The Cedarville Herald, Volume 25, Numbers 1-26

you ^want FAC TS and F IGURES^ Remember, the question Is: Not only H O W M U C H , but H OW FAR. The .measure of paint value Is not the price per gallon, hut Its covering capacity. HIGH STANDARD L IQU ID P A IN T is cheaper than other paints because it C O V E R S MORC (One gallon covers 4 0 0 ft,', two coats—under favorable conditions, even more than this), I T W ORKS MORE EASILY, I T L A S T S LONGER , I T W EAR S B E T T E R , and therefore IT IS MORE ECO NOM IC A L , ■ W, R . S T E R E E T T , -^-Dealer in—.. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, See ; Has no peer in the primary 'essentials for cream get­ ting. Milk and water are not mixed, The water can is round. Milk can is Hat—slightly ovaled at the sides tomake it strong. Ample space between milk and water can for ice if nec. esssary.. The ^Arras’* Cream Separator will save your wife the can lifting, skim - ■ miag and washing crocks ^ twice a day. C. n . CROUSE Cedarville, Ohio. A VISIT OF CONDOLENCE Uttl« Edn* Exprawed Har Sympathy « In Har Own Wprdt, Little Edna was a.solemn child. Whether tha t was due to her own peculiar disposition or to Ih fact that her old black mammy delight­ ed in mournful events it hard, to ay, * .—sv- ■ On one occasion Edna went with her mother to pay a “visit of condo- fence" to her. aunt, whole husband had recently died. She was very fond of this aunt, who had express­ ed a wish to see the little niece, so she and her mother came all the wav from their country home, and on the road mamma talked serious­ ly to the little girl, . “You must be very sweet to auntie, darling. She has had juch. a sorrow.1' “Yes, i t was drefful," said, Edna, with a sympathetic sigh, , “I t certainly was, and you must say something very nice to her," “What, mamma?". “Oh, I don't know, dear; any­ thing that comes into, your kind lit- tljf heart., And you must hug and kiss her and tell her how mxich you love her. Poor auntie 1" “Oh," said Edna, and sho lapsed into silence until they reached their destination. On seeing the child her aunt was very much affected and cried a good dead, and Edna sat on her lap, pat­ ting her hands and stroking he,r. hair while thinking of something “comfortable” to say. ' At last she made up her mind to speak. She leaned over and kissed her auntie softly on the forehead. The te,ar stained face was raised to hers, and the child whispered: „ ■_ “Auntie, darling auntie, did you 'joy yourself at the funeral ?”(-r-Qhio Etate Journal. Why She Forgot. “Bridget,, I want ■a pound of steak, a Dag of salt, two ounces of pepper, a loaf of bread and a pound of butter. ..Bo you think you can remember them ail, or shall I write them down?" “Sure, ma'am, I can remember one by the other. When I have bread; I know I want butter, -add when I have steak I know. I want pepper and sa lt" . “All right. Go and don't be long ." ’ ’ . Bridget was not long. She was back in a very short time, but with an empty basket. “Why, where is the' dinner, Bridget?-—-----— -------------:------- flreade jSasie House, . , »* t 74 Arcade, ' SPRINGFIELD, O. 45 East Main St., ' ‘ XENIA, O. 2 Large Ufarcrooms 2 Factory Prices. Cash or Easy Payments. 