The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 27-52

■ oii T i p : l lc i 'i i ld . *t.«u A YKiUi, BARM* m*x> Editor m 4 t»riffkter. C hicao *) 13to 01 W*’.db W#;c. SATURDAY, JUNE 30, jfKE Now fiSifctfac time arrive ! when the henchmen will begin to bench. Of course, nil imtriotie ('hintae wjU now go homo arid fight hr or against |he JdoxotJ. Tho Philadelphia ticket and j*Tat- tom are about 03 .near all right as things ever get in the political world* W«*MI«t Stl'zr ie i f «"*V«r fifty Him*It* I#is*> I nwckc hi't night with s-cvero pains in my i-totriitoh- I n(\ry hit so badly in nil w !i&. Wfitnlranto d<*»u so wwk thh KMiun,t l felt s» wxak l Mild hard!;*' work. I went ti Mil!!‘,r & McCurdy'u drag . and tiny recommend: 1 ^ tbamberiain’i Colic, Uhd* rn ot-d Diarrhoea Remedy. It worked Jlke magic ami oue dose fixed ntfcnii right, it certainly » h tin* burst tiling I <ver O'; d for stomach trouble, -1 ohall not hrr withi-ut it in my home hereafter, for I rimukl m i can* to on-1 Aw$ the sufferings o f kr-s night ogain for fifty times i s price.—G« lb Wil- con-, Liveryman, Burgett<it<»h Wash* - ingtnn Co., P«. Thsi remedy w hr rale fry U. M. Ridgwny, For Infante andChildren. '13*1 AM?tfftehleFrepar^oafoirAa- sioBatktfttefoodandBcgida- Ui^ttwStowixisatitlBowbof lM IN, IS . ( Hit !>KIA The KindYou Have Always Bought .>Tho eatigiug, lots o f trouble this year* First it was the Boers,, next the Boxers and all the time the pwaideutial becB, Wtiynirvilio has voted*for th« issue of #530,000 in bonds to bo used for lo*' cal water works and electric lights. Bath plants will ho. in operation by early autumn. PromotesDi^lianJCheerfuL nessandRest-Containsneither Opium.Morphiije norMiueraL N o x K a u c o t i c . ALife .’»scDeath Tight* Mr. W. A Hines, of Manchester, iu^t ifao Vice Prostdctttial nomination ntic:lpg fVom death, cays: 1‘Exposure did hot nm wild and bit one of the .................................... innocent bystanders. tfVUJOrStHVnmOBM Fmf m mV fmiur ‘ i M e utter measles induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption. .‘Oom Poufs attention should lie called to the fact that Taylor of Ken­ tucky, did.,not carry- off the capitol jprhcu he loft the state, I had frequent hemorrhages and coughed night and 1 The menace of militarism dues not seem to have much effect on ' the par­ ents who are trying to get tbeir sons into West Point and the Naval Academy. _ ...... ...........All m doctors eai.i I must soon die. Then - began to use Dr; liingV, New Discpv ery which wholly cured me. Hun­ dreds have used it on my advice and a(l guy it never fails to cure Throat. Chest and Lung troubjgj.’* Regular size yOc and SI.00, Trial bottles free fit KitTgwny & (*Vs. Drug Store. , AperfectRemedy forConslipa- Hon,Soul*Slomach.Dianhoea Worms.Convulsions.Feverish­ ness nndL o s s o f S leep . Facsimile Signature of "NEW 'YORK . , The powers should be' careful not to let the Empress secure a movable capitol ear, China is so large that it will be quite a chase to overtake her ifflhe cVer gets started on such a'trip. A now,electric road is talked of for Jamestown, .It js to be, over a new route and Xenia is to be left out the cold.. v Al b iiionlhs ul d ] j D d S I S - J j t I M S Bears the Signature o f 11 Use For Over in EXACTCOPYOFWRAPPER. THK CKMTAUR eOM M M V. « • * • « « W * < A On?dof Thi j. Why shouldn't Secreiury Hay transfer the American claim against Turkey to Great' Britain and let her ■> collect it for the benefit of starving India? That would certainly -be a strokeo f ' ‘splendid diplomacy.” I wish to say that I feci under last­ ing obligations for what Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has done for our family. We have UBed it in so many cases of coughs, lung troubles and whooping cough, and Tit has always giveu the most perfect satisfaction, we feel greatly indebted to the manu­ facturers o f this remedy and wish them to please accept our hearty of Ifevir York SUIT SALE Beginning this week, we w ill sell a ll our L a ­ dies’ all-wool Tailor-made Suits that were $ ixod , $ 13*50 and $ 15.00 for $ 7 . 