The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 27-52

m ^||; «Nh 4 * |H| m 'assriuMM", * 9UBwtmdmto : 0 C *£* -A* I fM iroalWgWis 'g tw ter ftJK* • fle tc gsa tews J k W¥!$ ter$i •*•*»« '~r“ >AH«NHIW|^AIM%<|> fterald . ffiHTY -TH IM ) Y B A I . HO . 2 7 . CEDARVILLE, OHIO, JUNE SO, ISOO. Csasty, It* j j j fwprtaiiat IsaHNHiMstB «v«ry fwiMMjsr. A»yVM*g$nm te» m+Mm f#W in tin* iw(««t Mil* MW}M*lSt MW «rti*tic w«»K«r, preirorttoiftoafamtawf i «<ir4inon*I**!*###.fetfirp. PRICE $ 1,00 A YEAR, S t r a n g e F e l l o w I n d e e d i s H ! e w to buys th .0 ordinary “mush, and milk” sort o f ropdy-to-wear clothing! Now « pc rid where to buy gooL many of them wearing clothes made by We don 5 ?« .n rf.,,?nny J?Sn dr.e?3ed- . They lim fly know how an o d Clothing, w e do not aupply all well drewed men with wearing apparel.tut you will find ' - * ThinkeryH! ^ n D A V I S , pcx& T a i l o r , rAW HATS in a variety of styles and prices. Kerchief Ties in newest colors and *»«%». r gRIDE’S r o s e s , Here. satisfactory. largest and mos sr under this rc t i d e s I f o r e . lalf price, or less —1 [rything in Wash] ind Wren’s price] Iftfso include a t . speck! |w importation o f Whib I Swisses, Hemstitcbe | Stripe Lawns amt Sill; Mousseline De Sole for! lets and gowns. [hams and Percales. |1choice near dress Gin rrfi 10c rd very fine Bates, To Renfrew corded <lr IWorth 15c. |yard beautiful Gatst ftsnnd figures on pinkJ lid navy grounds, more laudaomc conbinatious.] rd 50 pieces No. 2 Man* [forays all colors, Worth] 500 yards 36iocb Sea] ales in 2 to 10 yardI ]rd300 yards extra final Iras short lengths for and Ladies’ Waists.; rtiiig Coverts rd 5Dpieces l>eat skirting] f» brown, blue, tan and j hi* 15c. jress Linens lard for the best 12j* j |ord /or the 6 « t *15c l)raa j rd for the beat shrunk mm. tl for the l retplain and iLiuen*. IrJ for fine Hhecr Orass j irt waists or full gown. |*rd for 30 inch lire* nht {finks and Mne. iixr only a fttf» Mg** and aft f * P " « . i i t $ *•• * ?» ] Mi SrniaxCracai tte*Riratty WaMNattlwC- I l w # v e . •p<the prettiest ssweH ax the i wedding thathis ’occurred in ^ vfilefor many years was that r»hichEtta Lee, the daughter of k. and .Mrs. C, W, Crouse was __ in marriage to Sidney D. fg, Smith, Thursday eve. • ^ Thehonw was g revelation o f dec* Medbeauty, the color being .white * J f f rten represented by white, car. Ijifions and smilax. There were banka i]«8 and ferns, among and over ?which floods of light .played in r_sungbrilliancy. the wide green laWn was iltum- »(•& by the soft pale ligbtfrora lanterns. Here a hundred from this place and distant „_rgathered to wishthe young peo- i about to he united, in that holy God-speed iu their life’sjournejfe JUthe appointed hour, b o’clock, ftlnbrideand groom made theappear* aonthefcrontY^ffcOda,unattended, i bride was pretty and elegant in organdie, trimmed inlace and i and carried a boquet o f bride’s •The groom was dignified and me in the usual black costume. .. Frants played the wedding i and while the melody o f that jsiva piece o f music filled the rind floated ou t. on the still air, Bev, Ju D. Maddox it* __„ with the harmonious oondi- i of aitsading things, made them, rand wife. ’ [filter the cermnony, the guests saernd witha three conneaupper. _jt brides table seated fen persons. IwwdesorotodwUb whiteand green, afrom the chandelier, VrhiehWas .ily over the table, draperies of ax fell in grsoeful folds. The was brilliantly lighted with . shram*, a targe one in the cett- rsada small oa# at each end. The .T._air»were whit*eiMmatim»». r*i f [filter sapper the happy oouplatm find ooagratalatioBs. They stood ifia bay wlodow,,;U,nderan arch o f s and green and