The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 27-52

»..s*- I** flew M eat S t o r e - * * * ' Having opening Meat, Wtere formally conduatad by Ed HeMbtl, we will have m band lit «H times a choice line of fmik and Salt Heats BolognaandSausage and everything connected with a fimt-elsis meat store. We tiaudle the celebrated Kingsn A Co’s. Tlarti*. Charles Weimer. GOODS DELIVERED Tdeptumi' 00. GO TO George W, lliff FOR Horse Shoeing, General Blacksmithing ‘ ' f t ; «,/ . ' i . ' and Repairing. wo# work of ill mm. (Ferris Brothers? Old Stand.) GIVE ME A CALL C l i ts ln m ttf D ivH t ok . -.JnnBtilvaniaynesi WtotwaiA •ftt’.ntataw 1 t J* i ■/■Uun v »• s.'..rwlWto*l»* —„ •* V/iilK?rft>n».“ ... {*$; jprJwr V a il. ** U.tXAtm*_* J ayawivllto** O-jrrtniA..,,.. 41 •VfcAnoomt" Morrow MUftHrd........*• WtavlaJo... *• CiqelawatUr : £Jaatw«m. rwCT3er« ■PI**4P|Ms l<or*amt „„ * fo. lAhtnom 1 “ -W E .Z « AMfWIt “ - j f iw f c 'S .•jMByyg||r -M- S S & 3 J & 90j*2I5}*?CC•gap* Tar *«■ T4I •w.. 1 SVS sea ,410<4» (Ml ... » ISCI INH SOB ssstoot $301040 AM 8 4 * l e e i m * ton toot033 104C 10 H .10161 ..._ iduoartn }TJJ 11122 9301130 12St IF r« m m i *?» 530iFM 5i I f 1? ftili'ie AMAM ~TT 1 n rrw TT AM I■ m 1 m r>t. *S3i ' 1*430•SK Hot 1 | | 511 IK alo" RS« iij rs« 1 ««/» IK ;! ! I... ’w '(A 14 ! : r lift - S3 TKfrHla 5 M|»*l...... £3 HtSMMfcl i ! •-is AMAM *r4ef BIT ^ AX AM P»tt *J40 **81 liia I Rfolwifr*di V -------- "W am I’ am MA hm *AI t .H80(11 m k r * .~T fa< AttllOSJ ••**••*|* f 1511CM - ■ far 44411304 ! _ . 1 |* fMAXtnii W owmi ." T 2 ij V i WMT k 740; A HMrtW, -fclMMW<Mur|* not I m A i KMA m llttK»cb 12 , M> 1 .. IwWIMlwi« •* *4»tMk«.» a:..; lttti ftXOJ.C <■; * (jis^ii * afiadfFiaadiasfie#]#$^##$in ■ lufflS*rlwit*,4«lia iit3tt< >MlMiN»M m M*f *?■»*»n . ... ; *-. 1 •**»,*! an* 1*4elitirrMtt nimm MO rilUbnr*h or tojun'l i., <• tu ’jmtiM tTiiloti SUUfin fo soil trJ; z . • TU'C*. wjMWogioH, PhllMdSlph).''. c..*t5 . rndr. «Nw. I.M l MM*Si rounc.Hr.t iV. >. son* t e IrtAlMnaixMlsand 81 , ;,«uU; ? (‘r It mUT I Mr CHleato. * A ^ . V iijr * ' i a 5 » n - S„ A>18 ttMS»OlUIX*r*SW*A» T.wlMiM4*r<l%t**4«of3M*.4hro«whll«it*ts, »4MrWMwelikAWI mrt»twIjMMnaaUon r«, A miu ikeiul 4)eiaiMie mumm I iim fww4m«Mt»l<i**i. w B R c m n a e u M m m m m m M A*-—’■‘■ = ’^*■41 wBriH n s fglytUr* w 3i! 4HVIWliiM4l 00/ $mtMmM*m#mm*4 - &M&**W&$ MWIiOlM IhNtUfMIhM 2 Sft 6 t*SSd*Slt tiSSk t u t HVf* < F its k*mhmf kwtkti$, A t l f i p fSTSM i . W. M t e w n , m i mm fn p . IK IIf» IWIT. . ^ e A a M A * U A ij a f t A lt a /J k A s w . * j|Wep^|MPr * . tM^pPPIm WyW ; OtMI'Wf. Whew there w danger on the rxil- road * m l light i* displayed. To run by tills signal mean* death or injury to the fiaaaenger#, All through life we see the danger tiguali and, if unheeded, sorrow, de* }>«ir, and sometime death result. Thew warnings are sent out by m»u or nature for our protection, Kature sends out a warning signal when her laws have been disobeyed and there is danger of going farther before the wrong is righted. The beet machinery needs oil. so doe* the human machine. The system becomes run down and needs to be built up. I t must be placed in a healthy condition before it will do its work properly. I f the blood is impure aud the liver toipid, thestnnach fails to do its work and dyspepsia, nervousness, catarrh, headaches, and 'constipation are the result' These are nature’s signals, HeecEthom before it is too late. A new combination of thoroughly tried and tested remedies called Knox Stomach Tablets arc now offered to suflering humanity. *This new vege­ table remedy goes to the seat of these disorders, buiidB up the whole system olid transforms the weak and infirm into healthy men and woman. A sin­ gle box will he a most forcible argu­ ment to the sufferer. Knox Stomach Tablets immedi­ ately relieve indigestion and are a dis­ positive cure for dyspepsia. I f your, druggist does not sell them;"send fifty cents with your address, aud that of the druggist to the Knox Chemical Co„ Battle Creek, Mich., and a full sized box will be sent postpaid. ,Prof. CamphauBcn, of Amsterdam, is out with a bomb generating fumes that will.make breathing, difficlut or impossible for 100 yds. from the cen­ ter of the explosion. tabfcfdTh» <h»r». A startling incident is uarrafed by John Oliver, of Philadelphia, as fal­ lows; “I was in au awful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain coutin