85 . Every suit in this sale is good style of strictly all- wool material and is a great bargain at our p rice~ $ 7 , 85 . We also w ill sell some finer suits at just half price, Special low pricey on Jackets and Separate Skirt, Is theeafwtInsurance Compaq toinsure your property in, B mmmm it is tb«hugest company in the ** 4 * makinga specialty of insuring Far* fluid Villiage property aytii* Fire, Lightning and Ton*, does. Its ageute do not lure k apologise to its policy holder? whig their property isdestroyed, becnu*&* Company Faya the Cash immediately and without delay. Write to me or call at ray office lot testimonials from my own cueionwn throughout Greene, Clark, Madiao* and Fayette counties. Officeopenevery day iu the week, SPECIAL—On account of the extremely low price during this sale we cannot allow cus­ tomers to take Suits out on approval or make exchanges. 7 W. L. CLEMANS, AO BH T , Cedarville, : Ohio. Homer G. Wade, Office Manager. WheretoLocate? Wkjr, in the Territory Traversed by ibe. . . , 3 obe Bros. $ Company,Louisvme Nashville SPECIALS IN S l i i K . f l f I D . D R E S S ■ M O D S Railroad J. H. WOLFORD •---- THE— - (Ireat Centra! SoiiiheruTraaklie IN- The Democrats are contrasting the ■’ Republican platformof 1856 with that of 1900, of course much to the disad- ; Vantage o f the latter. But ns a mat­ ter of fact, has not the1Democracy also changed its platform considerably ' since that day?* thanks.—Respectfully, Mrs. S. Doty, Dea Moines, Iowa. For sale by 0 . At Reduced Prices, M ?\vay. • * • • KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE, ALABAMA; The geueral store belonging toX F. ’Puffer at Pleasant View, was de­ stroyed by fire, last Thursday. Loss $2,000; insurance $1,150, K or 39C Best Grade Japanese Gorded Wash Bilks, New colorings, the most attractive styles. Regular prices 50 cents, reduced to 39c a yard. Especially desirable for Waists and Children's dresses. Quantity limited. Senator Morgan acknowledges that the Chicago platform “ hasT'a tew' A Preftcber of'Waterloo, Iud. Kov. S. P. Koltz writes:.“ I have been afflicted over 20 reHTtrwith dysfiepsia or sour stomach. marginal notes. that are rather too eocjalibtic.” That's what • the voters thought in '96, and they will show next November that they haven't changed their minds, y ars ll! p H avc tried different remedies without much benefit. A 10c bottle of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin gave me great benefit Have taken nearly one large bottle and heel like adifferent person" For sale by 0, M, Ridgwuy. F o r 68c A YARD—Taffeta Waist Bilks, including corded and lace stripe Taffeta in newest shades. Former price, $1.25 a yard. Now reduced to 63c yard. •Quantity limited. „ ■ F o r 68c AND '89c A YARD—All our Foulard Silks, every piece now; tiiis season's styles. Former prices, 85c, $1.00, $1,25. Now reduced to 68c. and 85c n yard. Quantity' limited, ' F o r 58c YARD—Black Soutache Suitings, regular price $1.00 now «*e- dueed to 85c a yard. Quantity limited.*. * * . Chinese methods include humorous »\ bkecutions—aomethingwith boiling oil ; ot*meltedlead,orsomethingof the kind Goditrip aml pity the foreign lega­ tions if they have fallen into Chinese Arid God help the Chinese later bn if they have. Jamestipvn has n press brick factory with a capacity of 16,000 bricks per day. G renad ine and N ets a l l a t R edu ced Pr ices - P a r is S ilk M ouse lin es, P r ic e 5 0 c ts R edu ced to 39 cts. MISSISSIPPI. FLORIDA, W H E R E Farmers, Fruit Grotcers, ■ ■ Stock Faisers, ifanufacturen. Inventors, Speculators - and Money. Lenden will