The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 27-52

Only I S Cents. **firsS4*ai <**» OM* Xttmrnr t# *«« f«w priw^t tisat til) Jssosrj h pfftrtfee *tov* 'GedarviUe derail WJ mw your pspsri* marksd with ab i« te re a s H S« t t i iw e i e d y w * » t your subscription m past due and «•» sariy ssttiemsot ii (Mured. TWRSTY-TH1RD YEAR, NO, 48 CEDARVIILE. OHIO. NOVEMBER 17 . 1900 . PRICE $1.00 A Y E A R . WANTED! The Men of Cedarville and Vicinity to know that we sell the Best POPULAR PRICED UNDERWEAR on the Market * *. • Wright’s Health Underwear at $ i per garment. Keeps in the heat, keeps out the cold, Fleeced lined, heavy weight at 50c per garment. Winter weight Balhriggan at 50c per garment. All Natural Wool at 75c per garment. 'S I Z E S 30 to 4 4—-W e take orders for H. Loeb & Co’s. Custom Hade Shirts, Large Assortment of Samples. Leave your Fall Su it Order today." T a i l o r , COGITATIONS Ufttory of Ro*is,-^A 10*9 Wlw he CouW or l»*v* it Alone. The new king, Lucius, was a tyrant •ml imagined he emit th e whole cheese. The first th ing ho did, even before he got used to wearing the crown and while it still hurt his head to wear it, he deprived the people o f everything 'which they Onjoycd, H e prohibited Ashing on Sunday, and wouldn't allow any boy to ride a bicycle on tlie Vide'walk, no r wear celluloid collars all. H e passed a law that no wo* amu shoiild give a pink tea and if she . talked nhon th e r neighbors, she was punished by being compelled to ab- •tain bom talkiug a word for two weeks. And he made a law that no should chew gum or wear her hat nt the oper house, so what’was the use in having a new hat, anyway.. H e •■fttBOStopped the piiblic baths which his- predecessor had established, but the people managed to become recon­ ciled to this hardship. They simply became desperate and didn’t care a (tent whether sphoolkept or not. They were so oppressed that a b a th e r two a year less, Was nothing to them and when a lof o f them were crowded into a country grocery of a winter even­ ing, swearing, n t the government, one could smell,them from afar. And it wouldn’t require a,hot fctove either. Even ns early, as Lucius* time there were book agents and life insurance agents, who made life one continuous round of pleasure and a jolly picnic victuals and planning to step on the corns o f his older people, be was startled by a sign, A snake crawled out from beneath the attar and ate up the ’ royal sacrifice, 4‘I ’ve got ’em again,* exclaimed the ‘ kiug and his folks immediately sent him to take the Keeley cure, where we leave him en­ gaged in filling a drunkard’s grave. H e was one of tha t kind o f iuen who think they are able to drink or leave it alone. ................ ..................... ...v...... , Another Book-Title Story. One'day a female book agent called The Chicago Tiraes-Hernld pub- on the king ’with books called “The ftoyelJPatb of Life,” find ‘ The Com­ plete Letter W riter,” “ The Family Doctor,*’ and a book o f poetical gems, b u t ■ the king refused, to buy. She went Sway and in « few days came again, bu t the king was still obstinate. But the third day when she returned, the told him a pitiful story about Imw her parents were dead and she had , eight, brothfcis rtnd some sisters nil de- ’pendcnTOTrlier-ibr. a living and often they had no bread in the Ifoiree-foF breakfast* so she had to bake biscuits or pancakes Bo ho bought the books and the country has been full of Iwok apenfs to this day. Tim.king, to make the best o f his bargain, buried the books and pretend- td they were of great prophetic value. When he desired to do anything reel lowlived and disreputable, he would consult his secret books and therein he would find excuse for anything from chicken stealing to cutting a man’s head off. The same plan was followed some years later by one Joseph Smith, founder o f the Mormons. One day while Lucius was engaged is inventing some methods whereby he would pinch the fingers o f his sub­ jects in the door jambs and: while he waspounding glass to p u t in their THE SALE WATCHES 7; is an important feature o f our 9 business, and the reason w t are having such large saM in this line is owing to fb# A c t that we sell strictly first flaestimeksuiwisatextremsly low prices. W s never whs* represent, b u t will a t a ll gj times sell you an honest £ watch a t a close pries. W* have in atosk a beautiful lia s of ladies* and g*ntMa#»’a fine watch*, which It will b* . pleasure to lines H ?