ually in back and sides,, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three pftybicians had given me up. Then I walradvised to use Electric Bitters; to my great jo y, the first bottle made a decibed improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, aud am now a welt man. I know they robbed the grave of another victim.” No one should fail to try them. Only 50 c., guaranteed at Ridgeway & Co’s, drug store, a . . . ■ . .] ---- English statistics show that of late there has been a large and rapidly growing importation of tomatoeB. Tomatoes were but a short time ago an article luxury m Great Britain, only used fer the rich; but now tiioy .have become a common dish on the tables of the working class. AThotnndT ob |« m Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of Philadelphia, wljfen Dr. King’s New Discovery cured her af a hacking cough that for, many years had made life a burden, She says: ’‘After all other remedies and doctors failed it soon removed the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely re­ member doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout the Universe.” Dr. King’s Now Discov- ery is guaranteed to cure all troubles of the Throat, Chest or Lungs. Price oOe and t l . Trial bottles free at Ridgeway & Co’s, drug store. Mr. Matthew Mattinson, of South Charleston, died Wednesday, after an illness of several weeks. Mr, Mattinson was born in England in October 1810. Had ho lived one week longer he would have been 90 years of age. His father died in Eng. land on his 90th birthday, and con- aequcntly he was desirous of living until that day. He leaves ti family of six children. ^ Bitaark’i tm Kim Was the result of Ins splendid health. Indomitable will and tremen­ dous energy arc not found where fitomaeh, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. I f you want these qualities and the success they bring use Dr. King’s New Life Pills, Only 25 cents at Ridgeway A Co’s, drug store, NOTKC. All Republicans of this place are requested to meet at the Mayors office, Hsturdsy evening at H p, m. Ar­ rangements will bo made at the moot­ ing for the “Walk-a round” of the llili. Slops will also be taken to organise a republican dub. By Order of Committee. A forest fire at cviehrmik, a monn« tala haiaWt *Mr New Haven, Conn. W« driven hundred* of nUlemake# dHmfcrtotiw lowJam* a r t are Ml* tig m i p ls itag * • wHh. EliW MvMiilau, coI«r«d, tain H um oouuty jail awaiting the action of the J (Jraiul dury for stealing #35 from the j «Mfr-of Mr, I). B» Ervin, Hatord y ; morning. Thcaccusnl haa for somy time lieen under the employment ot Mr* Ervin and was in the office but a short time tefere the money was mis­ sed. I t is presumed that he was there awaiting Ms chance* of going through the safe, as the doors were open aud no one was about. Immediately upon missing the money Mr. Ervin suspected hlcMillan an efibrt was made to get a statement from him, hut lie refused aud ran away hiding hini&lf in a patch of wcedsin a vacant lot. Marshal Qrindle was detailed on the cnee, and was soon at the heels of the robber. After somewhat of a chase, he was landed behind the bars, being arraigned'before Mayor Wol­ ford and scut tojail in default of bond. Marshal Grindle, upon searching the prisoner was unable to find any money, lie denying that he was the guilty party. However the officer not satisfied*with this, went to the lot where he had been hidiug and found the money Under a board. Ellis is a noted tough character. I t was only a few months ago that he was caught stealing a cash register in bread day light* The present case if proven will send him to the penitentiary, as the sum was sufficient to Constitute grand lar­ ceny. TheyOperateCars. Two electric cars from Dayton were yesterday' run over the newly laid stretch of track on- East Columbia and Main streets by the D S. & U. Railway company. The franchise which was secured soipe time ago, und by which the prospective C. I*. & S. railroad will enter this city was in this manner saved from forfeiture. There are some humorous incidents j[n Connection with 1 the ceremony, Two cars were brought to city yes­ terday morning aud placed on the new track by means of temporary rails. The cnrreirt was then turned on, aud for fear that everything might not work well, a team was attached to each car, to aid the electricity. The cars were then run along the road two or three times.' They stock motionless at the cuds of the line for the remain­ der of the day, but their work was completed and n franchise was saved. When the D» S. & IT. received city authority to lay this track, one of the conditions was that cam should be running over it by October 1 st The measure was taken to defeat forfeiture of permission.