The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 27-52

piSfSwrsai H ■ Presents greater attractions than ever for the coming Holidays. Ton will find an endless va­ riety ol goods suitable for Christmas. Presents to please both the old and the young. In F TN F SF I fS , OYFftCOAfS, MUFFZFDS, GZOYFS, ana IMNDFF&CM IFFS, We le a d . In Fancy Goods*-- CHINA WADF DOZZS , D O O F S ^ TOTS and GAMFS, In Fine CAN pIFS , #• * . • F l i t tJ I S a n d . NUTS. We simply show more than a lt others combined* Fancy California Navel Oranges are the best and sweetest th a tgrow* We have a ll sizes a t 15, 2o, 25, 4.0 and 50 cp e r doz. Fancy M ixed , Candies, \str ic tly p u re sugar goods], a t 10 ,121 ,15 and 2 0 cp e r lb , N u ts, a ll hinds. Almonds, the best ones 20c lb, j B ra z il Nuts J5c lb . . Fng lith Walnuts 18c lb. b e r ts tS c lb . White Grapes, the choicest tha t grow 20c lb. Dates 12\c lb. F ig s 12\c lb, NOUGF:-«Do not bring any ^Premium 2 ’ickets to us on Saturday, December 22 , or Monday, December 21. We cannot and w ill not accept them on these two days. & . . _;_• __________ ■' _____________ ____ :__ , • ■----- -■ Local and Personal. Mr. and Mrs. John Townsley en­ tertained a number of tbeir elderly friends and relatives at dinner Thors- day. —School teachers- see Cooper’s line of candics-and get bis prices on can­ dies, oranges, etc. * . v M ibs Mary Hutson and Mr. Homer .Allison, o f Urbana, spent Sabbath at the home of Miss Ella Hutson. —For the nicest, the best and the purest Candies'go to Cooper’s. John W. McLean, as executor of Margaret Ford, sold the Ford prop- erty on Main Street to Alice McLean and Mary A. Houcbins. Considera­ tion $ 1200 . -Would like to buy lay 8 c p •illaugh. Wanted, Lard- good country lard. Will p 8 er 1b; C. H. Gillf ‘ Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stevenson have issued invitations for Tuesday, December 25, 1900, at 5:30 p. m. The cards call for no presents. ■ —One of those Boxes of fine Oho* colates or Bon-Bons would make a present to a friend. See what Cookerhas. . •Now that the trustees are makiug preparations for heating the opera house, it might possibly be welt to . mention the fact that the storm doors would be a great advantage. —Tooth brushes and ail Deutifice, Ridgway ACo. Monday last being tax day, County Treasurer Asa Little was here-and collected the December tax. —Go to Cooper’s and see the line of Books, Games, Toys, Dolls, Dishes, etc. Mrs. James Holmes, on Xenia Avenue, has sold her house, and lot to ’ Robert Bird. Consideration $1500. —Remember that Cooper has at all times a full line of everything in groceries. Reid (^wens has been laid up for a few days, suffering from quiusy. . —Lion Coffee 13c or libs for 25c, 4 lbs rita r. Crackers Jfor 25c, Syrup Molasses the best per gallon 28c, Pure Buckwheat Flour in 101b bags pr lb 4c a t Bird’s. Invitations have been issued for an afternoon party to be given today at the home of Mias Bessie Hopping, in honor o f Miss Mary Holmes. The M. E . Sunday School will cel­ ebrate Christmas on Christmas eve, which includes Christmas tree, enter tainment and treating the pupils. The choir will discourse delightful music. —Blankets 65c to $8.00, cloaks $1 to $15.00, rugs 25c to $10.00, collar­ ettes and fur collars $1.50 up, Lace Curtains 50c pr. to $15.00, everything in abundance a t lowest prices. Alexander A Spahr Xenia, O. Co. -Fine JBox Candies Ridgway A Mr. and sMrs. Obss. Cobley en­ tertained a number of theirfrionds at tbeir home south of town, last evening. Mr. and Mrs. ’Cooley intend giving several parties this winter, this being the second. Mrs. Martha Stevenson died yes­ terday afternoon about two o’clock at the home of her sister, Mrs. Hanna Cooper, The deceased was