'J ;;V. Spring Fever,'- Spring fever is another, name ior bil­ iousness, I t is more serious than most people think. ' A torpid liver and in,- ; active bowels meana poisoned system. If neglectejl, serious itinera may follow such symptoms. BeWitt’s Little Early IRisers remove all danger by etimulat-' nig the iiver„ opening the bowels and cleansing the system of impurities, Safe pills. Never gripe. “I have taken' BeWitt’s Little Early Risers for torpid liver ‘every spring for years,”,writes R. M. Everly, Mounds* ville, *W, Vn. “They do me more good than anything I have ever tried.” ^p^nr, % c ia l Sale T h i s M on th . Nice new Ramos ■ frilly war- rantfd, at exceptionally low prices. We furnish ft stool, - elegant scarf and instrue- d'ia book with cash piano. A mi , ,. . _| jT. t *\ , . „ ' , _ , Tne Ludwig, kranich & Bach it Kimball PSaito£ At f nsiVfi cvW-i,‘jti il:v recollections of Wify r'Oitfung inpg after (lie price is Gonifi and she the inunri ***.? j»U»;>rbargains this month. ^ebdugui.t ;iud i ’fia* addrew F. B. MILLER, •.iH 'M w j k v m m m u u > , o , AHeal Friend. “I suffered from dyspepsia and indi­ gestion for fifteen years," says W. T, SturdevAUt of Merry Oaks, N. 0. “ After I had tried many doctors and medicines to no avail one of my friends persuaded me to try Kodol. It gave immediate relief,t I can eat al­ most anything I Want now and my digestion is good. 1 cheerfully rec< onuneud Kodal.’’ Don't try tocure stomach trouble by dieting. That only further weakens the system. You need wholesome, strengthening food. Kodol enables yon to assimilate what you cat by digesting it without the stomach's aid.- NOTICE TO SHIPPER, A t Toledo the White Star Lind Steamers connect with (Belt Line) Manufacturers R. It Cats are placed at Company’s Warehouse, making a transfer of about SOft. car to boat. Steamers leave wharf 0:15 a.m. dally, arrive Detroit 1:15 p.m.; Star Island, Algonad, Marine City, St. Clair, Fort Huron and’other points in Southern: Michigan afternoon of same day. Low rales, i ’rompt service, J , W. CONRAD - General Agent, Toledo, Ohio, irtsoftiftl# is caused by a deiaiigenient of the nerves. LicbtyVs Celery Nerve Gum pound is an extract of celery combined with ethe efficacious medical ingredi­ ents resulting in « nerve medicine <>« rare virtue and wonderful m its prompt and soothing ciirative cR.'Cfs, it will make you sleep-: >Bold by U M, Rtdyway. HaeO«id*nSttl* 4ottr* “I . couldn’t ' remember. one of them, ma'am." “Why, I thought you could re­ member each article oy the one be­ fore it?". . / ’ ‘'Faith, ma'am, I had -nothing, to remember the first one by!"—Lon­ don Tit-Bits, ' ' Wise Distribution of Time. . Once when dining quito by chance with Dr. Greighton, the lute bisho; of London, at a certain club Lor Rosebery remarked: “Ah, my^ lord bishop, what a nuisanco this dining is! Two things I absolutely dread —a long dinner and -long sermon. I think that a sermon and a dinner, however good either may he, ought never to last more than a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes a t the tiiosfc^ “Well, well," said Dr.: Greighton musingly, “could we not arrange matters this way, my lord ? Knock, Bay, ten minutes off the sermon and put it on to the dinner."'—“Men of the Moment." The Elephant. - Animal trainers say tha t the ele- f hant is the most intelligent of the rute creation and tha t this is one of the few animals that reason from cause to effect, .Everything that the physical structure of an ele­ phant will permit it to accomplish can be taught these curious think­ ing animals. To successfully in- striict an elephant, however, re­ quires a peculiar education on the part of the trainer. This latter .must not only have a thorough un­ derstanding ofvtliG art of training, but ho must also have a scientific knowledge of the animal's possibili- ci tics and limitations. Graak Water Coolers. In many places in Greece a cream rpt with water the moisture keeps con- colored water jug or jar is made - ‘ ‘ ’ “ it wh ■“’* ’ tinually exuding to the outside and there evaporating, winch wonder­ fully cools the contents, especially when the vessel stands in a d ra ft These cheap “water-coolers" are used by everybody, rich and poor, and great numbers of them aro manufactured and sold every year. Disappointed. A little girl was sent to school for the first time. On her rotarnuher mother she iikcdAt. “I didn't like it a bit," the mite replied. “The teacher put me on a chair and told me to sit there for the present, and I sat and sat, hut she never gave mo any present."