The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26

l * '‘pv^py , ffft f’H ^ r •■ r •tfi* > •%. * e a i fifferent i m d h , healthy. o r dj*™ m jr a n d v i g o r o J eadache, n e rvou s ! n m y o th e r fqm 3 ?*.. the-braiq cle- >rou$, . t •• - - i. •■ t th a t affected BE- .1 was vary' «Hcontused.' f better and Cbe first; bottle fiiizn I bad weed ropolis, Jllg. e tv la i iien*s the norycs fto necessary to nisei Try it. spical Co., Elkhart,; .11 b y u r e , / rig s , ; •Jew - t o r e IS la ter- ■Steel, if'es.; line of fc they on the : “The good,” lything' fail to ^ p B S f t g g , . Is of *Genc«iI Repair| g and Job Grinding, ireinlty.. V S c C O . , C la rk Counties* "□C?.* • ond in conee*. stock for this rices that are :!nt Calf, related to f-L t ! d Kid and Men’s (3 sliovs in 'alt tifl #, fomier prke* t&50 msttOn^l ife Co., minced ? t-xkiisi'onw/lMsrriteowl i • I all leathers', shape*and - ill this ttMotfr e, material and to convertour )K TO BE kZER obit.. STOR l Eatsata te& GMMri TatNut Ahnfi i M W i 30l> Uiorle gonwe with m m t - ' W * . ' When tlijiltem la marked by an Jude*, it denote* that yoar anbiarip- lion jb overdue and i promptpayment is’desired, • im tv / estv - fourth y e a r , m e . . . .GEDARVILIE, OHIO. <JASUAKY 26 . 1901 . \ .PRICE ll.dO A YE R, To Reduce Our Stock of Neckwear Within two weeks, we haveuplaced all otir 50 cent Puffs on sale at 2 5 e. ;c They are the NewestWinter Designs and Colorings in "Raglan," , “De Bergerae^ and all the popular shapes. jkfof T a i l o r „ ' 3E3Ct*fft€5r, F u r n i s h e r A Corner On Shirts. O u r 5 0 c B o s o m S h i r t s s e l l a t 2 3 0 c f o r t h e n e x t t w o w e e k s . * S e e t h e m . /•« C O U N T Y G R I S T . U*ws Items Gathered Around ttie Differ­ ent-County blflces.-—What is Be* |ng Done in the Different .Courts. Three prisoners’/were arraigned in liieCfourt of Gammon Pleas. Monday, Josepli Stevens of this place for shoot l iiig -Robt, LlarngU. Thomas Booker ” on i!Charge of robbery. ’ William Gur- ^imrG«WviUev for stealing, a. watch \ SadBome,money from James Cheney, i ‘ The three being unable to give bail • werereturned to.the jail. ■ : •' * , >’v y John Spencer entered a plea of not guilty .beforethe. court of common pleas Wednefedny, on a charge of hav- a onething to do with ths robbery ...... s watch and sorao. mdney from a [vroan named Cheney, r * / V • , •„Behrens Drug QyVof Waco, Texas, againstPrank E. and Delilah "Wilson, on a note for $2500 'against Prank Wilson, Attorney Dakins of Yellow Springs, ond C. L. Spencer, represent "Hhe plaintiff, and Chas. Stewart, of Springfield, and Judge H . L. Smith, the defendants. . - The Court of Common Pleas was engaged Thursday in hearing the dam­ age suit of Albert Geiger against ■Prank Byers, and.Ketble, as .executor of' the liable estate, $8000 is the amount of damage asked ffsr. Gei* joraome yeura ago was in the employ . of the Bohie company and in oper­ ating the sausage machine had ; two, fingers cut off. Hugh A. and Cbas, G. Turnbull has entered stilt in Probate Court against Mary C.'/Turnbull, executor of Martha J . Tiimbuli estate to set aside notes owncd"by W. L, Clcmans and wife. ‘ ■ MARRIAGU LICENSES. E, A. Sodders, Ottawa, III., far­ mer, and Sarah J , R itroff,30, Bowers- ■ villa. ' * ' , V. O. Batdorf, a farmer, of Osborn, and Miss Clara M. Stull, of Osborn, Rev. J . H . Albright. John I . Raker, 28, famiei, Jamrs town, and Miss Effio Gerard, 05 Bew* emviile, Rev. A,. O* Homey. ■* ■ REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. E, C. Beat! to John S, Alexander; lot, New Jasper; $13,682,60.. Charles w,*an(l Ollie Myers to Em­ ily Sackett; lot, Bellbroofc, $700* Louise Law to D; H. P ,‘ Purnell; lot, Xenia, $1. AmahJa A. and John S, Balts to Emma A, Sanders; let, SilvefCreek, $495. " Eli TrUbeft to Joebtm 0 , Stine; {'lot Beavercreek, $150, Hannah and M«ushall Burrell to J . L, Peterson; lot Xenia, $1 etc. W A. Johnson,' ex, to Lenetta Vemird;' lot. Silvercreek, $1354,50. Harry R, Correyand others'tq Riley J Gerry; lot,’Miami, $15007”’ ” "■'i Homer Womblealid wile to Chas.' E, Mider, lot in Xenia,’$600. Wm. G. Beal aud AlohamaS,' Bea], to’Win. Harbin Beal, 47.38 acres in Cm^arcrcelc tp,,\$l. - Josiah'P. Beal to Woi. G, Beal, 60 acres in CmsaiiTeek tp.f 81. .