about seventy three years of age. and had been makiug her home with her sister since July. Mrs. Stevenson’s home has been in Nebraska .for a number of year,’where she has two sons living at present. A brother lives at Mou- mouth, 111. Sho suffered a stroke of paralysis, Friday morning. Her husband, William Stevenson died a number of years ago. * ' <> —Big cut in cloaks to clear up the stock. After holidays, cut prices on all cloaks, plush capes, collarettes and fur cap js. Alexander A Spahr. ; Xenia, O.. Contestants were yesterday elected for the spring contest. Those who will represent the Philadelphian so­ ciety are as follows: Declamation, Agnes Storment; essay, Alice Brom- ageu; oration, Fred Anderson; debate, Robt C, Galbeath. Pholoeophic; Dec­ lamation, Carrie Rife; essay, Ada Stormont; oratim, Homer Henderson; debate, S. O. Wright. 8 . K. Turnbull shipped yesterday to Buffalo, two car loads of fat cattle. The thirty-five head of two-year-olds averaged about 1500 lbs. These cat­ tle are to be exported. —Fresh Hoarhound Drops for Coughs, Ridgway & Co. Mrs. Mary Duffield retnrued home Wednesday after visit a few days with her daughter, Mrs. J . *E. Manor, of Jamestown. -Tnose who are to take part in the cantata .will please note that the meet­ ing will be held at Ervin’s hall Wed­ nesday evening, instead, of Tuesday as was announced. —Call and gel one of our Calen­ ders, Ridgway & Co. The case in the Common Pleas, in which Caleb Nook sued Frank Byers for f$ 10,000 damages has caused a number of our business meu to be in the county capital this week. The two meu had been engaged in the cattle ‘business together and Byers claims that Nooks took several cattle to Dayton and sold them and pock­ eted the money. Byers brought suit for the action but Nooks was acquit­ ted. Nooks then in turn sues for $10,000 damages, The case is before Judge Mower,^of Springfield, he hav­ ing changed benches with Scroggy. The Cednrville Telephone Com­ pany were on last Saturday night granted a franchise by the Clifton council for the erection of pales in the streets and alleys of that village. The company contemplate erecting the same in a few days. They are also thinking of ruunmg a branch down in the vicinity of Mr. Silas Murdock’s. With these two branches the company should ad several boxes which would also be of great benefit to present subscribers. * Col, 1. T. Cummins ib making nr- rangments to move to Texas iu March. Mr. Cummins contemplates taking up the life of n ranchman. The following program will be ren­ dered bv the pupils of the Reid School, Diet, No. 2, Friday Dec. 21, 1900. Effe Duffield, Teacher. Song.............. Merry Christmas Day. Welcome.............. ..Bessie Kennedy. The Christmas Pie......Clyde Johnson Tommy’s Politics...'...Willie Mathews Johnny’s Letter........Talma Randall Santa Claus Land.......Mary Johnson The Christinas Feast— Zella Chaney A Note to Santa C laus.,........ .......... ........... ..................Bertha Randall Christmas Acrostic..,..Nellie Stanley, Willie Mathews, Anna Johnson, Clarence Stanley, Bessie Kennedy, Chas.. Johnson, Frank Chaney and Bertha Randall. Song............................Children’s King Little Fio’s Letter,....Adah Dehaven A new Santa Claus....Frank Johnson A Letter to the New Year..Carl Jones Dialogue,, Christmas Gifts........ .Zella Chaney, Mary Randall, Adah Deha­ ven and Drury Randall. 1 A Word to Sauta Claus................ . . . . . . . . . . . ........................ AnnaJohnson A Little Boy’BSpeech-.Frank Chaney Christmas.................... Robert Conley A Letter to Santa Claus Mary Randall Tuat Before ChriBtmas.Curtis Dehuven Which General?^....,...Chas Johnson A guess for The Children................ . . . . . .Drury Raudail Song...................................Saint Nic Church Announcements Judge J . H, Spencer, Thursday, shipped his household goods and some stock to Winter Set, Madison Co., Iowa, where he will make his future home. His family expect to leave the first of the week. f? —Perfumes, soaps and Toilet Ar­ ticles, Ridgway & Co. Want* aa Itemized Statemeat. The Xenia Herald of this week .gives an account of the actions of the of the county auditor with the exam­ ining committee appointed by, Judge Scroggy. The committee filed tbeir report condemning the practice of the auditor, and Judge Scroggy has or­ dered the the auditor to prepare a new report. For some time the auditors have tailed to itemize the report on the grounds of saving the county ad­ vertising foes. The committee find that voucher numbers tire missing,' and that they do not state for what reason the money was paid. When Mr, Mc­ Pherson was asked to explain certain omission, he informed the committed that it was none of their business, I t is proper that the taxpayers should know where every dollar goes, and the action of Judge Scroggy should meet with universal approval. —A choice line of all kinds of Groceries, at Gray’s, Preaching at the Reformed Pres­ byterian Church tomorrow by. the pas­ tor. i + t t Public worship Sunday morning and evening iu the M. F. church, conducted by the pastor. Theme:— 10:45, a. m., ’’The Cloud of Wit­ nesses”,’ 7:30 p. in. “ Religions Free­ dom versus Blind Zeal.” You are welcome. * . t t t R. P. church, W. J . Sanderson, pastor. 11:00 a. m., theme—“God Worthy of Glory.” 7:30 p. m.j theme:—“Life Has No Equivalent.’’ A Cry From Nature A WARNING THAT SHOULD BE HEEDED BY EVERY SUFFERER. Nature soon rebels when the human machinery is out of order. Her ap­ peals for help should be quickly an­ swered. ' Life is too short and dear to us to neglect our health. When the system becomes run down, the blood impure, the liver torpid, nerveB all on a quiver, and the Btomach refuses to do its work, then nature utters her warning note. It may be a,sick headache, nervous­ ness, dyspepsia, Catarrh, loss of appe­ tite, insomnia, languor, constipation, but it is nature’s signal of distress. .The human machine should be at­ tended to without delay. The system needs building up, the impurities must be driven from the blood, the liver made to do its work and the stomach placed in a natural, healthy condition. Knox Stomach Tablets are a new! combination of vegetable remedies, compounded by one of the best chem-{ ists in the world; and are guaranteed 1 to build up the whole system. They do not act as a stimulant, but are a sarsaparilla in a tablet form, contain­ ing twice the medicinal properties of any other combination of remedies known. They give health and strength to the entire body and im­ mediate relieve indigestion and posi­ tively cure dyspepsia. A single box will prove their power to cure chronic invalids nod make them strong, healthy men and women. If unable to secure Knox Stomach Tablets of your druggists, send fifty cents to the Knox Chemical Co., Battle Creek, Mich,, ami a full sized package will be sent, postpaid. . Seriously Injured A telephone message was received at this office yesterday afternoon stat­ ing that Mr. David Dixon had been seriously injured while in the woods felling Some trees. The circumstances of the case are not known-at present, Mr. Dixon was rendered unconscious for some time, and' for this reason it is not known to what extent are his in­ juries. ___. . fcOME MEN GROW ON TREES. TUI* I i the Belief o f an Indian nnd Some Other Trlliea. The Sioux Indians still share with the old Aryan and Semitic tribes in the belief that there are trees that bring forth lauhan beings, nnd others that benr various portions of the