— Normal Instructor. 5top» the Cough And works off the Cold. Laxative Stoma-Quinine Tablets euro a cold in oue day, .No Cure, No Fey. Brice 25 cents. .ANSWERS BY EXPERTS. Under the caplion “Answers by Experts” The Chicago Record Herald ‘publishes daily an article by an au­ thority of national reputation on some topic of everyday Interest to nearly all newspaper readers, Soma problem of family or shool life is considered in every Monday irauej methods of de­ veloping health and vigor of body are . treated q n Tuesdays; various move- meats' and mental phenomena attract­ ing popular attention on Wednesdays; natural methods of. promoting good health nud good looks for women on Thursday; mometous decisions in the lives of eminent men, related by them­ selves, on Fridays, and “Modern Thought About the Bible,” presenting the differing views of. eminent theolo­ gians on important Bible ‘topics, on. Sundays., The “Answers by Experts,’ im brief, tell you. things you want to know, and are written by men and women who dokuow. The list of con­ tributors of high standing is the most .extensive ever announced b y an American newspaper. MACBETH REVISED. I dare do all that may become a man; who dares do more is—a woman. —July Smart Set. : . E L K S ’ H a t s t o P l e a s e M^StftfMER CARNI VAL C u s t o m e r s . Springfield, Ohio. —A GRAND GALAWEEk. . PURE FOOD LAWS ENFORCED. More Grocers'.Fined for Selling Alum Baking Powders, The St. Louis papers report sever­ al more grocers .brought to trial Upon the charge of selling baking powder containing aluin. in violation of the law. The parties were a ll,convicted and each fined 8100. Seyeral baking powders which have been found by analysis to contain alum have been offered in this market,. They are called COMMON. SENSE KENTON EKENCH PROCESS CROWN DAVIS O. i t In many places similar powders, under these or other names are offered for sale at from- ten to twenty cents a pound, Good baking powder is one of the Monday, July 7, Governor's Day.1 Tuesday, July 8, School Children's Bay Wednesday, July 9, Fraternal Bay, Thursday, July 10, Elks’ Purple Day- Friday, July 11, Ohio Bay. Saturday, July 12, Springfield Day. Tyi*.’~4r*>"T The Great Jabour Circus and Managerie Company, aggregation oi world re­ nowned perlofmers, A strictly high-class and mor­ al entertainment. REDUCED RATES ON A LL RAILROADS. BOSTON EXCURSIONS. Excursion tickets to Boston, Mass., Will be sold via the \ Pennsylvania Lines, June 12th to 14, inclusive, on' account First Church of Christ, Sci­ entist Convention, For particulars apply to Ticket Agents of Pennsyl* via Lines. 