in front of a i of palms aad fcrna. The time I^notation “ happy as a aairriigs 'washere faliy exemplified, for rbody aeentad aa happy aa the egyoaag bride and groom who inoririBg thsir |^*d wtefiaa. *» tbsprMeatawere nhamfl innamsr* tend if the esteem *c extended Isataatialythemoat axaetuqtheart, rwaald be hard indeed to plains, i prasrota filled one entire room, fist from dainty briem-brnmand a totally pieces o f furaHare and eiags. Few young married peO* satarilife under amte encouraging - l : fittiwdeparture a f the young peO* b hr their' newly farafahsd home >XeniaAve., the ceremony o f cast* laboqaethy tlwi bride among the ate wm observed just aa she neared tflst ef the stairway. - Mias Doth ' *reaptured the prim. (f> tWlowing were the ont of-towh ^ia aad Mrs. fid. Hngar, Hr. and . UaHow.ij, Mr. atwl Mrs. Frwl >*r, Mr. and Mm. WDf G»n*ttgh Marshall o f Xantaj Mrt. Couwr, Mrs, Mary Col* ,imd'Mrs,;. JKwak;l$s|df! led V»* Vamtom, a f fl^riagfield,* •eel M». fioht. Aafieweei fiad bksnia Alien, a f Bpriaf YaMsy; Mr. Jo*. Eiaanberger and two daugh­ ter, Mrs, Cupp, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs, Myrtle 8t, John, o f HaytoD; Mr. and Mrs. A . Schuey, ofFairfielcI; Mrs. H. H» Batdroff and two daugh> tera, o f Byron; JMr, and Mrs. Taylor Sweeney, Alpha; Mr, ana Mrs, Ed. Crouse, o f EoimeUville; Mrs. -James Feeder and daughter, o f New Moore* field} Mrs. Ed. Johnson, o f Yellow Springs; Mrs. Joseph Van Horn and daughter, Laura, and Miss Ella Lan- decker, o f South Charleston; Mrs. Oww^efColumbus; Mr.L. A. Smith, o f Manailea, XU,; MissesWoodlock, o f Ottowa, III, The young bride is eue o f our most popularyoung ladies and she .begins her new life with a*heart made glad by the well wishes of a host of friends and relatives. As a bride there whs Co moro happy or more elegant; *as a wife there un-more helpful or Opotented^^ jj; .* ' ’ : Mri Smith, wlto has lived in town but a few years, has won the respect' and esteem o f everyone. He is con* nected with the Hagar Straw Board & Paper Co., o f which his father is superintendent. Mr, Smith is aval* ued employee, and with the, encour­ agement of an excellent wife, together with his own evinced business’ quali­ ties, we expect to see him climb rap* idly the ladder o f a useful life. The Herald as usual echoes the sincerest,well-wishes of those heaped on the newly united pair. * , AaAmwedalml Courtesy. Thu'year’s sassion ot the Urbans camp meeting will be held August 2 to 12. The opening sermon .will be preached Thursday, August 2 at 2:30 p. in.,, by Rev. A. N. Spahr, o f Msdhstoioabutg, Hr. C. W. Barnes, pretiding elder o f the Springfield dis­ trict, has been elected superintendent. The hoard o f directors. hove invited the pastors of the Springfield district and their wives to be guests o f the association during the meeting. This murit appreciated oourtesjrwiU secure a large attendance and the hearty co­ operation o f a hostol able ministers. Dr. Levi Gilbert, the newly elected editoro f the Western,Christian Advo­ cate, will preach on the first Sabbath, August 5, at 10:90 a. tor. He wilt ah so address the Young Peoples! meet*, iug at 4 o’clock. Rev. Maddox, o f theM. E, church, will attend tbe meeting and will also deliver an address at: one of the ses­ sions, AV COGITATIONS A Haas— t Surprise. One of the most pleasant as well as a very unusual surprise was given Mr. Robert Tyndall, a well known ettiaeb o f near Salma, .Monday, when friends and relatives gathered to cele­ brate 75th birthday. The gather- lag tret at the home o f Dr. Elder and Went in procession to his residence, Persons to the uurnber 371 registered and it is stated that possibly 500 peo­ ple attended, Tables .werespread in tiro house am! a large number were compelled to lunch out on the Uwn. Mr. Tyndall was presented with a fine chair, purchased through our fur­ niture dealer, J. H* McMillan, the presentation being made by Rev. Humphrey, o f Jamestown. Visitors from Springfield, Xenia, South Char­ leston, Cednrville and Jamestown were present. -Har»M* are only a trifle higher in prices than they were several yrar* ago; so do not get frightened, but come to my store, and get yourself a angle Harness at reasonable nice sta . fnom Dora, the Harness Man. KEEP COOL. 7 The Preacher tyke Traveled far His Health,' ; On the train from Golumbus to Cincinnati not long ago we encount­ ered a preacher. If it had been any* one else, wo would .merely have met him, but being a preacher, it is neces­ sary to be more dignified, hence we “ encountered him/’ We met him first iu the station at Golumbus, At first we were inclined to talk enthusiastically about what a grand structurethe depot is, but I Boon discovered that if I wanted to appear travelled and experienced, enthusi­ asm or interest in anything was' out ot the question.' I could tell at. once that lie was a preacher by ’hisplug hatandwhite tie. He alfo wore other things, but they were not so clerical. Hishat was not tbe latCBt style, but it was' good enough, In fact, it was a real good plug hat, It hadn’t a holeJh it! A fastidious man might have objected to the style, since it was the same kind o f a hat that Andy Jackson wears on all - his statues, but it suited the preacher and it didn’t cost tne any­ thing. I thought at first that his clothes were aboutaeven sizes too big because he got them for the same money, hut I learned later that lie “ had fell off a good deal in the lost few years,” He had lived in the north and it did not agree with him, - Ha was going south with his family for his health. I asked him how be had happened to go north and ho told me, He said: “ They hain’t got'no first class schools in the south, j had to go north togit my education.” .1 asked him how far he “ had went” and he said to Michigan. I suggested that maybe he ' “ hadn’t went fur enough.*? and then I chuckled mer­ rily over my own bit o f pleasantry, hut he didn't see the point, and I had not the heart to explain it to him. - They took a sleeper, but he in­ formed me that hei“ done” it on ac­ count his wife, as he did uot believe in sleeper, since theyare all style and no comfort.. He pretended to be very familiar with tbe inner workings of the sleeping car and lie furnished a great deal of amusement for the rail­ road people* judging from his familiarity with varnished rare, I should have guessed that he had travelled mostly on foot prior to the trip he was taking for his health. He had refused many excel­ lent offers to preach, because he sim­ ply eoubl not accept them. People where he came frmn must like fun, He found a great deal o f fault with the service, which is always a sign that a man has had it good deal o f exper­ ience, It is always a sign o f good taste and o f good breeding to kick on everything that is going and its also an indication that a preacher is a good Christain Why this preacher was so well acquainted with railroad travel that he conversed freely with the con­ ductor, although that worthy didn’t hear a Wan! he said, or i f he did, lie forgot to pay a n y Attention to him. The last I saw of the preacher was his Andy Jackson plug hat which was hanging on « Hook doing better ser­ vice than bring worn out on his head* The preacher had put in the night trying to keep their ten weeks’ old baby from crying* X did not blame it, I would have cried loo, under the circamstanoei. W W W I trust