* ; Wnu G. Beal tbTVsinh Beal, 78. 78 acres in-Cmsarcreefc tp,, $ 1 , Orville P . Allddleton to P. W, Whitlow, .44 of an acre in Ceesttr- creek tp., $225 vt «sj " NEIV «OTT3. j John Marsh vs. Jos. N. Pield, J . E. Hawes. Chas. Darlington. Wnyland P, Sunderland vs. the Magnetic Springs Hotel Company et al. Foreclosure. Sprigg and Fjts* gerald. * » . Arthur ‘ E.- Beam ;a\id Jbs. V, Plack notsbeing found by the Sheriff, after having [been drawn as jurors on the! Mendenhall case, .an additional venior of four, nnmes was drawn. Theae are John . H* Funderburg, Miami tp., JesSph R. Howell, Bath tp., Joseph Fletcher, Xenia, 8th ward.' Bke increase as above to succeeding crops Of clover, corn and- rye. *Com- mCrcial fertilizer ahd tile drainage practically dispensed With;- . , . The speaker ma)ke mT appeal to the jmung meia, iwll^e Uuiyersify urging the great Hture bbiorythem in this honorable calling. . £ , f } Soil'll...... mmptmt ' NewRtverslde Hotel. 'John P. Martin was in Springfield', ’Monday* and bad^with hiin plans for a. large hotel building w|iieh the ex* ,pects to erect on the Bryan ihrm. I t is to he an up«to*date buildiug- in every particular, having 80 rooms. Sifter Spoons .We have a line of Solid Silver Spoons that for va­ riety and beauty of designs is not surpassed, la any store in the dounty^^and price# are below any you will find for the Same <jual* Ity any place you go. We want to show them to every­ body. & A U , The Clay’s Minstrels* 1 Clay’s Minstrel#were Jbeuttraotism at the opera house Thursday night. The house was light as Was the show, in fact we think it about the lightest thing that has hit the town, , 'The company consisted of five persons said to be from Springfield, wfio were out on*a barn storming expedition, and struck this town for an easy mark,' but evidently got left from the size of the house for when the doors were opened there was only a few present and when the •show ended there was “ fewer.” They certainly left more money irr the'town than was taken .out,.............. ■ . ..Glad News. . We are informed by the directors of th e .local telephone company that work will soon begin oh the line to Xenia. .The parties there want ‘this line constructed in order to give them an outlet to Columbus. This will be Received with .general satisfiiction among the patrons of the local com­ pany. x Mrs. A. Anderson. The many friends here of Mrs. Arch. Anderson Were pained to hear of the news of her death, Thursday morning. Some two weeks ago an attack of the grippe suddenly came on her, this turning into. typhoid pneti utonia which resulted in her death. She Was a daughter o f John and Grace Clarkson 'Webster and W8 married to Archibald C. Anderson, January 24,1883. She leaves a sur­ viving husband and several brothers aud sisters. The luneral services will be held this morning from the Second U« P church at Xenia, at 11 o’clock. fcafofatl Stored, fertility Increased. The following gives ,ad outline of the address of Rubt* Hood on the above subject at the State Farmers’ In­ stitute at Columbus last weeks This paper is the result of much re­ search and discoveries on three farms owned and operated by himself. Es­ pecially one in Columbia Co., N. Y,, land similiar in soil.and Subsoil to Ohio - Deepening of the soil and storage of film Carbonate of Antonia. Libera, tion of fertiiityrin subsoil.. Success­ ful seeding to permanent pasture, pre­ vention of freeaing out. Fitting the soil for earlier ’work in opening. . Boil v itality., Mode of effecting improve­ ment upon land of Varied contour. Application of law of Expansion and contraction in Water, Practically con­ sidered and applied arc among, the ele­ ments in this ^discovery. Illustrated by charty Deapsuiiig the soil from 6 to.18 iu. resulted in increase of yield petitdre pf oats from 25 bu.,,W»Igbjng 2?