The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52
m o w m t o PARSERS. tha Old Condition*; th* New Condi tion* and the Net Return.. A nupsber of patriarchs were & taring upon the' r/hantapei and & - atl.antapcj of th-a ■.ario-r- w rjs and navais «mplou*d with a vice to ears.’ jng d Jiving, and a retired clergyman said: “I was branaht r=.p en a farm, but I never envied'tUa farmer. And the logger \ live the hra 1 envy him. X vised to think lie had a tough time of it.vrhenhe was a plain, simple farm er. J!e Jia l to get <n»t of bed the J av a and go to bed with the ben:?, and what with planting and sowing and harvesting and tending the cattle lie had precious little lei sure. roe teii Uiij-.u<guA.n v... 1 / y thing else. ■ But in ’hose days he wasn't disturbed by the agricultural department at-Washington and im proved methods. Ho was familiar with top dressings und common fer tilizers, and he put in his seed Mint] let it come up. Of late years, how ever, he's liad to develop into a sci entific farmer and learn all about cultures and nitrogen breathing ba cilli and drainage and ensilage. He's expected to raise four crops where he used to be contented with one, and he’s busier than ever. • . “My,'good old mother insisted upt- to th*o last that the farmer was blessed above all men. I can hear her now. ‘You may laugh at the farmer/ she’d say, with c toss of her he'ad, ‘but he has a license to pity of you, Xle may not know when to copper the queen and when to play it to win, like some city folks, and he may not cut much of a swath in a low necked waistcoat and pearl studs at a dinner or the opera, but there are a thousand and one Worries ho escapes. -So long as he can hold on to his land and has a roof to shelter him he can always live, come what may. His soil will support him. The farmer is the .most independent man in the world.' ' “Those weren't her exact words,” continued the retired clergyman, “hut tha t’s the idea. How, there may be something in this, hut if the farmers I've seen worked as hard for something els.e'as they do to he independent they'd own HeWYork,” . -—Providence Journal. Or . K E N N E D Y 'S “ FAVORITE REMEDY m m n t to tu k * , V e w c r iu l to eu ro * ,4 ii4 W elcom e | u ' every Home*. JUBKEf wd LIVEScun. Dr, Kennedy’* Favorite)Itemcdy MIA AMJ* IfclOjlwR I t W. ta adapted to ou aft** and teot't taxes, affonUngpe-r- jnaccni relief la ail caaai caused by Impurity uf tlio fclood, sv.cb *■, Kidney, IJadilcr and tSver Corn- plainu, Constipation, and weaknesses peculiar to ---- -- vrosneri. Isaiw'wrul tor a»years. Prepared by o n . s>, K K X M 3 DY’U iSO.Vb, Roodout. N. V. ” * alajallUrugelstg Ebstw)ttiea« 5 Ua FIGHTING W O M A N S .” A Fierce Conflict "With Pirates In the Seventeenth Century. In the book “Furchas His Pil- frriti'oo” v-, recorded the ■ adveuture wliich bqfell J ohn Davis and au* Ld- ward Miehelbourne, who, little bet ter than pirated themselves, met in 1005 with a Chinese junk full of pi ratical “Japonians,” whose own ves sel had been cast away on Borneo. There were ninety men aboard this junkj “most of them in too gallant n habit for Baylers and such an equalitie of behavior among them that they seemed all fellowes. Yet among them there was one that they called eapitaine, hut gave him little respect.” A number of them hav ing been transferred to the ship while the junk's cargo was being ....................... .. oh ' What Ho Meant. Mr. Griggsfield was a man who meant well, but was unfortunately addicted to the habit of saying the wrong tiling at all times and In all circumstances. An acquaintance of his had*suffered severe injuries in a railway wreck,, including a . broken nose, the loss of three or four teeth and a gash across one of hi 3 cheeks, bu t his hurts were-not serious, and -he was soon on the street again, , somewhat disfigured, but in good working order. One of the first men to -greet him after his recovery was "Mr, Griggsfield, who grasped him cordially by the hand and exclaimed: “'Hello, "WilliamsF I understand you have been pretty badly hurt. I am glad to see you so much improv ed.” ■ Later, when lie reflected upon it, he understood why Mr. Williams re sponded to this greeting with such a queer smile. it Made a Difference. A story is being told of a young lady who” found a package of love letters tha t had been written to her mother by her father before they were married. The daughter saw that she could have a little sport and read one of them to her mother, sub stituting her own name-for that of Ins.