The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26

mpjw WALL mmm We hang It on your wall for ioc per roll. *■ I*. STEWART H* THE NEW SHOES * Celebrated Ham ilton Brown Shoes f & k ■ • , '■ LatestPatentLeatherOxfords * €benewlUa local and. Personal —Plants At.Dobbins. Mr, Williaw ^Jitcbpll was in Day top, Tuesday, on business, -—New Crop California Apricots' Peaches, Prumes, Crapes and Raisins at Gray’s. . „ Mr. Georgo-Harper was.called to Lima the first of the week owing to the death of his brother, The chip-rock which was the sub­ ject of much dissuasion at a recent • council meeting was moved this week at the order of the street committee. Things , waxed warm over- the’ re­ moval but no serious trouble is re­ ported. —Taken this month keeps you well all. summer. Greatest, spring tonic known. Rocky Mountain Tea,, made by Madison Medicine. Co. S5e, Ask yaur druggist,., ThereWill be a summer school at Antioch which will begin June 24 and continue six weeks to August % Pres. JBell, Prof. F, H. Tufts and Prof, J, E. Gpllins will' he the in- structor#. - \ ' —A. choice line of all kinds of Groceries, at .Gray’s. ‘ , ' Chas. 'Nisbefc, wife and obildren spent Saturdayand Sabbath with their parents. Mrs. Nisbet and children remain for a few days.. . Anivei-sary Serproa to the Odd Fel­ lows Lodge will be preached by Rev, Hamilton at the M. E. Church, Sun­ day morning, April 28, at 10:30. —Spring coughs are specially dang- ‘ erous and unless cured at -once, eeri- Thiore will bo a convention of the Republicans of the. Fifth and Sixth Joint Senatorial District of Ohio, at Xenia, May 21, 1901, at 10 a, m.} for the purpose of nominating one candidate for the office of Senator to 'be elected at the ensuing November 'election. The basis will be ione vote for each 250 yote3 cast for McKinley in J900, and one for. each fraction oyer 125. , Greene county is entitled to 20 delegates, —Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a perfectlaxative, Sold by C. M, Ridg- way. ' . ' ■ At a meeting ot the Jamestown school board' Monday evening .the following teachers were employed for the coming year; 'Prof. G. P. Har- iuount, Supt., Miss Anna Shigley, principal; Miss Qlifte Bailey; 1stgrum­ met; Miss Belle Nieberger, 2nd gram­ mar; Alias Ruth Stevenson and Miss Mae Harper, primary grades, Geo, Bowles, principal colored schools, Miss Rhth Brinson, assistant. 'Mies Bertha Steyeuson was re-elected music teacher. • . . Vegetarian.- Baited Beans. With Tomatoo Sauce, 'Ho Meat, No Far* ■ j.wt Gray’s. —Skin‘troubles, cuts, burns, scalds and chafing quickly heal by the use of DcWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It is imitated. Be sure you get DeWitt’s Ridgway & Go. .The Great Eastern has. faded into the era of small things.' Her tonnage Was 10,300 below that of the Celtic, just launched at Belfast,. -—Lost;—Umbrella with white rib­ bon hbw tied to the bow inside. Please leave at this office. GeorgeW. Boyer, ona of the jurors Mr. Lon Houston, of South Char­ leston, was in town Tuesday on bus- mess, • ' Miss..Bess Crain, of Jamestown, at­ tended the.Sock Social. Thursday evening, given by the Ladies Aid So­ ciety at the borne of Mrs.‘Samuel McCollum, Ladi«3 " Call atad gee the very-latest thing out' " in Ready to Wear Hats— The Shirt. Waist Hat. at Mrs. Condon’s, All the best.and latest things con­ stantly on hand. Prices the lowest. Comeand see, Aire. B, A . Shannon, of Xenia, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. M, Mitchell, this week, ' - v Mr. and_ Mrs. W„ M,. Barber went down to Cincinnati yesterday to see the high wEer^ They will return to­ day, ‘ ' —Those famouslittle pills, DeWitt’s Little- Early Risers will remove all impurities from your system, cleanse your bowels, make them regular. Ridgway & Co, „ „ • A choral class was organized Tues­ day evening at the home of Mfs. Frantz. The class will meet one night each week for practice, and later will in all probability give an entertainment, . Messrs Kerr and Pollock will on May 8th sell 8 head of cattle at the Indianapolis Combination Cattle Sale. Mr. Will Cherry will'also sell 2 head and.D, Bradtote 9 head- The sale of Polled Angus will be held on the 9th, Y O U R CITY W A S SA M P L E D TO -DAY BY ' I . FOR SALE BY THE FOLLOWING GROCERMEN: . R . B ird , C. H G illaugh , J;, R. Cooper, R', Gray, J . L. H o u se r , K e r r & H a s t in g s Bros ;ons results often follow. One Minute jya the case of John Brown, ‘‘the several day^ to Miller, the house mover from"Xenia, is here and Began work on jhe Ford property yesterday.. It wilf require «#VEr«rfil t A tnnx+a THREETYPES. One woman loved me. She was swfeet and shy, - AVith roguish smiles and merry, dimpling face; Hovering around me like a butterfly. Bestowing kisses with a dainty grace, But when we faced the future—and she knew— . , AYitU startled, angry eyes she set me free. _ Although her .heart Was tolerant and true, She loved me not enough to. sin for me, Another woman loved me. No dark doubt Her heart might vanquish or her spirit tame; Blind with a pasrion that had blotted out In radiant happiness all thought of shame.. ..Through good or evil she may fate Would share, Proudly uumindful ot.the World's decree, ~ Willing for love’s sweet sake all ills to bear, . She loved me Well enough to sin for me. « . . V . Another woman, calm and holy-eyed, . Cold to all others, me her great heart gave; Supremely happy if but by my side, Longing in secret to be but my slave. She spe-mher sad,' despairing life alone— And that she loved me best of all the three Was by her brave renunciation shown— She loved me far to well to sin for me.. J? —Carolyn Wellslu .May Smart Set. Gough Cure acts like magic. It is *. not a common mixture but is a high grade TCmedy. Rrdgway & Co. * • >—McMillan’s carpets are on hand, - see them before you make ycur pur­ chase, Mr, and Mrs, William Bull and daughter, May, were guests o f Mr, Roht, Bird and family, yesterday, Fojt R ent : — House with four, rooms, 1 acre ground; 14 miles west of town pn Columbus pike.” , ■ . Mrs, D, N. Tarbox. ' ‘ * 1 ’ *■ ‘ , 1 i —’‘Last winter I was confined fo my bed with a very bad- cold on the lungs. . Nothing gave me relief, Fin­ ally my wife bought a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure that effected, a speedy cure, T cannot speak: too highly of that excellent remedy,” ' Air, T. K. Houseman, Maiiatnwney, Pa, Ridgway & Co. —Anything in the'harness line at Dorn’s, Morton Bromagem, who has been- spending severalweeks with his father Mr, John Bromagem, returned' to Chicago Tuesday. Squire' Bradford was in Darke, County, 'this state a few days looking - up pension evidence for a client here. ■—I f you want a well drilled see E. W, Smith, New Jasperj O., or him s card and he will see you. The second crop o f potatoes from the industrial relief farm at Ceiba, Mocha# Cubs, has just arrived inNew. York, and will probably be sold by retail dealers at about $8.50 a barrel. The farm in question was^established by the Cuban industrial relief^com­ mission togive employment to widows and orphans, emancipator," who. was hanged, at Harper’s Ferry in 1859, has just died at Charlestown, W„. Va. Bui one member of that famous jury no >sur vives—William A Martin, who lives at Deleplaiue, Va.’ —For light buggy harness, whips, pads, the harness man. - ■ harness, -work etc,, try.Porn, —You will waste time i f you try to cure indigestion or dyspepsia by starving yourself, That only makes it worse when you da eat heartily You always need plenty o f good food properly digested. Kodol Dyspepsia Cute is the result o f yearn of scientific research for something that would di f eat not only some elements o f food ut every kind. And it is the one remedy that .Will do it.