£ Ibs. to hho bu* to 65 bu. weighing 38^ lbs- per bUi Btrawgrowth jncr«»*d frotd 18 inches to 5 feet in height without use of manures, \ Absolute increase of film -water storage capacity 950 tons per acre for oito foot increase of toil' debib, With Two Prizes. The Bruasells Dramatic Company will; during’ tboir engagement here give two,prizes, dUe, a Hvc pig to the homeliest man ini Cedarviile and the other a two dollar mid a half gold piece to iho handsomest lady.vThe audience-wUl -make -(be decision by voting each evening! I f you wish to vpte attend each evening Osborn to Xenia. At o recent meeting of the directors of the Dayton, Springfield A Hrhaun Electric Railway Co., a resolution was pawed to commence wprk within thirty days on a branch line from Os born •-to’ Xenia, touching Fairfield and Byron, The vdistance1will"bo twelve miles. This road will connect the Yellow Springs, CedarviUo and Jamestown lines, making*a complete circle by including the Dayton & Xenia Trac­ tion road. N E W S T I D - B I T S From Many Sources, Gleaned From Our Exchanges-- The superintendent bfethools in the Philippines has called oh the princi­ pal educational instiiutionlTof the country to send teachersIp,thearchipel- ugo. Salaries will he §900 per aiiuum and upward,and all traveling expenses' will be paid by the govermnebt, The teacher must hind himself Or herself to remain in the seryice fSr three years, —Ex. ' -.ri • . I v-/The KlondykeWas carried by Bryan by a large majority.- HTl^e 'vote was: McKinley, 938; Bryan, 2.404; total poled, 3,336; Bryau’smajority, .1,472. The Daily , Kloudyke Hugget super­ vised the mock - presidential'-' election and the count was announced at in­ tervals.from the' stage of all three the­ aters on election night; Jeweler J . L. Sale bad offered a $500 so,uveuir/to the winner* The .souvenir; which will, be presented to Mr. Bryan,, is a solid log cabin, n wiudlhss and n sluicc box and a lot oF-nuggets, all enclosed with a fence, and ail of solid gold, Around thc-fenco i». raised letters is the inscription; “This is the choice of the Klondyke — William JeuningB Bryaiij'*—Jerome Reporter, A State law, pioviuiiigrelief for in-' digeat blind,beyaum week' Township trustees will. a t their first meeting ijuApril, certify to the County Commissioners the amount required for relief of such person and persons, not to exceed $100 for each person per year. The Commissioner# Uheu make a levy in each township, for the amount required, and this luiul in the county treasury is subject to draft of township trustees.-^Jamestown. Jour­ nal. " , AMemorial Service. The following is an extract from -a letter -received by friends of the late Theodore H. Tarboxt “A memorial service was held for Ted iu the Con­ gregational church of Highland', Cal­ ifornia, Sabbath afternoon. Jammy 6. At three o’clock audrestes were made by the pastor, Rsv. Lamb*, the M, B* pastor and/A number of others. The 2-3rd Psalm was read, and the hymns ‘Hearer, My God, to Thee/ ‘Roik of Ages,* and ‘Asleep iu Jesus,’ were dung,. Letters from comrades, etc., were read.” Highland is a small town in Ban Bernardino county, Cal,, where nine years previous to enlisting in the PhU* ippinewar Mr. Tarbox resided. Its chief enterprise is the packing of fruit' and oranges, abouterght or ten car- loads of the*.latter being shipped per day, at present. . Worse Thto Ever. At the meeting of the Board of Trade in BpriDgfield Monday evening an effort was' made to arrange an ad­ justment o f the fight between the Olif ton and De^arville (prospective) trac­ tion line, and the body of residents on South Center Steecf. The Board of Trade committee asked the residents to submit a prop­ osition cmbodying the conditions on which they Would ^coijsent to grant the liije its right-ofWay; The citizens replied by requesting the Board to laydown a proposition which would be