The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

• 3 .;' wT? ‘ ; ; > OtaiMfcfta* « M h r C M * «w» arid ta *1 Ita t lady la HMBdftiitt 9ut‘ thfci n c | n * w m f »l all the way (hw Mr la O n * «f da Hill* ghfoaritasi ta r pertain* and ttaa rtNMrfcal. ' My, but (her* must hi a lot u f esUrrb in tar fam ily.” No, t?H> twrotisth esntury doawi’t Wgro until J*uur*ry 1, 3901. It tokta a hundred y*«m tutHNkexcsn- t*ry ami w* hay* only, had ninty- aia* o f them ro for. Now k (ta tim* to g*t your N*w Year resolution* ready, t a t , be aare ami Make tboee that youareeoufcfcat yon can keep. Only laet New YsstV 1 met a young man on tta uight be­ fore New Year'* wlm had about twenty resolution* written out, and hie name signed to them, promising in keep them. Find; and foremoat, waa oue, resolving to abetaki from tobacco »u every form. He bad a cigar in hie piouth then, which he told me waa hia hurt one.. On the second of January I met bimsgsin. He had a cigar iu hie mouth and l eaked him about hia resolution. He answered that he tad gone to a party on New Year’s Eve, and that he concluded to smoke one .mom cigar lie he went home. Before he hud finwhed, hepuUedont his watch, and it waa already January 1, and he tad broken hie resolution. He concluded that a* he had broken one of. hie resolve* it wasn't worth while to keep- any o f them, so he pu t the Whole batch away, an that they would be ready for neat ’year, to save him the trouble otwritiog out a new set, *ar A certain bachelor editor of a -northern Iowa town is in a predica­ ment, so an exchange avers, as the result of* careless proofreader. Hav- ing occasion to apologise to his read* era for a delay iu wsning hie paper, he wrote: “ We beg the indulgence of our readers for being a day late this week. Our faitnre to get out on time waa on account of physical de- momlikatmn of the editor, caused hy --•riteepi*g---ta* ;«to**- to. the huird- ing-house window.” The euesed oom- pooitor set the last word “ widow,*’ and the proofreader failed to die- coverthe omission of the “ n.” *** Them is one thing that we ta re giwitneedneedof in this town and that ie a eociety for the prevention of cruelty to animals. A recent esse of extreme <mt*ity tat lately come un- <kr our notice, that of a hone stand* la g up in the stable ta r * day or two a t* time without a bite to e a t This same hone has been known to- stand bitched to n rack for twelve houna t ‘■'atime. We hesitate to say what ought to ta dona to a man who is so cruel to hie dumb beasts But tanging is to good for him, the same treatment which he is giving his horse would he about the proper thing and would perhaps bring him to his senses an quick m anything, I f anyone wish** to take kohl of this matter we wilt be fled to furnish •11 the necessary infbrmaUon. AHiUssaanfisystit, Btaoesiagdale, lad ,, Feb. 20, 1090. PnpaiaByrupC'o. deutlemeat—After haviag given Be. fkMwrift flyrup Pepria a fhir trial kt my fbmily, I w heohaUngly pronounce it a g n a t hoen to all sulf •ring from M fss tion , eonetipatioti aad djppepsia ha all their tarma with alt their Iraki of «vH eoneequeneee. I have fought dyspepsia and eoaeti* pitta* of a mean- ehaweter for 25 yeofs, hate swspfoysd the mm skilled f k p i dmm t ta t I oould yeneh, have spent lindiwdn a f dritore ami now I ta d wore rritofta rids pkasant n a ­ tty than I haea foaad la anything rim, To 'alt peresos «f mdtwtaty owopmtaietatas. I ««Sh m a ty , buy it and am H, I hava epeat Urpaaia xxNh me ^ * r now if find i ago It wauM *Vm!m MLW b O wt , P. M.. >. ltd , Byte la da a M Omnga%ftm* dhrityafaritkluf aari tailaMto'-wrip” “ ' wWmm aoy sow w dip am The richest milk it ihs last Warn the adder, and for that maaan alone the dairyaim should ririprinriy . Otaaw* af food, when mads snddeniy, will »l*i cause the •eon to foil e f iu yield; hot In winter th* aaum may also ta due to extreme said and toenBdent shelter, white in summer the use of netting in the windows to protect the stable? agaiuft the entrauoe of flies and other insect* will serve to prolong the milking period. *■*««* fsrst. Excursion tickets will ta sold De* oemtar 23d, 24th, 25th, 30(h, and 31st, 1899, and Jan. 1st, 1900, via Pennsylvania Tines account Christ mat and New Year Holidays. The sata for adult* will not be ta* than 30 omts, nor leas than 15 cent* for children. Tickets will