1 1 t Every man thinks he is a ‘ good hand at readiug human nature. f f t I t is not the graduate that gets the biggest bouquet* that has the highest grades, t 1 t Nothing interests « kid like open lag* bag* * f t t When ft man f o hunting hnUer, b# goes into atorw be never enter# at other times* Al.«X. Ifthhltlt. P ine and O ak Fencing 1 ■ — ir—- -Crr-tc-ras K—%■*“*•- -i*s- - -r-—*---r -^— ; — .aWSL. ’ ir-cM-A. - “A little bit crowded” for Room and ‘ A Desire an. Opportunity to Figure on Tour Bills. W e W a n t Y o u r T r a d e * | * ^ * A foil line of Dimensions, Siding, Flooring, Ceiling, Finished in White and Yellow Pine, Poplar and Hemlock. Farm Gates, Richmond Fences, Locust and Chestnut Posts M k tx r -" - : . Shingles: White Pine, Red Cedar and Hemlock* Doors, Sash, Blinds and • Mouldings. Glass 8 x 10 to 40x40,, Largest stockin town American Window Scieens Fly Proof Try them J. M. TARBOX f t Correct Prices. Up-to-date Styles. |F you’re thinking of purchasing a carpet you rnaka * a mistake by not seeing our designs and getting our prices before looking elsewhere. BEDROOM SUITES, SIDE BOARDS, book oases , commas, &o. F mi H wi Bum. I I* M o M I I X i A N ,