find tlic greftte«t c!i»i‘.ce« in the Uniat'] States to tnnlce “ big nioney” by reason of Ik] •bbnUaace * b J cheapness o f > * • • • -9* Just how much of the present proa- parity may justly be credited to the Republican administration is difficult to gay, but there is no doubt at all that the voters will credit it with nearly all o f it* This is a fset that must be taken into very serious con- i^ralibn in ' spcciiiatiiig” bn ’ the re- It Is Stradgo that some people who say they never read patent medicine advertisements will bo- found lugging home every now and then a bottle o f some favorite rem­ edy of theirs. We don’ t bother yon with much reading but just ask you to try n 10c trial bottle of Dr. Cold- ClKmurphy & Bro. Co. BUGGYS - AT - AMt - PUKES 48, 50, 52, 54 and 56 Limestone 8t„ Springfield, O, Buggy Repairs of All Kinds. woll's Syrup Pepsin for constipation, indigestion and stomach troubles. rOe and $1,00 sizesat C. M. Ridgways. •aft of this fall. The YollowBprings Driving Associ­ ation will give ’several piirscs for trot­ ting and pacing races, July 1 at Grinnell Park, $500 BEWARDl Wo will imy the above rework for any case of Liver Oompluiht, Dyniiepalft, Sick IIcaA- aebu, Imligc.ition, Conotijiation or CootivontBa wc ortnnnt euro with bivorita. tbo Up-to-I)nto LUtlo Liver Pill,when the dirccttonn^aroitrict- ly eomplicil with, They arc purely Vegetable and never fail to j-ivo natiHfaction, 25c boxes contain 100 PUlu, ioc Iwxes contain 40 Pills, 5o boxes contain 15 Pills. Beware of substitu­ tions and imitations. Bent by mail. Stamps taken'.' NCRVITA 'MBDICAIj CO./ Cor; Clinton and Jackson Sts., Chicago, III. l?«r fialo by C. at. llldgway, druggist, Ccdar- vilio. Ohio. The FraudsnAsboakl call an extra aearion to deal with the Chmsae situa­ tion, no miittsr whether he knows that the Repujahoan Congress will ap­ prove hismethods nr not. The United States may boon the verge o fa great War, mud the hinds to which the war making powW hr committed by the Constitution should be allowed to deni with it. At* Ton With lb? Do you feel j trot finer than anybody all the time? If you take Dr. Cald­ well's Syrup Pepsin you may feel good the year round. It « guaranteed to cure constipation, indigestion and all stomach and bowel trouble."?. 81, 50c or 10c die. ('. M. Rsdgway will tell you all about it, PILES CUREDWITHOUT iTHE XHFEl Yuur drngi-eji, -whomyou know to b« r*li&b!o will tell you'that ho is authorized to refund Iho money to every purchaser where PIZO OINT­ MENT fails to euro any case of ITOHINU, BLIND, BLI2EDING, or PROTRUDING PILES, no matter of how long standing. Curc3 ordinary cases io sia days. One application gives case and rest. Relieves Itching instantly. This is a nco discovery and is cold cn a posi­ tive guarantee. No Caro, No Pa -, Price, $1.00, For calc by C, U . Ridgway, Cubit’s first elections passed off quietly; almost too (juicily for a peo­ ple who take proper interest in the government of themselves. More than ont close observer o f them has said that the Cubansare entirely"unfitted, by natureandeducation, to lie citizens o f a free Republic; that the only government they understand in mm that always makes its authority felt. The Old Maid Circle is the name o f a society which lias lodges in Bell- trook, Bpriug Valley, Springboro, WavGcavilfe find Centerville, They held their Annual picnic af. Lucas Groi'e, V/cdceylay of this week. —Buggits painted f(>r $5 at Wol­ ford’s. ' A McimUt Derii Fra!