—Ridgway & Carpet Co, Air.Ed. Holmes left for the West Monday, 'While" on his -westward trip he will stop in Iowa orfa visit, and then proceed to Montana where his brother, James, is located, A measure which has just become a law in New York State make the fun­ eral" expenses of a deceased- person payable from his estate before any other' debts. Not only is the new law a boon to undertakers, but it may have some .effect in encouraging reas­ onable simplicity of funeral display. Dr. JP. R, Madden, Praotice liin« ited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Glasses Accurately Ad­ justed. Allen Building, Xenia, O. Telephone.—Office 'Wo.- 7 a, Kcsidence Wo. 3 ;, —“I have been troubled with indi­ gestion for ten yearn, have tried many things and spent much money to no purpose until I tried Codoi Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken two bottles and gotten more relief from them than all other^medieibes taken, I feel more tfa boy than I have felt in twenty years." Anderson Riggs of Sunny Lane, Tex,' Thousands have testi­ fied os did -Mr. Riggs,—Ridgway & Co. • Orrie Boyles was arrested in Day ton last week for .burglary, It is claimed that he had broken into one o f the shops and stolen some money amounting to about four, and one half dollars. He has been out of work for some time, owing to sickness, and it is thought that owing to the destitute condition of the family, he was prompted to do what he did. He was bound over to await the action of the grand jury in the sum of $500 and was sent to jail- - - If you. want a fine.artistic picture go to ,Dywiring's Cedarville gallery open fot businessFridays only, Xetria studio regular. ' ' . The telephone company have all the poles erected down ,to the Strutt­ er's bill where 4hey. met the Xenia line. Work on stringing .the wires will be begun at once. Dr. Swongety of Lexington, (A, a graduate of a medical’ college, has decided to open an office in this place. He has secured rooms on Main Street, in the Cleinan’k property. —If troubled by a weak digestion, loss of appetite, or constipation, try a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets; Every box -war­ ranted-.. Foreale by C, M.Ridgway. D. £5, Ervin is ments to fitavt his law weeks. l.fitill have a few of those fine seer potatoes Banner and Seneca Beau­ ties. O, L, Nortbup, Colored Items. ...F. L. Alexander and family visited relatives iii Xenia over Sabbath. Mrs, Combs, of Selma, was guest of Mrs. M. R. Daniels over Sabbath, ' , ' ’ Mr, Waldon, of North Main Street, is very low and- bis advance years make has recovery very doubtful, . MaheSilyey longs for the bright days of July when tho conductor will hear, “But at Buffalo." Late Arrivals o t .City Hotel. ’ Mrs. Badger and daughter, Leoua, ■ attended the silver wedding of Mr. and Airs, Mela last week, i u (ldi Alexander iff Xenia making arrange- sprinkler-within a I,1<■). O. F. Notice—All members of Cedar Clift Lodge -are rtque ted to meet at the Lodge room, Sunday Biorning, April 28 at 10:30, fo attend the-Anniversary Sermon at the M, E, ' Church, Brothers Of other lodges j»re cordially invited fo attend. High School commencement will bo held Friday evening, May 24, “ --Cures dizzy spells, tired feeling, stomach, kidney and liver troubles, “Keep* you well »U summer. Rocky Mountain Tea taken this lfiputh. 