The Cedarville Herald, Volume 25, Numbers 1-26

yf> fs% A * « a c\ Tfiey say that even a coward will fight when cornered, / W# admit i t .* WeVe teen there in onr boy­ hood days. But we don’t admit or permit anyone to undersell I t wont do! W e can’t afford it! Our success depends upon our ability in keeping the best selected stock at prices that are below com­ petition, Note our prices for the following week; they are money savers for you. Groceries, 25lb Sack Fiae Granulated Sugar for.........$1.35 201h Codes A Sugar for ............. ,,;...$1.00 11b Bulk Roast Codec, fine) for,. BIfeGinger Snaps, te$t goods, —25c 3ib Milk Toast Crackers filb *.-2d Binder Twine. Standard, (500 ft tip tt>), per ft,............ ........tic . A* P, X,, (550 ft to'1b), per lb...... ,.,,.,.,.,.,..13e Machine OH, the Jbest, per gallptf................... 35c We pay 13^0 per tloz for Fresh Eggs. We pay 15c per pound for 1st Class Butter, We pay lie per potted for lmtd and Bacon. .« Dry Goods. Fine Unbleached rausfia per yard...,....,.......... oe Calicos, all colors,...... ................. ........ .........».5c Percales, yard wide, (regular 124c yd),...... ,.-.10c Men’s regular S I fine Dress Shirt for.,,...., ...90c Men's regular 50c fine Dress Shirt for— ...... 45c Men’s regular 50c O v e r a l l s . . . . . . . 4 5 c Mea’s-regular SI fine Dress Straw Hat...,..... SOc * Ladies 1 Shirt Waists*,,. At | price for all of last Seasons Waists. Our $1,50 Waigts for......................................75c Our $1,25 Waists for...... ..............................,68c Our $1,00' "ifaisfcj for-..., *„y, 50c Oar 50 g Waists for.,, *-#.*-'* ■ irW ft ..25c ■ igg^Prices quoted are for CASH; positively no goods charged except at regular prices.' mwmwmmwwmm An Urgent Cali. After dinner one very disagre'ea- ble night last week a certain Mad- isdh avenue physician, looking from his; office window and4seeing the i ‘ ' *. rain beat against tbp glass, decided that be would have a quiet, unin­ terrupted evening at home. He was scon in his house coat, a novel in his hand., and tobacco smoke was curling /around him. About TO o'clock some one rang the' doorbell. “The -doctor is wanted right away a t —— began the caller. “He can't go, sir," ,answered the servant quickly, “He left word th a t he was not well and tha t unless it was a cass of life, or death he would not venture b u t" “Well, you tell him he must come over. We need him to sit in a pok­ er game." “Oh, you’re Mr. B., are yoti? Step in, .please, and I 'l l see " minute later the servant reap­ peared with, "The doctor says he'll 10 right over.”—-Hew York Post. A Kentucky" Word. , .In the mountains of eastern Ken­ tucky when a*man speaks of his Wife to a third person he callB her “urn," or when a wife speaks of her ‘husband she calls him “waA . Tot instance, “ 'urn' is going to Sayiprs- ville tomorrow," or “ 'urn' Boot a hear yesterday." The word Is said to have,originated with young mar­ ried'folks over 1Q0 years ago, who were too diffident to use the phrase “myWife" or “toy husband " While a t the table before stran­ gers the husband who desired,his wife to pass the bread or sorghum would attract the attention of his wife hy clearing his throat, “ahem,” Left In the Dark. A little girl about three yearsold was out playing when suddenly it became very cloudy. She ran 'into the house and startled her niarama hy saying: ‘Tm not going to stay outdoors any more." ‘'Why?" asked her mother, “Because God blowed the sun They’re Growing Up. “By George, I'm .beginning' ,to feel pretty old." : “Why ? You don’t look i t " “I know, but I've just been intro­ duced to a stunning girl whose pic­ ture I remember seeing in a maga­ zine as she sat in a washbowl, pos- Mrs. Harry Biff, •of CedarvllV, a recent Homo teacher, has beeu visit* ingber friends at the institution this week.