The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52
9 SULLIVAN’S i m x STORK C‘Y « ? S l a b uii-il 0 . _ h o t c k o a k s m r m h e r b . A Complete D ice s»t I#owr Prices* Ladies* Coat dtaufcla brcaste esJ*baasfeesfcwifi* £>16 pwfsets, lisu ito Ikaeis* m® apetocalJaf itlrarocjljcaisica&liliiffe* lalss^*. MOTHERLETER FROMEGYPT. I M tut Sr.ty cfyka So Telfcv-saaSh op: r,!* ta long, s?nlht’itefcr?n{welrovea; tklre 3,*Korra, t&abla t-i5fi.*iscc3, l I osq r;itte flbs*fcr?pain} the resfc of u ; it lyavs tiiso t : s t vaSno ?vcz i C<-tv.* l r t I. c fs>»fsi ffrcy,5 I, tW t’laoviftb?*.... $ 9-98 -btoWB- ntjil gfccB heavy jj J iov E o J s Mfcses* dtees. ■»* I 34 B Mrlc of .? aso*-*^ $ 9.98 I femslsfn fhmta-for tf»Ssi1«l*kiKk.ftt2aa..l Mi£WI&'g(IWe.tdlt0R^ iyllti fcajf®S»Sf_i«SiKJ J sA*c ivet* '(iih^, mm ?mr* ,wo k » v » w w ™ - a * ............................... - - i± tm -m^ 0 .y 0 j THE m i E i J 8 / S ■ b«3SVfiJtMVfO* tLo IlMBMjyl» • IHsIfetott’s Coate, full tolgth double ,breasted. bos, back, Itax platted front} volte? and .- '*■ with braid. iengtb €oat* two verflete tucks, back mnf fteint, shouktej®, •collar and vsiffd trimmed in gtitebed vei* ■ xoif steeufitahl; maunJ»blue* brownand • ^ “ ‘ A * EfdMpen’u fall length bos Coat* velvet collar with wide reveres, coat trimmedin fancy braid - and velvet locked alcoves; com®lured* brown, caster,blno and green WM, m .*».........„ We also carry a full line of. Infants’ Dresses ia India. Linon, JSainsook and Cambric. Brices 23e, 49c, ?»c* m* « . 8 t 2fev/ lino of Ladies1, IStarte Just JO* "We ore carryfog a larger Iwo than over before the season; nudwe cart show yon all tho new fait styles a t the right price. Come In and see them* . > ■' : ■ . ■ ; press Skltf* two hex plants back and front, yoke mnaing bf,-tv/een plaits with pointed ' tucks af bottom. $ 7,98 Dress Skirts, nine gores, box plaited and side plaits, set in alternating gores; inverted plait ip back, two-inch hem at bottom; m blacki bine, brown, tan andjgreen..., $ 6.98 Thisadd presented attills store beforeDec. 1 is good for 10 per cent discount onapyarticle in the d 6 ak department* rm s. w ist « ' CURWWte? . >'■} dtnx-sA ctTttybces taa Ccct Wo itm mvfct-r piway pnCIEB SBT«*' ORASITE-. vejiMk m&iejctsvi'nzii, »Ew ise'aw icurss^ s 6 i imoslsaas ot oiUcr aj^lte, till fan *! «ao,toenablean to lattpsiaeo oar Swan Bafetapowlar anti SalVOEi-CtandjofVci 3 ,Coffect antiOtherllcuofiboUl* Bapnlles.■ 'SH&zS■ art}■ ell hlgtt-umGa■ gecdf.—nbss'utcly• .............. . . aystoul H5 |: _ _______ „ „ „ . ______ jaitom’irocecoreUbf thtiplan, p i'nervoutaaos pghmrta us amceswo csvo ssjw raitvalB* 6»ca w treatiitent.. V/« K wonW not expect tbeta to, Jivznrz, w o otiitc; of this psper Win t'jil yoa Piat wo. pro tbotoaxiCr rcsJions'WO. A * Write os today —n postnl-eara sjr* * 6tyicsyonrEKaQaiw*<Wroi:ov/i» Co, Vfc!* b a t'iuflce Tkat Dots Sot' Happsa T.rerjr Bar, 8ALVDNA -SUPPLIES COW1PARY, «:C7-*HS9 Pino S treet, , St. Louis, Mo. r ABE YOUR BOWELS RIGHT? That is die first thing the doctor wants to kr.ow when he is called to the bedside of one who is sick, “How are yoiir bowels?'* he asks. That gives him a key to the state of your health. He knows*better than anyone else, that where con stipation exists therearc a thousand forms in whichsickness can creep in and tear down the health and strength. Hereare a few of the ailments thataredirectlycaused by a constipated condition of the bowels; 9 Sick headaches, extreme nervousness,’ indigestion, torpid and enlarged liver, weak kidneys, backache, piles, eruptionsof the skin, impure blood, bolls, hives, and many other diseases start with disorders of the bowels. Ifyon would be healthy, never neglect tire bowels. Neglect makes matters ten times worse. Constipation docs not cure itself. It grows steadily worSc and worse when neglected, When yottr bnwdb chow signs- of irregularity, set them right at ence! Don't ddhy*' o ♦ ■* IroibOx Tablets ate not like *any of the ordinary remedies offered for constipation. They are not harsh or suddbi in action, neither do they fix a habit upon you. They-can bo used fust as they are.,needed, *You can rely on them to eet the bowels right without delay. toM* They cars constipation, not merely giving, temporary ^Itisy havo proven tlieir value in tfiousantife of bases of chrojuie constipation, Even in extreme cases* where die best physicians have not been able to break up ibis stub* born disease, They