human body, and in the fourteenth ceutury an Itnllnn traveler, on arriving at Mal­ abar, was told by the natives that the country abounded with a tree that bore meii nnd womeu. The latter were attached to the limbs by the nether ex­ tremities nnd were full formed when the wind blew, but when the wind died out they soon withered. These speci­ mens of humanity reached the length or height of three feet. In the iirst book of the Mnhndharntn mention is made of forms of dwurfs that were to he found on a large fig tree. The Arabs are still strong In the belief that somewhere In the southern ocean there is a tree that bears a nut that resembles the face of a-umu and when in Us fullness the mouth opens anil gives voice to the cry: “Wuk! Wale!” ' The Chinese reverse the order o f things nnd, iustcad of. believing that the trees give birth to'men, claim thnt in the-beginning the herbs and grass sprang from the hair o f . the human family. They have -preserved the tra­ dition. too. that somewhere within the borders of the beautiful Flowery Kingdom there is n wonderful lake by , whose margin grew trees whoso leaves developed into birds nnd also that, if a jar be broken on the waters, birds of the most brilliant plumage will at once arise from the pieces nnd fly off. In central India there is a tribe call­ ed Khntties that claim to .have their origin from a stick of }vood. When the five sons of Pundu, the heroes whose exploits are told In the Malmd- hnrnta, had become simple tenders of sheep, Kama, their Illegitimate broth­ er, wishing to deprive them of,' their last resource, prayed to be gods to As­ sist him. JHe struck the earth with his Btaff, which opened, nnd from it sprang a man who was, called Khat, meaning begotten of wood, and by this name have his descendants ever since been known.—St. Louis Republic. ‘Come In, Lew/- 'Oh, no/ 1 replied; ‘that would not be right/ Tad then turned to his father and said, ’Pap,:you have no objection to Lew coming In?’ Mi*..Lincoln, with a smile and motion­ ing me to a seat, replied: ‘No. Tad; certainly not for any of your friends. We will be glad to have your comph- uy/ “1 told Tad that my business would not allow me the privilege, and, thank­ ing both-father and son, I returned to my duties with a light heart and with an admiration for the president I have felt for but few men, and since that in­ cident I have often, recalled It and ex­ pressed my sorrow that he met with a death .so. untimely/’—Washington Star. BA8Y’8 PORTRAIT, . Jup iter Warmer Thao the Earth. The gigantic mass of Jupiter 1ms a much larger warmth than that of the earth. It is the result o f the molecular movement produced by rthe compres­ sion of the strata and must be greater the more powerful the masses, and hence the larger the pressure of the strata-is. Jupiter surpasses, the earth in point of mass 307 times, and for this reason Hie inner temperature or indi­ vidual warmth of the planet is proba­ bly high vuough to evaporate-the water upon the surface quickly, so that water vapor forms the principal substance of the atmosphere of Jupiter. Water va­ por Is an excellent reflector and readily accounts for the bright radiation of light emitted by the planet.