*>» will call. :0 I X U M , t h t J s w r t i r . CtOAftVHAf O § Give Him Help. , Mr. E . G. Lowry of the electric light plant has consented to ' etart up hiBplunt at five o’clock in the morn* ings during the winter season. This will be ft great advantage to the busi ness men and families that already have electric lights in their homes, as they can dp away* entirely with the kerosene lamp. There is one thipg that Mr. Lowry would like to have in order that lie may be recompenced to a greater ex' ten t and that is ‘‘more lights”. Now as this gentlemen has been so gener: ous as to- start up so early in the morning, and give you the benefit f<>r the same'price, the public should give him more support than it does a t pres­ ent. Mr. Lowry is to be cougratu. lated on his success up to the present day, for he certainly has lifted the town out of the “ dark and dismal pit,’ and pla,ce*it on ajstunding equal to that o f other towns.of the same size. Give him all the Support possible by having your house will lighted with a modern light ftt such ft iow price. lished tiie following story composed mostly o f titles of hooks of the day: “ The Man with the Hoe” is “ Look­ ing Backward” nt “ Robert Elsinore” Had “ Trilby »nd wondering if “ Alice of Old Vincennes” is going *T»» H »ve and to Hold” her as long as “ Richard Carvel” and' "Janice Meredith” and “ David Harum”’did, while “ The Gen- tleman from Indiaua'Ts sadly siirliiug as he thinks of the days “ When Knight­ hood was in Flower” down «t v‘ttad -Rock!iand ‘‘The Choir Invisible” sang ‘‘Beside the'BonoieBrierJBuab^i.^ .. ON THE INCREASE. Neglect of Duty. John Marsh, by hit attorney J . E. Hawes, has brought suit for $1,552.72 ^ . against J . F , Haverstick, a Clerk of PopulaUon for Oh,o WII; Cou,.t a n d |>i8 bondsweu> Ohas. L. Average <Bpencer, James McCann and T. L . •Magruder. j Marsh Btatesin his petition that on June 14, 1890, he against the Field Twine The Increase in he About fourteen per cent, low for the United States; . * f wvvt « -------- , ' r , . • ■, . . * , . , 9 secured judgment During the past ten years the s t a t e ; , ia &J of Ohio has increased fourteen . .......... ,. Cordage , . Co., of Xenia for SlfiODnnd costs, but cent in population. This is consul- k , ’ , , j , . „ „ . . -that through the delay of Clerk H a v e r c r a l b e l™ ^ .. average for be e» : gtW! ^ t|)(J hc)oI, Umted b a te s and make. ,t loek very ^ ti10j udlwmcilt, much as if the Buckeye state were uoti . , . , , , . . , , . ,• , . , i It'js churned' 'that; Haverstick ue- doing her duty ,n keeping up w .lh ,, d jMni (he e!.w l|li,„, M ti, the pniceeeton. Drnetnr Jlerrinn, ol | u l s g9i ,, Fw d the censusbureau has given nut the * , , „ •. 1, . . . , . , ■; r .. Company had -assets u|.the countv to towns between two amitwenty five . th(1 aV0,nint of more than 83000, • I t is thousand inhahitnnts. 1uig() stated that October 20, 1899, he The populalion of the state for 1.900' accepted a paper' pretending a bond is 4,157,045 as against 3,072,310 for/ given in stay of ilje ifxeeutiou,, but 1890 or about 14 per cent gain. The which jwp.-r was not such bond nt all, „ . ‘, ... and it ciawt -d tin t by- this eareless- popnlatiou ol (x.eene eountv w 31,01 J ,|W8 w, tb e% ^ tv of the clerk, Marsh tor 1900, a gam of 2,0.40 over 18J0. j lhSboth judgotept a n j costs, where Xenia is the only town in the county if Haverstick bad acted ,\rjth ordinary that is given in this list, having a pop- care ,-h« could- have - secured the ulatilin of 8,(198 for 1901) mid 7,222 J “s lliin “J o t l)re in 1890 c0,,rt- THE OLD STORY Of the Gun and the Boy, C«u>ed by • (tar. tain Amount of Careleuaeso, Geo. Marshall Meet* With aa Accident That will Probably Prove Fatal. A * « » # t * 0 George Marshall, the second son bf-Willinm Marshall,who resides east o f ; this place, was probably -fatally in* j jured last Saturday while out hunting. I In company with William Latham lie was oil Mr. Lee Bnrber’s farm, nearly opposite 'Mr. Dmsmore Collins' home when the terrible accident took place. George had killed a quail and’placing his gun. on the ground, picked up the bird and - returning picked up the weapon by the muzzle. As the gun was being dragged from the gronud the trigger was' caught ill some way and the gun discharged. The shot tore a great hole in one side of his face and neck, tearing off one ear and in- called and the in­ juring an eye. I t maybe retpemberqj. -that. Marsh} A®s|8t,,noe w“s .