The Cedarville Herald, Volume 25, Numbers 1-26

Ite itffkj S Bra A m Cnqwp nmm wcumm wm toll „ m v mm. Read seres o f a s r pwcei-^tl^y fld* tow, «ud fm a these- lew form *n id«ft wl *h*t we have instore io tm r boll* <f#yJr#<3?, Kvrryswia iu our list** * value- »he*criledU**very artiplr of* frmi tea worthy article. i X o c a J a n d P e r s o n a l : Yi'■ 0 SILKS? AND PJH3SS GOOD8- The fidl.iWMig are ft few^ iifw* from m r jnwwrt&ijusortn'.ent, tls? meat im- pOttaut s-^rtuieut in the city of Springfield: ----- Black Pe*u ,do Hf>je-™-24 inches wiilft- Worth $1,25, special. price fixMlyftril. , • r Black Beau do Bo le-S i inches Wife Worth #i.85, Special price $L&?y*y<L . » f Black Beau de Boie-*~24 inches . wide, Worth, 'f2.25, special price , $ if75 yard. ' -' , .' , . ‘ ■Fine Glossy' Black Taffeta Silk— ~ One yard wide* Worth. $1.55 yard, , sum*} priceUJlSyftrd; Fine Glossy Black Taffeta S>llo~27 Inches wide. Worth $1:50 ' yard,’ Special price #1,30 yard. Fine Black,Waterette Taffeta. Bilk —One ya rd ' wide. Worth $1.75, special pried $150.yard; , ,' , The above silks are reliable, high -grade g<fod^coyered by reliable guar- 6 anted, all fully Warranted to wear, , JDBBHS GOODS—Borne extra specials, especially desirable for Christ- „ ta&jc ■ . Black Serges, "50c, 75c, $1.00 AU at special prices. >. v Black Broadcloth—52 inches wide, . Worth #1,150j%)eeiai price §1.25 yard|| Black Venetian ,Cloth—50 inches . wide, .Worth §1.50 yard, special price §1,25 yard. • , Black Pauue, Cheviots—52 inches' -wide, -Worth §1.25 yard,- special $L00yirrd. . 'Black Brocaded Poplin—45 inches wide, Worth §2,00 yard, special price -jjLflfl.yftriEr . ,-v? ? * Grenadine Dress Bitterns—-Exclu­ sive novelties’ foe evening: wear. Worth §18, special price §12 per pat 'tern; - • * ' ' - *{r ' i „ New 'Wftistings'—Of all wool .nil. ' imported flannels, _98 cents'the waist pattern,’ worth $1 50, •J ■ ’,PaweyFrench All Wool Flannels— Worth 75c, special price. 50o yard, < ■ Silk andWool Waist Patterns "P u t S ac f a 'a ’Waist .(every one of a —po duplicates), §8, §5 and-§5 . yaciic.■.: Y r '> 'f Y - " k’ » b i , b a c h e d w h e n d o u b l e ' V * - '" DAMASKS;, “ - i . / - 72 inch, AfflLntcn, g5c quality for ! 70c,- . 72 hic-h, All Linen, §1,00 quality for S5e, • 72 inch, All' Linen, §1.25' quality for §1 oh, * , ' ’ •; „72 inch, All Linen. .pl.Ob, yuntyt; T-",L 72 inch, AIL Linen, §1.75 quality "TorfLeg. rt4w , ' T2mch, ‘AirLuieUi 2,50 quality for '2.0O. ,• fund $ "Napkins to' match. “ DBE8SER SCARFS. , Plain Linen Embroidered corners 51 inches; 80c, 1.25. 1.50,1,75, " ' 54 inches, Plain Linen-Hero Stretch­ ed, 50c, 75c, 88c, X00, 1.25, % Satin Daiiinsk Hem Stitched, 8- inch, 75c. ., ■ TRAY CLOTHS. .InPlaitf Linen ft»d Satin Dahiask, at 25c, 39c, 50c, 63c,- 75o and 76c. ■ HANDKEROHIEE9. Men*s Hejmstitcl ed Handkerchiefs, 5c to 1,00 each, including initials. LadidS* Handkerchiefs, 6c to 3.5<' each/ ' * Ladies' All Linen Henistitchet Handkerchiefs. 10c each, ’Ladies’ AH Sheer Linen Handker­ chiefs, 2 lor 25c, Ladies' All Sheer Linen Hafldker chii’ft. extra values 17c, 3 for 50c. Ladies' Soft Lami'dried Initial Handkerchiefs* 1,50 down, Men's mab quality, 1,50 dozen. Special Values in Fine Holiday Handkerchiefs, prices ,25c, 50c, 75c, 1,00 to 2,98 each. HANDKBROHIEF BOXES FREE WITH PURCHASE., Wlk'tt Haudkerchiefsgoout of fash Ion for Christinas Gifts, we lose one »f the most important features of our Holidny trading. Always acceptah/e end a little money goes such a