35t', Ask your druggist. you want anything gcod, go toGray*. j The „Miami Telephone Co. was granted a franch'se, by the coundkof sfameefowh, Saturday. The company will put in nn M'xchsnge there, • You cannot enjoy perfect health tfsyy-i -,r li«*weh clogged. ’ DcWilVa luftlo Early Rbert eleaiise the whole, system. They nevergripe, Ridgway & 'fhe layt, Hue of-■roll*rs*in the town at JDrrmV ' —Dr. <’aidwell’s Byrrip I’epsiu aids digestion, Bold by C. AI, Ridgway, Carpets, Carpets at Mehlillan’s. (jwing to the^ existence of a scarlet fever epidemic in Keene, N.TL, the local bank now sterlizos ail the money which passes through its hands. The notes and coins *re placed in a gal* Vanjzcd ifon oven, lined with asbestos and lifsted by means of a Bunsen burner. A themoincter is provided .to show the interior temperature at all time. The oven is heated to 300 degrees when in use, —German Millet Seed at W. 11. Btwett’.s.- —^-F op Output paper go to AleAIil lau, he also carries the celebrate-* CrriarAfoth Froof Taper. ■ Elmer Keyes is having his residence ott Mala street wired for efeettl© lights, Mr, David Bradfute -suya that iie will not have: :i now house this spring, blit, will have tho yrcseqi, oneV ’ftd ;Sf.ntew itritgh{s. ■Mr, James Town, sley kindly oll<:red to loan 1dm the nniftoy, but in declining the h,r,n, he. said;- ut haven’t time to look after it.” --Tans, Coffee and Cigars at Grat’a Air, JohffiMcLcan has the contract for tho building of. Robert Birds resi­ dence-on Xenia Ave* Workmen arc at work.on the excavation already. Air, W. J. Wildman returned yes* terday morning from his western trip, —Bring your butter, eggg. latdaud bacon to Cooper’s. He will give you cash or trade for them. ■Air, and Mrs. George Harper have for their guest Air, and Tho3. Harper, dr Terre Haute, Ind, pThomas Mitchel has •in his posses­ sion of a log chain which was found on the Columbus pike. Mr. Scott Stewart has moved bis family into Airs. Anna Towneley’s property on Alain Street, _—Bulk Extract of Lemon and Va­ nilla at Cooper’s. You get a much better quality than the bottled goods. Bring your bottles and get them filled; Airs. Albert Hopping suffered an attack of acute indigestion this week but is now somewhat improved, A t a recent meeting of school board the following officers were elected: R, F, Kerr, Pres,; .Andrew Jackson, Clerk; Airs. \Vm. Barber, Treas. Last evening the following committees were were appointed: Finance, Bat* her and Wolf rdf Supplies ami Build­ ing, AfcParlaiKl and Jackson; Library : and Text books, Crouse'and Kerr; Teachers, Gray and Barder, The fol­ lowing are the teachers elected for the coming year: Sunt,, Prof, R. A, Brown; No. 7, K. 3 i Randall; No. (J, Mattie Bromagem; No. 5, Della Gil­ bert; No, 4, Foster Alexander; No 8, Effie Duffield; No, 2, Clara Jackson; No; 1, Rosa Stormont; music teacher, Flora Nisbet; janitor ami truant of­ ficer, John Ross. Misses Mattie Crawford, teacher of room No, 7t and Alabel Owens of No, 3, did not apply. A meeting svas held in the Mayors ofhe .1 Tuesday evening for the purpose of hearing the reports of committees in rogmd to the gymnasium, another was to have lieeu Md lc?t uveniny., inst/,¥.•« v-';,u aeubttht of tho' sessue) of school hoard, ■Anotlifir will m held later, Alfred VTigvo, a Castle Valley, (Pa), wheelwright, has a fame chick- eti that follows him about like a dog, and recently took ABunday walk of twelve mihs with him, Ex-Prc6id0nt Mitchell, of Wilber force, will bo greatly missed, not alone in the school room where his intellect was so useful, but where’re his influence reached. We need siicii shining lights and their. loss is almost irreparable The first.Sabbath in. May the A. 