*....... — was an-.employee. of the Field Twine.j » red b°y WHB taken to the horae of TOOOBE A COLDIN ONE DAY & Cordage Co. and while dimbingj Mr. Jesse Marshall, where th(e two are Take Laxative Bronro Quinine Tab- m,10US bt)' ts !u,d pu lley by direction ‘employed as farm hands. Dr. Marsh lets. All dru"(*ists refund the money °^n* t fore,niU‘ agmnst hii own (md a doctor from Selma were sum- mis. All firu„_iMs. Itiunn n it money W,H, he was Ciugbt in ft shafting and i , , , . . . t if its fail'd in eun*. E . \y. Grove’s W e re lv inhired Hence the suit-— : ,,,one<1 n,1<1 «dm.mstrated all the md R ic h Furs c re signature is on each box. Xenia Hemhl. possible. wt* » f Jr*** V WWtaft Wesloy 9 fiff. ■ ■ William W « tley Iliff was born in Cedarville, September 25, 1856, died November 12,1900. He was united in marriage to Kathryn E . Benjamin, a t Columbus, April 1892. In 1889 be joined the M, E . church a t this place, and in 1896 his membership was transferred to the 'kM. E . church a t Plain City. H e leave* a wife, widowed mother, one brother and one sister who resides a t Springfield. The funeral services took place a t his mothers residence, Wednesday afternoon, November 14, 1900, Rev. A , Hamilton officiating. Interment a t cemetery north of town, G a rre t Tree* The ju ry in tho James Garret case returned a verdict of no t guilty to the charge of shooting with in ten t to kill, last Monday. Garret was arrested on * charge o f shooting with intent to kill his son-in-law. There were numer- ous] witnesses for the defense, and their examination stretched over a period o f nine hours. Garret resides ia the vioinity o f Selma. 'I m p ReoHy IfwM There h ft spring h * r Elko,Nevada, which yield* a t first band from mother earth a better quality o f chicken soup than can be concocted by any n f the ehefs o f the various hotel* along the line o f the neighboring Bouthern Pacific Railway. Tonriri* dip i t up hi fiance* and add a little pepper and anil, * ■ ■ i atawleftf fiMfcwrili Wedneeday, November 21> Vehicle' »ed le^em eitt Healem Amo* riatioit, excnrrion tWwt* will he smd to Unriftftfttl via Penneylvanle w»»*» good ratarning Mfttfl Thursday, No* ABatch of Observations. Many women prefer a poodle dog shove all things; others waut a man, but some of these want him as near a poodle as possible, dog-gone itl Love is immortal; ho who has once felt its spell, loves forever, hut not necessarily the same girl. ; When it conies right to a choice be­ tween those people who are so good that they are hysterical about it, and those others Who are wicked enough to know where they are at, wby, give us tho wicked ones, every time. Plenty of people will he ju st as pleasant as you are i f you will take pains to bo just as disagreeable as they are, Tho man who clitnhs trees after a star is a fool; h u t after all he is a good sort of fool and he is neater Heaven iu his tree top than if he had loved something in the *mire, and .won it/b y grovelling. Read the story o f those authors who do so many thousand words every d a y a n d c a u do as many thousand more when pressed, and then tell me the difference between the makiug of literature and a s ic day wood sawing contest—if you can. Tk **b> «lvhm Day Trips. Fo r the accommodation o f persons wishing to make/Thanksgiving Day trips, excursion tickets will l>e sold a t any ticket station of tho Pennsylvania L in * to stations on those lines within within ft radius of 150 miles of selling point, Tickets will Imon enloNovcm. bar 28 and 29, good returning until November 30, inclusive. Pur r.ites, time o f trainee, etc., apply to merest Ticket Agent o f the JVnnaylvatnft L ift* , EDITOftS SEES W01SEBS, Editor W. V. Barry, of Lexington, Tenn.,m exploring Mammoth Gave, contracted a severe cose of piles. His quick cure through using Bucklen’s Arnica Salve convinced him it ;a an­ other world's wonder. Cures Piles, Injuries, Inflammations, and all bodily eruptions. Only 25c a t Itidgway & Co. Royalty Entertained. It-is seldom that “ ye Editor’s” pen is forced to personally acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to enter­ tainm en t, hu t such was tho ease of an