7 '71 . —We will send the value of $1.10 in *booklet, containing. twenty-seven pen and ink photo-reduced sketches ofWashington life by mail for lOJcts, (cash or stamps). Queen Victoria knighted Sir John Tenniel for similar artistic Work in Ldndon. (Your edi- has a sample of this), N utshfxi ,•PtJBr,rsHwo C o ., , j 20 1059 3rd Ave,. New Ybrk. HOME-SEEKERS EXCURSIONS. Low rate Home-seekers excursions most useful things in the kitchen. There -e several good powders on the market; housekeepers will help the authorities iti their efforts to promote the sale of pure and wholesome food if when buying baking powder they will insist upon having souie one of the well known brands of cream of tartar powders, which are piire and healthy beyond a doubt. -'fr- '• ■ ’ Hoad Fecis Like Bursting. Maybeyou were out late last night? If you had iakeu ft Krause’s Headache Capsule before retiring your head would be cool and clear this raorning. Take one now and you. will^ he ail right in half, an hour. Price 25c. Sold by 0. M. Ridgway. . tickets to points In West, Northwest arid Southwest will be sold via Penn­ sylvania Lines.. Particular informa­ tion about fares, time of trains and other details will he furnished upon application to Passenger and Ticket Agents Of the Pennsylvania Lines. B inder T wine .— The time to buy is right now, and the place is 6-6 3t W. R. S xerretx ’ s , FRIENDS TAKENOTICE. v B inder T wine for sale at 6 G3t W. R. S teiirett ’ s , —F or R e ' nt —Boat office room in Cedarville—over Hitchcock's billiard room, J , P . Chew. Carlyles Method of Work. Speaking of Ills method "of work, Carlyle said ho had found the little wooden •pegs which washerwomen employ to fasten clothes to a line highly convenient for .keeping to­ gether bits of notes and agenda on the same special point. I t was his habit to paste on a screen in his workroom engraved portraits, when no better could be bad, of the peo- ilo he was then writing about. I t fept the image of the man steadily in view, and ope must have a clear image of him in the mind Before it was in the least possible to make him bo seen by tbo reader. How Often the Watch Ticks. • Many watches make five heats per second, 300 each minute, 18,000 every hour, or 432,000 per day. Thus it will be seen that a half doz­ en turns of the key once a day, tak­ ing up but a few seconds of time, stores up a modicum of power in the spring which is out up into nearly a million of beats. If we multiply the daily heats by.305^4, the num­ ber of days in a year, we find that the watch ticks 157,788,000 while the earfh is making one annual trip around the aim. Liver Kr<M*fc*sGeld Care, For colds in the head* chest, throat or any portion of the body, breaks up a cold in 24 hours without interrup­ tion to work. Will prevent awl* if taken when first symptom# ftppeftr. Price 25c. Bold by C, Bidgway, have b«Jri trorlbileA a ium I M „ „ „ * torpid liver, ■whioft prodaowi oosattpa- Mon. iloufla CASOARETOWMS.iljMioUlm for ta«fn, tad wonrea «nohMllof Mi« flr«t trial, ta«t I purowned another enppli end wna odm* OTWe«d<^are»hWhenever the oroortaatw Av/.'&UWU®!*, P*. CAtHARTid w c uwenw ^ VRAblftWlK ' 'OtfltV HClHGTIPATjOW* _w». ........................... .... m - tm m a ie w ia m w a r Wheat Harvest is at hand. Will you kindly return our sacks, and we will pay you for same which will save us from buying oho thousand new ones, and oblige. Yours Truly, The B. B. Ervin Co. v Epigram* of David 8 tarr Jordan, You can 't fasten a fivo thousand .dollar education upon a fifty Cent hoy. The football field is safjer for young men than the ballroom. If an educated man is unfitted to take a practical hold on life, he is not worth educating or the edu­ cation is a misfit, ‘ The remedy fo r Oppression is to have strong men who cannot bo op­ pressed. . The problem of life is not to make life easier,' hut to make men stronger.