Imie proven ibat they tuft- and d&, turn mtssipalion* If you v a te your health vou f ill always haves a jbox of IromOx Tabfcfo-handy* Thmr are sold in '& bandy little nlisisttM caso^ containing 50‘ tablets, This dainty -box can be dipped into tbs purse or the. Vest pocket and ' carried withyea wherever you go. When yon feet sick** ness creeping tips® ymfy one dose will generally prove enough to set you right again* 25 cents a box at your dfuggistsbm sent arfywhemon receipt of priceBy The iron*, Ox Remedy €■&»Detroit, Mich, In my last letter I did not fell you Aboat JfaliSaCisftanoy* crtUaintght, I ttnut i* tko night before tfeowelding faud $g %mxt of a farewell far Sser In fcer parewt’s I mkso . people ara Copte wad «a cknsa Safekattt for theweddriifday, and of eoorsa tto euoid ifiafe attend, ^a'f wenl wit® 1yiisalulia tkc Syrina teacher, Sat urday Instead. Miss Spattja wm sick and the other two, Misses W jboc I p and McCampbeB, were Iftf. r. xxr*s .d**s»li^£s4falvJ'lyA'tsa'MXcrx. azet 1.X.M ^?nnd iba m m t ‘ and M lllaot lights witli colored re flections* etc-, across the streets on ropes and poles In front ol the house. (A.s soon as I can find a card with this on I will send ifc to yon to give a better idea.) On each side of the street in front of their house were seated the members of the big-bra® hand, and as soon as they ’saw we Were guests* they began to play and kept i t tip until we were upstairs* though ifc neariy deafened us a t JflrsL They did the same when the other guests came, too, so you. can imagine how quiet It was. We were taken in a room and presently were served with a sweet red drink. We (MisS Julia and I only) were then invited upstairs to wafeh the girl dress etc., and get her hair combed. A s ! did not think ifcwas exactly'polite, le t aibae right to do So, we were excused from going into her room and sat outside her door in the hall upstairs* We were glad to get away from those strange, noisy women, (we knew only Bahia and her family,( ' "When she was properly dressed ive went ■ into her •room and were again honored by their giving us each an upholstered chair on either side of the bride. Next we. were given an immense' boqnet in which were thrust three -candles., ’th e mother also' carried a boquet, and (lie little Sister had one candle in her hoqnefe. The larger sister car* ried an Immense wax caudle with a bunch of orange blossoms tide on with -ribbon. Xti is fcalled the ’’brides* candle and is allowed to burn itself out. I t is unlucky to put itouL Bach of the other guests held a little wax candle. (decorated with green and red).' Every thing was called ’’Beady** and immediate ly the people began -to surge to and fro, • for the house upstairs was small and the people many, and I did no t know any better than to look s o l saw one Of those miserable dancing women—in a short red dress spangled ' with gold, and such motions as that one glance gave me, you can never imagine unless you See lb I t was awful, I had never imagined anything so repulsive yet many Seemed to enjoy it. I hope hover to see one again. •truly these people need , to he taught higher ’forms of amusements and recreations. Then all the people (women and children, for the men, were in another apartment)- went down ttairs backwards, except Miss Julia and I who wore leading’thd brldc*-elect and so wero privileged to walk down Sensibly. We Were led into a drawing-room’and Miss Julia and I were stationed with our bo quota and candles a t either side of her chair, another girl between, us fanning the bride, her mother and little sister seated a t her feet on a cushion, the older sister holding the big candle and the gnests arotid ns all facing the bride. The singing women seated themselves hack of tho bride and every one grew still. Wonders were yefc to come. A tiny Silk handkerchief was placed in the bride's lap and each one -expected to put in money. When a sufficient sum was given, ahigpmkailk hand kerchief was put on top and again all Were requested to give. I t was repeated again, ha t tho Women seemed a Ilttlo tired so the desired sain Was slow ia being gathered* On woman pnUn edits and was im lediately reprimanded for her sh gincss eo- she- made- ItlO cents* When the collection, which was for tbp hr.