long way when you buy Handkerchiefs here. ;; . UMBRELLAS-Built extra good sif Christmas Gifts, and”fhe handles otrd triminifigs are the very latest— §1.00, 1 25, 1.50, 1.70, 2.00, 2.50, 298,3 60,3 70,4,00, t m , 6.00,6.08, 7 60 - c'bme and let the stock talk to you; let the prices tempt you, STOK OPEN EVENINGS Tte Murphy &Brother Company, 48, 00,52,64,56 S. Limestone St; Springfield, Ohio. ItOWTO Ut'UB Citoup. Mr R. Gray, who lives near Ame­ nta, N-Y.,S!tyt “Ohamlieriain's Chttgli Rt tm.iy Is the lu st inedirine t hate o ft f - ukth If »* a line children's rem^ rdv fui'-;‘r<»upu'tid never fails to cure,” Wbfi.gjvrno^smiius the child life' vimrt'ajbmifv-e, or oven after the troupy t o«,\H h,is devrittptd, it will prevent the uttufk; ‘this rdumi'd lm home In tumd «ml a buttle of Ihu Uough Rcrn wfy kept at hmd r*ady for instant nee as *w>u ns th. % s uiiptoiua f o r tale by ( l M* RAgway# Mia. ffeimie Forsyth, of EeucmrUk, m the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Frank Hastings, Arctic Overshoes for men, Women nnd children e t Bird’s, O. E. Bradfute is in Pittsburg this week attending the Pennsylvania Live Stock Breekers* Aswhitwn, sfhi’h held aeariona in that city, Mr Bradfuto was down for two lectures, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Great Jots of Gandies and Nuts await the the coming of Santa Claus at Bird's, ♦ v- • A " ’•*• i<. This week the telephone company connected a new country line with <L S. Brown, Jesse Townsley, Mitchell Collina aud Mrs Fannie Barber us subscribers.''5• Now is thn time to get an Overcoat or Suit of GlOthes a t bargain prices ; * , a t Bird’s. Oliae. CrouseJ r , bus sold his pro erty to Mrs Bazell, ofrielwa lor §85 Alt Crduse will .occupy’' the, property (ill spring when Mjrs- Bszell will take posgeasipu. ’ > -■ Do not bring in any Premium' Tick^ eta-to us on Dec. 2lst to 25th, yre can not takp time to count tbein r , , Bird’s MammothStore.’ Miss MinnieTurnbull and nephew, Master Frederick damans, will spend 'Holiday- week ‘ viriting relatives /at Muncle, In$. ; • ^ Malcej-your -Holiday .Purchases mi Mopday, ahd in the niovhing i f pos sible, to avoid the Tush a t Bird’s.Mammoth Store-' Mr.’CrW. Crouse will present the party who took one of hir arctic over- "shoes with the -mate i f he' will only cqtoe anjJ ask for it. He says it is of no use to him as it is -;ind may be of greater service to the party who-got the other. - , •> “ “ . V - 1 (j 5^^ *■ f r> •Reduced Prices during Holidays‘on Ladies* Bhirt Waists, all our §3 00, waists for $2.48, §2 5Q-waists §1.98, $2- %>3to §1.4A These are bargains /y , • « '/ ^ ,f .at Bird’s. : v , ' j , . . e 1 ' Mr. and Mrs. W. Tj/ i! lemiins a t tcurled1 the funeral, a t ' Wilmington, of Mrs. Clemans-'cdUsin, das. (Jjeaver. stenographer of U* ri* Supreme Court. Mr. Cleaver died at his homo in Bor- Wood, Cincinnati. ’ ' ~‘ ' ■“ Many compliments have been passed Upon the attractive'appearance of tKp’ big Show .Windows of B ird ' s M iit MOTH S tore .' You should see’their display of Holiday Goods,'it excels all previous years, . •‘ ^~ Some sneak thief last Saturday nightappropriated two gallons of 0 $%- tors beloUglugyo OhmsQillnugb. Char- Jtfw'ftfl^irty'luj tcyfkpr a, ^jVluU ijCitiA-V'Wo Were taken; and that these Same peo­ ple will be watched closely from now m i,, The oysters were setting in the doorway outside. The new switch-board for the Jo. cal ’ telephone company has arrived, also the, cable-which is to be u^ed on some of the poles where