evenings entertainment last Monday, when D r, and Mrs. J . O. Stewart gave » delightful six o’clock dinner at their homo, to a few select friends in honor ot Rev. Alfred Denison and wife. The genial hospitality of the hostess was certainly marked on this occasion for the elaborate five course dinner was served in an excellent manner. The evening was spent iu a social way, the party leaving a t s late hour, feel­ ing that Dr, and Mrs. Btewnrfc had proven themselves entertainers in ev* ry respect Beside tho gne-sis of honor were tho following: Mr. I. C. Davis and wife, Mr. William Cleraans and wife; Mr. Alvin Stormont and wife, ftnd Miss Elsio Denison, of Warren, O. Aiarftaf HuMks We desire to tlwnk the kind friends and neighbors who assisted us during tho s ic k n o and death of our husband and sou, and for the beautiful tribute o f fio.vors, and waalso thank the min­ ister fin* the kind and loving words of tonsolenco. I Mrs W, W, Rife And m o ther.! Thursday, the patient was moved to the home of his sister, Mrs. Georg* Shroades. There is very little hops that he will recover, he being uncon­ scious most o f the time. * Two victims,ofgunpowder appeared a t the same time a t D r, Collins' office on Saturday, Billy Andrews was suf­ fering from powder burns in the face and one eye, duo to the bursting of a shell. His eyesight has not yet been affected. Tho other patient was Quill Carr, who tried to stop a load of shot from Charlie Peters’ gun. He got five or six shot in the face and os many more lit his hand. One shot went through his cheek and was caught in iiis mouth. The others were left where they had lodged. Quill was not dis­ abled.—-South Charleston Sentinel. Many of the Italian railroads arc-to be shortly transformed to the electric system. This has been so fur one of the best fur seasons we’ve ever known and for.two reasons. One is that furs were never so fashionable and the other is,peop1e know “Buncroft’, quality is always right no matter how low a price we name. • * ... $1.25 buys a Coney Scarf tail trimmed. $2.50 buys an Electric Seal cluster scarf. $3.00 buys an Im. Stone Martin Scarf. $3.56 buys an Electric Seal Storm Collar, tail trimmed. K $4,00' buys' a 10 inch Black Seal tab front collarette, tail trimmed. - $5.00 buys a genuine jBlaclc Martin Cluster . Scarf. $7 .50 buys a collarette in almost any styl? —most of them tail trimmed, ' $25.00 buys an Electric Seal Coat; 22 in, large collar and reveres, and well line. : $35.00 buys the best Electric Seal Coat made --any of the new shapes. $50.00 buys the fmest Near Seal Jacket from stock or to your measure. $165.00 buys a genuine Seal Coat in any pre­ vailing styles. Compare them with the $200 eftats others show you. [ a f t * ! * s t y i t r r l e v j T fe .4 O f i f t i t t R r 1 CedwvHt* Dstaot s Essdos. Whenever Cedarville College gets an aggregation together to play foot­ ball, it is generally a conceded fact that they will win. However, a great many of the rooters were a little dubi­ ous about the game yesterday with London. Buc they needn’t have been. 'Although a number o f the boys were new to the game, they played like veterans, and when time was called a t the end of the last half the score was 11 to 0 ,in favor o f the homo team. Charley Galbreath played full-back, captained the team, and made gain after gain through tho line. Claude Phillips and H arry McLaughlin played the halves and carried the ball for good gains. Cecil George played quarter. The line was as follows: center, Ed. Steele; guards, Calvin W right and James Smiley; tackles. Fin Grindle and Robb Harper, ends; Walter Condon and Robert Collins. The boys are expecting* game with Antioch for next Saturday. If they play they should be greeted with a good crowd. F o r heavy unde rw ea r hosiery, dress o r w o rk ­ ing gloves, you can save money by buying of Su l­ livan,the Hatter,Spring *4 field, Ohic. —Toth makers and. circulators o t counterfeits commit fraud. Hottest men will not deceive you into bnylug worthless counterfeits of D eW itts Witch Hazel Balve, The original is infallible for curiug piles, sores, cc* zemaand all skin diseases. Ridgway A Co., Druggists. w w m f n r w wi f f u 2 r !*** Election is Over • The Eaglt Screams NOW FOR BUSINESS HAKE MONEY BY TRAD1NO / / • s p y /z e n m orno. a U a m SEIRT STORE f l i k r O M M M M f t n a , Tft M it Lint! Prica.