*doTp luxuries, was taken up they cleared an open place and tho dancing woman performed* I would not look a t her, so she came to mo once and purposely stumbled against me, so Xonly closed my eyes tighter. Ib is performance did not lust more than Id or 15 minutes (to lay great fsatisfaction,) when the singing and dancing women left and went into another room Then wo talked while the bride Changed her dress and Were invited out to supper, when sho roturnod* Hero again they honored na bygiv* la g u n a seat.;at tho bride’s side. ’■There were about ten of ns a t the first table. *The table was an im« fn&me tray about S yards in diame ter, ebfc dpofl' a stand and covered with a white table-eloth—an lisneva* fion to the Egypthm mind. We had chunks of bread scattered aver the table, a sou® spoon apiece, and one knife, a dish of pickled cn» cumbers, a dish of mustered, and a dish of mixed salads, already on-the tabic when they brought the first' coarse a big dish of soap in which was a ofaickon stewed whole, I was asked to break up the -chicked and: begin eating, but as il-was not “my; custom.’’ to carve ohickqn with my fingers, I vxcjis&d mysrlf, ea the hride’a big oitua' fa girl of M) did Ifc and favomo the Itesopeontol .ofthe; itotsp* fPhon wo all ate from the mo W* cordially in v iifyou to call and see m0 Malleable Steel Range St in operation a t our store. We w ilt shout you how to bake bmeuits perfectly in three minutes ; how to cook with one* ha lf the fuel now being used. This Range if property used Vs* &<?*/** r i r e J il l y o m MJILL JILL YOlfR ITS NON-B&EJM STEEL*"aMJJLLE Hot Buscuitst and Coffee every day Hovrttnber 27tk to December 2nd tpos. C. M. Crouse, .Cedamille. to r forks, etc., 2. Boasted mutton and pcao; 0. Boasted chicken? 4. mutton boiled with macarroni; 5. fried chicken; o. sliced cold mut ton; 7* four strange-Iooking pieces of meat whicel did not taste; 8- more chicken; 9. a dfsh of bamiya (an Egyptian vegetable) cooked with chunks of meat; 10 vegetable Oysters stuffed with rice, -meat and spices; 11. some kind of bread fried 1U butter; hi. white gelatine with pink gelatine and fruit-scattered overit; is. twokinds offeast cakes; It. An Italian cake, something like onr sponge cake and iced with lavepder'iceing and decorated with White feeing and sliver -candy be sides; 18 . a sort ofthick hatter-cake saturated with flavored sugar syrup; 16. Corn-fctarch puddingWiib spoons of the gireen pastaahia nuts in little heaps over its top and rice browned in' burnt sugar. I have left ^out. somethings because there were more courses, hut this will give youagoud idea of our fare. Of course, we had to use the same spoon for every course, (without washing too.) Wine was served to ail who- wished it and water' to the others. -We would not |mve had so much mut ton, but the cholera and plagae killed most of the cattle and chick ens, so that all ■kinds of meat is scarce and if we havebeef, we know it is cold-storage, and the Egyptians will ugfcknowingly cat that kind of meat* After the usual interval we vrer«served With fliiy cups of coffee, I forgot to tellyon that thebride,s first dress was a pink flop eTed satin trimmed with • chiffon ruffles and sprays.of pink roses. I t was very pretty, Then she changed Into a light colored satin striped organdie which was loosely and prettily made* These, people are -wealthy but better educated than most of their rela tives, This is the custom of their family, or relations, though it varies from others here in Caria and their Customs are quite* foreign to South ern Egypt, several of my teachers told me, although they, too, cele brate the bride’s mght. We camehome In a carriage which they had brought for us and got homo a Ilttlo after tan, so we missed the doings after supper, as we came away as soon after supper as i t was polite* Will close now; with lots of lovo for yourselves and inquiring friends, I am your loving niece, Alfrothi, Hammond* Man's Urweajonablenes*. Is often as great as woman’s. But Thos, S, Austin, Mgr. of the “fie-i publics,” of Leavenworth, Ind., was j not unreasonable, when he refused 1 to allow the doctors t o operate on his wife, for female trouble. “In stead,” he says, “We concluded to try Electric Bitters. My wife Was then so sick, she could hardly leave her bed, and flve-<5) physicians had j failed to relieve her. After taking1 Electric Bitters, she was perfectly cured, and can now perform all her household duties,” Guaranteed b y » All Druggists, price 50c. “I Thank The Lord!” cried Hanna Plant, of Little Rock, Ark., “ for the relief I got from Buck- len’s