* mother and that of a Six Mile young man for that of her father. ,TJ ' ........................... die mother seeniod utterly disgust ed and forbade her daughter to have anything to do with the young man _wlio would write such nonsensical Btufc to n girl. When the young lady handed the letter to her mother to lead the house became so still that one could almost hear the grass growing in the yard.—Oak Grove (Mtl.) Banner. Tho Minor Virtues. The London Outlook tells thp fol lowing; “Hothing,” Mr. Chamber* lain once said, “permanently good or permanently great was ever done except at the sacrifice of some of the minor virtues.” . “And which ard the minor vir tues?” The question was instant. • He turned his cigar slowly in his mouth before answering, a favorite trick of his, and then a dry smile played across the strongly molded mouth as he replied, “Those which have to he s lie replied, acrificed.” “ A fte r You, S ir." A French paper tells tho little story of an old violinist who occa sionally played with his manservant, Who had been the best fiddler in his native village. “Why are yon always one or two ■beafii’behind" me?” demanded the violinist impatiently one day, when tw-fappirtga of iris”foot or'frowns had served to make the valet realize Ids fault, “ But, monsieur, it is that my old fiddle I 1 A 3 the respect,” said the man meekly.’lA *4, Cftoratl, Sml Trn .(.Marks obtained aridall'iir.csstrmducifd lor M6b£ftAY« fee*. OwnO w e e id tprooit* o.s.PAtfcHt Orrtce v.ffcarfccr'ffe p la n t In In *s liir.s tlrtft theis' remain f-v n WnaWcigtot'. Cenil nr.tMtdraoipfj or riV.r.ti,.,with deierip 1 loss. %Vo nCivli*, if psteiiUWs *1 not, fret ol Icbaree, OitritonetwoDnpatititlstrtMred. 1 .... .. -.............. .Sfifh* We advise 6j •S fl ustho t.uii . ......... , j|A I’alcnta,” with !i*.;!*,I ot fissnoinEieI '-lit andlereigncountries Seers*fits* Address. p * A t S N 0 W * . 0 0 . | A*t*fiYor«(6*. WAiaotatoff, 0 . 6. searched, they suddenly sallied out of the cabin a t a given signal, and while those in the junk killed or drove overboard the Englishman in charge those on the ship tried to take possession of it. At the first onset they killed Captain Davis. “They pressed so fiercely to,como to ns as, we receiving them on our pikes, they would' gather in our pikes with their hands to reach us with their swords. I t was neere half an hour before we could stone them back into the cabhin, in which time we had killed three or four of their leaders. After they were in the cabbin they fought with’us at the least foure lioures before wo could suppresse them, often fyring the cabhin, burning the bedding and much other stuil’e that was there. “And had we not with ’two demy, culverins from under the halfe decke beaten downe the bulkehead and the pumpe of the ship we could not have suppressed them from burning the ship. This ordnance being charged with crossebarres’, bullets and case shot and bent close to the bulkehead, so violently marred therewith boords and splin ters that it left but one of them standing of two and twentic,. “Their legs, arms and bodies were so tome as it was strange to see how the shot liad massacred them. In all this conflict they never, would desire their lives, though they were hopelesse to escape. Such was the desperateness of these Japonians/' Pinching a Pickpocket. I t happened on a race course in Russia. Among the spectators was a tally powerfully built man, no longer -young, and he was leaning back against a railing when ho. sud denly felt a hand slipped into liis pocket in search, no,doubt, of a sil ver snuffbox which lie habitually carried. He said not a word, but raising himself on tiptoe for a mo ment ho sat down on top of the rail and on top of the hand in his pocket. The thief struggled in vain to re lease himself,' while his captor showed no sign of knowing that there was anything amiss until, at length the pain became too .great for endurance, arid the •pickpocket called out in agony. Then the old gentleman got tip and said as the ‘ * * ih ir.......................... wretched, man be ind him drew out a hand blue and swollen, “Another time yon will keep your fingers from other people’s pockets/'—London Gentlewoman. Arizona Cavo Dwellings. In Arizona there are many cave dwellings of