'M, E. chnrch will make special ef­ forts to collect enough to repair their church, As tbisia a- worthy cause and as a community is largely judged by its places of worship, we hope the citizens will lend a charitable hangj. '■The contractor, .who has the con tract for putting in the sewerage at Xenia, has for his foreman and confi dentiai advisor is a 'colored man by the name of John L, Jenkins. Mr. Jenkins is a fa s te r of his trade; and at his home in Indianapolis he is em­ ployed one way or the other on nearly all the big contracts along his line. I f more of our young men would turn their attentions towards ■ the trades, there would soon be qu'te a different story to tell. W- J* Sanderson, City, iP . II. Wilson, Elmira," N» Y. . 1161John B, Slush, Springfield, 0 . A. D, Striokler, Lebanon, Q. R. II. Sandford, Lacrosse, Wis. O.'.M, Sandford, LacrossevWis.' Will A. Keys, Columbus, O. John Heaton, Xenia, 0 . Gus Miller, Cincinnati, O. . H. F, Fisher, Xenia, 0 . J. Duffy, Dqytdn, O. E. L, Baker, Springfield, O. E A, Klein, Cincinnati, 0 . W. B. Moorman, So. Charleston, 0 . Frank Townsloy, So, Charleston, 0 . Frapk Towualoy, So. Charleston, C, E, W. Aletcalf, Columbus, 0 . J* AI, Adams, Columbus, O. . G. B.'HicksfSouth Charleston, U* J. C. AIcMillan, So. Charleston, 0 W« M. Watkins, Randolph, Va ' C. D, Fredericks, Columbus, 0 . Ai O’Brien, Columbus, O. l ' Gus Eroding, Xenia, 0 . B. B-, Gordon, Logausport, Ind. 0 , T. Boasliear, Columbus, O George Garliart, Columbus, O. E. Bchildmau, Cincinnati, O. W* S. Gorton, Greenville, O. Lee Horn, Lousville, 0 . 8 A. T, Smith, Martinsville, O. T h e The Town’s Best- TOCURBAGOLDINONEDAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab­ lets. All druggists refund tbe money if its fails to cure. E. „W. Grove’s signature is on each box. 25c, S i x ' thousand women years ago at Clevqla yoted two . while less ban 800 took the trouble to do so this year. This would indicate that the women themselves are not very badly stuck on woman suffrage. Stop* The Gwgfe A*d W o rii OfT&sCdta. Laxative BromO-Quiftine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. , There has been some talk in the last few days in regard to the council passiug what is called the “screen ordinance." It provides that all screens in places where intoxicating liquors are sold in a village shall be removed and remain so from one weeks end until another. I f the sa­ loon business is a legitimate business; Why be ashamed to conduct il-beforff the public‘ instead of ?behind • the screen. If a man wants a drink and : considers himself worthy of it why need be be ashamed of the public see­ ing him? Charleston has such an ordinance nod it is. ,?:??*»*!.«»» toVii viu-iv” We would recommend such an ordinftrtco to the village council, • TfcUslilpaatar#J* stt *tmf ot tt« Rwtaia* L «« tive The AN.iOEALSUMMERTRIP. Paa-Atnerlcaa Buffalo Line Offers Special Attractions for a Va- ' ^cation Outing, Spring is here; the Curtain Department is full of it. , There may be gray and chilly days yet, but its really Spring—reaHy cleaning time—really time for new Curtains and Drapery things.' - • The Cuftjain Stock is at Its Best Now.' ‘ It is the Best Stock We’ve Ever Had: r -O ' . . ‘ . ‘ - . ’ *■ „ ' l r1. ” *-’ ^ + \ , Today’s telling isn’t particularly of Lace Curtains, though. A jumbled lot of items—all Curtainish. Ruffled Swiss Curtain, 2J j'ards long and 40 inches wide, striped and figured, with.plain Swiss ruffle, 75o to $1.00 per pair Ruffled Swiss Curtains, 3 yards long and 42 inches wide, striped and figured, with plain Bwiss Ruffled, $1 LT1.75 per pair .Plain Ruffled Swiss Gnrtaius, -.3 yards long and 42 inches wide, with lace edge and insertipn 81,25, 81,60, 81.75. J2,00. $2.25, $2,50, $2.98. . - Swiss for eurtaius and drapery, plain wlu'te. dottec, stripe and ' figured, 15c, 18c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c,- 40c, 45c. White or Ecru Lace Door Pannels, 90c to $2,98. Couch-Covers, new styles, $1.98 to $7,50 eadu. J ■RopoPortiera are more popular ■ than ever, We 'have them in 1all sizes for single or double door at $2.98, $3,50, $3.98, $5.00, $6.00, $7.50 I H u r p b y $ ( B r o . € o . . 