there are too mnay -wires. The new board haa not been connected yet,’but will he inn few'days, . Those beautiful Dinner Bets wouh make- a splendid Chrislmas X’resent The priejes are reasonable ' afcBird's Aluiumoth Store. Word was recieved ycsterday of the death of Mrs. Margaret Watt, widow ofHugh Watt, «vho once resided here. She' was second daughter of Robert and Mary Murry and was at one time .Well-known, especially by her school mates *of jarhorn* some still remain, .rihe was At the time of her death liv­ ing, in Oakland City, Ind. The de ceased was a aister m Mrs.*Mary Jang Walker and James Murry* rifle waff ia her 67th year. A theft of some clothing was re ported this week and a very peculiar caeejt wa», Mr. Daniel Dean^who has just moved’ from1his farm to the J . M* Bull property, which he re- MarriESUnffor Smilax . S b W bb Dsatfi of !Mr$. B «W U W k f lot White Carnations.: Robert 8 . Haritison.' TarriMy ffaraei. , The sad newa of the death ot Rob*- A horrible accident occurred Wed*' Apretty afternoop loo t : ^ ^ ^ rmUcA BaBieKUV a»ey , * place. Wcdw^lay at t hocvuRtry bou.c, jje^ q,|}l?r^ v atternmyo and bride of two weeks, being tbe victim, of Mr, and Mrs. William F , Beato, J ^qu|te Ag ^ t t0 many for they I Mrs. LeValley had left her home about tour xmhs’ from hero °» - rf^knees. Ho }.m the Ttrbox place west of town on He passed away at J o’clock p. m,, Thursday, Mr- Ifarhisoq was one of the oldest settlers in this section and was known by all to be a conscientious business man in ali bis dealings* He was born in Chester District, -f * . . . - r wife unaware of biff sickness. * «'»»** * « k *«"■ the wife of Mr* Edwin Dean, sojb <u>— - v - «* ■ Mr. Daniel Dean, , X’he ceremony was' witnessed by about sixly guests and was performed by the bride’s pastor^ Rev, Daniel Brownlee, of the Presbyterian church at Clifton, assisted by Rev, Patton, of Columbus, a brother-jn law of Urn groom. The ' colors-uem green and white. The couple stood beneath an arcll of smilax .and a .horse shoe of white carnations. 1 Miss Mabel Beard, cousin of the bride, was- the bridesmaid; and Mr. Frederick Wilson, of Springfield, act­ ed na best man- The bride’s drgss was of- brownbroadclotb/ After'.cbngratulationsa three-course wedding supper was served, At the jbride’e table sat twelve of the imme­ diate friends oHhe couple. . Mr, and Airs’ Dean were the recip* (opts of .manyland beautiful presents, , i the Coltimbuapike, with the intention ofgoing to Xenia to meet her parents, who were returning from Mf hHetowo, where they had been visiting. Owing to the intense cold, she took with her *ka t stone for her feet. When op­ posite the home o f Henry Conklin, she discovered that slip was getting tliissafue farm. On November 3, 1859 he was unit ed in marriage to Janet McMillan., Of this union were born six children, consisting of twpsons and four daugh­ ters. These have all,*with the excep­ tion of one daughter, Mrs, W. J , Tarbox ponged toRie other side, along with the mother, -On Deember 23, the deceased was united in marriage '- r ............. - „ * ■ with Miss'Janet McMillan, a cousin of consisting of cut glass, Havbn China, utfae ,firgt wife> wj10 6lni survives him. hand'painted articles and numerous -■ - - - pieces of silverware . . There were several out ofqown guests: Mr and Mrs* Will, Sibley,' of "Columbus* Jtiul many from Spring- field, Xenia and Yellow,Springs.' TiiecouplewilKgo to housekeeping north of town, on the farm just va­ cated by Mr, aud