Afcnica Salve. It,cured my fearful rannlngsores, which nothing else would heal, and from which I had suffered for 5 years.” I t Is a -marvelous healerfor cute, burns and wounds* Guaranteed a t All Drug gists; 2oc. GET A CATALOGUE. Tile progressive jgWclery firm of Margileth «fcMcEariand, of Spring- field, have issued their yearly cata logue which Is replete In every re spect with fine engravings of tile stock carried. There la also a num ber of half-tone interior views of the store. The goods isted are marked as to cost making every thing plain for tho customer. Goods shipped prepaid with guarantee of safe delivery. Remember the second number on tho lecture course fo December, 4. Plat opens a t McCollums, Wednes day ^November, £9. •Every housekeepershould know that if they -will buy Defiance Cold Water Stitch torbwndry use they will save not only time, beesUscifcneversticks tothe Iron, but becauseeseh package Coticrin 10 or.—pne full pound—white all other Cold Water Starches aroput up iu ?f pound packages, and the pricc is the Same* 10 cents. Then scambecauseDefianceStarch 1 ?free from Injurious chemicals. Ifyourgrocer tries lo sell you a 12 -oz. packageit is becausehe has a stockon faandwhlch howishesto dispose ot beforehe puts In Defiance. He knows thatDefiance Starch has printed oft ever} packageInlar^eletters and figures '*!€ozs.’ Demand Defiance and savemnch timeand money and thoannoyance oi tho ironstick- gm* Defiancenever sticks. A Dbarfrouf Calamity. Ifc Is tv disastrous calamity, when you lose your health, because indi gestion and constipation have sapped ifcaway. Prompt relief can be had in Dr. King’s Hew Life Pills. They build up your digestive organs, and cure headache, dizziness, colic, con-* stipation, etc. Guaranteed a t All Druggists; 25c. FORSALE! We have big farms— We have little farms— . We have lavel farms— We have hill farms— We havehigh priced farms— We have low priced farms. SM ITH & CLEMANS* THfi MINUm CALL! Liston tot thowarningMU You will hear It; IfcWill toll That tho tiffio tm como, ho hoi Wot another minstrel show— , Yes ho hot There must and will So another greater still, For wo havoaomethi«gnr*ofl.rsleevo Koala Elks* Minstrels, Thankfiglv^ HOT DRINKS. Beef tea* Coffee, Tea, Choco late, Clam and Tomato Bull ion. Also Oyster stew. Sphar’s Anyway you want them, G E T PR IO N S O N PR lNTB lS jG ' WSC^'wungwresj M O N U M E N T S HEMnMM auu en hummu Uncihi, ntufancfti ahu miauent. *s . EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS, m e t took mmrnt, om mmmmiK cuftiNt am * man *» ractumM* maohinkav *Avr*n you th « lutOFir* or TM* ONtMMAMY e*Al*M. K elley & W ilcox te. ■■fejUk.'.i at* a m i ;An%r< KREIiIi and ROYAIi PIANOS We have agency for Krell and Royal pianos and are in position fcosell a t the lowest prices, owing to handling these instruments di rect from the factory.. All pianos tuned or repaired are guaranteed by ns. See our display and get our prices before purchasing., Or ders taken for sheet music. GEORGE & SIEGLER , Display parior.witb Elmer Sphar in Crouse Block Cedarville, O. OUR FAIL AND WINTER STYLES! wavT-kV* *>*#*&* In elegant combinations of eoJ- o t in up-to-date fabrics in plaids, checks, stripes, tweeds, twills, and cheviots a te wait ing for yourinspection. Skilled workmen ate also waiting to fashion them into the best fitt ing and finely finished suits. Otir prices are always reason able, PHY, TheTailor, X en ia , O. Tanuiig i t over forever wilt not give you naif as much satisfaction as a single personal visit to our store. You may make up your mind at home what you want, hut you will change it here. Why Because the Diamonds Watches Clocks Kodaks Chains Fobs Gold Spectacles, Opera Glasses, Sleeve Buttons Rich Cut Glass Sterling Silver Umbrellas Silver plated Knives Silver Plated Forks Silver Plated Spoons Rings of all kinds Hat Pins Rte., MU. shown here is so much better than you expected. Ahd also because the price is so much less than you imag ined. k > o you can buy more or better Jewelry than you planned for the same money. A big claim? Well, test It. (1 - a FEE!) j .J. Sohell, Xenia, 0 . Bbersole Pianos ABSOLUTELY ftU&ABLil* Y*-5»vcjAMuaw rim TO W *KCJ13,' ftamupim, wrii»bi6 a vine tsmmwrndunrommam *WBS* ' J ■** BMt*,Dl*toliM» xm Q m m um a irt T R # S m i t h i k N t o i i l*!ffeg!ib fHand t$ S, fbMrtli Sfrtid, CINCINNATI. WA M-,/ W* '* 'W* Si'
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