peculiar interest About thirty miles cast of Flagstaff, as well as nearer, are a number of volcanic tones, the whole region being the scene of vast plutonic energy. As the flowing lava cooled, gases were generated, which caused gigantic bubbles to form in the slowly.solidL fying molten rock. Many of these bubbles still remain in the form of natural, caves, and In these caves the Indians of early days found shelter. Many of thorn have been explored and antique pottery of the earliest known form and, decoration, to gether with nictates, stone axes, hammers, arrow and spear points, corncobs and various small seeds have been found iri large quantities. —Craftsman. No Demitasse For Reed There. Some years ago Thomas B. Iteed went to Ohio. On his journey out there he went into a littlo railway station to have dinner, At the end of.his ordcr he said: “Bring me a demitasse also.” ' The waiterMated. “What's that?” he asked. * “A srrialb-dup o f coffee,” Mr. Heed; exclaimed—“a small cup of black coffee. .See that it’a good coffee, please. Demitasse means half a cup.” _“Aw, g’wan/' said the waiter. “I ainit n-goin’ to bring you no half cup. We don't sell nollim’ less than Scents here.”—Boston Herald. In After YeArc. Patient—I'm very much afraid I ’m losing my mind, doctor, Doctor—What reason have you for thinking tliut such is the case? • Patient-—I found a package of old letter,'; hi my wife’s room yesterday, supposed to have been written by me during pur courtship, b u t! cairt remember W ing written such fool Btuff,—Chicago Hewn. ■ ,> nm * . r* *• * Catarrh Cannot Be Cured. With local apjdtalkin'', an they cuMiot reach tlili seat (.f tho (Italic. Catarrh is 0 blood <ir constltotioaal disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedi, 9, Hall’s Catarrh Cure, i'J not a.jaaelc medicine It was j-rra rikeil ky one of tho beat physi cians in this country for years end is a reg ular prescription. I t is rain posed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood rmrifivrs. acting dirwitly on the mu cous surfaces, Tho perfect combination of two ingredients is what prouu*a?i such won derful results in euring Catarrh, fc'eml Sot tc£tim<>nial$frec. Address P, J. (TIK.VEY'.-t CO, Toledo, 0 Sold by druggist, 7 . 3 l \ Hall's Fam ily Pills are the best. Got O ff Cheap. CASTQR k n For Infanta and Children. foaKindYouHaveAlways Bough Bears the Signature, of Arc You Engaged? Bennettsville, S. 0., says: “For A y e r ’ s C h e r r y P e c t o r a l quiets tickling -throats, hack ing coughs, pain in the lungs. It relieves congestion, sub- C h e r r y P e c t o r a l dues inflammation. It heals, strengthens. Your doctor will explain this to you. He knows all about this cough medicine. "W o Imvc used Aver’* (’horrj- Pectoral In our family for S 3 years for throat nncl lnng troubles, and tec iblnlf nomodicine equals It.” Mns. A. POMEI'.OY. Appleton, Minn. 25e.,50e.,gl,09. A ll droeeist*. for J. C, AYERCO., L awp II. M ark * reak Throats A y e r ’s P ills g r e a t l y . a id re c o v e ry . P u re ly v e g e ta b le , g e n t ly la x a tiv e . Millinery Exhibit Days. T hursday September Twenty-First F r iday Sept. Twenty-Second, S aturday , Sept,' Twenty-Third. C HEAP RATES S c m t H and Southeast* QUEEN & CRESCENT ROUTE. FROM CINCINNATI. Knoxville and Return Chattanooga and Return $ 6.70 8.15 9.90 11.40 11.60 13.55 13.90 Asheville and Return Atlanta and Return Birmingham and Return, Alacon and Return Montgomery and Return $15.60 15.80 16.75 16.80 16.80 20.00 20.00 CORKESFONDItttlYLOWBATESTOINTERMEDIATEFOIMTS. Savannah and Return Mobile and Return Jacksonville and Return New Orleans and Return Vicksburg and. Return Miami and Return Tampa and Return South I November h a, u., u.u» . . . only. Limit 21 Days. Stop-oyer pravilrses. For information write; D. RfBRQWN, N. E. P. A , Hammond Bide., Detroit, Hieh. W. a . GARRETt; • „ . W. C. RINEARSON, OCNCULkUlUQm, CCNCIULPADCCNOOIA ccnt CINCINNATI. He may well think, he has got off cheap, who, after having contracted constipation i»r indigestion, is still able to perfectly m a n e his health. Nothing this hut I)r. King’s Now Life Pills.. A quick, pleasant, anti certain cure for headache, con stipation, etc, Hoc at nil drug store; guaranteed. The Genuine BROS. Spoons, Forks, Knives, etc. Engaged people should remember that, after marriage, many quarrels can be avoided, by keeping their di gestions in good