Mrs. Da MJ Dean. The Herald extends eongratnla- tions to the happy couple. twin MoonWants tils Sweetheart. * The lapife of twelve yearn has’ hoi efiiicelllie image of his almond-eyed sweetheart from the meiho'ry of Lmii Moon;'Jbrinerly oft this place but now riouth Carolina, October 11, 1820, very warm and lifted the robes for He came to Greene County witF his investigation. She was quickly eia- father’s family in 1826, They set- veldpcd with flames, the flash coming tied on a farm near Clifton and all almost Instantly, Fortunately there tjie long life of deceased was spent on were two teamsters only a short*dis- The -deceased has bpen a life long member of the Reformed Presbyterian congregation of this place and has led a devoted Christian life, The funeral services will be held from his, late 'residence tq*morrow (Saturday) at 11 -o’clock suu time. Rev. J - F. Morton, officiating. In- tertneut at Masffies Creek Cemetary It has been a mystery to many as to how the'nian that has been slating the new' R. P. churqh could endure so much cold. There bus been- serfreely a day this week- but that' he iinf been at Work, despite that the tberinome ter stood.near mark. tanco at the rear who saw the horri­ ble sight «nd immediately went to her, rescue. Shewas taken into the hoineofMr. Conklin* where she was given, the best treatment possible until a physi- ciair arrived. Dr. 'Dice* • of- Xenia, was sent for ami lafer Dr, Mawht of this place. I t was fortunate that assistance game whop it did as it is probable the woman wopldjbave burnt to death. However, the story of her injuries is frightful enough, the part of her body from her .Waist to b^r ankles bejng burnt so deep that the flesh’ was charred. Above the waist she was-burut to some extent on tlie_biick.’while her haudsf- partieu- larly the one used .In fighting the flames, was burnt so that when 'the physicians went to Iress it the, flesh dropped from the hones. ^ : ,.Tbe'physicians have little hope of her recovery, although Dr, Marsh in- jorined, us last .evening that she .djd not seem to suffer much, yet she was restless. The nervous system has been s(o shocked .that the body has becopie numb, *, , cenily purchaseif, had just come from the farm to hie home in town, and was in the act of unhitching hi* horse and placing it in the stable when some unknown person appropriated for himself a sacthel of clothing that had been left on the ground by the buggy. Some valuable clothing was in the satchel Belonging to Airs, Dean and was greatly missed. Mr. Dean will find out that* while thiff is a very peaceable little town* yet we have a few fellows who. When they get their hands on an article, are prone to con* elder it their property And just take it along, « DeathFront Cancer* William H. Walker* and aged citf 2 cn of this place, died Monday even ing about 7 unlock, Mr. Walker for ffoffife time had been a sufferer from cancer and several weeks ago went to Chicago to lie treated at the Dowie ffnuiUariuiUi He returned homo hud apparently was better, but he was re* ievedof his terrible suffering from :hc cancer by'death on Monday even* Mr. Walker waff 77 years of age and tt wife atul four sous remain to mourn the loss? Robert add Jack, of South Charleston; D, Walker, of In* dimia, and. Wilson' Walker, of Day on, ,ri* Walker, of this place, Is a brother* The funeral took place Wednesday aft? nifjuii from the residence;, .Rev, Mibtm, o f Gincittttafi, « beliaver in , the faith, conducted tho serviees, In* torment