The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

1 p u r J o b I Work will vuiuyiwra with j tha t o f a n y o th e r f i r m , , ,t . 1 She j<!rfV«WVWVVMwW*^^^'VWVV'-f 5 ? I TMs iSccrj when rzarktd « jb *m $ I Index, £]cc3ei Cat yc_.r r~’*:vcrls> 3 5 Is pas: d:;e *^4 a ^rompi sra.'c* | } c o l Is earccstlvdeiited.,*» .•*« .< TVOTY-HGTH YEAR NO. §2 GBDARVILU;, OHIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22. i90S, .. ... 'll'I...... ■"..... ...... i | i »| p »« ihiijih ... .,nnm,iuu,.i PRICE $1.00 A YEAR. s Hat Store Latest Rats, A n a a * n i * a a • y g g w 7 ? ’fT?*T 5 -jgrarg f u r f c a p s f Driving Caps) fur fflaves,. Driving Cloves Cellars, cuffs. SDirii, dwt fit. n -=9 j OILYTALK. “! W £ T * Vf*a m » f f kr$, $u$Dinaer$, Um brellas, °Kaitt Coats, UoKselacltets. HYPES HATS HAVE THE STYLE. For several day* there haft been a report jLljjit fk ttenl w «&0" whereby *i« ..«*!««•* 5 **** riiya tmanr rxes Hr’V^rr-’'"— "." tst ” —-v -j, through Clifton and' Cedarville! The report had Wthat tho lino w^n to bo connected with theSpringfleld and Xonla line at Yellow Springs aiid that Fred J ,, Green of Spring- Held, had been wre v tho proposed line. , ' The Herald Interviewed Mr. Green on the subject, who. etatef that he merely went over the route for inspection at the request of Hew York Capitalist*, ‘Mr, Green is an expert in electric railroad building and was selected by the Eastern men to give them Ws views on gUeh a proposition- He staled to the Herald that there; was nothing of importance to giro the public i this time, as the flatter was oufc-of his hands after he wade b|s report of the inspection trip. READ OUR ADS-IT PAYS LADIES'CLEAR 'Hue entertainment at the.opera* , , ■ - *»« «™»>* e ™ . y t r hs r i r J ^ *n“i vs NOHELLO CHRISTMAS. "That the employes 'of the *Cedar ville telephone company can have a t least one holiday in the year the -) management has decided to suspend a ll talking fromA:3da. m ., Monday Until 6:80 a* mMTuesday. The em- home talent'under the auspices of the-Ladies'Aid Society o f the M.'-B. church was well attended and a pleased audience .left the house at the conclusion of the program. The chorus of about forty voices was drilled under the direction of Mr.^George Siegler and much Credit is due him for the success o f the performance. His’ ability a s a musical director wascertainly shown by-the graceful manner In which he directed the chorus. The chorus was the best .drilled class that has appeared before a Cedarville audi­ ence in a long time and should be continued. The reading* t>y Mi*» Clara Kem- bler and Mr. Frank Young, were Veryinteresting. The quartette con­ sisting of Messrs* Sanderson. Marsh, SttHenberger and Siegler, also comes m for praise. Solos by Misses Charlotte Siegler and Dafsy Hill, duets by Messrs. Siegler and Ustiok and Mr- Sullenberger and Miss H ill were very appreciative; I t is stated that the Aid Society will clear about fto for a oliday and we are sure that the patrons w ill hear with the in ­ convenience this One day a t least. LIST OP {LETTERS. . List of letters’remaining uncalled tor in the Cedarville postoffice for 'the week endiug Dec. 22, 1005- < ' ' ri List Ho. 60. Qsborn. Edward, *< Card Pope. Rev, W. B,. T. H, Turbos, P. M. Mrs. J . B. "Winter, Mrs. G. Y. Winter and daughter, Olive, w ill leave ^Monday for a v isit with the former's sister), Mrs. Jennie.Ashley, of Columbus. , , . —G am esC rok ino lc, Carroms, Archarena, Flinch, B ing. Pong, Porohcsi, Chessonda, Authors, Logomachy, and Bill. Best ,games in the inarket. West's Book Store, Xenia*1 FOR SALE OR TO LET. The elegant property known as “The Farris place" six; rooms, suntr itter house, good cellar and well gar­ den and fruit, sanitary conditions perfect. Inqutie of It, ‘Hood. The many friends <?f Rev. Edwin McClintock, w ill be sorry to hear of his illness with typhoid fever at the home-Of his mother-in-law, Mrs, Jennie Hutchinson on the Xenia and Clifton pike. Rev. McClintock and Wire reside in McKeesport, Pa,, and just last week, buried their eighteen months old son, in Xenia. \ AMATTEROFHEALTH