condition with Electric Ritters. S. A. Brown, of SerkM re JFUh Xntfe. have all the qualities in design, work manship and finish of the best ster ling silver, at one-fourth to one-eighth the cost. years, my wife suffered intensely from dyspepsia, complicated .with* a torpid liver, until she lost her strength and vigor, and became a mere wreck of her former self. Then she tried Electric Bitters, wliich helped her at. once, and finally made her entirely wc/i. She is now strong and healthy. All druggist,: sells and guarantees them, at 50c* a bottle. Much of the sterling »ow on the market is entirely too thin and light for practical use( and is far in ferior in ev.ery way to “ Silver Plate that Wears ” Btrkthlrs Jt,A Sark. A sk your dealer for ” 18*7 ROSERS BROS.” Avoid Isubstitutes. Our1 full trade,-mark is “ 1847' ROGERS BROS.” look for it. Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Before buying write for -our catalogue “ C -L .’’ , ; JNTKftN.VT10SAf..fia*VEKCO., Bue6esxor1o * • MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO., Meriden, Conn. Funeral .a Giroat Success. Ho one ever understood tho foi bles of stage people' better than, did- the late-Kirk La Shelle, and ,of the ruling passions of. actors he used to toll this story. 1 won’t mention the actor s name, but he is a star of considerable ' reputation. Mr. La Sliellc met him on the rialto one day and noticed that he was wear ing a mourning badge on his arm. • “I t’s for my father,” the actor ex plained. “I ’ve just come back from his funeral. I t was a very sad af-' fair.” Mr. La Shelle expressed liis sin cere sympathy. The- actor’s grief was obviously very real and very great. . “A thing like this a man doesn’t' get over soon,” 1 i went on.- “I a t tended to all i >funeral arrange ments. I did the best ,1 could. We had everything just as father would have liked it.” > “Many there?” asked Mr. La Shelle. “Many there!” cried tho actor, changing from grief to .-auixnation> “Why,my boy, we turned ’em away.” --'Washington Post. *, . A Touching Story is.the.saving from death, of the baby girl of Geo A. Eyler, of Cumberland, Mtl. Pie writes: “At-the age of 11 months, our little girl was in declin ing health, with serions Throat Trouble, and two physicians gave, •her up. We were dispair, I when we resolved to try Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, I Coughs and Colds. The first- bottle, gave relief;-after taking four bottles/ she was cured, and is now in perfect health.’’ Nevdr fails to- relieve and cure a cough o r cold. At all Drug stores; 60c and $1.00 guaranteed. Trial bottle free. ■ ,' Do y o u r C h i l d r e n ASK QUEST IONS? Every housekeepershoutd know .that if they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry uso they will sav'o not only, time, because it never sticks to the iron, but because each package contain 1(5 or..—one full pound—-while nil other Cold Water Starches are put up in %-potlnd packages, and tbo price Is the same, 10 cents. Then miain because Defiance Starch is freo from injurious chemicals. If your grocer tries to sell you a 12-oz. package it is because he tins n stock on hand which ho wishes to disposo ol before ho puts in. Defiance. He knows that Defiance Starch lias printed on every package in large letters and figures ’’Ibozs.’ Demand Defiance and save much i.imonnd money and the annoyance of tho iron stick- gni* Defiance never sticks. Of course, they do. ’ I t is their way of learning and it. is your duty to answer. You may need a dic tionary to aid you. I t won’t an swer every question, but there are thousands to which it will give you true; ,clear and definite answers, not about words only, but about thing!, the sun, machinery, men, places, stories and the like. Then, too,-the children can find their own an sw e rs. ' Some of ou r greatest men have ascribed their power to study of the dictionary. Of course yon want the best dic tionary. The most critical prefer tho Hew and Enlarged Edition of ; WEBSTER’S I n t e r n a t io n a l D i c t io n a r y / W J f you have any quettiom - • about it write us, WEBSTER'S \ m q . & c. MERRIAMCO., PUBLISHERS, SPRINGFIELD, MASS, LOWFARES WEST AND SOUTHWEST. Anyone contemplating a trip West may take advantage of the reduced fares for the special Home-Seekers’ excursions via Pennsylvania Lines to points in Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Mon