at cemtitary west of town, SHEPHERDS BETHLEHEM, of Dayton.. In all this time he h»>j ^Bginniflg Of OUr heard from her but onCe cr twice, though he is still Confident that she haa been true .to him* Monday lie applied to Purveyor of Port Vmght at Cincinnati for papers which will allow him to return to China to claim the girl asFia bride, - To Lnm the is still a girl. In the Twenty-fifth Year, Twenty-five years ago the Herald was launched upon an unsuspecting public and weekly since that time it has done Jervlce for the eititons of steam whidi r i ^ “from Ms' WaTbtub , Cedo" nle' With th5i is8ue we enter he sees her still, the coy maidelii of twelve year# ago, with liquid black eyes, jet black hair and a complexion of the rarest pink and yellow. Xow that he has saved what is a.fortune in China, be will leave next month to claim the sweetheart of his childhood, COURTNEWS. ADiti ESTATETRANSFERS. Win. ri. Rodgers to Sarah E . Mid* dletoUj one lot in Xenia, $410. 8. 0 , Smith, assignee of I). S. King, to Edward E, Breakfieid,108,28 acres in Libc-rfy and Jefferson Ips., $7,579.* 60, C, L. Hintbu to Richard Conrad, 1 lot in Xenia, $5. Chris. H. Crouse and Hettie (.’rouse to Mary E, Ba&s&l, I Jot in Cedarville* $850. \ ' Henry McCarty and wife to J . X* Lambert, 1 lot in CedurvHic, 1900, * Sylvester Ik, Smith and wife to Ferry E. Eujcher. I iotri>i Xenia tp m . •» ' * • Allasrt (1. Rhoades and wife to Charles Ii. Maxey, 5.74 acres in Xenia tpM$2,150, Hal'Reid is playing in a Chicago theater in a new play entitled ."‘Tim Littl# Red Hcliool House.1* It is said to lie meeting with greet success. Rev, W« J . Hondefsoti* pastor* of the Covenantor chuith iff in Pittsburg thi» week. our Twenty-fifth year." I t has been the object of the present management to raise the-standard of tho paper, both for reader and advertiser, and and this we think we have done.- At tiscra, , .We have also received favor* able criticism froma the Rational Printer-Journalist, n trade journal published as to typographical appear­ ance* I t sflalt be oUr aim to still continue to improve tbepaper in every respect, for with all the praise, we have re­ moved we still fee1 that the standard can yet be raised^ The Court Huyie* Building -Com* mission Wat iu session yesterday and again today, preparatory to Jetting ,, , , , i r ■> ., the contract for the wood atld metal times, no doubt, wo have lacked the furnitute. I t is very probable that local item which so often pleases the the board will accept an 'invitation' reader, but at times it has seemed im* fto™.ft Jamestown, X* Y., nrm to go „ , . *, . , . , , to that place to inspect some furm possible to furnish just what tho read- tur6, 'h e lirm considers it cheaper ing public want. But wo made an to take the board out at their expense asked. .jTlicO the privilege of seeing this fur- The firmer has his harvest, as also!?)^™ position is worth considers* ^ ble to the board aff it will give them a the merchant and blacksmith, and fid - . . . . . must the newspaper, for if it were not for our harvests where woulu we be? Td w„ h «c, r|ei Ffann#f, Especially at this season of the year To wash Scarlet, flanhel mix: a dtTthc newspapers have their harvest, handful Of flour iff. a quart of .cold, *0J we n,lt forbearance durieg tfafa) «w£ »c)S(m, as tiie fkimcr’s wife would tor castile s 05 p and then wash tho flan* tid gerltly, ringing rather than rub* bing it, Now-riiise in twd Of three waters of the same. UmffemUt&fc-. better.idea of what is needed* entertaining during the harvest time. I t is ft pleasure toe uff at toast to .know that the Iler.dd lias come Into j just Comfortably warm tothehaffd^ recognition in the newspaper world,! hotter—anti hang out to dry fa We liavc, doting Il» pmt j u t , l.