VftMllV POWDER A b s o l u t e l y P a r a HASKSUBSmVTZ A Cream « f Tartar Pwardar, free from a lum or ph«*** phatio aoid ,*OYAUBAKINSVOWDM00,.NtWVOWt, The Pennsylvania railroad com­ pany is dropping ligge number* of their Italian laborers that havebeen here most of tho fay. Tuesday 80 were sent to Cincinnati and things were quite lively at the depot during the wa it for the train. Si-hool cldses Friday for tlie Holi­ days. I t Will lake up again Mon- day, January tho 1st, this is duo to the fact the schools were out two * day*;at the time of tho Columbus institute. OURUSUAL CUSTOM. Following' our usual custom the Herald is Out a little sooner this week than usual owing-to the Holi­ day season and the benefit out ad­ vertiser* would reap on the last shopping day, Saturday. ,I t is al­ ways best that a trewsoaper appear on a certain day, hut *this change seldom comes. Then office help in a newspaper, office does not get as much o r 'a ,vacation as do - most people owing to •publication day coming m the midsfcbl7the Holidays and for thin reason we think they are entitled to a ll the time possible, Mr. and Mrs. J , H . Hisbet* were called to -Bellefontame, Tuesday owing to the death Of Mrs.HJabets oldest sister, Mbs* EBriflbWth,TWtch- horn. , Mr. Charles Baskin left Monday evening lor Buford, Georgia, Ho w ill spend about three weeks with his parents in the, south. BANKOWNS JTNOW. As'stated lit thC last issue of the Herald that Mrs. J«li* Condon had sold her residence property on Main street we are now f t liberty to give the name of the purchaser and the consideration. Tila property has befen deeded to the Exchange Bank for 4LbX), The hank -for some time has owned the adjoining property, and aathe two wer# under ope roof it was thought hesfc that one should own the buildingmi it stands*- I t is expected that there will tee some lim provemenbpnt on ’the property In the early spring. , Useful Xmas Gifts Make the Happiest Hearts SL IFPERS -for every member of the family SHOES-for every member of the family RUBBERS-for every member of the family. Prices within the reach of every member of the fam­ ily* • * REMEMBER We.are headquarters for Useful Gifts. n isley’s flread e S lw Store Starkey’s Old Stand, Springfield, Ohio, We Retail Jit Wholesale . Prices. We Save you HO Per Cent 0 ft You? Footwear. CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT. The Clifton Union Schools will :jive *S»uta,ClausDefenders” a t the Clifton Opera house Friday night December 22, at g o’clock, sUntlme, The entertainment 1* for the benefit o f ihe school library. Tim admis­ sion-will he 1$ antjL| -Look for the’ 6A* stay under strap when you buy aHorse Blanket, We buy direct from factory* Kerr & Hastings Bins. MEETINGWELL ATTENDED* A meetingwas held in t he United Presbyterian church Tuesday even ing, for men. in the interest of* thB Christian Men’s-Conference to tee held in pitlsburg, February 13-15, Themeeting was addressed by Rev. John A. Crawford o f Allegheny, Pa., and considerable interest was mani­ fested. The delegated selected to the Pittsburg meeting were Messrs W; J« Tarbox, J. E , Hastings, the alternates Messrs. Robert Bird and G, E . Jobe. A' toarful -Fate I t is a fearful fate to have to en­ dure the terrible torture of piles. “ I can truthfully say*.” writes Harry Colson, of Masonville; la ., “ that for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and • Pro­ truding Piles, Bnoklens. Arnica, &alve, fs the hes cure made.” Also best for cuts; burns and Injuries .Me at AUDru^jists, -^The celebrated HoOsier kitchen Cabinet can be had only a t McMill­ ans. ATTHE SHOW. * * * '■W J A big delegation of Greene coun- tians, are in Chicago this week, having been attracted there by the International,Live,Stock show, ’ In all about twenty, have gone to tile big show and among those w b o le ft are the following:, ' J, F . Panllin, J. E, ‘Ky le, Bert Turner, Frank Turner, R. J, Fowler, David Brad- fufce, G. F. Mallow, T, JB. Andrew, D , B . Watt, W, F, Watt, R. F. Kerr," W- J . Cherry and M- E . and R, E. Painter. J- —We htfve framed pictures—ut 