tana, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Ore gon, Washington, Texas and other sections in the west and in all tho states of the South. Public is Aroused. You arc cordially invited to inspect this display. Osterly, Greene St, Xenia, 0 - The public is aroused to a knowl edge of the curative merits of that greatmedicinal tonic, Electric Bit ters, for sick stornnch, liver and kidneys. Mary H. Walters, of 510 St. Glair Ave., Golumbus, O., writes: “For several months I was given up to die. I" had* fever and ague, my nerver were wrecked; I could not sleep, and my stoinach'wassowenk, from useless doctor’s drugs, that I could not eat. Soon after beginning to take Electric Bitters, I obtained relief, and in a short time was en tirely curee.” Guaranteed a t all Drug Stores; price 60c. Excursion Fares to Richmond, Va., via Pennsylvania Lines, September Utli, 10th and 11th exr eursion tickets to. Iti_climond,_ Vir ginia, .account Annual Meeting, Farmers’ National Congress, will he sold from all ticket stations on tho Pennsylvania Lilies. For full part iculars regarding fares, route, time of trains, etc., apply to Local Ticket Agent of those liuos. THEDR. GREENETREATMENT FORNERVOUSAND CHRONIC DISEASES Bears the stamp of Absolute and Genuine AVorfii, conceived and founded in the true system of cure, it is as imperishable as truth itself, ns accurate in curative results as a fixed science, a Wondrous Blessing to the Sick and Ailing, It has endured the test of time and been tried in the crucible of experience. Generation after generation of Dr. Greenes have have restored health to the suffering by these marvelous medicines, adapt ing, organizing and perfecting the treatment through long years of en- ornous practical experience among the sick, by grandfather, father and son, until today_the third generation of Dr. Greenes is giving to the world an even more successful practice, a surer and more positive means of cure than has ever heretofore been placed before the depressed, weaken ed and discouraged victims of chronic complaints. Drs. F. A, & J . A. Greene are tho proprietors of that most mar velous of all remedies for the Nerves and Blood, DR. GREENE’S NERVURA. All are privileged to consult Dr. Greene personally or by mail, en tirely free. l)r.' Greene himself attends to ail who call and answers all letters in person, Office;-101 Fifth Avenue; New York, Attacked By a Mob. and boat on, in a labor riot, until covered with «ore«, a Chicago street, ear conductor applied Uttcklen’s Arnica Bftlvo, and was soon sound ami well. “ I uso it in my family.” wriiqn G. J, Welch, of Tckonslia, Midi, “and find it perfect.” BImply great for cuts and burns. Only floe rt All drug qtore, > W E H AVE farms toSell and can se ll yours FARM liOflUS five years. SMITH & CLEMANS, MANUFACTURERS WHOLESALE PRICES ON VEHICLES™" HARNESS We sell our entire product direct to the user at wholesale prices and guarantee a Saiinpi^ oilie onWailP bs W E I N V I T E YO U T O G A L L A N D I N S P E C T O UR WORK ' ' L A R G E S T e^"r O F ' .K . We carry the largest sto ck o f vehicles on onr repository floor a f any concern in the world. A ll o f latest style, thorough ly reliable vehicles. Our line includes Carriages, B u ggies, Su rreys, Phaetous, Station Wagons, Delivery Wagons, Runabouts, Road Wagons, S p rin g Wagons, Carts, etc. C O M E A N D S E E U S B E F O R E M A K IN G Y O y R P U R C H A S E . W E C A N S A V E YO U M O N E Y CATALOGUE FOR 1 9 0 5 Send for our freeJcatalogue. To .out-of-town buyers who cannot come to see ns, we should be glad topend, on request, our illustrated catalogue, by means of which you can buy as safely and satisfactorily as if on the ground. J ■ P R IC E Extra 3-4 Rubber Tires, $13.00 Guaranteed as good In every way as sold by middlemen for from $70 to $ 75 - Note some of the eood points. Has self-oiling*, dust-proof axles. Full wrought Brewster fifth- wheel with bent reaches mor tised Into the bead block. Oil tempered and tested springs. Wrought steel Bailey body loops. Strictly second growth hickory wheels,Vlth tires puton hot. Bradley shaft couplers. Full length bottom carpet; Rub ber step pads. Spring back and spring cushion. Finest finish throughout. The greatost B u g.. oy In the World s i the Price. 