acceptable to both parties,' The conference ended without any formal proposition having been made, ac­ cepted of refused, and the amicable adjustment is just, as farm the d!i- tance as ever before, The Bpriqgfieldcity electric railway company have’a franchise over Center Street for double tracks and it is stated that should Frey get his fran ehise over this street, that they would immediately lay the extra track them selves in order to hold the street* - HoneyofTmrsure cure for cough# ‘ Ridgway dt Co. Tavener, which was injured in a fod­ der shredder. One finger was lost en­ tirely and two were broken in two places each and badly mangled, The pafieut suffered considerable hut la Improving. *' ' 'I n St, Louis, the other day, Peter Wilkin's wife presented him with trip, lets, all boy?; (Notliing queer about this, only they I1bad been married for twenty years and the triplets were the first born.—Jerome (Ariz.) Reporter, —o~* . Telephonic communication has been established between St. Michcal and Nome by means of a temporary sub­ marine cable. The toll is $2 for 10 words.—Exchange, • The third in Mr. and Mrs, John Hyde’s series of pretty girls 'arrived Sunday night at midnight, John says she is thoroughly‘iu style and has a nice CA» of grip developing and tun sneeze, equal to a five-year-old Yellow Springe News. ’ This is certainly an original way Of chronicling a birth. The rumor that the Pan Handle will ,run its through* trains to Springfield, using the Ohio Southern to South Cimrlestoojs re­ vived again, but there is nothing on the surface that indicates such a move* —So. Charleston Echo. Mr.* Wro. Beacbam, the printer was able to come Up town this morning, alter having bCetvconfined to 1m'home for nearly a month past by -Illness* He lost Id# speech and was able to speak only in a whisper for Borne daya and even then with difficulty. ’’His speech1however is gradually returning and we are glkd to seo him out again —Gatofte. • • X. **•*$**«* - *■1 ■ The Auditor’s settlement with tpc Auditor of State shows that there are 48 saloons iu Greene county, 26 of whlch ato iu Xenia,—Xenia Herald, a * ’ „ • - - - . ' finger Missing, . Last Monday Dr, J . O, Stewart was called to Clifton to assistDr. liar*, ris in dressing the right hand of Harry \ Small Blaze. 1 «*,1 ‘ ’» * y v’- There was Borne little excitement last Saturday morning.' when a fire alarm was turned in. The streets be­ ing covered with a thin layer of snow made it rather difficnlt fo'r the ‘Tract-* iOus steeds” to draWthe engine. How* ever they were tamed as usual when they reached the -hill* The fire was iua heuse op the north aide of town and. is supposed to have originated frbm a bad fide.’ The house is the /one tIinT~wae used lost winter by the smallpox patients and possibly a right good scorching sttd. Smoking would be a good disinfectant.’ The contents of the house -were easily removed without any lossjjy fire or water,. . ' ” - .. * ; -1' ’ '( • „ EoWFare to Washington For First Presidential Inauguration of Twentieth -Century. Excursion ticket# to Washington will be sold yia Pennsylvania Lines March V, 2 and 3, 1901, with return'limit on ail tick­ ets ioclnding.March 8, ' The inauguration of President Mc­ Kinley on March 4th-will be the first event fif that kind in. the new century, and,will attract notables’from ail oyer the country, Tim ceremonies will be of an unusual character, interesting to all. The trip, to’•VVaghjmgtpn may be made via Pennsylvania Linos* hi the low fares on through trains of modern railroad equipment, Fqr details a- bout fares and through service, apply to neatest Pennsylvania Lines Ticket Agent. Master#of Men* Tna S aturday E vening Posi an- npunces for early publication a twelve part serial story of loye aud. adventure by Morgan Robertson. Masters ,of M l n .is a powerful tale of the new navy. ’ . < ' The central figures in the story are a rich orphan, who has entered -the navy as an apprentice,-and a young ensign, fresh from the Naval Acad­ emy. The’author leads his two he roes through a maze of adventures by land and sea,. This romance may fairly be called the best work of the best writer of sea Stories in the country, ' * * ■ t * v Cooper carries a full line of every­ thing in the grocery line. .