—F. B. Millard in World’#1 Work. N f lE W O H D 's ! [B U C A B R iU ™ t h e m o m u S .biliousness m aro comma: ■ undkiclaoydiseases. Stomach and ft bowel tremble*, severe as they are, • give immediate warning by pain, I hut liter arid kidney* trouble*, > thomgbloss painlul a t too start, are > much harder to cure, ^ Tbedford’a a Blaok-Draagbtmover fail* to bene­ fit dinoModfivorand-weakenedkid­ neys. I t stir* up the torpid liver to throw off the germ*of feverand ague. I t is ft certain preventive of obolem and Bright's disease of the kidneys. With k id am re­ inforced by Thedford’e Black* Draught tboritomd*ofperson*hate dwelt immune in the midst of yel­ low fover, Mapy families live la perfect health and have no other doctor thin, ThecffordV Black* Bxstoght, I t is always on hand £«f Use in an emergency and iwvM mK&y expearita cell* of adootos. M«m«,s.c.,AWfh»,iyoi. I lwv*»f^ Th«w4*sbleSi»«rt^ lerllmwyiiari ftndlfWv* aetM tog* ton t w k s t e IItH i MM it is the Net toiis Ni t # M lw f e W*IN. tMriNt tw IHher tm Wikty mMjl. S*. > ' .HWWflFIW jroy j|p If you want a Hat that is becoming to your features and suits your taste, Sulli­ van, the Hatter can pleas? you both in style and price. We have some especially for hot weather wear in straw and light-weight felt. We positively^ can please you if you will inspect our line. Prices on straw hats from 9c to $3.00. Felt hats from 35c to $3.50. SULLIVAN, the Hatter, 27 S. Limestone, Springfield,.O. Got This Out—-It’s Worth a Half M at! A : B O X O F Df. A. W. Chase’s Monday, June 30, 1902 ' ' ‘ • . -— AT—— ' - ‘ ‘ ■ RIDGWAY & CO’S., Drug Store, CEDARVILLE, O. ‘ Beginning at 2 p. m. sharp and ending at 7 p. m. sharp. Those who have used this remedy know only too well of its wonderful _______ ‘ cures of the following symptoms: . Heart Palpitation, ■ Nervousnes, ChronicHeadaches, Trembling Hands and Limbs, Loss of Ftesk, Loss of Muscufaf Power, Dizzjnriss, Nervous Rheumatism, 'Fainting, Irritability, . Inability to WorkorThink, NervousTrouble of Stomach, Tired Out, Wornout Feeling, Nervous-Dyspepsia., They Builp Up and Strengthen Wasted Nerve Tissue* ■Tbo discoverer of thla Great Remedy is the same doctor wfiS^wroto the. riunous Receipt Book, Rack box,Contains bis portrait and signature. Fill in the following blank and present the *d, Nflmi/.jf User. Address, Wbat Wanted for, F r o m B u s i n e s s THE MURPHY & BRO. COMPANY has concluded to wind up its af­ fairs at ones, and in order to do it rapidly, will inaugurate a Begining Thursday Morning, June 19 . AND CONTINUING UNTIL ALL IS SOLD, Nothing will be re- ^served. Everything goes.' This gives all an opportunity to buy Choice, ' T—>First-elsss Goods at almost your own price* We want to close out aa _ ^ribly can be done, and for that reason have marked everything Very Low. . \flmt means ft loss to us, of course, but it can't be helped. Anything to turn theVood* out, and quickly at that. The stock comprises: Dress Goods, Silks and Linings, Evejything in the No­ tion LwpWbnent, Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear, . Musi ins,’ens^ 'Table Linens, Napkins, Tow* sis, Ginghams and Summer Goods. All Good s inth 4 Cloak Department such as Suits, Skirts, Shirtwaists, Silk Waists, Corssts, Curtains, See, - Remember thefts good are all choice.. No seconds or interior stuff in the lot, SPOT CASH WILL BE THE RULE. Nothing charged or sent On ap­ proval. You’ll mis* a fare opportunity to buy GOOD GOODS cheap i f you do not attend this sale. Yours truly, • V w The M U R P H Y & BRO - CO „ 48, 50,52, 54, 86 Limestone Bt„ SpringfiaM, O- Ready to yield, “I utodDeWitt’sWitch Haftel Salve forpilesandLundIt* certaincure,'* toys 8, R. Meredith, Willow Grove, Dal, Operation#unnecessary tocure pHtor They alwaysyield to DeWitt’e WitchHfutolBalm Cure* akin dh* tom, all kind#ofwounds. Acceptno } ootmtoffirito. j Bubecribefor.tbeHcrahl, im m m t m m m vW np M p » to— a—wwtofteaa '^ wsi .