} Destroying its victim, is a typo of Constipation. The power of this mal­ ady is felt on organs, nerves, muscles ttU fX m * CAlfXOTBf! OURED by local applications, as they cannot ranch the diseased portion o f tbo car. There is only one way to cure deaf- trass, arid that is by constitutional namedies, Dsaftrass is caused by an blamed condition o f the mucuous RiHftguf theEustacWau Tube, When this tuba gets inflamed you have n rumbling sound o f imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness la the result, and unlaw the ioffsm- DMttiOit can be taken out and this tuba rwKored to its normal condition, hear­ ing wit! b# destroyed forever; nine eases out often ate cansstl by catarrh, whist is.nothing but an inflamed cou- dMoft of the mucous surfaces, W# will give one One Humlnit IhdbufS for arty caw o f tteafnewj feattwit bv catarrh) that can not im,* rami by Hall’s Catarr t.-uro Bend i ira-aiicritAra ftm . 1 F. J. CHENEY & m t Tolclo. 0 . and brain. But Dr. King’sNew Life PilL are a safe and certain cure. Rest in the worhlfor Btomach. Liver, Kid­ neys and Bowels. Only 23 cents, at Ridgway & Co’s. Drug Store. A Noted Didfar Once raid "moat women lose their frc;lme?3 and good looks earlier in life than ueecr-rary because of inattention to nature;? requirements. Because of tbeir peculiar habits all should make a practice of using some sinple laxa­ tive.” There is no laxative so simple, so pleasant to take and yet so potent us Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. Get a 10c bottle (10 doses lOcts.) of 0, M. ItidgMay. Here is Adaisy birth notice trom a Kansaspaper; “ Born, to the wife of Jim Jones, a boy. The boy favors bis old dad in several ways, viz: he is bald, has a red nose, takes to a bottle like a bumblebee to a lump of sugar and makes a lot o f noise about noth* in#- There is one significant fact which Dearson the question o f a college ed­ ucation for girls. -It is that all the American women who liavo won dis­ tinction iu original work o f any kind, received the old-fashioned training. College-bred Women, so far, have been successful ouly as teachers. Is this ticeause the woman in one case was H»M by Drihrawts, 7,rn•, Haifa Family Pills arc tin* best. * -Last fall 1 sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes, The doctor f called on said at first it was a slight strain and would soon be well, but itgrew wofdo and the doctor then said t hail rli: ui«a*i*m, It con- tinmd to grow rw?: o ami I could hardly t ami mi to work. I went to a drug «tne and tin? dr»ggi«t rtttMumoidtd mo bitty tlianibcrlain's Fain Raliu. I tried it nod mmdialf *.f a 31?i out L fife t ui<d me entirely, I n.,w iri’OLO.i ml it b» all :ov friends* F. A, IMw-wk, EtK Pa. ft is for pdf - by f\ fiL Ridgway. ■ ■ 6tiffere<1 to develops naturally, like a ul i growing tree, and n the other was moulded artificially the same as one brick in a heap o f bricks?—Ladies’ Home Journal. Nursing M s f iu r s -Wanted: A mtnaiMia m b*»»-k 1 | « W S thf*Mttgbiy mrrqwtrjit ! awn, ftadwra >'( htiateMK e»A G. f , Mliw»r. 4>4»r j HI. V*v*,urm,‘, IViki-d Hksii - W:lh T''frSlo»' Xo Iff at. Kr» F«l. At UravV Uftaii hot weather, They know how Uweakens and how this affects the baby. All auch tnothera need Scott’x Emulsion, Itgives them strength and makes the haby’aFoodricher and more abundant. S C t.S H S h All? LOWrARCWEST. Spwisl Bate* to l u n i City via Feaaaylvaaia Lise* forBailout Dettooratlo Conreatloa. I m p e r i a l P l o w s a n d R e p a i r s . LAID AID FAKXS. TIKBEX AID STOIE, IXOV AID COAL.. LABOB--EVEMTHMG) Free zltre, flaaqeial aiiietanrc. ab<l freedMij fnim taxalioa. forth* laannfactuier. i Land anil farm* atSl.OD per acreatidM-J ward*, and5S0.0Q0 acre* in West Florida ttaM oan be taken gratia tinder IL 8. Hoaeatarti law*. I Stoekrafiing in tho Gblf Coait Districtwill] mak« taomoti* proits. Halffatawotnimth*liwt aat-' Third Tawdayt af «uh awath.. ■L*t a* knew -what yo« want, and wewil j tall you where aSd how to get it—bstdoa’l] delay, as the ooaniry ts tiling uprapidly, j Feinted natter, wap* and all InfonaitiMj free. Address, > ' S. J. WEMT88, OsMrSl ImnigTatioa aad Indaitrisl Agnj LMkrrill*, Ksataeky. Excursion tickets to Kansas City for the National