—Home Weekly. ,Mr. Joseph Brothfjrtou is receiving a visit from his brother James, of- Dunkirk, Ind. Miss Bertha Kuotfc, of near Clifton, m ing as an advertisement for a baby ........................ “ ‘ “ d- food factory ” — Chicago Becorc Herald. 7 Blowing Up. v “Isn't i t awful how thin Mr. Hen- eck is now," remarked Mrs. Gab­ le to her husband. “And be used to be so stout." ■“Perhaps," chimed in little Wil­ lie, remembering bis trouble with the bicycle tires—“perhaps his 'wife forgets to blow'him up regular, like you said she useter."—-Philadelphia Press. ■ Not a Good lixpreMlom “I t is so foolish to speak of fall­ ing in love," said the romantic girL “To fall implies a drop, a going down, while love is something high- end exalted." "Perhaps you ar i right,” answer­ ed the prosaic man. “Possibly it would be better to say that we fall into wedlock."—Chicago Post. Bad Business Policy.' “Don’t die!" she wailed when he was brought home to her after, a collision with a trolley car. “I'll try not to," he answered. “I knew you would," she ,said. ‘You ore always: so good and thoughtful, and you have such a head for business. You can't ,af­ ford to die.’1 Why, if you should the company would get off with the- payment of a paltry $5,000, while if you live a cripple we may get as high as $50,000. Oh, it would be worse than folly to die under the circumstances.”—Chicago Post. “oohxuu," and finally degenerating the phrase to “urn," which was the final understanding when each was Very Loving. “Phwat i3 thot, me bye?" Modesty of an Ameer. The late Ameer Abdur Bahman addre»6ed.^Exchange. “Tft's ih ' lovin' epp. 'Tis a good left behind him, we are told, copi­ ous diaries from which he directed Betting. If betting could be stopped, an enormous bulk of those who engage in i t—-apart, of course, from ptbfei- Dookmakefs—would save a thing to show good fellowship in eurlodge." “tft is iodflSe. Awn phwat a dandy t’ing to hit some wan wid‘in a fight l”—Chicago Hews* sioual great deal of money, bu t there is no mote chance of abolishing betting than of abolishing champagne, ci­ gars and mutton chops. I t would not bo a bad thing if bookmakers were licensed, hut they never will Be, partly because of the difficulties of finding a satisfactory licensing tribunal and chiefly because of the outcry that would be. raised about the “legalization of gambling"— Badminton Magazine. ! A Friz* Wlnnsi*. t She (proudly)—Oh, Henry, I got the prize a t our women's club ! Ho—Good! I Sbe—Yes. I blackballed more members during the past year than any other member;— Ohio State Journal. his successor to extract and publish those portions %bich bore upon hi3 private and domestic life, omitting all political questions. I t is now to pear under the modest title ’of the fucyclopedia of the World." This is not so. had for an informal do­ mestic record even of an oriental potentate.—Madras Mail. Boot Sujttfrztitlona. The Chinese value a pair of boots ►IvJjrela- bnnM A «tf V-*« v -4 w * m I*A Connoisseur. . Estelle—-Ah, his proposal was just like a dreamt Agnes—Well, you ought to know, dear. You've been dreaming of that proposal for years.—Brooklyn life . which have been worn by an upright of wish* magistrate, and the custom o i ...... ing a Mend a “happy foot" is still observed all through Europe. The casual putting, the left shoo on the right foot, pulling it On un­ even or crosswise, bumting’-the shoe latch or tie, lacing i t wrong and. losing a button are all bad signs.- Loudon Tit-Bits, Thu Caddis leersd . I t 1# told of A learned professor, who wan better at Greek than golf, teat after a round on the link*, in which he had foozled most of his "laliK'wAFkl EL „tJ'*r"“' Adtle# *i t e improving Ife play. The reply o f the rntelesa caddie w*a, id ft If# ri’y td teach Saddle# ta tln and Gfr ek, bat it weed#* bead forgowE" - , Iffbetter lime toprint tfe# bufcgy tea* riffet- *#w, * Rev. Henry W, Temple, pastor of the First U, lb church, Washington, Fa., has beeu nominated for.the prtsi dency of Monmouth College. I t is understood that be will accept the nomination,, Mr, Temple has for four yearn been a member of thefacu’ty of Washington and Jefferson college, and a t present holds the chair of interna tiofial law and economics, He was born at Belle Center, O., and cducafcd at Geneva college, graduating in 1883 I t is said that Rev. Temple was re* ecntly offered $2,000 a year to write thir eui’«»karevsaW-page®iUrib!