—Springfield Sun. PUBLICSALE. We will Sell at our residence, two miles east Cedarville .Wednesday, Oct. 17, commencing a t 10:30 stand­ ard time, the following property: Eiglit head ot horses, consisting of one match teamof gray, one two-year- old Clydesdale gelding, one yearling draft gelding, one three-year-old road­ ster, two extra fine brood mares, one spring draft colt, 17 head of cattle, consisting of 7 two-year-old steers, 3 yearling steers, 5 weaning steers, aud good milk cows. 65 head of merino sheep, consisting of 15 breeding ewes, 25' wethers, 23 spring lambs, one fine Merino buck and one half-breed Cotswool buck. 31 hogs, consisting of 30 feeding hogs and one Poland China boar, also u few household good. Terms: Credit of 9 months on sumsover #5.00 with two approved secureities. Turnbnll Sisters. Lunch at 11:30. PUBLICSALE. . 1 Will offer at public sale ou my /Arm four miles cast of Cedarville and three miles west of Selma on tho old Solon road. Thursday Get 18th, the following property. 5 head, of horses: one two-year-old draft colt, one 14-ycar-old draft mare, one two- year-old filly sired by West Egbert, two yearling colt 9 . 27 head of cattle consisting of four two-year-old steers, 0 yeerling steers, 4 steer calves, 2 heifer calves, 2 yearling heifers, 4 black Poll Angus cows with calves hy side, and 2 milk cows. 14 head of goob lamlis. 50 head of hogs. John Townslew. Sale tiegins at 10 o’clock, M OMlia'tHavaItAoAIt I f he’d had Itching Piles, They’re terribly annoying; hut Bucklcn’s Ar­ nica Salve will cure the worst case of Piles on earth. It has cured thou­ sands, For Injuries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions it’s the best salve in the world. Price 23e a box, Curo guar­ anteed. Kohl hy Ridgeway A Co, A man named VereMoscneckoek- koekoffwM convicted ot murder in Kan Francisco not long ago. to otjftK a m » i f o n » a i Take laxative Brotim tyuiniue Tail- lets. All druggists refund the money Jfif* m ettte, K, W. Grove’s ■igmtUre is na **eh box. ife . THE BI6 STORE The When win U T T i l PRICES OHIO :HaroM froix| forth# mnf i«Bbwrih#nr, f W m Y ' T H I FALL AND WINTER STOCKS OVER 30 BUSHWH. Crowding th e Big Store*** Again we place before you special value's in' each department to serve as further and more pronounced evidence in substantiating our .claim as being the greatest value giving store in this city. You need only to see the merchandise to fully appreciate the magnitude of the offers. Mammoth Assortment of Men’s Suits, Men’s substantial working suits, in two patterns, constructed on lines for ser vice and bound to make friends for the big store- sprain! value—..*$2'98 400 men’s suits cut from cheviots, tweeds and cassimeres, blue and blank, cut and tailoring the equal of any suit yon will bnv elsewhere for $7.00 Special value.—....... ................................... ........ a ........................ $4.96 Ail elegant assortment of men's fall suits in all the latest pat terns of stripe* check and handsome mixtures in all the popular dependable fabrics. Every garment tailored iii excellent manner, pants well shaped, abund­ ance *oftone and dignity in every/ particular, selected and arranged to satisfy the #12.00 custom; special value.......................... - .............. #9.86 Men’s nobby suits, all the neat things in mixtures, plain and plaid effects’ satin or serge lining. These suits abound with smart curaes anil expert tailoring. Every suit ip this exclusive assortment a winner; will please the regular #15.00 trade; special value...... - ............. ....................#11.47 Gentlemen’s fine dress up suits, a magnificent array of stylish garments, the choicest of worsteds and scotches, in the nobby and dressy stripe and plaid effects, including the coverts black, unfinished worsted and 1 reach back, full satin lined, makes this range equni to the usual $25.00 suit; special price.,......................... ......... -..................— .............#17.48 Grand Fall Display of Children’s Clothing. The largest, most popular and exclusive line ever brought to Springfield. 