Democratic Conven­ tion will bo sold July 1, 2 and 3d via Pennsylvania -Lines...TickcU will b^ good returning leaving Kansas City not later than July 9. For informa­ tion about rates, through time and train comlorta, apply to nearestTicket Agent o f the Pennsylvania Lines, OPENING CEDAliVILLlf OHIO, 4TM o r JU LY TRIPS. Summer Wash Fabric. A CCOUNTS of Merchants andIs-] divkluals solicited. CollectioWj promptlymadeandremitted. Eiesniaa Tickets Will Be Bsld TiaFeaisylraala Lian. ThRAFTBon New York and ** cinnatlssldat lowest rates. cheapestandmostconvenient way is sendmoneybymail. Following the annual custom, re­ duced rate tickets will be sold via Pennsylvania Lines for Fourth of July trips. They may be obtained July 3d and 4th at any ticket station on the Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh to any other station those lines within a radius of 200 miles, Return coupon will be good until July 5th, inclusive. For particulars about rates hud time o f trains, apply to Pennsylvania Lines Passenger nnd DIMITIEB—First lo show, best to wear, last to fade, designs pretty. Tka 8jc quality worth 12£c, sell rcdidly. The 15c quality yon would tniulr worth 25c, quality and pattern ot imported. Organdies, Madras, Fig­ ured Swiss, Linens, Jaconctts (excellent for the girl graduate,> SILKS—Figured, for a Summer Dress, just right price and very popular. CORSETS—All tho now shape. Excellent Summer Corsets 50c. KIDS—All tho pretty shade for 11.00 and $1.50. OAN8 madeonReal Estate, Pw- 1 eonal orCollateral Security. WilliamWildman, Pres,, Seth W.Smith, VicePres.. W, J. Wildman, CsAitt. Ticket Agents. CARPET ROOM—Full Velvet Body Brussels, Ingrain, Tapestry, Art Squares, Rugs, Lace Curtains, I’ortierres, Window Shades, Grill, Linoleum, Oil Cloth, Rag Carpets. You will be pleased with the piices as many have visited other cities and we have secured the sales. FOX, —THE- The ioiiowirig schedule goes into effect on tho Pennsylvania Line, Sun-' day, May 27. WESTWARD, No. 33—10:17 a. m, No. 19—3:28 p. m. No. 3—9:00 p, m. EASTWARD No. 10.—7;09 a. m, No. 32—1:41 p, m. No’s, 10 and 3 run only between Columbus and Richmond, No. 10 is a flag stop at Cedarville. The above trains arc daily throughout tho week, E. S. K eyes , Agent. NEW TIME TAB LE. f ll n SUIT ROOM—Finely stocked. Tailor Made Suits, Waists, Petticoats, Jackets, Separate Skirts, Muslin Underwear meeting large sales. Knit Underwear 25c to 50c. 4* Arcade Photographer4* H u t c h i s o n & Is tliu most reliable aiul Strictly Ui»*tO‘ date Artist in tlie eity Springficbl, 0 . Xenia, Ohio. DEMITS PIUS 1 * 111m aun , Uri V lff art MwMrt “ - ........ ' Cheap tic k e ts ,!* C h w its tM , $ C . They will In; sold July 3d, Gth, Cth and <S:li via Peniisylvanja Lines, ac­ count meeting of National Educa­ tional Asrocinliou Anyfexly may take Advantage of the spot-inl into nnd enjoy a vacation outing. Informa­ tionjthmtt variable routes, slop over privilegia, through time nfid other will he liifiiidied free tty P*»- wtigor Mid Ticket Agents «»f lira 2Vnffsylv(«;i:i Lines; Apply to the ner.rcM mu*. -New Crop California Ar>ri<y.U, Paarhra, Prnmee, flrapraand IfaMaa, at Gray’s. tar; inMm Dm. OurGeneral Catalogue quote* them. Send 15c to partty pay, i and well postage or exprafeMge acnrl youone. Ithaa rioo *7*ooo illustrariiNH mid momb Mafl «hsj a a r * - prices <m nearly ye»e«o__ Hratyou eat and via aad wear. We cowtaaUy carry fat «M M artkks tpMried. 1 S S ? * Ito r it iT ilB *—* ‘™‘"* TlUVlHi M 0 liVRIMiVlUMINNk^ loti rAMMMMI.Jft. 9 m era* If »\ II, 'asp* ,rhy « . ^ fm otMmai] ijuSdAii ta » *gJ2 itmm . ... IM ZWlMM*! a<Mntl bjr • t e S a f . bumju>4 «o»4*rfc TVSoitr. n K I l lA L ^ T wMitmmrom -rntm w MWUrtaSt^fl Buy 25c, 3! * | If you want & Sllltlt 27 At Vc Goods 500 paly Lai New Sty $1.50. pair La< tedueed 75 pkit Lad a» $tfr& ttd T i l e d W K W ask,»