>^oG look. C L IN A, D O B B IN S , ATTOJtftftf-ATlAW, Derifa Mm-ift#*** and At*»*ds,' Qiffttifrtt&'W*?* flaw#*, tfttri, Where Running Is a Crime. In jthe city of Hot Springs, Ark., running is a misdemeanor* Any person going faster than a walk is arrested anu fined. This law is in the interest of invalids who throng the streets and suffer relapses from the excitement caused hy the undue haste of a stranger.. One who runs1 ts. supposed to be a thief, murderer or escaped lunatic.—Exchange. | There will h# a meeting of council Local andPersonal 1 j T S S T t F ; ***+ Buggies painted at Wolford’s. Thomas Turner returned to b» home in Hew York City, Thursday. Comb and extracted honey at Gray i Co,’s. JK. E . Randall, aaeiriabt auperiu- tendentofoar publie schools, is at tending normal a t Marion, Ind. Walter Ccndon is preaching regu­ larly at Fall Creek, O., during his vacation. —I f it’s quality in twine that you want go to Kerr & Hastings Bros. Prof, J , Robb, Harper, Rev, W, J , Sanderson, Prof Brown ami mother, and Mies Ethel Fields,, left Monday evening for Chicago. ‘—Ice cream sweets, smooth amd solid B. G. Ridgway. Mr. S. Haglny and daughter Zella have been the-.guests of friends at Delaware for two weeks. They are expected home tomorrow. Mrs. Hadessab Jameson was un­ fortunate enough to tall from a step- ladder a few days ago, while at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William McMillan. In the fall she sprained her ankle, which, will keep her from getting about for some time. , —A Bug Killer that kills 10c per pduud,' - B. G. Rldgway. , J . H. Wolford was in Dayton Mon day," in attendance at a committee meeting arranging=for the -Maryland era’ picnic to be held at Tippecanoe City. Fancy dried fruits of all kinds at Gray & Co’s. railroad question will be token up, Squire Bradford has been obtaining consent* for the Springfield &.Wash­ ington, C. H* railroad company and -will be ready with same, on Monday evening. —I f you want Hemp Twine get 3*ply Kentucky River Mills, Insect proof, sold only by Kerr & Hastings Brae. A robbery was committed in the west end of town, Saturday, when James Gaines’ residence was entered and a box containing some clothing, watch, razor and about $4 in money was taken. The next morning the box ahd-clptbmg were found floating on the creek, but the other articles were missing. The officers have a good, clue as to who performed the -work, but noarrests have yet been make. —N otice —Party whoborrowed my pipe tongs will confer a favor by re turning them. C. M. Crous|. The Kenia balblesm came up from .that place last Saturday.and crossed bats with the paper mill team. Thd home hoys came out victorious by 4 score of nine to two. Olney brand of peas, tomatoes, corn and beets at Gray & Oo.'s, A natural curiosity was found, on the farm where the reservoir is jieing constructed for the- paper company. Two large trees of the sycamore vari­ ety, about three feet in diameter, were found joined .together by a limb some thr«P; inches in ..diameter^ The limb had grown from one tree-into the other, the trees being about six feet apart. Such a case as this is rather unusual. 4<g jgjKrtOK t W ? ™ a i i i i g w e a * » * otfetr ?»» TWENTY'HFTU . On a consignment of Ladies’ Shirt ' Waists and will give you the benefit One Dot, Regular Price 50^, Our Price ......................,.,..., 39 $ One Dot, Regular Prise 75c, Our Price....,..... ........... ft Hem I To Close Out At Once. Seer-sucker Giuglfrfrna, stylish stripes, regular price I0e, oyr price..... ............................»