„,Qur hue of canned goods is comprised of To­ matoes,-Corn, Pens, Succotash, table and pie .Peaches, Cherries, Blackber ries. Rhubarb, Beets, Sauer Kraut, cooked Hominy, Baked Beaus, Syrup, Pine Apple,, Apple Butter, Peach, Butter, Maple Syrup, .Salmon. Sar­ dines, Ham, MinceMeat, Jellies, Mus­ tard, Ketchup', Honey, Pickles, efc. In our dried fruits we pave elegant Peaches, Apricots,' Prunes, Raisens, Figs, Dates; etc. - We have as nice a i.* >_u L-.»i/n ,$* Eat sparingly. YoUr digestive or- - „ . ,, gana are in no condition to take care .ine at bulk Coffees- Teas, Spices and of large quantities of food. ’■' ■Rylrnpls iiRt.hei-fl 5 r in town. - , , Dnuk plenty of pure cold water. I t allays the fever,, stimulates the kid* ueys to action and ’opens, up, the’pores'1’ of the ikin- ^Keep the bowels* open with Dr, 'Miles’Nerve and LiverPill#. Take three doses ofDr, Milea’Nerv- ine per day, and if you cannot sleep take ah extra dose at bed time. T p ’ further control the fever, and to over- come the peculiar aches and pains of, grip, use Dr. Milespain Pfils.^-Tbey act quickly and effectually^ and no bad effects result from .their use. -These ' remedies have been thoroughly tested * more than a> > million times, - and their efficiency is tliorougly established. ” They never fail to give relief, ‘ . Dr. Miles! Remedies dan be found ' a t any drug store, and they are scld on . a positive guarantee that "first bottle or package benefitsor money refunded. * 5 PUBLIC SALE! In order tp reduce my stock I will sell on my farm, two miles south-east of Oedarvilleon the, Turnbull Toad. ' Wednesday, February 20, a t 12 o’clock (standard time), the following; ’Three head of boms consisting' of NOTICE TO TEAMSTERS. I desire to have the stone which is in the walls of the old church on the ' farm formerly owned by William Collins; hauled to my farm, where the Raney Bros., reside, about two miles north of Clifton, There will be abont 200 perch of stone and the work will be let to the lowest bidder, Stone must be on the farm by August 15, Payment -will lie made in porpOrtion to the work completed. J ames A nderson , Rural No, 4, Springfield,O, Stops Th# Oosgli AndWorks Of TSoOoli, -Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price ,25 cents. TO CURE THEGRIP* Advice of a fmaotis PHy#fcliw. First and foremost, REST], Take care ofyourself. Your already weakened .neryes want rest, find m ust' have it. -Ifthe attack is severe, go to bed and remain there. More fatali­ ties result from neglect of this pre­ caution than from any other cause. ’■*" vh ;* ' 1 Extract as re is . ‘‘My stomach was affected by grip and I could eat nothing but crackers and milk, , I began taking Dr., Miles’ Nervine and Pain Pills and the trdu- bledisappeared.”—’Mrs. J . ' Lindsey, Montrose, Minn. „ l " •< * * W- J , Tarbox was this week in a t ­ tendance at. the Ohio Retailers Asso­ ciation_ of -Lumbermen at Toledo There was about tour hundred pres­ ent** «■ ....... ‘'When.Iwas prostrated with grip and my heart and . nerves were in jad shape, Dr. Miles’ Nervine and Heart Cure gave me’ new life*.,nnd health.”—Mrs, Geo. Colic, Elgin, 111. L. G. Bull returned Wednesday, after nearly six weeks stay in Worth­ ington, Ind,, being called there by the sickness and death o f his brother^ Edward Bull; of that place. Go to Downing’s gallery on Fri­ day aud have Some fioe Photos. made. All work of the highest quality. .Mr. W. AT: Mitchell is suffering with’ a healed tooth. His face is badly swollen and consequently he is Unable -to be about his 'place of busi­ ness regularly, ^ • We have everything in the pro- vision line. We have chinaware,, dishes, tinware, woodenware, tablet# and stationary, uotlons of ail kidd. We have everything