that the preacher will find health and perhaps the next time I meet himhe will be healthy enough to come nearer .filling his clothes. A TIME TEIKD JOKE. The other day a Hum bought a piece o f »oj>e at a hasdware store to tie up a calf, perhaps, , Probably, it was some other .purpose he had in view.. No difference. „ The story is theSame, Between the time his left the store and his home he was Asked no Ires than seventeen times, “ Hello there, Bill, did yon buy that rope' to hang yourself?” And each tiiro he laughed a good, hearty laugh' because the jokers were customers of his aud noth- iug drives away trade like failing to laugh at. the jokes ofc those Whose trade yon cepend on. And that same joke will he sprung when the great judgment day arrives and some folks wilt think they got it off tM first time. What funny people, ' / Handshakinga Relic of KrighthoodDays. In the days of knighthood every man carried « sword aifll Wasready to slash his neighbor upon the slightest pretext. When friends met they grasped one. another by the right hand, thereby indicating peaceable intentions, as each one 'thus gave up to the other his fighting arm. That is why we shake with tiro right hand. • ........ inform Ed FerriB has been In Cincinnati for the past two week.. M. .aud Mrs. W. M. Barber enter­ tained at dinner, Wednesday. —BREAD, for Trader & Son’s bread go to Bird's Mammoth Store. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kyle enter­ tained about twenty of their relatives to dinner Tuesday in honor o f Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Kyle, o f Xenia. QaestlsaAnswered. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothero’ nnd grandmothers’ never thought o f using anything else for Indigestion or Bit-, iousneas. Doctors were scarce,_ and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, etc* They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermen­ tation o f Undigested food, regulate ac­ tion o f the liver,'stimulate the ner­ vous and organic action of thosystem, and that is all they took when feeling dull aud had with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses o f Green’s August Flower, in liquid form to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. For ■ale by C M. Ridgway* Summer Outings. Wlicrs to (JoandHew to Get There, The Seashore, Mountain aud Lake Resorts constitute the most attractive pleasure grounds for the summer idler. They are within easy reueh via Penn­ sylvania Lines, and agents of that railway system Will furnish full infor­ mation about rates, train service and through car comforts to any of the summer havens* They will assist jh arranging details for vacation trips and give valuable information free of charge. Apply to the nearest Penn­ sylvania Line* Passenger and Ticket Agent and l » relieved of all Iwther in Shaping preliminaries for your sum­ mer outing and vacation trip. 15, S. Keyes, Agent, Oedarville, Ohio. EORSAtE. liasa cistern and well, also a number o f fruit tree,1’ Address, J, W, McLsaw. I OurWalking; Delegate | We overheard « hot argument the other day which resulted in the cool­ ing of friendship. Possibly the wife is called the bet­ ter half because she usually gets the best of the other half. • It has been stated that matrimony is on the increase, burthen, of course, that is what it is for. ' What happiness there would be. if the drunken man’s lave for his family was as strong as his breath. ’ There may be much tenderness in thisjseemingly cruel world,but it ap­ pears that the butchers of this town have a hard time to find it. t ’ r 1 ‘ - * < • Two men discussing1the horrors of poverty the other day brought this to our mind. Why need anyone care whether he dies in poverty or not? It is living in poverty that bothers us most. • The Bible.says that after God cre­ ated man He rested, hut it does not say whether He.’ or man ever' rested' again after lie created woman. # . Advice is one thing friends are not' atingy with. Home o f them are will­ ing to.deprive themselyee of it in order to give it to us, ' * A little perfume is all right, but too much is offensive. We passed a certain .