......................................... Toile Du Nord, the new Shirt Waist Ginghams, regular -price I2^c, our price Lace Curtrins, per pair....*.,,..,....,., 50c to S3.00 Window Shades, io to 50 cents each We handle the celebrated Camilrgo Opaque Hand Made Shade Cloth. AH shades purchased from us are F it ami Hung- Free. Fifteap years experience in this line. SoleAgents for theCelebratedLadies’ Shoe. “TheRadcliff,”.„..$2.50 ** THE SESS Ice Cream Freezers! Of Ne§ Bosoms season iie s l t h e coloring 1ft-iE Of tr* p - C h u r c h # are ued by Bev. m m ;ioN A ' SELF FREEZERS. ' ' 2 qt.—tl-50 3 qL-—$1.75 . 4 qt.—$2.00 FREEZO FREEZERS. 50 3 qt.—$1.75 4 qt.—§2.00 The commissioners of Clark county- have granted Harry Frey au 1exten­ sion of six months to his franchise for a railroad that is supposed to come this way. The record number of- the extension is not given, but from past experience we- would think that six months time' would he rather limited. —T ry ' some o f those, cereals at Cooper’s, Cream of Wheat, Pettijohn’s Breakfast Food, Ralstou's Breakfast Grape Huts, Mothers Crushed Oats, Multi-Vita, Force, etc. We pay 13c a doz for Eggs. We pay 13c a f t for Butter. Those Beautiful Enameled Pictures', 16x20, with a 6 inch frame' are Premiums, Ask for tickets. —-A cook mild smoke that eiuokej^ for 5c B. G. Ridgway. at that place, expects to leave soon ' for Ann Arbor, Mich,, to 'take up .special studies during the summer. The sickness in the herds of cattle belonging to Messrs. Jesse Townsley and Mitchell Collins is still a puzzle to all those who have diagnosed the case, from the fact that no-two agree. The State. Veterinary, Mr, Fisbering, was down this Week and pronounced that the sickness Was due to indiges­ tion, There have' been no new cases since last Saturday. Rev,'John II. Lee, pastor ot the 1stU, P*church. Columbus, will pre* Rev. Smiley, of Sparta, 111., who has just returned to this country from India, is stopping a few days with his father-in-law', H. H. McMillan and wife. Rev., Smiley has been in Indisi looking after some of the- missions there for the R. P, church. &ent his resignation to a called meet­ ing of Presbytery July 7, to accept a call in the 2nd Presbyterian church, Germantown, Pa. Rev, Lee has been in Columbus about two years* N otice *—All persons having gra n sacks belonging to the firm of Kerr & Hastings Bros, will confer a favor by returning same to.the owners at once. A regular schedule was inaugurated Tutisday o» the Springfield & Xenia traction line between Springfield and Yeilow Springs. The Springfield Sun says that E . W, Guckert, traveling for theNational Music House, of New York bought the first ticket in Spring field. The trip is made in 30 minutes and the faro 13 15 cents or 25 cents for the round trip. Buggies painted at Wolford’s* ' The arrangement of mails since the new schedule went into effect is not as satisfying as it might be, from the fact that the evening papers from Cincinnati arc much brier arriving herd. The change in lime of trains is about the greatest that has taken place for several years, and it will he some time before the people will become acquainted with the new schedule. Clark's Fly Killer Gil will keep them from all animals; also prevent 3icknes3. M. R. Badger. I.still have a Very good f/ssorfment of Collars on hand and as the Collar season is nearly over I will sell at re­ duced rates what,I have on hand* . Dorn the. Harness Man. —You'll get the best machine oil a t Kerr & Hastings Bros, Mrs, Samuel McConusughey died at her home northeast of town Thura day afternoon after a lingering illness from consumption. Sirs. iMcCou naughey had for some time past been in a very critical condition and the end was expected almost daily. Short funeral services will he held at the residence this afternoon at 3:30 and tomorrow morning the body will be taken on the early train to Hillslmro, where interment will take place in the afternoon. Rev. Hamilton conducted the services at. the home. M’GORKELL & GILLAUGH’S COMBINATION Kerr, George Jack No Compulsion. “Say, ma!" 