48, 50,, 52, 54, 56 Limestone, Street. SPRINGFIELD, O H IO ; I t b e a t s t h e N A T I O N !» . how out Implements take in theseM A . rrjDBCBlGD times We O A H R 1 E a full line Ttic Pan-Americun Exposition nt Buffalo wilt be a big attraction to summer tourists the comingseason. It ojuns at Buffalo, New York, May 1st. ThePan-American Buffalo Bine—Akron Itoute—will be opened May 5th,with through passenger service fromSt. Louts, Indianapolis, Louisville. Cincinnati, Dayton ond Columbus via Akron and Chau- tau<iu-iLaketo Buffalo. This new line will take passengers through to the Part-Ameti- caa Exposition on excursion tickets which may be obtained during tbe season.; Through psssc-ttger service returning from BuflatowiU also rundally, giving residents of Indiana andOhio a convenient rottiis fot a trip to and from flic Exposition, Tickets tnay be obtained fromagents of the Penn­ sylvania Lines through the gateways-of In­ dianapolis and Columbus, Jn addition to excursion tickets to Buff*: also for the Ban American Exposition, ape* eial fares will be in effect via The Akron Itoute to t hnuhnqua Lake, Niagara Falls, and to many of the famous summer resorts on the Lakes, and oil the St,Lawrence Biver, to tba Adirondscks an resorts In the East including HewYork, via Buffalo, hitwtrivk- • point stop-over privileges will be granted to sec the Exposition. A trip over this youte will make an Ideal outing jaunt, Puli par- tieuiarS about fares, conditions of itop-over privileges, tnay be ascertained by < ommunieatingwith B.S, Kejres, Ticket Agent of Pennsylvania Lines, or by addressing 0. V. Uatuas. Dis­ trict Passenger Agent, Dayton, Ohio. E, B, Keyes, Agt„ L-edatvillc, Ohio. Steel Plows, Mowers, Riding Cultivators, Hay Carriers, Walking Cultivators, Garden Plows, "* AIcCormiek Biudem, Hay Rakes, - Disc Harrows, Brown Wagon, Corn Planters, Corn Sheliers, Hay Tedders, Smoothing Harrow* Buggies* iSTLoea! agents for the Black Hawk Cgli and see it at our store. Hand and Machine Afade Harness. Planter that drops three in * hill. Kerr & Hastings Bros. CLIFTONNOILS. j Airs, Brownlee is slowly improving, j The G. A, R’s. have had their hall; papered attd it greatly improves the appearance of the room, Andy White, our popular grocer, is having his house 'painted and pa­ pered, Emery Ilift, who has been sick for the last two weeks with congestion of the liver, is better.andout of danger. AKa hear that Fox is to lectori) in Cedarville soon. We can speak in the highest terms for him as he has The City Hotel, .{Formerly Sherman Rouse) N. H. HAYWOOD, Proprietor. Your Patronage and. Influence Solicithh POPULAR RATES. % .......... been here twice inside o f Smooths and return limit and other detailsffe*vc entire satisfaction l)0th times. Fred Anderson was over calling on friends this -week,.*' :’ - , . | Airs, Berg and daughter #ettsriei| from < M liib f « ls .I f « t f^ - i-our /Theti :|te 1 children w illfo hippy*. CASTOR IA I w n a u t iU i a u jM . . tkiKMYaritmtisiplogH Bearistha MI consider Chsmberiain’s Cough rerjcrly the heal in the world for btdn- chitis,” says Air, William Savory, of Warrington, England, “ It hwaavod my wile's Jiie, she having been a mar­ tyr bronchitis tor over six years, being most of the time confined to her bed, Bhe is qow quite well.” Sold by <VAh Ridgway. ... . , . Notke is hereby given that the «»• . ^Vork on the triaphone -m h r o g r s s a - 1 t ‘ mg nicely, The men received duly q o ^ h d fay tl.e Z m U U to The men i . Wednesday to go to Jamestown «a at was the last day tor their franchise, sqFj to they will atart workUareendoome! hack here and finish, up by the aJJ. die of nexi weak. of Greene Ooaaty a* admin! o f th# iwtato-of MarionWiMmatti "Howard WMa *. - -A tfikm r W®1“ J, littefe t% 3|0L