150 hoys D. B. suits, 7 to lo,actually worth $1.25; special price.............94c 200 Vostee auits, sizes 3 to 8 , actually worth $1.25; special price.............94c 300 Iloys D. B. suits, sizes 8 to 10,10 patterns to select from, actually worth $3.25; special price...... ...... ................... ..........................*.............. #1.49 400 boys’ Vestee suits sizes 3 to !>, over 20 patterns to select fronf worth #3.00; special price.......... ................................................ . ....... ,....#1,90 600 hoys’D. B. suits, sizes 8 to 16, 25 patterns to select from, worth 83.00 and #4.00; special price...... .......................................... ................SLUT 350 boys’ D. B suits, sizes 8 to 16, extensive assortment, mostly samples, great bargains here; special prices...... .................................. 82.98, $3.48 50 dozen hoys’ school pants, sizes 3 to 15; only otic to each customer just to make our children’s department more popular; special price............. 11 c Corduroy pants for the boys, the kind that wear well, this quality sells reg­ ularly for 75c; very special......................................... .................39c Strong values in boys’ knee pants a t........ ............................ .....23c, 40c, 69c Splendid chance to get that N 0 1 8 F P d l l H S l t * 75a soft bats in Packs, Crush, Fedora and Golf styles, all shades, for menand boys; special price.............. ............................. ........ .......................... 4Se #1.50 stiff and soft bats, all the newest ideas shapes and colors are shown la this line; special price........................................... M««4*«***••*»»**•• # 2.00 Golf, Paskn, Fedora and Crush soft hats, also Dunlaps Knox awl Ynumnu styles; stiff hats all colon*; special price....,*,..,,................ #1,48 $2.50 lints, liohhy shapes, pleasing colors. Careful dressers are sure tofind a becoming shape and color in this line; special price,......... *........... $1,98 #3.00 stiff Hats in black, brown and Belgium colors;, softHats, golf styles, in v pearl, regent arid tobacco colors, toppy hats for toppy dressers; spw»| price. ......a. ,, ,.$2.48: #4.00 Hats exclusive styles'nuid colors* worn by Springfield’s best dr«ren Special p r i c e ........$31)61 All H^ts Union Made 25c Caps for men, boys ami children, golf and golf-yacht styles price. .,. .. 1 ! 35c grade, same style; special price...,..,*................................................ .23e] 50c grade, same style; special price......... ......... i ...................................... B9cj 75c grade, same style; special price....*,.......,..,,.................................. .,..48c| Children's Rough Riders iii pearl, red and blue; special price...................48; Boys’ Telescope Hats something new; special price............ ................ ....48e] Shifts. Stiff' bosom percale shirts for men and boys, some veiy pretty pattern?, speomI price.. . . . . . . a. . . . , . . , . , , . . . . . 48r^ Solid blue anil Oxford shirts will lie^tho rage this reason; as usual weare the] first to display them; special price......................................... ......... Manhatten Shirts, “ the best on earth,” and they are beauties for fall andwia-] ter. See them—-the Bight xfrilt do you good; special price..#L50 and 26$] The Exclusive End of Our Chil­ dren's Department. The Iiii&iun blouse, sizes 3 to 8 up to........................ ............. ......... ...$6.98 The Czar suit, sizes 3 to 8 up to..... .................................. ......................#7,48 The swell combination vestee, sizes 3 to 10 up to........... ............ ,,,......$6.48 Boys' dre-wy 3 piece suit, sizes 10 to 16 ud to..................................... .,.$6.48 A fine of boys’ I). B. fancy vests, to be just right, tho hoy must have one, *, .»i9c, Otic, $1,49 Fell and Winter Pants. Men’s pants, opening lender, heavy Htripe mixture, special values...... ......f&c Men’s goal cheviots aifd cassimerc pants; special values..... ......... ..98c Men’s choice cheviots and scotches; special values.,....... ........... ...........$1,48 Men’s dress up pants, a variety of cliotee patterns; special value........ ...81.98 An extensive line of swell tailored pants, shaped and made properly; sjiecitl value..........................................*......... .......... ............