'Yes, Reginald," “Kin any little hoy be president when he grows up ? ' — - - -$» 'Yes, llcginal. “But, say, ma." “Yes, Reginald." “lie don’t have to if he’d ruther be ft first base man, does lie?'—In­ dianapolis News. ’ A JUterary Glimpse; During a reccht visit of Marion Crawford to Hew York ho mot at a Social function Jfiss Mary E, Wi!-1 kins* The lady said something Hauling and bowing, ho asked, "And do you Write, Mid* Wilkins?" She was absolutely too surprised to re- ply/--Current Literature. - ’E or Rtwr* -Best office room in Cwtarville - over Hitchcock*# billiard -r-A Tooth Brush that wout shed for 25c B, G. Ridgway. SniAY H og —A large male one. Owner can have same by paying for this notice and calling on Charles Cooley. —F or S ale — One second hand Hay Tedder, used only two days, aft good 03 new. Enquire.of W. J , Tarbox, Phone 83. Mes.-ra. J. W, Pollock and li. F* Kerr were in Indiapplis, Ind., this week, where they sold seven head of their polled Durham cattle id a com* biuation sale Wednesday. An excel* lent sale is reported, fifty head bring* ing an average of about $400. Mr. Kerr bad two head and Mr. Pollock five and their sales went to.Kentacky, Indiana, Illinois and Iowa. "Mr. D,Q. Fox,a wholesale grocery* man, of Springfield, was in town last Saturday, the guest of Dr. E. C. Oglesbee. I t will be recalled that when Harry Frey, the railroad pro­ moter, had a number of Springfield, business men visit this placejust about the time the council granted Frey his franchise, Mr, Fox made a speech on that occasion to the effect that a read would be built Immediately, He was asked Saturday what he' knew of of the siluatioti. IBs reply was that when he'Contemplated this visit his thoughts reverted' to tlie former visit ftnd he felt ashamed-to faeeonr people for fie had l>een mislead, He ex­ presses great hopes of a railroad for this'section, by some company. I t Jon Want yoti: dotbes to be <.Je*« #n I white, «« Step!* riiy r’twp «• directed on U*wrapper. , - MissJunia Pollock returned Thurs­ day morning after a visit with friends at Monmonth and Chicago, 111, Patronize home industry by using Golden Rule flour. Mrs. Charles Cooley, who lias been visiting Mr. Cooley’s sister, Mrs. Lou Cooley Alden. -at Girard, “Pa., has returned home. There will be a clay bird shoot at Orris field July 4th at half past eight. In the afternoon there ’will be a ball game between the‘local team and a Jamestown club. —Go to Cooper’s and get one of those nice hams. Subscribe for the Herald $l year. The family of Robert Erviu has moved to the’ Townsley property, across the afreet from where they have been living, Mr. Lewis Sullonberger and wife have rented the, Ervin prop* erfyasd will occupy it immediately, Messrs. Homer Wade, Chas. Bald* win and Lawrence Horner, of Spring- field, attended the reopening of the M, E. church last Sabbath, Homer was a former president of the Epworth League and conducted the meeting that evening, A Mr. GHiett, of Springfield, was calling on his old friends and com­ rades Thursday, after an alienee of; several years.- He left here in the sixties aud has since resided in Spring* field. ■ Powdered' cloves scattered where red ants are will he found effectual i n ; driviug thmn away ,, „. | —Plymouth, Manila and Standard twine at Kerr Hastings Bros. The Xenia Gazette recently in* stalled new Simplex typesetting ma* dune# and * new perfecting praaa, Which «ceomri« for *the handaonto j eight page paper that la being famed, Mothers I This wonder­ ful remedywill saveyour■ child’s lifewhen attadked ; by Croup.' It always cures Whooping and MeasleCough. For abad, stubborn cold inthehead , 1 chest, throat of lungs, i t ; small. ,iChildren like it Woldt>y nil doiggist*. Price JjceaU. ' No better *:ntc to paint the. buggy than right now. At AVclford’s. Concerning the'Cat, o . R, E. CORRY, AUCT ION EER . Promptness, Fairness and. Sallsftn- tion Guaranteed. . llell Telephone Cedarrllle,OHft •t residence. R. li.Nol > .P S The cat that nightly haunts cur gate, How heartily we hate her! Some night she'll come and mew tilt late, But we wll^mu-tl-latft her! j Westward Take# Its Way. “Well," asked Uncle Hiram, “bow wuz the circus?" .