«l j S , r > M l d WB«tio“ u M b r o ^ ‘l3 the honor aiitl pleaeuro of being listed the flannel after many washing*, in the “Newspaper Blue Book’’ afionei of the host one huiidfed weeklies put>* Low’ tiOMOAv rates . lished In tho State of Ohio. We en­ joy the distinction of ficiug the only Weekly published iu Greene county The (1., H, A D, lly, will sell tick­ et* to all points at greatly reduced 4rates on account of the Holidays, f Tickets on sale December 24th, 26th, tha tc jn ih jn umfrrthm-list, Avery 3M, nlso January 1st All tlokcto notable thing, especially to ndver* good until Juttuary 2nd for return. PromolesDig,esli(Mi,C!heerfuL 'ness andRest.Contaiiisnelte* OmhnJforpJtme norhfiueral N o t X A H C o T i p . m 'oii■!»#*«■'■my j^tfouarS&MmF tmw i FkwflmSetJt- ISoSSSmkillar-* ¥ o x l n £ m i x m & Children. The KindYon Have Always Bought Bears the . r *• Signature o f , J , ApeflectBemedy forConstipa- Ron, Sour Stomach,Diarrii'toa Worns.Convulswns.Fevenslv- ness ntidL o s s o r S leep . TacSurSto Signature of v - , •MEW YORK : . ’ A lb mon th 's o ld j j P o s i S ^ C l N I s j For Over Thirty Years EXACT COPTOF WRAPFER. j . *- .■ ^iS 'TKCflCfiTAOR HCyfWORW cm. . CONDENSED STQRFS. Witty Sxylflgs of a Calefarated Irish Judge. In a trial for assault-before Judge' Morris,'a celebrated Irish-judge who died 'recently,,an -eloquent lawyer addressed the jury a t ’great- length to prove tha t his client had not bat­ tered the prosecutor. All- during tins speech Lord'Mprris was turning over-the pages of a railway guide. At last tho barrister sat down, de- cJariiig.that he would not call any evidence- “Gentlemen of the jurv,” said tho judge, “I , have computed that the young gentleman who has made the interesting and beautiful speech that we have all enjoyed was 168 mile’3 away from the scene of this brutal astault when i t was com­ mitted; Bp is the only’witness for the defense,’ On the other hand, there is the man-who was struck,- the-man who saw, him sir itch and the' constable who saw him hiding under liifc bed. I t is foj*you to say whether a broken head or an out­ burst of eloquence ia the hotter tea-, timony to a matter of fact," A t another time, in a sanitary case, a .lawyer once said, teh assume your lordship is fully acquainted with the statutes aud authorities." “Assume nothing of the sort,” said . the judge. “I yield to no man to my utter ignorance of sanitary law" ‘One of the most characteristic of Lord Morris' Sayings has yet to be related. There was some discus­ sion on theological,matters at a club in Dublin*and one of the dis­ putants was ironical ov'e" what he called the •credulity o f educated Catholic's. He admired it, he said, as something entirely beyond his own powers.' Lord Morris broke in with his great brogue;' “Ah, now, ye think yerself a fine intelligence because ye can -only believe this and believe that. I ’ll tell ye now, 1*11 send p u t to the public house at tho corner and for sixpence I ’ll get ye a fellow that doesn’t believe the half of it** . A ''Common Platform.” * The happiness of nations may hang upon the correct translation of a statesman's speech* and accuracy of language has become of the high­ est importance. An English