—Professor Hughes in Chicago Tribune. . ■ ISkctcbttI by til* mother.] A little head of shapely mold. Two baby cyan m liriphi nnd hold, A (dainty little now; . Two little cheeks «» mind and f ni. With tiny dimples liluiry ■ there Like’ dewdropn in a rose. A little mouth so fragrant sweet, * A tiny dimpling, chin so neat, And both lust made to kiss; —Two cunning ears each in its place. A baby forehead set with grace, Whpse photograph is this? Two sturdy shoulders, broad and square, Two chubby bands so fat and fair, And cunning feet so coy; A roguish smile for you and me, Sweet baby .ways; now, don't you see The portrait ot our boy? —Pearson’s Weekly. LINCOLN WAS GRACIOUS. I n v ite d t h e T h e a te r U sh e r to a S e a t l a I l ls B ox. “I never was much of a Republican,” said a gentleman who was born and reared in Washington, ‘‘but I loved Abraham Lincoln. li e was one of the most lovable men I ever met. I was an usher at the National theater, nnd about two weeks before the assassina­ tion John Wilkes Booth and Susan Benin were playing there. Mrs. Lin­ coln having expressed a desire to see them In ‘Romeo and Juliet/ I was sent to the president's house to say that a box had been reserved. In the even­ ing, Mrs. Lincoln being indisposed, the president, and little Tad Lincoln came, and I showed them to the box. “As Tad entered he turned and said, Awkward Compliment. There,Is such a ttiiug as being too persistently complimentary. A candid and well meaning professor who had witnessed the performance of a little play In a private house,in wlfieb his hostess had taken the leading, part met the lady as she came from behind the curtain. “Madam,” lie said, rushing tip to her, “you. played excellently. That part fits you to perfection.” ■“Oh,' no, professor,” said the lady modestly. “A young and pretty wom­ an is needed for that part/* “But, madam,” persisted the profess? or, “you have positively proved the contrary!’—Fearson’s Weekly. I n the Damps. There was once upon n time an Egyp­ tian king, so It is said, who built a pyr­ amid and died of -melancholy. His name was Dumops, yet there are prob­ ably few persons who know that .they are perpetuating the memory of his trn'gk’ history when they remark that they are “in the dumps.” E i t n w i lM r r Temerity. “I told that Boston girl I didn’t like Emerson/' “Was she displeased?” “Displeased? She got nearly as.tuad as she did when I said that beans could be baked without salt pork.”— Chicago Record. Helping: the Enemy. A coal heaver was getting In a load of coal in the suburbs of London. He was shoveling in the coals at. a good rate when he was startled by n terrific yell from the house adjoining. “Wot the dickens Is the matter?" queried the coalman, starting up. A disheveled looking individual made his appearance at the dpor. “Matter, you thickhead!” shouted the man, frantically endeavoring to puli his hair tip in clots by the roots, “you are putting the coal down the wrong hole. My wife's people five there!”— Loudon Tit-Bits, ~ III* Limit. , , “I'm* getting albng,” said Mr. Cum: rox. “I’m progressing slowly, but surely.” “In what?” “Culture. I've been traveling around! with Mt». C. and. the glrlB until I’m 1 getting right refined. But there's cue th in g ! don't think I’ll achieve. I don't i believe -I’ll ever be able to go into nn 1 antique store and tell the-difference j between brlc-a-brnc and. junk.”—Wush-J ington Star., “Opportune” once signified nothing| more than “to bo at. the harbor,” An: opportune ship’was* aiSUlp which had come to port. - Russia in Europe has a forest area of about 500,000,000 acres. One-third of the country indeed is forest T o l l . ' If you want knowledge, you must toil for It; If food, you must toll for it, and If plensurc you must toil for It. Toil Is the law ., Pleasure comes through toil and not by self indulgence and indo­ lence. When a man gets to love work, his life is a happy one. H a r i e i t T a s k o f I k e D a y . Harduppe-I always do my hardest work before breakfast. Borrotvcll—What's that? Harduppe—Getting It.