*..... *......... #5*48 Neckwear. 509 dozen tecks, four-in-hands, strings, band and shield 1 h > w » all the nexeUj shapes and cut from 50c silk; special price,.*........... ......................... 23ej We are displaying the largest line of high-class' neckwaar ever brought Springfield. All the hot effects of the season you will find here. To choice of this immense line atspecial price................................... ■»— - 1 — j— 1 flu / " Hosiery. Men’s black, tan and mixed grey sox—special price........................ 4 c, 7c, Sfl Blue, red, tan and Mack hosiery, 20c values; special price...................... I2kj Mercerized silk and fancy striped hosiery, 25c values; special price......... l^j Jewelry, 7.) dozen cuff buttons, all styles, watch chains, guards and stick pins. Ski to bOe Values; special price.......... ................ ............................... ...... 2 Jr & - | Boston and Newport style garters in lisle, 15c values; special price...........frj Boston and Newport garters in silk, 25c values; special price............... —lt#j Medium weight grey and tan underwear; special price............................. l*j Medium-weight derby ribbed underwear, all colors, special price........... Medium-weight natural w i n d e r weir; special price...........*................. ^ j American hosiery, super Merino underwear; special price,.,,.,.............. lb 1 mM*wtbs IM* «f Wa jppfoes, so Says R« tetter to The! Meycauzan, L l Al IHiWr CsdsrviUe In one of the issue I found a very ! written ^by ltawlin has led me to write tl ,, soldier life in the Phil} Since my arrival he ip Is* been more fortune the others; but it has 1 -hard service. I t was tlj that advanced on Oak miles outside of old we lay under fire tu ••Aggie” would retreatl then the hiking (walkitj We hiked to a little the bay, called Boil # distance of about frpniManila Here experience in real m ay season was on hi the regiment wasdoin|j and about fifteen of iu| myself being new recrl the old soldiers as “ rl were put on “rucky”d | words the awkward ot Us being “mamma •s welt as could be doubt we “ ruckies” bey but it was dotu) way, aud I want Ui sai Cedarville that since lu the regular army I i walk the chalk withouf for military decipHii aud anyone is out o f f units auy offense coif mauds. We left Boliang, to run down <*AggiB.’i| ember that we run up] Del Plair* who has lured. He had with] hundred men. We| psaies with us, alt 2 d company being lelj garrison the town cavalry. About 8 h gents opened up fit started, lasting all around the native trj of the snme mouth] into camp at Sshta good quarters there j November when- wove. We marche joined t |e 5th artillt on a town called G| ported the artillery j fring ort the n&th trenched. When Advanced on the natives all “ bamutc lB!"’L' -'>1 Hi i. - Gloves. Heavy drill gloves and mittens; special price,,..,,,*.......... ........ *.......... Heavy drill gloves, lea her lined; special price....................... ................... 1* Leather working gloves, lined or nnlined, asbestos palms; special price..-.-•‘I The newspaper, of Richmond, Va., arc agitating in favor of tho p:m«nge of “ rt I’ltniiio curfew low,*’ to the end; that tho AtUInrtt «f the night slull not bo broken by the howling and hark big of vagrant d»iV*. >F<dings of safety ptrvnl ■ the household that uses One Minute Cough Onrc, the only liarmhw non* edythat produce* immediate fesuHs. It is infallible for eotigb*, e dd«, croup ami all throat and lung trouMi <■ It will prevent <w»»umptioi». llilgi* way m Go., DrwiwWs, The sale of the Murdock livery stock, iasi Hatunlay, was well at­ tended and everything sold at a good price. Tho salo amounted to some­ thing like #800. 4 ‘ ...... “ f AnjEli/iibHh (I’a.) couple, mar) tied i.ixty years have 226 de.-ecmlantfi, ] i------ | t* m mmf set »tUM«•*«>*• U k s ttif i' I pmm HT * ^ CASTOR IA Far InfitnU and Ckilfa**, t t a KM V m f t m A h n p iM p t 9s*m tb i j * w ' ; LeMeiL’i' 'iJIUtULU'JWi Nfirrai, Alt persons owing the firm of Umh A Go. will call and aettk their ae- counts with A, Bradford If tfowr wiab to avoid paying com . O.MNOWA EXPANSII We behei expanded] is onedialf it was in FREESID W b don’ll wo make] Silver ware so 1 | to be a you sec i| IMPERIAL! I t no t' *ome of] jewelry court, a] tondor million RHJSTS: w « 'a for « sponsil it; yet order tl thelos ; J k C O U L U J 'iltihtifcV AL