com-, missioner, Sir CharJes JVarren, re­ cently witnessed the dangers.which may result from the mistranslation of a (speech. Sir Charles had been called upon to lay the foundation stone of a new Wesleyan church in Mafeking. He said what countless „other gentlemen have said on simi­ lar occasions—how pleased he was to^see *o many people of different opinions meeting on a common plat­ form, The official' interpreter of the-occasion struggled bravely to get the idea before his Kaffir audi­ tors, Then he informed them that Sir Charles Warren complained of5 the "common platform/* and de­ clared that it ought to have had green or red baize for a covering, -—tiffed by the ladies ofLfrshion alt over the world. It’s without doubt the greatest beautifier ever offered the American women. 35c, Made only by Madison Medicine Co, Ask your druggist.* * * 6 0 YEARS' EX PER IENCE T rade M arks D esigns C opyrights &e. . Anyone senaing- a sketch and descriptionm»r' nnlckly ascertain, onr opinion free whether an Invention Is probnblypatentable. Communtc*- - lionsatrictlyconadcntmli Handbookon Patents . sent free. OMe3tvapenoy forsocorinirnatetiu. ~- Patents taken .through SInnn & Co..receive - »pirial«otte, -withoutchoree, in the S c l c n t i f k J fm e r i c a N . liiinreit chv Terms,*]* year; fonr months, *I_ Bpuibyall newpScalcrs. HUN*Co^™“»':NewM [Branch Office, 6^.P S t-«Washington.D. C. . 'Cnvcpts, and Trade;Marks obtained and tUPii- jrnt businessconducted for M od KHATEF e M. , ;OUi»OrriCE in opposite u .s . patent ovrieE and ,vc mu secure patent In iessUmc than those remoter f *taWnshmgthr -« ‘ Send model, dra-.vSnjTof photo., with dcserlp- ;Uon.' ,V/o adWfn, If patentable o r not, free el icharge. Ourfee notauetill patent is secured. 'A P amphlet ,.“ H onrto Obtain Patents," with |cGst .of simc in tlieKJ*S» u d foreign counintt „ tsentj&ec. Address, : C . A . S N O W & C O . bpp, pdTCflTOmce, W aihjnqton , d . c « g | INFLAMMAT ION g s 9 Sumhroai, HCAdache (SmtnuiM), Toott- e s S atliotl lnhmtoi, oold ftarea.Ps1oila.etc.etc. OgFh | cubes AnypiiK j S ssidb OBOUT , .Inoneto thirty minutes, ders. ‘Xhu h > c .»1» hy joaii sedredonlAj Koi&ol DyspepsIa Guro DlgMta w h a t you eats . WILLBCRESUMED. Through Sfcrvlcc to Florida Resorts V« Pennsylvania Lines. - T - W *■- *. Thftfnali carservice to Florida and winlir resorts in thn Soiu.’ ViaChicindsiti, AtlnnU sod Macon, successfully inaugurated oa the Pennsylvania Lines lafit Aimer will bt resumed «bot:t January (Ufa, 1902. Sleejiinff car* will bo rim from Pittsburgh and ittm Chiengd via Ciminn iti, Atlanta and Ma«A to-Jacksonville and S t AuRustine. The Service tiie coming Season will hodaUyel- nipt Sunday, ancj the schedule will h« about ns follows: ' lo-ove Citlrago 12:00 noon; L-ogatrapwt S tiop .n i.; Kokomo, 3:-Wp. in,; Elwood, ftl8-p.. m.; Anderson, 4:13 p. m.; Elrt- montl, fl:tiOp. nr.; and a i Eaton, Ohio, MM p. rii.; Uahnlton, 7:05p, ra.; KtrivinglVe , mnatl $:00 p. to., taking passu.po through that city wltbottt<h*hgeor trsM" tiacon, 1:00p. m.; Jacksonville, 8:l0p,i St. Augustine, 9:CQp. m. next day. Leave Pittsburg at 8 a. in. Over tkeJW ffnn llo tloiite via Kewark, Colninbusw. Xenia. Passengers'for the South througii to Fionas Without changing t** from thff followingstatical raoh witkd»f. Pittsburg, 8:00 a, ia.; Steubestvillc, <):**• to .; OailtE.Tun«iOn, JO:ioa. m„- l>cnfi#». Li:52; Bhriehsviiip, l»:r>7*. Hi.iNtWrowW- to*n, lliS.t a. in.; (’oshocton, II Tiinway, 12:10nooii; Xewark. 