—Philadelphia Record. __ - I I I — Mothers 1 This wonder- ■ K | H I ® ful remedywill save your < 1 ^ 1 | ■ P U H W child’s lifewhen attacked 1 L m » P rm . n I t <i I .r>»<■,<• < COUGH SYRUP by Croup. It a lw a y s ■ cures Whooping a n d . MeasleCough. For a b ad ,, stubborn cold in the head, < chest, throat or lungs, it J is invaluable. Doses are < m m m _ small. Children like it. • ’s Greatest Store • o handsome, novel Holiday Good* from truck and odds and ends of past seasons, And after close perusal have decided, as evidenced by the immense throngs of buyers in all parts of llio mi WREN'S is the only place to buy Holiday Goods. You arc interested enough in your own finances to save from 20 to 33£ per cent on your purchases. This is not to be wondered at when i t is* well known fact that the buying facilities of this bouse are unexcelled by any store in America. Careful, intelligent, conservative, judicious buying, based upon a quarter ofa century’s experience, knowing the people’s wants and being a t all times able to satis­ factorily satisfy them has earned forthis house the C om m e rc lftl S u p r e m a c y o f S p r i n g f i e l d a n d C e n t r a l O h io , f he Holiday business this year -in all live houses indicate even greater selling than last year, which was a record breaker, and it i« hut mndnst to atata that WREN’S sfook of HolidayGaols is unqualifiedly the grandest exhibition this city In* ever known, surpassing in quality, attractiveness ami variety the combined stocks of all other Sprit " ” ■ ‘ ingfteld stores. «• E x t r a o r d i n a r y S a l e o f W a t o i b . e s «« A special purchase direct from tha makers inakee possible these prices, which are fully one half lower than the identical goods are being offered far in Springfiald. 600 OftOh $ 2 2 5 o & c I l $2.08 each. 500American Watches, good time! , , / , . .. Extra sjwcial Gold Filled Watches, kaepare, Ju s t the thing f t r C h U . ; ”<"l “ “ i"*- H»M ; 1 * 1 ,«• , „ J O M t l e , . t e n . »i».|. sans present* for the boys. ^everywhere for $4.50. Jng and setting. Worth $ 5 , 00 . $3.08 each $3.60 each Ladies’ Silver nnd Gun Metal j Men’s Gun Metal Watches, gold WAtches,«tct)i winding nnd setting, j trimmed, stem winding and setting. Worth $0.00, Worth $7,50. $6.00 each Men’s extra heavy Gold Fillet! Hunting Case, New York Standard W*fohe«, stem winding nnd setting. Wodh flOi 00 * $ 6.00 atoh Ladies’ extra fine 14 karat solid gold filled hunting case Watches. New York fttandard, heaatiftilly en­ graved. W srtk $ 10.00 te $ 1100 . $5000 Books to saiaat from Httndard B *oks, Vnm and Poetry, fancy Gift Books, Picture Books, Linen Books, Booklets, Callenders, Bibles, Dictionaries, Prices just | what the book stores ask. The sale of fine imported Qttetfbeware k now going on, The pnr- >WWittAlf by an on * i*4* of OOJmmt*aa the dolUr and ia now on aali a t like sacrifice. » C h r is tm i O f L m f i j l t i l f r i (tr*m tbv***^ «$L 1*11 4*ft d J k i ^ $ w*»»<i*‘*A***, L g,, |jfai^lWrnlTT*-***“ i : w a i t w 1 llgljuu. A*4***i £ i$ u a ( 1 j '' ' i f M itib ( U iu a o v v L il O u< ) 4t j I w u « J U |f < A tu lr j $ otwwD - g l y w l l t nm 1 . 1. | l u wfoMkl ' t M r viju a m A *§ p r i t u c k n K ao L u t w & m I f ^ ' L - l L u w jjr A « . f f u t r t ( h u u A ftpci.x u J : d wo k C* WM 1 ’Jk ilf iw l g aJucutuM < 4 U .« f0u* <*M m k | A» t * i r f t i f i L u u t i^ fr r cc I * [iWfit COM HJUbb ft* ! oxhh ‘ d.'Uw trvujJf t o ) | l! l i j ( t ( a a t lC l u i L i u u i l< V4 u i i L ! u u w t < « t n | p r j ftuA t i 4wL ? iuoumvu I I i u h |f c a h t ! U a 4 ^ c | 'l * | $U UM U^MTM I v f L . k ti ft* dMMfSik o f iw u i i R j i OiKli XL*: *<U*l*A.p*A omnu ^ j t l f f o u n t m * i w w J U t i u : j L . W - * ' H iu M OMU»|J y / i \ ^ ( e t t ^ u [ l\ * * IlA OMuij ( k n d . t L t u w L t . fie u i :ftgAjk j S k iS tiis i $ L k * t t w a iM ll \ n r r x x ;r a tito® IJrenMea prove harmless remt^., /mmediate resuf I g i S A W *nre coughs, Bfc 4 ‘w.*‘V GkMMm’n | | 1 m t