8 X NO. 3078 . NCW YORK BUGGY. T H E M A N U F A C T U R E R can always offer youmore foryour money than the middleman. We are the only house in the State of Ohio selling direct to the consumer who -manufactures the vehicles and harness they offer for sale. No. 40 GB. STRAIGHT SILL SURREY Extra 7 - 8 .RubborTires, $ 15.00 No, 4066 Is a light, compact vehicle with ample seatingca pacity for four iarge persons. Furnished with bellcol- Jar self-oiling axles.- .Oil tempered and tested springs. Full bottom wrought fifth-wheel.. Strictly second growth' wheels. Full length velyet carpet. Bradley shaft couplers. Hand- somelyfinlshed. Guaranteed as good as sold by others for $25.00 to $35.00 more than our price. HARNESS We Manufacture 65 STYLES Highest Quality— Wholesale Prices GUARANTEE A SAVING NOT LESS THAN 26$ Our No. 246 Single Strap /Driving Harness , PRICE $ 12.60 GENUINE RUBBER MOUNTINGS, Extra $1.75 Wecarry 2000 soil olHarnessInslock C O M E A N D S E E U S OFFICE-REPOSITORY-FACTORY South High Street; crossing Hocking Valley Railroad, Terminus Electric Car Line. 20 minutes ride from corner Broad and High Streets ThS Columbus Carriage & Harness Co. COLUMBUS, OHIO DYE YOURGARMENTS. LatlieS and gentlemen hunt up all of your old faded and soiled garments and have them cleaned or dyed to look again like new. Kemember we are an oltl established firm of 23 years and guaran tee all our work'flrst: class, The colors we dye do not rub Off nor does the soiled spots come hack. We have hover employed an Agent before but our out-side business lias grown to such an extent that we deemed it best for otlr customers and ourselves. Parties living in the country can leave their goods for the present at Bmith &Stlvey Barber shop. Wo stand responsible for all goods col lected by our agent. Springfield' Steam Dye Works M . A. IH R IG , Prop. 15 N . Center St. * Springfield, O. Ebersole Pianos W A B S O L U T E L Y D U R A B L E . “Wc have for a number 0 ! years u«ed 15b?:sole Pianos in the Conservatory where they arc constantly subjected to ths hard est kind of use. We have found tho Bbersolo to be a g and, durable piano, well nbF s’atxl >,./ienear mid tost of the imialc room’ 1 V e* " h A i I' m lSxtm> Directress Jit.,-r 'it; 3 cmservasory ol Music. MSHUPAOTtiUKO 3 V The Smith & Nixon Piano Co. 10 a n a 12 c . Pun^tli Street, CINCINNATI. 0 . Work w ill compart th a t o f a n y o t h e r f in TWENTY'EIGTH TV.-nlte the fact tha bath night a large cro’ Columbus, representat, was a union meeting c Milligan presided, the dleton and a very earz in support of temperai 1 Moore prayer was offe benediction by Prof. ^ Dr. Moore delivered) result much good. H, the Bible-could be u :1 good or bad. He stai before the House Com; of scripture to^ show There is no reason tha it is in the power of tb| are as it were at war' other. We hear of a 1 it goes, but in the end little farther in the lea Dr. Moore stated th greatful over the pres laws and their enfoi States Supreme court | the people did not w in the state the spea proved that Ohio was today there are over J mand for a law for cit eilce possible such a l Beal law. i Much has been said church has been take that the saloon men i political arena and th< the church element, to be met regardless o ' and it has been met porters of moral govez from a letter o f Joe saloon keepers asking is now a candidate for his.friendship for our If will be remermbe same letter was publ for the benefit of thos in this issue. Dr. Moore continue you could scarcely j temperance question i discussed issues of th something to say for was made to the local and afterwards took fearless stand agains hindered it being put We hear it said thai To this I say they arc inal laws in Ohio. TV crime of every discrip was stated that the li< and that the courts c< know better, for exai past week. The liquor people forced to hedge again The people were still bill was drawn- up ar Bishop Bashford of t B. Wheeler of the Ani approval. At that t: men that he would d . he use his veto. ' Th< !>y a vote of 72' to another victory, Tb was passed by a vote won still another bat * The liquor people 1 fhe Governor, the ve the cause. This tiim . ture and tells them t fair play to the salon, stated then what cln time the .Brannock 1 betrayed the confide! ened the bill thkt it, It is not wliat is , fight but that of the today hiit for the im Hr. Moore was qui of financial support Issue in this section I his is the official or should be found in e
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