kept in a first- das# grocery. Let us have your trade, We’ will treat you-right and give you the right prices ’. . - At Cooper’s.; 51rs. .Albert Hopping still continues to improve b'ut is not able to set up any yet* . ■ ■ The Brilssells Dramatic Company will thow here for seven nighta begin­ ning February 2 to 9 inclusive. For horse collars, lines, bridles and everything in the harntes Hue try Kerr & Hasti ngsiBros. About seventy-five friends were en­ tertained hot evening at (Bo bos pitable boipe of Mr. and Mrs. J . H. Andrew. A number from Xenia were present, Some fifty elderly peo­ ple will bo entertained at dinner to day. A meeting of the township school teachers was held a t tlm clerk’s office yesterday afternoon, Miss Effie Duf- field read a paper on “Geography”, K. E . Randall, “Current Events”; Wilber Colleit, “History.” A night meeting Will be held next month. •—Choice Plymouth Rock cockerels lor sale by - A. II. Oreswell A “ Spinsters Club” has been organ by several yodng ladies. ■ ■Miss,Vera Andrew icon -program; for a recitation a t the Xenia Farmers’ Institute* .‘M fV-A „ Gospel Service# will lie held in the United Presbyterian Church ‘ next week, The meetings will commence at 6:30 on Monday evening, Jan 28th spd continue each evening Until Thurs­ day. after that date the services will be' a t 1:30 p. m, and on Sabbath at the usnal hours. The communion service will he observed bn Sabbath Feb, 3d Pteaciung during the week and on Sabbath; Feb* 8 by J . G. King of the Neil Ave,, Columbus Church. All are cordially invited to attend, „ • ' •*' H- ' ■ —^Oonstjpaihffi neglected or badly treated," leads to total disability or death. Rocky Mountain Tea abso lutely cures constipation In all-iis forms, 35c, Ask your druggist/ > - .(Joitcli, Buggy and Wagon4iftr- neee all grade# atid prices at Kerr & Hastings Bros. ' - ’ * -^rSubteriba for the Herald. . U8T OP LETTERS. - List of letters remaining uncalled for in the Cedarviile postoffice for the month ending Jan. 28,1901, List No. 3, . Kimbrough, J . W, , Little, John . . / _ OAnv ' ' Sperein, Mattie Mrs, . T N, T arbox , P M.l one “brood mare' and two ^geldin thirty head of "cattle, consiari four thoroughbred Polled Angu^,.-. one cow, two heifers, one yearling*' bull, eight high grade Polled Angus cows, 'eight heifers and two bulls; eight yearling steers; fifty hogs; brood sows and stock hogs; one hundred and fifty sheep:.100 Delaine Merino ewes,, bred, and fifty Delaine Merino year* ewe#. . , . Terms made know on day of sale- Lunch 11:30 standard. Alex, Turnbull. Col, L. D. Perry, Auct.L.^ PUBLICSALE. As I have quit farming and engaged in other buriness, 1 will sell on the John Anderson farm, sUuated.on the Cedarviile and Clifton pike, 3 miles north of Cedarviile and i mile from Clifton, Tuesday,' Feb. 12th, at 10 o’clock, the following property; - Four bead of horses, 1 brood’mare with foal, 2 draft geldings coming four, 1 general purpose mare, 6 year# old; 11 head of cattle, 5 milch coWsr one Jersey cow with calf at side, 1 black Polled Angus, fresh in Febru­ ary, 1 fulljblooded Polled Angus boll 2 years old, 2 heifers and 3 steers; IS head of Stock hogs and 2 brood sows; 10 Delaine Merino ewes, bred; Farm­ ing implements of every description; hay in mow, Fodder in field and some household goods* Terms; . A credit of six months on sums over $5 with two approved se­ curities. $5 and under nosh* Lunch lliSO standard time. - John A. Fields, W*. L. Marshall Auct, - J . H. Andrew, Clerk; Tilt* clgnsttir# It 0#w *rrlx« of tUo (total** LaxativeBrarao*Qtiiaiae hmm # %ereie«nrib#t cores tali \ Q u r l a s t A . . t x o t i o i i S a l e s ' Will be held in the Lowry Building, my Entire Stock of Men's Fine ; i t 4 4 ' . * \ i a a S U I T S A N D O V E R C O A T S a a * • will be Offered A l t COS'iP during ;theie W &T ' ' " sales io close them out. It will pay yoW ffl' "ht* tend* Sales begin at 1:30 and 6130p,m. standard*. '/ .. ..... O F ^ o T J o a r t ' •JtH *V' # i iofehieni- ». F ’ ^