10c, 15c, 25 and 5Qc. aiid on up to 425.00. We have Picture’Frames of every, possible pise—from gold plated frames to any inwood- * West’BBook Store, Xenia. j - * .. t ' * \ —We have added oil cloth and linoleum to ohr stock, See McMil Kan. « 6 . '■ —We have the lowesfcpriCes, qual­ ity considered, on oilcloth, a t Mc­ Millans., Word has been receive# here that Prof. Belle Eeazell of the musical ■ department of the college, will" not return to take wp her work until the spring term. Prof, ReazeU has been sttiding in'MihneapoUs during the fall and expects to take up her teaching - at tho beginning o f the year. Her arrangements have been changed as announced iix the fa ll;» In Mad ChaSe, Millions rush in mad chase after health, from one extreme offaddisnt to another, when, if they would only eat-good food, and keep their bowels regular witb Dr. King’s Hew Life Pills, their troubles would all pass away. Prompt reliefand quick cure for liver and and' stomach iroubfi. *|e#*-AR Br*s »toh»l g-rwrantoMi - —Holiday rocking chairs a t Mc­ Millans. —Books in groat Variety—'Many, Popular Hovels* a t toots heretofore said at 41.50. West’s Book Store! Xenia \ There i.s no- better Stove made than tho Peninsular, Whether It Is a range, soft or hard coal burner They have stood the tost o f years of useiuiiness and always giVe the best of satisfaction. Call and see our display and get prices before pur­ chasing.* Kerr A Hasting* Bros. —We h iv e an extraordinary lino of furnUnre that make very suitable and . appropriate Holiday gifts. Such as couches, folding beds, side­ boards, pillar tables and Blands. Call and s®e them . J . H , McMillan Mr* James Gray, Ids mother, Mrs. Belle Gray, and sister Mies Lud le, expect to leave Saturday for Taren- tmn, Pa., where thoy-will spend the Holidays With Mrs. A, D« Endsley. I t might also tee stated that before his return James will he found at Beaver Falls, Pa, His popularity among the ladies and his acquaint­ ance of a charming young’ hollo of that city is no doubt the real motive for his v isit to tho Falls. Torture of a Preacher. The story of tho torture ofBpv, O. D , Moore, pastor of the Baptist church, of Harperaville, K» Y ., w ill interest you. He says: “ I suffered agonies, because of a prcslstent cough, resulting* from tho grip. I had to sleep sitting up in bed. I tried many remedies, without re­ lief, until I took Dr. King’s Hew Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which entirely cured my eoug, and saved me from consump­ tion,” A grand curs for diseased conditions of Throat and Lungs. At A ll Druggist; price too and4l.00, guaranteed. Trial battle free. A List of Christmas Presents to be Found at HORNER BROS.’ for Every : Member of Your Family fiOODSOLIDSHOESFORALL 11,,. Lr-iufifnl Blfopws for fathot-s, motl urn « the ehUdren. Cmivas, covert .,Jf,® ’v J S T - e iS t e m e n , women :md cMdren. l!uy incsents that giyo Will he apfoeeiahKl longer. * 0 * store noil to open everj ulglifcthis weeks, so come in and ecuus* o HORNER BROS* & CO* eM>-™ .Tia triMTOTTTAimaS. 39 SOUTH MMESHOT STK 8 ET. yowp fam ily F R L li m'm o Everybody Is Invited in our Christmas display of Goods. It is replete with articles which will make sutiable gifts for Father, Mother, Brother, Sister andFriends, Customers compli­ ment us on having the nicest line "ofHoliday goods that we have ever shown. • High Art Pictures* YVe have obtained at a bargain an assortment Of high class art Pictures, Customers are buying them half a dozen at a time. Come and see them. * 6 Only ioc , ......... - . • .... ... .-V. ...V .J...... Co...... • ............... i , . . • .... , ... . ... . .f% Candy andNuts, Candies from ,10c to 40c per lb. Choice kinds to select from. Nuts, fresh ones of all lands. Just the thing for Xmas. . .* ■ 4 ■t ■ FANCY GOODS, Novelties of alt kinds to please you. Bo many different articles that they are to numerous to mention. TOYS* Of all kinds, for the boy and the girl. Ourassortment combines durabi­ lity with cheapness. They will please you.................................. AI At BIRD’S Cedarville* Onto *