12 : 5 o*e*«r ('ollthibus, 2:15 p n>.; London, 2:57PJ*1, 'i<mfh Pharleston, ;t:J3‘ p, m.; C£d»rnW- 5:80p. m.i Xertsa, 9:50 t>, in.; JfotriOfjMl p.^n,;T.ovrland, -1:50p.*n». ArriveA***' ti, todftii, in.; Martin, 1:(!8p. iu.; Jark**** vilte, &10p, m.i St, Aiigustinr, 9;Wf * K-turnitig the through sleeping | I'hhsgo, Pitts.-Utgand interm<tlhtef™**(L via Piiteimiall and the P<nnsylvani* will leaveS:, Augustine 8:13 a. m.; l*1* r *5o»viHe, D:l5ft. hi. dailyexcept SwiJ*T | Fot jr.irtii tilarsnlxnst flic through j eomimnun'ue with lot'al tiiket i Pennsylvania Lines or uddrersP-<■ i'***’1 BHfht Passenger Aifiht, Ilaytofi, 0. - ■ ■ ■ f y ' > ■" jB. i Cowjgli o r Cotd In oho W f iy coogti w r isk Consmtnptioit? T h is fam o u s rem edy will <#**1 y o u a r o m » t P o r d r i p p e * B fomW tls» A l t n m t f a n d o th e r T h r o a t a t t i ' f o m g t r o R h i^ 5 J | t h # h t a l i t ted id n e fttado. P le a s a n t t o fake* O o ^ J A t a l i n r i i f g l i t i * W c e S ^ e e a t ^ 1 - j ' i l O l j t ' f p $1,00 A YRAI r,AR.LH » w -. * I^RlPXy> PLCH^BL i ' Til1?*peraieteot jprueperit *ic»etraty(i;to every nook ol’lhe Tto’frd States is i coumgtoB feature o f the putlpok, ^ , The caateen haa jiftfiEeii General ChafftehaB giv- -cpuK'ej ami numerous st IveiuWtog f«1’ tbe <utm'e Tiie Isttuuiau Caual h is liportefl; th e , Hu treaty haff- ’ -ratified; i -*»un hufi reintroduced hi -The time has come for L m begin digging LOW HOLIDAY It The 0 ; H . & D. Ry. etfi to aft points at gr rates on aeeouat of t .Tickets on sale Decernbt 3jst, also January 1st. .rood until January 2nd * s? : j , , * 1 *ij <f h, -< . ^ J anguko N eb "Are you irritable? I badly? f i it hard to con . thoughts?, Is your m Do you ieei -tired, reetles dent? ' ,Try Lichty’s C Oofup.oUUj:: It'will-do yi tbish’Jny .thing you ha Bdrffby'G.'M, Itidgway \ A paying; gold mine: an thy site-of a United ’fnient building in Mont g ild , belongs to the Go 'Uncle pain’fcfili go to wants to, . ’ • '' THE BEST-PLi ' A piece of ffannf! dt Ghafnberia'iii'e Pain Bal 'to the parts is superior When troubled with a pai,us in the aide or cto trial and you are certai ‘ than pleased^yitb the I ■Which it affords. Fain lj rheulnatism. One apj| relief. “ For sale by 0. ' I f Mris. Jenkins of 01 to Washington j-to del hand's reputation as’shl ed‘, it is quite .probable f velt may develops aefi| for ducks as be did preacher was here. - gAvfm his ‘T'wish to say tliutf ^irfeslenfipU of - “For three years I w»l dyspepsia sp thatI coil on my stomach. Mail he unnble to retain ti Finally I was.coufinej tors Said I could notH of ydur ftdvertisement pepsia Cure and thol case add commenced if to improve fromthe fill I amcured and reconl DigeslByour food, troubles! C, M. Ridd New Jasper-is to if tory. —^Amongthe tens] have used Gbamberis edy for coldsand In past few years, to oul a single Case has rel moaia.* Thos Whitff Wabaffh Ave, Chief most prominent retail city, in speaking of 1 , recommend ^Olkrol Remedy for la grippl ■of tonot only gives j1 plete recovery, hut -any tendency o f l a . pneumonia,” For Ridgway, A distinguished predicts that in ten will not pay, Thef deHey.toward liquid Icum a t the chief itl this and inventors af attCntio,), ** About a yearj coming put very I * bottle of AVcr’fj ftopped the tolHif hffirjfo# veiv rd Is 45Tacbes in 1 * Boydrton, Alibi There’s nn| th»n th a to f Hair htwfferj - H o f tg ry ha l n$f*!$ hair vfl This fa wii{ A y e r ^ H a i r l U f i t o m i e o b l £ho h n lr gtvi Tea«fcL>t‘¥, 9ti i (