ta good tv* turning until Jon. 2,1900, inclusive, For details about faivs, time of trains, etc., call or address E, 8, Keyes, ticket agent, Oedarville, Ohio TheUnited States tattle shipTexas, Captain BigsbeeCommanding, bas ar­ rived at - Havana, and Captain Greene, commandant of the unvai station, has conferred with Captain Sigetae with regard to the removal from Colon Cemetery of the bodies of the victims of the Maine disaster. The present intention is to remove the re* main* .with ■-as lUtle ceremony as possible. - Aim Otar Bisia, Your best feelings, your social po­ sition or'business depend largely on t t a perfect action of your Stomach and Liver. Dr. King’s New Life Pills give increased strength, a keen, clear brain, high ambition, A 25 cent tax wilt make you feel like a new being. Sold by Bidgway A Co., druggists. The annual report of'the Dayton State Hospital'shows that 28, became unbalanced .front spiritualism; 467 from religion and three from political excitement, The disbnirsement* in 1891 Were 3147,. 335 60, leaving a balance on hand of $67,053.86. IwtatvrfJUattfc. I t was. a -thrilling escape that Chirk* Davis of Bowerstou. 6 ., late­ ly tad from a •frightful death. For two yean a severe lung trouble con­ stantly grew worse until it eeetped he must die of Consumption. Then he began to use Dr. King's New Dis­ covery and .lately Wrote: “ I t gave instant relief and effected a permanent cure.*' Stick wonderful cures have for 25 yean, proven it’s power to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. Price 56c and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial tattle* free at Ridgway A Co.Vdrug store. When a woman who had no arm* was mariied in New Zealand re­ cently, the wedding ring was placed on the fourth tie of her left foot. There Is a wife a t last who is not likely to go through "her htutand’t pockets after inducing him to trudge down downstairs in his bare feet to see whether the girl locked the kitchen door. liVMMSfMp* I f you have been in the habit of taking pills for your constipation and with poor results, just try a bottle of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin and you will ta surprised at the results. Very pleasant to take. 10c, 50c and $1.00. For sale hy O. M. Khfgtray. The night watchman of the Penn­ sylvania Heufi o f Representatives gate $3 a wight from the state for his aerviOM, He pays another man |1 a night to do the watching, while he hlmerif rttns a saloon in Philadelphia. I t is sad to ta obliged to confess in tbkeiMiaeriioit that Pennsylvania k a RepuMtatn stole, AI91X (98X3XWiuBIffF. t wner-Xta-yseiWOauSsal8s»W h i i JR b M shn Th* Amt indkstltai of croup i* haatneuiat, and in a child sulgect to tkst disease it may ta token at a wire ska of tta approtwh of an attack. Fattowiag thk ta a rasaaas k a peculiar iwagheoagh. If Ctamtavtola’sCoa^h RaaieAy hi glwsa aa acoa as t t a child hau ntis hm m , or av*a after th* muwpy t a t # appears, It will prevent fo* attark. I t Is used in awmy thou#- a a is «f kmtoa ha rids tauari knd mum ▲oMtaik ilyi iiilo ii Asehem. Wabawsysttakwmof* jfcgfo kataMK in wbkh It ta s act patataiaiafftaal. As altar fsmpaia- A n m tk • itaaii laiafy- Y aXMAHri ta* ffritaat a fmmSlf C. AUCT IO N •' 'i he Open Winter Weather having, left me with tod many Goodis on hands ’ * ' * - ‘ * 1 "V r . ‘r , ‘ * . ' / > rt, > - - I havel rented the J. B . Orr VACANT STORE ROOM (next ^door to O. H. Gillaugh’s Grocery) and w ill for the coming Two Weeks, begining Conduct an Auction Clearance Sale of ■ . • 1 . - ',• Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Gaps, and QueenWare. Shoes Glass Auction Sales Will Be Held as Follows: 1st SALE- -FRIDAY AFTERNOON AND NIGHT, JANAUARY 5th, 1900 2nd 3rd 4th H il n d A f t l tT U lT A W k)dCL U X t i /A JL TUESDAY a ta WEDNESDAY ” i t ft t a «c if ta II 6th n 9th ta 10th i t ta M TERMS CASH—Positively no goods taken baok or exchanged. Anotton shies begins promptly at 1 o’olook in the afternoon and 7 o’olook in th# evening. DON'T FORGET .the PLACM Come and see us. NOTICE—These w ill be the only auotion sales, but this store w ill he open Every Afternoon from 1to 5 o’olook and BIG BARGAINS given during tint first two weeks ot January, as I intend to olose ont a large portion or stock. ROBT BIRD - U A # J J A -L I/-L /) & Cedarville, Ohio ^ . W-, *■/ ■fvsy- <A