‘Fide!" answered Uncle Si. “I t wuz eo hot in the ten t that the sweat poured out o’ me, the narrow board on which I set made my bones ache, the red lemonade give me a headache an’ my shoes hurt so that I thought some one wuz.burmn’my feet with hot irons,"—Indianapolis Sun. No Hair? “ My hair w*s failing out very fast and I was greatly alarmed, t then tried Ayer’s Hair Vigor and toyhair stopped faffing at once.”— Mrs. G. A. McVay, Alexandria, O, The trouble is yourhair does not have life enough. Act promptly*...Saveyour hair* Feed it with Ayer’s Hair Vigor. If the gray show, Ayer’s Hair Vigor Will restore .eolor every time* .}iH*Mil*. Atiartfitw*. i f y im ftraisKtri mtu-st Vucrtr t-...nn,■YrrfiTijnrfif ot miiini ill “Wish I had a picture ofthat or “Wish I had aKodakuo^ is ofteti said. Buy a Kodak of us anttyo* can take and make the pietonj desired with YOLTR Kodulc Prices from $ 1.00 to $ 75 . 00 , i RIDGWAY & CO„ Dru^hh, Opp, Optra H ouil Q ^ 2 die and Samuel Nesbit. all that received a' majorij their electiou was made! George Jackson was the of the session reelected.I members of the old sesml gred their- resignations vl fepted, and the ne\v ml •Installed on Friday Mif Messrs Joseph Waddle Nesbit being ordained il with their installation, ercisds the Rev. Richardl licittted, preaching frol iound in Matthew 3:3 l| fore the ordination. On the day set for tb| Mr^ George Currie, one elders, presented a.,papm| .against the ordination ail of the new elders, ’ll were not considered vail euoUgh “to -Slop the of Mr. Currie gave notice f to Presbytery, and the Austin McDowell wertj answer his appeal His appeal was not Stis passed out of the U. Pj iy, ■ This reorganization . gatiuu by tbe provisiof not completely settle altd it was still uu$a| number of the congrij Sept. 29, 35 mend •Havingsecured theservie JOHN M. P iU H of fowft, HorseShoeiy y- We will give special fftttentito Fancy Hriviufl’i Forging and Interfering Her*** AH work guaranteed. Give to»< »tH* B e r t B a ldw in® BELMA, OHIO. Try Jfapte »‘lty Self wsotofl*if lira firttlm. g WitefeinfWrri tioned Presbytery For ville congregation, granted. They werf ever to go back and action or else withdra] congregations, which of the retired elders a | connected with Dr. gntion, another and to Olifton, two more j ics went to tie 2nd tome other members| the First Xenia cc day w6 write and xen given ho *eas history] bitterness has passed! thorn who willidrcv;! ^ old church and bapn i fFuioiis, and the n | of time has- ripm ft ace. Not-'(nic .< rigned was ceiisuril guilty of tio neglect| firial action, but ■place where their acceptable and il.el gone. They were i ftns-men, loyal to j voteddo their Masu] ft sincere raW/it hr 'I he "split” was a h i bike Paul and Hatl ft:ople ftomrtmtniM h nis tad ftfvra it to hav« U too mmM. ft I r I'The AndCalls for anElectioaoj GeoregcCurrie,Oneof -£—===£lders,Riesenied.aP^ >Objections But it Turned Dowp] FREE ■ The provisional sessil March 9, 1874 and aceep| nations of all the elders an electiou. of seven new] held on March 23. On tl acceptance-of tbereslgnaj considered, and they wer<] table, and the resolution so that fire elders-should stead of seven. Tbl pi-cached from Heb. 3:3,1 , the congregation held tbej chose Joseph McCainf fe rs l anedi I’s life Crou *• w HeCo jornc Hir ’aluaj Cl [ all di^iji tion' hone Ice* t Il had b li 1 1 sa id . |a Koi l a a d l fivitli from !WAY & Opp. c secu nva s itttxdy] loyjglri I t s r f i liiaraftt M A ! n ty ? r#r| ..,r ‘e\‘ *