^person jn town a few days ago, that had their clothing so highly perfumed that it almost threw us into convulsions. • They’re off. They’re off. Was the cry when Messrs, Condon and Hop­ ping climbed into their wagon tojour­ ney through the eastern part of the state* The boys had a very nobby rig fitted out and was well stocked with the line of goods which they are handling. .They ..will, make a two. or three weeks tour among the hills and Visit with Charles brother iu Bel­ mont county. Mis H. O. Cupp anil Mrs* Lottie Wilson, o f Dayton are the guests of former’s sister Mrs. CI iub . Gillauglnp J, Robb Harper left last evening for Chicago, to enter tbe Chicago Un­ iversity. Bret Hsrte's C om I m h S Novels, Years ago Bret Harte wrote series of stories which he called “ condensed novels”—humorous tales, in which he burlesqued the style, inatinerisms and peculiarities of (be authors of tho day, Mr. Harte has just completed, for The Saturday Evening Post, a new series of these inimitably funny liter ary caricatures. Admirers of Conan Doyle should read the adventure# of Hemlock dunes iu his quest of The Stolen Cigar-Case; a» »l those who are fond o f Mr. Kipling will find pleasure in Stories Three; tabs o f Moo K»W, the Cow; Pnskat, the warmth-Jifving one; tin; adventure* of lJfeureyed, Otherwise'Mtd Mnlhdwinev. In Ru­ dolph, tbe Ib'Semhlcr, the :i**nto reader will find a n«w version of An thi-.ny Hope’s most popular *f«iry. :».ul wilt uialeifttand h»w much n.oie Com plicated it might have been bad there been three kings instead ot only two. The first of three “ condensed nov­ els”—The Jungle Folk^will appear in Tiro Saturday Evening Post o f Jturo 90. !S9 SAVE MONEY. Ohio. ...Summer Price List •aa We are always pleased to publish bur prices. They are our strongest arguments when the reader considers that our hats are, standard, durable goods and invariably have more style than the ordinary kinds. Men's fine braid straw hate..*...’. Men’s rough braid straw- hate.... Boys’ straw h a t s , .,..,.1.*.. Men’s fur Alpine soft hats...... . Men’s stiff hate,.,.,., Roys’ felt hats.......,....,,,......... Men’s pocket crushers...,.....,-..,. Men and hoys’ summer caps...,. Ladies sailors. .... .......25c to 94.00 .......50c to $2,00 .......25c to $1.50 ..:,$1.00 to $5i00 .,.,$1.00 to $5.00. .......50c to $1.50 .......50c to $1.50 .,.,..,.,'.25c to 50c ....$2.00 to $5.00 _________ j j f i * t/tr m b i M i 15 l A v n s n u r KN imMOMORLMbWl lO ' . ' J 0001 ) ( lO lH b l l l AM ' d <H ; b K SPRINWIHD II noil WANT ICWtAU iMJiilh BIARINIi II f .M H b M.MKAUF fW. m i w m ^ - u i m i i m . i h tHM lN *•»> V ‘ . re* Gent’s Furnishing, Hats, Trunks, ValiMB. *w AltalitltfVMW* Is often hidden by unsightly Km* pies, Ecreiua, Tetter, Erysipelas* Salt Rheum, etc. Uuekfen’aArnica Halve wilt glorify the face by curing all Skin Eruptions, also Cute, Bruisas, Burns, Boils, Fates*, Ulsesa, m wrxvt fbrMs o f PHsa. Oalr tft sis a t e i O n * gWMMtsad. f e M t e l % w oyAGAn --------- * tararslfw* t» TfkHte* June ifltit andS 7 tit teO w m itm Ohio CkristSan Eafisavw IM mi !•» mtoa<m traa«ftc>M**xjmilra Iflfeite' ' wilt b* wM lo Totedo y h f iy g ri lul.. . v- ■May hwei « l k k | M f l i l i ig ifiia e a ft fie ite , / w J , ' * *.1